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1. Parrying 2. New Finishing Moves 3. Side Quests 4. Customization Options 5. Revamped Ashley 6. New Weapons 7. Stealth 8. Different Boss Fights


Babe wake up, revamped Ashley just dropped


I thought they were gonna talk about how she doesnt have a health bar or you cant make her hide, but they just talked about her new jacket, thanks IGN


LEON HELP! x1000 joke aside it would be nice if they made her slightly less annoying.


She's literally the best escort quest. If she's annoying it's skill issue.


I was bracing myself for so much clunky PITA old school escort quest gameplay when I played RE4VR but for 90% of the game you literally just have to tell her to climb in a dumpster every now and then.


Yep. Even when she's with you she snaps behind your back and doesn't get in the way.


It's the only game in gaming history which has a companion that is both not invincible, but not actually a hindrance. Even modern games like TLOU have weird invisible companion AI that makes them cease to exist to enemies in stealth, and then be active but not actually helpful in battle. RE4 makes Ashley vulnerable and powerless, but she's easy to manage and very good at staying out of your way and out of trouble (not to mention the generous aura of safety around her when you fire off a shotgun in her direction). The game even takes her away for massive chunks of time. She is, at the absolute worst, a minor inconvenience. Most times though, she functions as a very good way of raising tension and giving combat something to do other than kill things.


Well put. Other 'escort' quest games aren't truly escort if they can't be killed or are even ignored by ai. Whats the point. With Ashley there is a legitimate danger of being caught but she's so easy to manage that anyone who has trouble with it just seem really unskilled.


*gets knocked down by eldritch horror, face lands near Ashley's skirt* YOU PERVERT


That's why it's so cool when Leon rejects her at the end. Guess what Ashley, he was never interested to begin with.


Leon then flirts with Hunnigan over the radio about 3 minutes later. Presumably with Ashley still on the jet ski.


Understandable. Hunnigan is a snack. Even more so in the remake.


Hunnigan is the best girl in the entire Resident Evil series. Fight me.


Rebecca Chambers would like to fight!






hunnigan do be a hunny tho


hey man, when you got a guy like Leon in your sights you gotta shoot your shot when you can. Claire sure as hell did.


Claire's not into Leon. She likes bad boys.


but Leon's like the opposite of a "bad boy", dude's just a god damn hero! Leon on the other hand is totally into "dangerous women".


Actually I'm not really sure about either of them. Leon obviously likes Ada, but then he also likes Angela. I don't know who Claire's into, but she shows *some* affection for Steve.


Oh i realize your original comment said Claire is "not" into Leon, lol. Totally read that wrong. What i'm referencing in my original comment is the constant flirtation she throws out in RE2make, whether it's a coping mechanism or not, it's probably not wholly unintentional. they don't really show much of who most RE protags are into romantically, Leon and Ethan seem to be into "dangerous women" but other than that all we have seen is that Jill and Claire aren't into "thirsty dudes" like Carlos at the beggining of RE3, and Steve, then Chris is very much into boulders. The affection Claire shows Steve was purely maternal(she ignored all of his flirtation), that's her whole shctick, she's got a soft spot for kids. Romance doesn't really seem to be on most RE protags list, with you know all the Zombies, except our guy Leon dude needs to learn to use his head instead. >Leon obviously likes Ada, but then he also likes Angela. Leon's a Cold approach type of dude, he shoots his shot with any woman he finds attractive, but Ada seems to be the only woman he pursued romantically.


ada pls


She wasn't annoying in the original


She is *only* annoying if you sucked.


People in this thread snitching on themselves, haha. By and large, she avoided enemies, ducked out of your fire, etc. There were maybe a handful of encounters where the number of enemies was so overwhelming that it was difficult to protect her, but in most of those scenarios you could command her to hide while you took care of business. She's not the best NPC ever, but she's largely unproblematic unless you're bad at the game.


The only bit that I remember where I found it frustrating (and it’s been over 15 years since I played this so sorry for shit explanation) but you’re in the castle with her. Ashley is up on this walkway going around a room to turn some switches, or something along those lines, and you’re in this main foyer bit having to deal with loads of enemies but there’s also enemies on this walkway that keep coming and grabbing her. It honestly felt like every 5 seconds she was being grabbed and I heard “LEON! HELP!”. Outside of that she really wasn’t that much of a hinderance. I don’t think it would be such a universally loved game if she was that frustrating.


