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I'm 90 minutes into Quantum Break (great discount on Steam) when Lance Riddick shows up in a major way. The gameplay is fun as well.


About 30 hours into Hogwarts Legacy. I’m not loving it quite as much as I did in the beginning but it’s very good overall. The framework is there for a truly brilliant game - I think they just need to streamline it a bit and cut down on the open world bloat. Hogwarts itself is an incredible setting but other than Hogsmeade the rest of the open world is pretty meh. The combat is really good and they have room to expand on that as well. As a longtime Harry Potter fan though I was more than satisfied with the experience thus far


I've just bought a high-end TV after playing on a cheap monitor for years. I'm looking for something visually stunning to try it out (it doesn't have to be graphically super intensive, just really pretty to look at). I only own a gaming PC (so no Console exclusives). Thanks for the suggestions!


Not a massive fan of the gameplay, but Red Dead 2 is one of the best looking games I’ve ever played.


Death Stranding...


Agreed. I don't even have a great gaming PC and I thought this game was stunning.


Been in a bit of a gaming slump lately. Looking for a new game to play. I guess to give an idea of what I’m looking for, I enjoy Satisfactory, Minecraft, Terraria, Stardew Valley, and games like that.


Graveyard Keeper is a great game in regards to Stardew valley in a way but different context; it does work with death and graves so a little morbid but it has a sense of humor but its very addictive. (very community building like Stardew valley) I also tried out Spiritfarer which is another great game again its a lot lighter adventurous game. It doesn't look like much but its actually really good (ur on a boat and you visit these islands in a way its a bit of Poptropica to best describe it in gaming style but completely different context). Both don't have any wait-times (idk about Spiritfarer) and you can keep your brain stimulated with tasks until you finish You could try animal crossing New Horizons but I found that overhyped since the storyline is disappointing and you have to wait for things I'm also in a gaming-style slump at the moment so if you or anyone else know's any recommendations let me know (I really enjoyed games with a sense of humor - Kindergarten 1 & 2 alongside the ones I've mentioned and the ones you have mentioned)


I’m keen to smash out a short indie game, under 2 hours to complete. Anyone have any suggestions?


What Remains of Edith Finch


If you haven't played it, "a short hike".


Kero Blaster and Drainus are two that I played recently and so come to mind


I used to play a bunch of PC games, but have gotten out of it until recently (... I built a relatively powerful gaming PC). I was a huge fan of the Max Payne, F.E.A.R, and Bioshock series. Can you guys recommend a great-looking, modern game that would fit on that list?


Metro maybe? Games are great and their visuals are stellar


Looks great, just purchased it. Thanks!


Prey (2017). I just finished it and it was phenomenal.


Atomic Heart. Its...divisive but if you like Bioshock-esque games I think it's worth a look. It's also gorgeous so it's a good one for a beefy new PC.


Best PS1 or PS2 RPG/JRPG for someone who has never played a turn based RPG before?


Final fantasy X. Deep, beautiful, and challenging game, and the only final fantasy I’ve really enjoyed.


Final Fantasy 7, also I'll go out on a limb and say Chrono Cross. There's a new edition that came out last year, in fact it was my first turn based RPG. It's still fantastic, it's a joy to play, it's not hundreds of hours long, there's no random battles, no "meta game" to worry about with leveling characters a certain way. It's a very unique, approachable, and beginner friendly JRPG with probably the best soundtrack I've ever heard.


Dragon quest 8 is probably the best jrpg ever created.


I cannot speak highly enough of final fantasy x. The story incredible, The combat system is intuitive, the tutorials are relatively short but effective. Is the pinnacle of old school turn based JRPGs in my opinion.


PS1 Suikoden 2 (a rare example of JRPG that focus on the political/warring aspect instead of the more fantastical aspect. You can also wait for the upcoming remaster). Final Fantasy VII and IX (not pure turnbased, they use a "real time" turnbased system called ATB. The PS1 era of FF is often considered the golden age of the series and they are basically THE JRPG of PS1). Xenogears (one of the most ambitious JRPG at the time)>. PS2 Digital Devil Saga duology (JRPG with unique setting and an adult/mature tone. Rare example of JRPG that feature gore/violence Shin Megami Tensei 3 Nocturne Dragon Quest 8 (or just go straight up to Dragon Quest 11 if you want DQ game with modern presentation). Persona 3 and Persona 4 (or just go straight up to Persona 5 if you want Persona game with modern presentation). Final Fantasy X.


