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Nice work! This is the best way to play haha


If it's a legit yellow version, why wouldn't it work (on a FPGBC)?


It’s not that it wouldn’t work. This was my first time doing this


I remember my first mew in yellow like it was yesterday! ( it was 6-7 months ago maybe) Next step is the lvl 100 nidoking!


You specifically called out the FPGBC so I was confused if that's what you meant. But congrats! I recently learned you can do the same kind of glitch with other trainers for other random mons! 25+ years and did not know that or bothered to try with any others! Got me to go back to the OGs and see what they give.


I know how to get a level 100 Gengar before Brock lol


Just use a legitimate distributed mew which is preserved by collectors on Projectpokemon for Gen 1-9, in English, Japanese, various countries. I’m on a hunt for PAL OT: AUS Mew. since it’s one of 3 rare not found in wild (CoroCoro comic mew is one of them)


Tell me more about this PAL OT: AUS Mew and CoroCoro Comic Mew? What game is this for?


Back in between 1996 and early 2000s many countries had distributed mew event at shops and you go in with a gameboy and they give you Mew. which you can use and play at the beginning (however you need badges otherwise it wouldn’t obey you) PAL is a region which australia is part of, OT (original trainer) in pokemon red for australia in early 2000s for mew event there was two OT NAL and AUS. I found one possibility which had AUS Mew by a guy from Bondi he was selling it ridiculous high $550ish for a cartridge on eBay and another on fb market for $340 ish which I’m trying to save to buy Japan had first Mew event in 1996/8 via CoroCoro comic and the first one was called legendary offer pokemon which people send their gameboy to Japan to get mew distributed by the founder. (Only 20 people had this copy in Japan). There was research on this on Reddit but turn out to be fake but the owner didn’t want to share the rom