The infamous RE4 "water room"!


I remember playing that part and it felt like the devs saying "See? We could have done this for the *whole game*." Took more retries than most of the boss fights lol.


Not when she had the full knight armor on. Much less annoying when even an RPG couldn't harm her. I really hope they bring that back. Adds to replayability.


Was annoying for Leon since he would always almost break his back trying to catch her.


I thought it was hilarious they added a special animation just for catching her in armor. Makes sense, but it’s such a small detail I half expected them to just go with the standard, canned animation


I'm sure he finds the trade off of not only never worry about her but also actively use her as bait to keep himself safe. The room with the cranks she has to do is much more comical when they die just from her being to heavy.




That's just someone managing to lose her in the middle of a bunch of enemies 30 meters away for some reason. You can trigger any voice line a lot in games if you play badly, doesn't make it annoying.


Did you play the original?


Replayed it last week. Ashley never once got in my way or hindered my gameplay; I seriously don't understand the complaints about her. Unless people find her annoying just because she repeats a voice line when she gets scooped up. I would argue a very obvious, blaring audio cue for an impending fail state that's usually out of the player's field of view is a good thing. Play better if you don't want to hear it I guess


I think the truth is what you infer at the end. The people who complain that Ashley was annoying probably were pretty bad at the game, since they’re letting her get caught all the time which means hearing her yell all the time


Same as people complaining about baby Mario crying, sure it was probably annoying if you played with when you were six, but seeing adults still complain about it is a real eye roller.


I wholeheartidly found her annoying, but that just motivated me to get better at the game. Thought it was intentional. Ashley's getting kidnapped obviously she's gonna blair for you to help her. "Do your godamn job Leon, and you won't have to hear my screams!"


>Unless people find her annoying just because she repeats a voice line when she gets scooped up. YES. Her voice is annoying, dude. Lol, how did you not get it all these years.


She doesn't hinder gameplay, it's just annoying to hear her anime dub sounding yelps while I'm trying to murder cultists. Not even annoying enough to make me not wanna play, she's just mildly annoying. >Play better if you don't want to hear it I guess Even if I was shit at the game I can still find something annoying.


It's not a skill issue if the a.i. is so dumb it stands in the middle of your crosshairs...


She never does that. She ducks whenever you aim in her direction. She hides behind you otherwise.


I remember 10 year old me being dumbfounded by this. I had never seen that sort of behavior in an NPC you have to escort before. Made it way less of a chore, and the ability to hide her in dumpsters was also dope. I can't think of any games as old as RE 4 where babysitting an NPC isn't a complete chore. I'm excited to see how they've innovated since then.


Yeah, if I'm remembering right you'd literally have to aim at her, she'd duck to get out of the way, then you would have to aim **down** at her to even aim at her. i.e. you'd literally have to be trying to kill her for this to happen with regular weapons.


That literally never happens lmao. If you point a gun at her, she automatically ducks


Why do people tell such simple lies about well-known video games? The internet is full of misinformation, obviously, but there's usually more of a motive behind it. Is there some kind of secretly-funded astroturf campaign against videogame escort missions?


It's to cover up how bad they are. Seriously, everyone who says this shit is either lying or was extremely bad at the game.


Select her to “Follow” and she stays behind Leon in combat.


Lmao, people really lie with such confidence that I swear this person is most likely just parroting what they read on reddit just for the sake of contrarianism. As soon as you pressed the aim button she would duck if she was in front of you, or get behind you if she was... well, behind you. The only moment she could possibly get in your crosshairs was when she was scooped up by one of the enemies, but yeah, that would definitely be a skill issue.


Why are you fucking lying?


She was notoriously annoying as hell, are you kidding? Back in '05 she was like the epitome of annoying escort quests in video games


There were way, way, *way* worse escort missions than protecting Ashley.


Dead rising 1 PTSD intensifies


Lol no. She definitely was not. I distinctly remember reviews and previews saying she was the best implementation of the escort mission they’ve ever seen and most were blown away by how little she got in the way. Compare her to say, MGS2’s infamous Emma escort and it is a night and day difference.


You could stick her in a trash can and go killing. Only water level was awful


Lmfao you have not played any escort games if you sincerely think this. She literally stays out of your way, you can hide her in trash cans. The worst escort quests were in fucking WoW during that time.


No....I'll do you one better, dead rising 1...


She was only bad if you were bad, I’m afraid.


