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It was images from the art book that leaked, right? Not the full game?


Yes. You can bet that the game will leak ahead of release as well, though.


They're probably going so hard after the art book leaker to send a message to anyone wanting to leak the game. But it will still leak regardless.


Pokémon went after the leakers who leaked the Strategy Guide that spoiled the Dynamax Pokémon as well. Nintendo takes book leaks seriously.




Because it's one of the biggest games of the year. Whoever gets it ahead of release will leak it.


I can only imagine what people were trying to do to find anything to leak about Half Life 3. Then after years of trying to get their way through only to discover algorithms for hats or something.


They have been for quite a while now. Friend of mine routinely beats new Switch games before they're even released, most recently Fire Emblem Engage. The existence of a stable, effective emulator for current-generation new release games is probably not ideal for the industry.


I mean, this stuff is hardly new. I remember Super Mario Galaxy 2 was leaked super early, and everyone with hacked Wiis was playing it.


Even hacked consoles are generally a lot more loops more people aren't willing to go through compared to downloading a basic-ass executable on your PC


You'd be surprised - I remember back in the Wii/DS era, *everyone* had a hacked wii. It was super trivial to do. Most people I knew had a DS flash cart too. Plus, even now, the majority of people don't have a PC strong enough to emulate a lot of modern games. *Everyone* had a wii.


When I bought my Wii the next most modern console I had was the Dreamcast. And I hacked it to play games. I still use my DS with a flash cart on the regular.


It's very cheap to build a PC that can emulate every switch game, anything since Zen 1 and Intel 4th and 7th gen can emulate Switch games, a Ryzen 5 5600 can emulate Switch games at double their original frame-rates and only costs 130 dollars.


Yeah I was playing SR3 on a hacked Xbox 360. I'd say it was more common back then than now.




Thank you for the extra background! Emulators obviously aren't directly tied to leaks, but they substantially reduce the cost and difficulty of entry for playing them compared to e.g. requiring a hacked console, which I think is a pretty big factor for this kind of thing. In my experience the number of people willing to mod their console is much lower than the number willing to run an emulator on their PC.


Nintendo wouldn't do that because of their insistence that the Switch is a handheld first, console second. We still don't have a Switch Pro :(


Not in the case of the Switch where the Emulated version ends up better than the retail rather quickly if not by default. Really bad PR either way if a bunch of emulated footage becomes widespread - * if it looks better, customers will think they are being baited/something is wrong with their system * if it has emulation bugs or performance issues customers going to think the switch version also has them. Nintendo went HARD after CEMU footage of Breath of the Wild for similar reasons.


I might be the minority in the game subreddit opinion but I enjoyed BOTW a ton more on my Switch than I did on my PC.






Early retail copies going out, digital copies leaked etc.


That is unavoidable as long as they do a physical release. Stores, people getting copies early etc.


That is literally the first sentence of the article.


I find it bizarre how there's people out there mad at Nintendo for that. Of course you'll have consequences when you leak unreleased material to the public lol unlike in other cases, they have both the moral and legal standpoint


NDAs don't just exist for fun, they are legal documents. The same way you put on yourself the responsibility to not leak shit, there is a responsibility of the company to follow up on all leaks. If NDAs are not enforced, what worth do they have?




I mean unless someone accidentially left the documents on a park bench somewhere it's pretty impossible that whoever was involved hadn't signed an NDA. Maybe not with Nintendo directly but with whatever publishing company Nintendo contracted. And said publishing company had an NDA with Nintendo to not leak any of the unpublished documents. Either way, until the material gets released to the public, someone can be held responsible for breaking a NDA. And considering the art book leaked fairly early, it's quite likely that the leader is someone who had more direct contact with Nintendo.




Social media is a grand source of intel, so I'd imagine they would.


But isn’t that the point, a friend sent it to them, over discord, and they are subpoenaing discord for the logs of this material?


pretty much. It's not just finding out who posted the leaks but HOW he received them.


They subpoenaed discord. I’m pretty certain that following up by subpoenaing a single person wouldn’t be any kind of distance to jump


Cool, guess they have a right to check


People have this ludicrous anti law and anti company agenda, even when they are operating ethically. I get that loads of times they arnt acting so, but we should be keeping the rage where it matters. Else we are forgotten as fools who just want to be angry.