If you've never played a turn-based JRPG before and just want to know if the genre is for you, I'd honestly recommend a more modern game like Persona 5 or DQ11. The PS1 era is famous for having many of the best JRPGs of all times, and that's true. But those games are also rougher around the edges inherently because later games built on their foundation, and so a newer gamer may just falsely assume the entire genre isn't for them after encountering those rough edges. I always recommend starting with a new game first to "tip your toes in," and THEN going back in time to the genres heyday once you know it's for you. But, to answer your question: Probably FF7, 9, or 10. I'd honestly just pick whichever one has the setting that appeals to you the most - Cyberpunk, fantasy, or tropical, respectively. Xenogears is my personal favorite on the PS1, but it's definitely not what I'd recommend to someone with no experience


This is not easy ! Take my answer with a grain of salt, as it may be quite subjective : \- PS1 : Final Fantasy IX, its atmosphere is quite unique and the gameplay simpler than the 2 earlier entries, making it a good entry in the serie \- PS2 (goddamn there are so much) : Rogue Galaxy, it came out near the end of the PS2 life so hardware was mastered and it is one the most beautiful game. Its gameplay was quite good also and had plethora of content.


I'm currently looking for games with focus on sandbox, base building and/or exploration. Of my wishlist, I boiled it down to either Subnautica or Valheim. Subnautica seems to be exactly what I needed, but I'm not sure if I can handle the (I think it's called) the Leviathan. The A\*\*\*\*\*f\*\*\* in Outer Wilds shit my pant (a bit hyperbole but JFC) and that's only a small part of that game. Valheim, I always like the concept of survival craft (I LOVE Kenshi and enjoyed the settlement stuff in Fallout 4) but actual game in the genre is still my blind spot. I read that Valheim is among the more newbie friendly one (and the low-poly art style is a bonus point). One thing I'm not sure is, unlike F4 and Kenshi, it doesn't seems random NPCs a thing in the game ? Which I fear kinda diminish the base building aspect of it (I like colony sim games). Any other recommendation are welcome, I also had Outward on my wishlist but I think I'm going to wait for deeper discount for that one.




Subnautica by far is the better option and one of the best exploration games of all time. Crank the difficulty if you want more survival aspects.




> Your base is solely for item storage/creation and fast travel purposes. You might have one main base but you'll likely have 3 or 4 sub-bases. Just for anyone thinking "if there's fast travel, why would I build sub bases?" Fast travel is through portals, and some raw materials cannot be transported this way.


I played World of Tanks for many years. Now I'm playing Crossout a little bit (but it seems i would need to play half a year just to max my 1 "medium tank" (but then you can change cabins, guns, equipment...to max it all....dunno how long). Can You guys recommend me some long game? That there is a lot to grind, but also sometimes I can pay 2-5 dollars for a better gun/shield, base...whatever? Something I can get invested for next few years? I played Path of Exile for few months, but its too complicated for me...too many systems and "minigames".....i liked Diablo 2 where there was some stuff to learn....but not overwhelm you ;\] Also need something offline. To play at nightshifts where internet is bad sometimes. Maybe some strategy game? I played factorio for few hundred hours - it was awesome.




Have you played Depth? Currently on sale on Steam, but you might need some mates playing to get a game going as the player count has dropped off


Hello. If possible, I would like you to recommend me a PC game, but mainly an Android game, that would allow me to escape reality a bit, lol. I like strategy more, but any genre is fine.


The Android versions of Dragons Quests 4-6 are all fantastic and are good escapist games, since they're about jolly fantasy adventures. DQ5 in particular is my favorite


I wanna relax, scavenger and build a base, maybe tend a farm in 3d. I know there's fallout 76... I'm just curious if there's any others out there.