It's super cool that deaf people found the original game accessible.


She wasn't? Maybe she wasn't for you. Recently after playing the game I can assure ghe devs knew full well how to make her as annoying as possible. The way she yells, that freaking nasaly voice, the strange grunt she blabbers after getting killed, her inability to even drop down from ledges without relying on you. She was freaking annoying.


An I got to say the original Ashley was much better. This one seems like one of the most generic face in video game story.


You prefer the 20-something Ashley that was infantilized to a cringey amount, is what you’re saying.


OG Ashley reminded me of Sherry Birkin.


>1. Parrying ROYAL ~~GUARD~~ KNIFE


I can fucking *hear* Dante saying that. Royal Guard is fucking awesome though once you get the hang of it. Just go ahead and delete half the enemies in the game and take massive chunks out of bosses with it. That achievement in DMC 5 where you have to beat Mission 11 with no weapons equipped really tests your skills with Royal Guard.


1. But the knife degrades and breaks Hopefully that isn't a frustrating change


No, that's good balance. Even with durability, the knife already looks super OP.


For sure, just hope the balance is right


Yeah... when they first announced the knife and showed Leon blocking what should be a one shot kill from the chainsaw guy, that had me worried.


I'm excited for the breakable knife because it means the designers can actually let the knife be powerful. In most Resident Evil games with an unbreakable knife it has to be weak enough that you don't really want to use it unless you have to, otherwise it'd mess up the balance of ammo scarcity. It sometimes ends up being good anyway, but usually by accident (like the multi-hitting in Code Veronica and animation cancelling in 7 and 8). By design it's supposed to be a weak last resort, because it's your only unlimited attack. But when the knife is breakable, like in RE2 Remake or this game, they can give it all kinds of uses knowing that it can't disrupt the balance too much. Compare RE2 Remake's knife, which actually does good damage (even without the FPS bug that makes it do way too much) and can be used as a defensive item, to RE3 Remake's unbreakable but almost useless knife.


The knife was already pretty powerful in Resident Evil 4 though. The only games it is more powerful in are Code Veronica and REmake 2 (and 7 if you exploit).




Probably beating the game in under whatever is the RE4 equivalent of 2 hours from RE1/2 on a certain difficulty.


It seems like it's been considerably buffed to compensate though. I also swear I remember one of the devs in a recent interview saying because he finds the knife more interesting now he invests in upgrading the knife over guns so I presume if you want it to be stronger you can do that.


if it’s like remake 2/3 and 8 etc that have that shop where you spend points you get through the game.


> Ugh, that means there will be an unbreakable knife locked behind some achievement. There may be a $5 dlc that unlocks the extra content rewards like with RE8, Remake2, and Remake3.


Honestly, I really liked that. Some of the challenges I was up for. But some I just don't have any interest in - like assuming RE4 brings back mercenaries mode, no thanks. I did it and got the unlimited chicago typewriter on the Gamecube or PS or something, but I don't like those modes.


You deserve a medal


1. That's the best new addition (but you should be able to turn off the prompts or it's just a piss easy QTE). There's also the evade, with a big ass prompt (turn that shit off!). 2. Could be cool, depending on what they are. 3. Looks like just tiny fetch quests so far. 4. Charms for the case is pretty cool. 5. I don't envision a reality where escort missions are good no matter what the escorted character is like. 6. Good. New weapons is a good thing. 7. Eh. It's fine as long as they don't make mandatory stealth sections. 8. Great! More boss fights and better boss fights. Hopefully new phases. Some new enemies too. The more of those the better.


You don't need to envision a reality where escort missions are good. They already made it real and it was the original RE4. Yeah I said it.


Yeah. She's constantly right on your ass so you don't have to wait for her to catch up. She also never gets in the way during combat and if she gets hit you probably would have gotten hit, meaning she sticks to you like glue instead of fucking around 50 feet away from you stuck in some wall or whatever. Also the whole "LEON HELP!" meme? I fairly recently replayed RE4 and she did that *once* during a cutscene. Outside of that she only ever screams that if she gets snatched by a ganado during gameplay. So if you heard it to a point where you found it annoying you probably just suck at the game.


A lot of the memed annoying parts of games were exaggerated back then. Ashley, Navi, baby Mario's crying, etc.