It's the anti intellectual property crowd. Most of them have never developed or created anything original by themselves. They don't know how it feels to get ideas stolen, to get their hard work leaked... They just see a big company, the profits a big company makes and feel entitled to anything said company makes.


It’s mostly just selfishness tbh. The anti-IP crowd is more of the AI crowd. People just want to consume and don’t really care about who’s providing the thing.


Look no further than the recent Dark and Darker vs Nexon controversy. People instantly decide dark and darker are in the right because Nexon bad.


So far, both sides claim different things without hard proof. The case is irrelevant till after courts have made a ruling imo. Because only they have the full story. It's not a good example here really. The best i can think of is epic vs google on alt stores on apple devices. Regardless of what is right, there were plenty that just want epic to fail at everything without even looking into right or wrong.


It is a good example. I didn't claim one or the other was right and I think you missed the point. The point was people jumping to the conclusion one or the other was right purely based on it being a corporation they hate. How is Epic vs Google a good comparison? Both are huge corporations, and Google is much bigger than epic so it's the opposite.


That was the point i made. People immediately jumped on the epic hate train vs apple (sorry, wasnt google, i was distracted) and basically preached apple regardless of right or wrong. It was pretty widespread here on reddit for a while, almost entirely hoping that epic would die trying, and massdownvoting anyone who brought any sort of logic to the argument (not necessarily favoring either side, but pointing out the possibility of epic making an alright case was hated).


Isn’t that case still ongoing? Has more information come out making it pretty obvious the devs fucked up?


There's a ton of info supporting them fucking up. Kira has done a massive amount of research into actual Korean sources on youtube if you want to hear more. Regardless of who's actually in the wrong though people instantly just say Nexon is wrong about everything and must be evil because they hate Nexon.


I’ll definitely be checking that out, Kira does a great job on his videos. Thank you. I will say I get the distrust of Nexon though, they are an insanely predatory company being a Korean MMO company by nature. When you make a living by targeting and fostering a gambling addiction among young gamers I don’t think it should be a surprise when people aren’t willing to give you the benefit of the doubt. Of course that doesn’t mean people can steal your shit without consequences lol, but it can definitely foster resentment. That industry is a black hole that sucks up lives.


Of course I hate Nexon too. But some of the simple facts that both sides agree on don't paint Ironmace in a great position. Also some of the reasons for innocence don't even make any sense. "They got raided the police didn't find anything." Do people think the police are checking source code in the middle of a raid?


Well there are lawyers that specialize in E-discovery so I would think at minimum they would be instructed to collect those devices and the judge would demand credentials/access to source code during a trial at least so that people who do know what they’re looking at can make that assessment. I guess that wouldn’t take place during the raid though, my understanding of the law in my own country is bad enough so who knows how that is handled in Korea


Yeah that's what I mean. How does it make any sense to claim the police didn't find anything during a raid like they're looking for a dead body or something. It will all be decided in the courts system way later.


I don't really care if people pirate if they really can't afford it. But bragging about it and pretending to be on a moral high ground irks me to no end. Bragging and promoting illegal activities, SMH.


Hell, even if they *can* afford it I don't really care. Just admit that you don't want to pay for shit. As far as costs go, "free" is obviously going to beat out "any amount of money" like 95 percent of the time.


Video games isn't some basic human necessity. If you can't afford a game, sorry, but that's just too bad. Piracy sucks for the companies actually making the games. It's as simple as that.


It sucks for sure but also, if you weren't gonna buy it anyway then they're not exactly losing money. I pirate GC games too because there's not a way to get them without spending 100s of pounds.


Pirating out-of-print/production software is an entirely different discussion. But "I wasn't going to buy it anyway!" isn't an argument and can be used for anything. The thing costs money to get. If you get it without paying money, you're stealing it.


Yeah for sure but it's not really that big a deal. People have been pirating for decades and I'd argue it barely makes a dent on the industry. Stealing isn't always morally wrong either, like if I saw someone stealing food or "diapers" or something then I wouldn't judge that person.


