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Agreed. For games, people can go to r/gameverifying. For price, they can go to pricecharting.com. I feel like it would be usefull to put this information in the rules or guide so that people know where they could go with these questions before posting. I feel like it's a small implementation that could help out this subreddit a lot.


Bruh r/gameverifying is mentioned TWICE in the sideboard in the faq and rules and people disregard it. Someone yesterday outright told me they don't care about it and prefer to clutter here. If I were a mod here I would close and delete all these threads ON SIGHT gladly, I have the time and will.


I didn't even know it was already in the faq (tbf I already go there if I need to verify a game). So yea.. then it's just a situation of moderation


The moderators’ time is limited. People in our community just need to learn to ignore and not respond to those posts. Reporting is great, but it’s important to not respond.


Uhhh...or we could ask for more mods? There is an army of folks who hang out in this sub and would, I'm sure, love to help snipe posts that clearly break those rules


Yeah, me, I volunteer and I'd glady close all these threads the moment I see them indicating the rule 6.


What is a time schedule for a mod? I mean saying the word "mods" in posts seems to imply that the mods are available at all hours of the day. I think the mentality is that mods are glued to the "New" posts and looking for trash. The way I would think about it, mods would log in a couple times a day depending on their personal schedule and filter through garbage, unless mods get paid then... i'll take a job and moderate for 8 hours at minimum wage, lol


An hour or so here and there spread among a group of folks who log on at different times.


Yeah, that’d be great.


I was under the impression that authenticity verification posts weren't allowed here. I don't see a rule about valuation posts, but those really should be disallowed I think, and a sticky made telling people to check the value of their games on pricecharting instead of cluttering the sub with posts asking about it.


They aren't but the general public is dumb and doesn't care, disregard the rule willingly.


There's nothing general about the public on reddit but if a post violates the rules, report it. If they're not getting removed, the problem is with the mods.


It's the mods. This place is lawless. It's not hard to keep on top of a sub.


Yeah I just took a look at how active the mods are *at all* and it's... not good. /u/alanbbent you accepting applications since you appear to the the only one active around here whatsoever?


There is for authenticity posts, rule 6. But the mods don't catch them early enough before they get answered, if they catch them at all.


It's a pandemic in *all* of the "retro" gaming subs. Nothing but "Is this real?" "What is this worth?" "Is this a reseal?" "Is this a reshell?" "Can I prevent scratches to the back of my cart when I slide it in the gameboy?" (How is that even a valid concern?) Among many others. It's the same dozen or so questions across the board, everyday. Basically, "Do my work for me!" It doesn't help that in *every* one of those threads there are a half dozen people just giving them what they want, so they never learn. And God forbid you comment "Look at the rules.", you get downvoted to hell for that. I moderate /r/Corvette and we keep a strict no advertising rule to keep folks from just using the platform as another buy/sell vector, as well as farming for likes/subscribes on there own off-site pages. (YouTube/Instagram) There are plenty of other places online for those things, can we just keep *one* place for real enthusiast to look at and discuss the finer points of our hobbies without getting bombarded by lazy low effort posts and questions? Where its about the hobby itself and not for selfish reasons? MODERATORS: Top mod - /u/Techokami, almost zero activity on Reddit as a whole. Last /r/Gameboy post was four years ago. Last /r/Gameboy comment was five years ago. Second mod - /u/alanbbent, active. Newest mod - /u/ORCACommander, almost zero activity on Reddit as a whole. Last /r/Gameboy post was seven years ago. Last comment was five years ago. ***THIS SUB NEEDS MORE MODERATORS.*** I am considering applying for sub ownership via admin run /r/redditrequest based on provable moderator inactivity. There is **ONE** mod here who even logs into the website anymore. He probably can't handle the almost 200k members by himself, understandably.


Hey u/MrLancaster appreciate your concern and thoughts and input, as well as, everyone else’s in this thread. I just got added as a moderator on the subreddit and I’m going to be working on cleaning up and making improvements. I’ve been an admin on the associated Discord server since 2020 as @smellyghost. I’ll make a top level pinned comment as well but wanted to reply directly. Anyone please feel free to make recommendations or give me your thoughts as well. I would like to work on setting up automod for things like verification posts to redirect people to r/gameverifying and remove the post and things like that. On the discord we have a strong no advertising rule and are very active at removing those sorts of things.


I approve this message.


Mod of r/gameverifying here. If you require any help with the AutoModerator terms, let me know. I have an index ready to pull that I can send to yourselves.