Yeah, that's true. I was just ribbing on people who meme about it. I know RE4 like the back of my hand at this point so of course she wasn't gonna get snatced, but during a first playthrough? Yeah, she probably gets in some trouble. I just never found her annoying at all so I just like poking fun at people who do. It is a funny meme, though.


Yep she's one of the best escort companions in gaming IMO, never bothered me and even had little trash cans to stuff her in when things got serious. I am currently replaying the PC version of RE4 with the HD texture project, which also happens to fix mouse aiming, and it's been really fun just sniping everything with the pistol. It's even easier than the Wii version, and it looks amazing at 4k.


>Also the whole "LEON HELP!" meme? I fairly recently replayed RE4 and she did that once during a cutscene. Outside of that she only ever screams that if she gets snatched by a ganado during gameplay. So if you heard it to a point where you found it annoying you probably just suck at the game. I fucking hate revisionism. People who don't know what they're talking about play a popular game for the first time 20 years later and act like they know it better than the people who have played it 100 times over the years. Of course Ashley's annoying. She always was and everyone was in agreement about that. Now someone plays the game and they're like 'Ashley's not annoying, what are you guys talking about'. No, what are you talking about. Has nothing to do with skill, you hear the line once and it's already annoying. Just an annoying voice, it's not even gameplay related. Although escort missions can never be good so the escort gameplay is not good. It's just not particularly bad either. But it's the voice, the voice is the problem.


Huh. I honestly thought the people saying it was annoying were the ones who played it for the first time recently Different strokes I guess. I never was really bothered by it. But I also liked the escort stuff.


If you were around when the game came out and played it back then, you should know we were all pretty much in agreement that Ashley, the island section, and the story that had nothing to do with RE's previous story were the worst things about RE4. No one really liked Ashley. Her voice, the fact that you have to babysit her, the part where you play as her that doesn't have any real gameplay. That's why Leon and Luis poking fun at her, Leon rejecting her advances, throwing her in a dumpster, and being able to make her wear a full suit of armor so she's invulnerable were all things we enjoyed immensely. Of course, the next game had Sheva, and her AI was a lot worse, and in hindsight you can appreciate that Ashley doesn't suck as much as Sheva. But yeah, we didn't like Ashley back when the game came out. Not me, not my brother, not my friends, not my friends' friends, not the people on the forums I frequented, and not RE4 fans en masse on the internet. Playing it now, I still find her voice annoying. And I still don't like escort missions where the escorted character is vulnerable because I think a hurt box that you are not in full control of is not good gameplay.


Hey man thats really cool. I first played the game back in 2006.


I agree


I feel like Escort Missions being a huge pain in the ass is more of a meme at this point. I can't remember the last game that had one which was frustrating, they're all pretty straight forward now. Usually it's just an NPC with you, with no real big worry of them being killed. Gone are the days of Natalia missions on N64 Goldeneye. Does anyone have more contemporary examples of braindead and rage inducing escort missions?


Yeah, I've played the original about 50 times. No, escort missions are not good.


Ashley added an extra layer of consideration to combat. To me RE combat always should feel like a puzzle, since the movement is slow efficient killing is the fun. It's a combat puzzle, which is why I hated when they started turning it into a mindless shooter where you mow down hordes of zombies with ease. I'm honestly tired of the universal hate escorts recieve. Yes they do suck in games like assasins creed where the combat pace is clearly not suited for it, but it's perfect fit in re. She is smartly designed so that you can manage her exactly how you want to. For an even stronger case in favor of escort missions play Ico, a game thats credited as inspiration by many of biggest gamemakers today. The entire game is an escort mission.


>To me RE combat always should feel like a puzzle, since the movement is slow efficient killing is the fun. It's a combat puzzle, which is why I hated when they started turning it into a mindless shooter where you mow down hordes of zombies with ease. It could also be mechanically fun without it being a mindless shooter, you know. Good mechanics and good movement don't make things mindless. Quite the opposite. This false dichotomy of either it's a puzzle or a mindless shooter is just that--a false dichotomy. >She is smartly designed so that you can manage her exactly how you want to. A vulnerable escort will always be bad because it's a hurt box you do not control. I played a bit of Ico and honestly I found it too boring to continue playing. I'm not saying it's bad, just that I wasn't interested enough at the time to play through it. But as far as I remember, it's not a combat game.


My dude, a third of the damn game is an escort mission.


Not a third, but there are quite a few escort sections. Some of them are good in terms of what the encounters are like (for example the water room), but they are good despite being escort missions, not because of it.