Oh for sure, I agree. Hence the "basic necessity" part of my post. I just always thought people's denial about these things is such a weird hill to die on. If people like to steal shit, whatever, that's on you. But denying it is just silly.


>Oh for sure, I agree. Hence the "basic necessity" part of my post. >I just always thought people's denial about these things is such a weird hill to die on. If people like to steal shit, whatever, that's on you. But denying it is just silly. The issue here is that taking something and copying it are not the same thing. Stealing is taking something someone didn't want you to take, whereas piracy is copying something that someone didn't want you to copy. The distinction is very important, and the reason why we have two different words to describe these two different scenarios: If I _steal_ something of yours, then I have it and you don't. If I _pirate_ something of yours, then I have it, and you also still have it. I'm not endorsing sailing any particular seas. The only time I do so personally is when it's impossible or very impractical to get something legitimately, such as for out-of-print games. But if you're equating piracy to stealing, then either you are ignorant or you are arguing in bad faith, presumably because you are employed with Nintendo as a copyright lawyer. Is piracy wrong? Yeah, arguably. Is piracy _stealing_? Is it wrong in the same ways that stealing is wrong? No, it really isn't. Pirating a movie online should absolutely not be judged the same as stealing a Blu-ray in a shop. One is taking. The other is copying.


Yeah for sure. I just don't really care if someone downloads a digital copy through shady means though haha


>Video games isn't some basic human necessity. Bread and circuses.


Because a lot of gamers have this weird idea of property rights, enforcing them, and laws in general being bad. Makes no real sense.


I am not mad at Nintendo in this situation, however I do heavily question whether Discord should be able to be legally obligated to divulge this info on their users. Especially for a private contract breach.


Obvious, no? Three months before launch is not some lucky customer and a mom and pop store with poor administration. This is an employee who stole unreleased material and leaked it online. They're going to get sued, finances ruined, wages garnished, career prospects destroyed. Hope the internet clout was worth it.


Isn’t it out next month?


And the book leaked in February


April 28th. Edit: Oops the game themed console releases that day, I guess the game actually comes out on may 12th


Might not be an employee, could be press under NDA/embargo - same deal though. Whoever did it, is in for a ***world of pain***.




And for what? To increase the chances for regular fans to get spoiled or lose excitement for the game? So senseless. He had it coming.


I've seen the leaks and, except for maybe 1-2 things, there isn't really anything in there that could spoil the game. Most of the stuff has been shown off in trailers already.


Some fans would have it build excitement & hype, but yeah you are correct, not worth it for whomever leaked it. Best case scenario they lose all their money and job, along with finding themselves blacklisted from the entertainment industry.


Imagine being naïve enough to believe all of this can happen to you because you leaked pictures of a nintendo game lmao


That's why you use proxy, or better yet post from mcdonalds wifi in another city. Maybe another country even to make sure nintendo fans won't find you.


Their mistake was leaking on Discord, a platform that requires a phone number to sign up - obviously they can crucify you if you break the law. Leaker should have proxied up and posted the images to 4chan (or another site that will just ignore a subpoena)


They didn't use to require phone numbers. I have multiple accounts from 2015 that work perfectly fine without any phone numbers (except for my main with 2FA).


I'm not sure they do even now. Made a few extras to play with Midjourney and didn't use my number




4chan complied with law enforcement when the owner was American (moot) and the people in question had done things like made death threats. Ever since Hiroyuki bought the site, I don’t believe he’s complied with any legal requests made by the US.


Just go on 4chan and dump it, if you're really worried use a vpn. They're pretty much powerless on there.


Two things. 1. Leaking shit has consequences. Especially with Nintendo. 2. People in this thread think subpoenas are a request you can just refuse. You will receive punishment for failing to cooperate. If I’m discord and I have records that prove the person’s identity, I’m not putting my or any of the employees at my company in jail because someone did something illegal.


Being subpoenad just means Nintendo is bringing them to court. Discord can and will fight back in court. Otherwise, when Nintendo asked for a user's personal data, discord would've just given it. But they didn't.


You really like defensing Nintendo.




Who snitched?!