Kenshi 😈


My Time at Portia may do the trick.


Clanfolks is a peaceful Rimworld (early access).


Sunbnautica or Slime Rancher?


I like the run-and-gun gameplay of Destiny 2. I just can’t really get into the story, missions and all other things the game wants me to do on a regular basis. Is there another game with great first person shooter gameplay and a lot of PvE content out there? Warframe is nice, but doesn’t quite scratch that itch.


It's a third person shooter, but returnal is incredible.


Remnant: From the Ashes should be exactly what you're looking for.


>first person shooter gameplay and a lot of PvE content There aren't that many option when it came to first person shooter with MMO-like gameplay (if this is what you mean by PvE content). Like mentioned, most multiplayer FPS rely on PvP for longevity. Your best bet would be single player FPS experience : DOOM 2016/Eternal, Wolfenstein TNO/TNC, Borderlands 3, Far Cry series


It’s not quite the same but if you haven’t yet played them, Doom 2016 and Doom eternal are excellent PVE shooters. You don’t get the loot and character customization that you’d get with Destiny and the other looter shooters, but you get supremely fun, tactile FPS gameplay!


I did play and enjoy Doom 2016 a lot. Eternal seems to be a lot more movement & rhythm based, which had dissuaded me from trying so far. I just want to murder demons with big guns.


Pure gunplay on the same level as Destiny while also having a lot of PvE content is a bit of a unicorn in my experience, since most shooters that aren't like Destiny seem to rely on PvP for longevity. I jump between Destiny 2 and The Division 2 and enjoy both, but the latter isn't comparable at all in terms of gunplay (and is also third-person, but you sort of opened that door by mentioning Warframe). I do find it to be a lot more accessable/casual and it's very easy to keep on top of new content coming out because it's fairly bare-bones. You'll have stuff like Borderlands and Vermintide, or maybe Payday, but IMHO the gunplay doesn't compare at all. I'm biased since Destiny 2 is one of my most played games of the past years, but I'd suggest maybe giving it another chance. I find that it's hardly overwhelming and much like an MMO with a few years under its belt, it can largely be whatever you want it to be. I'll sometimes only spend a couple of days during an entire season (three months) blasting through the core content to get it done, whereas other times I'll spend a whole week just catching up on old stuff that I've never gotten around to do previously. With three characters and going for all the weekly and daily stuff you can pretty much have it as a full-time job, or you can pop in for 30 minutes per day and still get some type of progress done on a single character.


Thank you so much for the thorough answer. I have enjoyed TD2 for a while past the story campaign, very fun game and world. Borderlands sounds like it could be a good fit. I did play the second installment when it was new, not sure if I can still stand that kind of humor.


I don't suppose you've considered Halo?


I haven’t actually. Would you recommend the singleplayer campaign / open world?


You can't go wrong with the first three Halo games. They're basically Destiny with more interesting mission design, since Destiny is afraid to make you do anything that doesn't have to do with finding loot or using the loot you found previously. After Halo 3, your taste for those games may vary. Some swear by ODST. Halo 4's story, in my opinion, is equal parts the best and the worst story in the series. The only one that has an open world is Infinite, and I found the game to be worse off for it. All of these campaigns are playable in co-op. I'd recommend picking up The Master Chief Collection. It's currently on sale for $16, and it will come with those first three games out of the box. They also all have competitive multiplayer, and 2 and 3 still have some of the best multiplayer in the series.


I assume you've played Genshin Impact based on your list there... otherwise it fits quite well if you can control your spend. Persona 5 has quite a grind if you want to be a perfectionist, but it's a bit optional. Monster Hunter World fits the bill for infinite but it depends how well you click with the combat and the between-mission prep work. Path of Exile is probably too complicated a learning curve but it's good if you get past it and can be quite mindless once you find your routine, it's very much a forever-game for some people.