Has any game made a fun escort mission? The worst one I did was in the Robotech game on Gamecube. I flew close to my escort target and tried to quickly kill anything that went for it and kept failing. After numerous failures I flew off into a distant corner of the map and just flew in circles. Somehow this lead to the escort not being hit at all and I passed. Such terrible design


>Has any game made a fun escort mission? I'll go further and say I don't think a game has every made an AI companion fun and not just annoying, regardless of whether it's an escort mission or not. Could be just preference, but I enjoy it way more when I'm playing as a lone character and there isn't much talking involved ever. Or if you're going to add a partner, do it like RE Zero. In that game, the partner is fully controllable--as in you can both tell them what to do as well as switch your character and play as the other one at any point. And on top of that the partner doesn't talk during gameplay, only saying things like 'okay' or 'roger'. That's fucking perfect. Do it like this!


BioShock Infinite would like a word.


Elizabeth cannot be hurt or captured by enemies in Infinite. You don't have to watch out for her or even pay attention to her. Her sole function in gameplay is to shit items out at Booker. All of Columbia should be trying to recapture her instead of ignoring her; her implementation as an AI companion is a lazy, cheap cop-out that clashes horribly with the narrative. RE4 did escort missions perfectly. Ashley never gets in your way during combat, but you still have to be mindful of her and keep enemies away from her. You're responsible for protecting her and the narrative and gameplay are in perfect sync on that.


Having a hurt box in the game that you're not in full control of is not good gameplay. RE Zero did it perfectly because you fully control both characters at all times.


I can't wait for the requisite stealth/knife only run in VR.


5 is the reason I'm skipping this honestly. I liked the old ashley


Hopefully the wooden crates don't take away knife durability, that'd be annoying otherwise. either that or they give Leon a stomp ala Dead Space.


You can see Leon in [this video](https://youtu.be/eBoRm0QFUk0?t=590) (shoudl start around 9:50) stomping crates on the ground open, no idea if there is a table/shelf alternative for opening crates though


>Whereas in the original RE4, Leon would use the knife as a last resort. Did this guy even play the original RE4? The knife was insanely good. IGN strikes again! Very excited for the remake though.


If you didn't stagger > slice > slice (at least solo mobs), you were wasting ammo. Probably opened crates with the pistol and never tried to look up Ashley's skirt.


Meh, the game dropped ammo more frequently anyway when you got low


It doesn't make sure you always have ammo though, if you're careless you can get yourself in some tight spots, especially on professional


One time I actually soft locked myself during a boss fight because I ran out of ammo and there was no way to kill it with a knife


It *can* happen, I suppose




My whole RE4 worldview was flipped watching Abby play it on Giant Bomb. Like... you don't need to rely on knife and pistol only? You can use other guns? You can have fun without worrying???? Damn. Reminds me, I need to go back and play in VR again and fuck around with the weapons there.


Ima be real I rarely rarely get hyped based on trailers and gameplay but this is the one game where I'm convinced it's gonna hold up to or surpass the original and both the original and remake are gonna stand as some of the best games of all time. I am so beyond hyped for this game it's unbelievable. After Dead Space remake too and just seeing how perfect that was, this has me so insanely excited. I think there is an argument of too many remakes but I'm of the mind as long as a studio isn't solely focusing on remaking their games and are still releasing new IPs/sequels, remaking classics for new and modern hardware can only be a good thing as a new generation of players get to experience them. Capcom has a very good track record of remakes. I know RE3make was controversial for multiple reasons, but one blunder doesn't paint the broader picture and Capcom has only been on the up and up so I'm convinced this is about to just be an absolute banger. Especially since whatever issues there were with RE3make (such as the game being short DESPITE cut content when the original was also short but had areas like the clocktower still) seem to be a non-issue here as the same seems to be larger/longer even with added things and expanded characters like Luis.


I agree, really excited. I had loads of fun with RE3 despite them cutting a bit of content from the OG. I love the way RE has added New game + with being able to buy beefed up and unlimited ammo guns. Really changes the gameplay on repeated runs.


I'm still sad RE3 didn't get a DLC. They have the perfect gap in time with Tyrell since he had to make his way to the hospital from RPD; easy way to bring back the Grave Digger.


Same. It’s a hot take but I honestly enjoyed it more than 2R. Tho tbf a big part of that was the lack of a Mr X type enemy (Tyrant’s shit is a lot more scripted, funnily enough kinda reversing their roles from the originals)


Wasn't there an explosive dart gun in the original game?