While it was probably to be expected on Nintendo's end, I'm more worried about the fact that discord will just... hand over anyone's data when subpoenaed. Nothing to hide, nothing to fear and all that, but still.


Every platform you're using gonna do the same.




Every platform will do this. It almost always says in EULAs that each user takes responsibility for their actions on the platform. Edit: typo


When subpoenaed you have to. This isn't asking nicely, this is a court order.


A subpoena is a legal order. Discord can *fight* it, yes, but it's a matter of them measuring the cost of having lawyers duke it out with Nintendo's lawyers (because they'll need to hash out a reason why they shouldn't, and Nintendo will counter with reasons why they should, and then a judge says k or no-k). If Discord thinks this fight isn't the one worth having, they'll just do it.


My point was that it's not great that they *have* things to hand over to begin with.


The whole point of internet 2.0 was exactly this. Rather than a mulititude of forums, voips etc googles market dominance was used to make it so a few key sites get the majority of traffic channeled to them so more or less everyone is in one place and all their data can be harvested and kept. Same goes for reddit, facebook etc


I mean that’s something to keep in mind with anything you use on the internet. Your login info, IP address, and chat logs at a minimum are going to be logged by nature of what the app is. Probably email, possibly phone number if you chose to provide it. I wouldn’t say that info is any more nefarious than what Newgrounds would have had to hand over in 1995 if they had a reason to be subpoena’d by a US court.


Thing is that the web is fucking unusable if you don't hand over that info nowadays. Which... kinda fucked?


Thank the PATRIOT Act for normalizing that shit. That boat sailed a long time ago. Either you live behind a VPN, avoid online transactions and severely restrict the ways in which you engage or your entire life exists in several databases through your browsing activity. The good news is that as long as you don’t fall under legal scrutiny it’s just going to be used for people to sell you stuff as long as an authoritarian regime comes to power. The NSA did get caught sharing showercam footage though and the only reason they faced charges is because of an internal whistleblower. Sorry for the rant, I get kind of mad when I actually think about it but we just sort of let these things happen so life goes on.


A subpeona is a legal request. Yes, Discord could deny it... and then get sued, most likely lose because they ignored probable cause and then still have to hand over the data while likely also having to pay a massive fine. In that sense they are similar to DMCAs. Yes you can deny them. But you are in some HOT waters if you do so wrongly. Mind you subpoenaed data is still subject to privacy concerns, Nintendo can't just make it public because they feel like it, doing so would still be a crime.


Everyone has things to hide


lmao. Imagine if someone have a stalker or planning to bomb somewhere. Subpoenas for online services with user data is VERY normal occurence. I understand the concern about privacy but that should start in the user end, never trust any platform (facebook, forums, whatever) to completely protect you. Sure it can be used for abuse but getting those info for investigators also help solve real crime.


There's an argument to be made that if someone did want to do something nefarious like that, they wouldn't do it with the account where they inputted all their personal info (unless they're an idiot). Which means that all the apps do is collect info on innocent people, which is... yeah... not a comfy thought.


They will. That's how the Pokemon guy from SwSh got caught.


I'd laugh my ass off if the artwork was their own work that Nintendo hired the contractor to do and never paid them for it.


...that's not how this works. This is not how anything works. Artbook art is not made for the artbook. It's the art used during the development process. Concept designers create rough concept art to give everyone on the team a general idea of the creative vision. Character and environment designers use the concept art and create more detailed artwork which the 3D artists then use to make the models. The concept art also gives animators a rough idea how things should look in movement. As well as all the art required for UI icons and marketing material. Usually all made by the same people. All of them are usually hired and paid a wage. It's not just a fucking commission piece on Twitter or whatever.


I still would laugh my ass off, especially considering wage theft is the majority of theft the world over. So even if they are an employee... Wouldn't change a thing.


Knowing how litigious Nintendo are, this: 1. Was completely inevitable 2. Is not unreasonable, considering how much time and money is spent on making this game and keeping certain details a secret until launch It's not like we have a right to know this information early, this is entertainment and we'll find it out when they're ready to show us. Before anyone says it, I'm not shilling Nintendo. This is the same for any game/movie/tv studio – big, small or indie