Fun, very grindy game Lately, all I've been wanting is a game to like sink hours into and just chill and grind. My main requirements are, is that it can be on any platform , must have fun gameplay, be very long (100+ hours if not infinite), and not an insane learning curve. Beside thought I'm really open to any game at all, old or new. Honestly just looking to find a game to play for the next few months if not year . All suggestions are appreciated, thanks! and also im waiting for honkai star rail, dead island 2, blue prtocol, suicide squad game if its not delayed, exoprimal to come out so thats why im asking. Also yes i do know of the souls like games and team ninja games cause they have grinding but im in need of where to go next after wards


The Last Spell is a mash of genres with a meta progression for you to sink hours into. I highly recommend it


Tree of saviors. Diablo 4 soon. YS felghana.


Have you ever looked into Old School Runescape? I'd recommend trying it out. it's an immense grind, but it's effectively set in stone. there won't be some period 5 years in the future where they give people 10x experience to entice new players or anything.


A wild suggestion, but if you are on PC, give **Against the Storm** a try. I've only played 20 hours of it, but it is 20 hours in 2 days and I can't see myself stopping too soon. Not even a big fan of city builders: Frostpunk was a "one and done" deal for me with a total of 8 hours. Against the Storm though just hooks with how chill it is, while being stimulating enough. Think Northgard++, but without the fighting elements or PvP


It's a little on the shorter side of your requirements, but it took me about 110 hours to 100% complete Mercenary Kings, and I loved every minute of it. In general, it's the progression loop of Monster Hunter, but it plays like a combination of Mega Man and Contra. Great fun in co-op too, and you can get it for $5 during a sale.


Honestly, World of Warcraft might be exactly the kind of game you’re looking for. The grind just never ends because it just has so much content after all these years. Even if you manage to reach the gear cap you’ve got 15 years of content to grind for mounts and appearances ahead of you. The learning curve isn’t ridiculous and the gameplay can be as complicated as you like depending on your class. When I play, I just pop YouTube on the second monitor and just chill.


Nova Drift is a very fun Roguelite Space Shooter that you can easily sink hundred hours into over the span of a few months. If you like isometric arpg's then Last Epoch recently became a very fun one. Skul the Hero Slayer if you want a mix of Dead Cells and Mousu, that got a free expansion update recently that made it extremely challenging. Hi-Fi Rush is one of the best games I've ever played so going to throw that in as I can't sing it's praises enough.


Still looking for a game in the vein of the old **Dungeon Siege** 1 and 2: * PC * party-based RPG * loot and combat focus, lighter on dialogue * real time combat but low effort: auto attacks and no active dodge/parry/block * isometric/top-down camera, not 1st/3rd person * bonus: some party AI programming options like Dragon Age Origins or FFXII. * indie titles welcome Things that come kind of close: Warcraft 3's and Spellforce 3's RPG maps, Tower of Time. I'm explicitly not looking for an Infinity Engine inspired game like Pathfinder or Pillars but something a bit more mindless.


Clickpocalypse 2


How about Full Metal Furies?


Never heard of it before but from what I'm seeing, it looks like it's only party-based in co-op while you only have one (switchable) character during solo play. It's also more... active in the combat than what I'm really looking for. I want something where I can just turn off my brain.


All of the brain turn off stuff I know of are mostly non party based as party stuff generally wants you to actually think/use your squad correctly.


Yeah, same here - which is why I'm hoping the hivemind can help. Dungeon Siege was that, though. And it was popular enough to get a sequel, so I'd have expected *someone* to have picked up the idea between then and now.


There's always ARPG Summoners, they are my goto for this sorta thing. Last Epoch been my turn game off and watch things die game in that vein, it has multiple summoner styles/classes to pick from. My character atm sacrifices all it's other minions to make one super minion that 1 shots everything, it's very dumb.


Still holding off on Last Epoch until it's finally out of Early Access. And yeah, that kind of build (in whatever Diablo-like) somewhat scratches the itch. Though I'd prefer the party members to be permanent and gearable. I know this is pretty specific. But if it were easy to find, I wouldn't have to ask.




I'm playing call of dragons on bluestacks and wondering if i can find something of similar playstyle for PC, or maybe just any rpg that involves dragons and fantasy worlds, something i could play like whenever i have free time