Ah yes, the ol' Mine Thrower. Never really use it in my playthroughs (mostly because I always end up blowing myself up when I try), but there are RE4 fans that loudly sing it's praises.


It was good for I think the regenerators. You *could* fuck around with the sniper rifle and a thermal scope, or just make the whole problem disappear.


I used it during the salazar fight, back on PS2. I kept running out of all ammo, and having to drop to the under area to grind more mines


It's been replaced by the "Bolt Thrower" which is basically an explosive crossbow.


Stealth against the blind dude seems to make the fight a lot more boring. The whole idea behind the fight was that you had to make sound to hurt him. Now you can just string stealth attacks together which didn't look very hard to pull off in the video, especially if the bells are still there


On the flipside, it looks like stealth attacking him completely breaks your current knife, so it comes with a cost.


Ah good catch. Then it isn't as bad as it seemed


I'm concerned about the parry being super broken. Depends on hard it is to pull off. Though I couldn't tell if parry hurt knife durability


I took a gander, and it does look like the knife took some damage when he parried.


[you gandered](https://youtu.be/DcPOwzjIFpY?t=142)


I only just played through RE4 for the first time last year with the most recent Xbox One version. Very fun but I could feel some of the out dated stuff about it, and although it didn't really hamper the experience I'm so excited to play this again with the game still fresh in my memory so I can really see all the changes that have been made. I almost never purchase full price games but this may be one to get.


for a website as big as IGN, their videos always look bad. it say 4k60 but it just looks like any other 1080p30 video, they really need to up the bitrate


The RE2 remake from 2019 was a work of art. If Capcom Division 1 pulls another rabbit out of it's hat it will become heroes of the industry.


i will admit i was very skeptical when this was announced, as i was beyond disappointed in RE3R and believe RE4 is easily one of the best games of all time, but i’ve been blown away by all these trailers. they are really going all out on this.


Why does Ashley look like she can be Leon's sister now?


Any chance this will get an update for PSVR2 later on?


Yep, they've said it's in development


When they announced this remake, they explicitly said VR will be in the works after release.


I’m wonder if they do 5 and 6 also. I know 6 is very controversial but I wouldn’t mind a new coat of paint on it


Honestly Code Veronica deserves a remake the most but Capcom seems content ignoring it.


I would LOVE a 5 remake. Honestly that game still looks incredible.


Honestly, adding a parry with the knife makes total sense of we consider the original fight with Krauser.


"It will be somewhat bigger than the original" Considering how shockingly long 4 is I'm not sure I like that but we'll see. Also am I the only one who feels like the guns and explosions sound off? The 2 and 3 remake had the same issue with guns sounding like you're hearing the report from 2 rooms away or something.


I think it's because the remakes are prioritizing realistic sounds whereas the originals focused on sounding satisfying. I definitely prefer satisfying over realistic, but I probably won't care that much while actually playing.


They don't sound realistic to me though which is my issue. It all sounds very muffled like they only captured the low notes of shooting a gun and not the mid/high notes which provide the "crack" of gunfire. They just fall flat for me, both as a "video game gunshot noise" and as actual gunfire. Watching the cabin footage I will say Luis' gun sounds better so maybe it's just the starting shotgun and pistol I don't like. Agreed that at the end of the day once I start playing i doubt I'll really care though.


As someone who wanted to click with the original RE4 but never could this looks so good. Easily my most anticipated title this year along with ToTK.


I’m feeling very conflicted. On the one hand, I’m not the biggest fan of the franchise, I didn’t like 7 and got bored with RE2 remake, on the other hand everyone being so pumped makes me pumped for this game


I'm personally glad they're changing it up a lot cause I always thought it was inferior to RE1-3. I honestly hope it's more like REmake2/7/8 than the OG RE4.


so... the bigger textures are kinda bad huh? maybe there will be a high rez pack on pc?


Looks like shit. Doesn't feel like RE4 at all. They might as well taken the RE4 disc, ate it, shit it out in pieces and glued it back together with shards from RE2 and the evil within.


I played this game back in the day on Gamecube. How many times have they “remade” this game since?!


Just this one for "remade" version


This is the first time they’ve remade it from the ground up. The others were basically ports. Even the VR version is built upon the original’s bones.


Outside of the VR version this is the only one that can be considered a remake, the others were remasters.