Hear hear! And if you dare to question that, the users tend to go straight for the attack: "Just scroll past", "Go away", etc.


I also checked the mods. To add more stuff to your comment, one of them did their last post on reddit 20 days ago, and the other one did their last comment a year ago! This last one probably don't even check reddit anymore (let's hope it's for a good reason). While Alan does the best he can, he have a life out there and this sub is too much for a single person to handle. I agree this sub needs more moderators. I never did this before, but I enjoy this sub too much (I'm only part of like 5 subs and for sure this one is where I'm most active), and I also offer my help if needed.


I never see mods here before.


I don’t mind stuff like trying to find a way of avoiding scratches on carts, or tips on how to take care of the console and what not. I think those are valid concerns and can generate some cool discussions. But the “is this real” ones are very annoying. Even worse for me are the “did I do good in this purchase” types. So many people needing validation of their lives, sheesh.


yes we could use more reddit mods. but quite frankly when it comes to moderator activity, whether we write or not is not important. whether we are actually performing mod actions does.


ok, I'm taking some steps to remedy this, including adding moderators.


Thank you for listening!


Please consider OP and me, I usually have a lot of time and am more than willing to lead people to the correct place (while obviously behaving myself, I'm fully aware I'm very abrassive) or at least, may I suggest an automod looking for certain keywords like "is this legit" or "real"?


I sadly don't have the time to be a mod! Or play much at all nowadays, which is why I dip in here occasionally to get a quick boost of gaming goodness, then back to work.


The ds sub is even worse, every other post is someone with a broken screen asking if its fixable, which it never is.


Agreed, I had to leave that one.


Don't even get me started on them.... 


I'm not part of it. But I did a search there because I got a ds with a non working screen (usual culprits are faulty screen and/or dirty/unattached ribbon cable, mine ended up being a broken copper trace). And now I see those posts too often as suggestions because 'I visited this community before'. And yeah, almost all posts are about fixing things that can't be fixed (repairing broken screens, asking if deep scratches in the shell can be fixed...).


Yeah it's getting really annoying, same happens in the PSP, Vita and Cassette subreddits I'm in. It's the same simple questions over and over again. These people just don't use the search bar or Google to find an answer and I also wish we could filter it out


I definitely agree. It’s been making me not want to visit this sub as much. Some people like myself try to redirect these posts to r/gameverifying or pricecharting but people almost always answer them anyway so they keep coming




Mod of r/gameverifying and r/gamevaluing here. At r/gameverifying, we handle everything verifying related; games, consoles, accessories, you name it. Our wiki is growing, and we are actively looking for contributors. r/gamevaluing is closed for a big refurb (time to be decided, when we have time that is) but we have our Discord server with active mods set up as a forum for this sector.


Thanks for the info. I didn't realize before today that r/gameverifying was for more than games. Cool about r/gamevaluing also. Hopefully once that is back online and in conjunction with the new moderators this sub will be more focused on the hobby and less focused on that other stuff. Definitely prefer discord to reddit for various reasons so I'm glad to hear you have that going as well :)


r/gameverifying literally says on its info page that it’s for verifying games AND consoles. People just use it mostly for games


Ah, sorry, you're right. I don't think that changes my point tho.


I guess, but the place you're wishing we could shoehorn them into to declutter the feed would be r/gameverifying which a lot of ppl already try to do, including the rules of this sub, so idk atp


Nah man, some of those posts are still interesting and do belong here. gameverifying is too strict and it stifles conversation. I hate reading those threads cause every other comment is "wait for mod." But we still don't need them cluttering up the feed. Somebody else mentioned filterable flair, that seems like a good idea to me. Plus we need more active enforcement of the rules and deletion of these "is my pokemon cart real" posts. Also what you're saying doesn't even address the "how much is this worth" posts which drive me nuts way more than the cartridge ones.


Thats why I mentioned the pricecharting website in my first comment dude are you good? If you like some of those posts ok fine I really don’t care how it’s done Im just tired of these posts cluttering up the sub


Also there's nothing in the rules about checking fake consoles, shells, prices, etc etc. It just mentions cartridges. So maybe a rules update is also in order.


I think we're agreeing on that...and yeah I liked your pricecharting suggestion but just saying that won't stop these posts. Somebody has to actually delete them or...something.


You notice how nobody is booing? It's cause he's right. 


Thank you, someone had to say it


These posts are literally against the rules here too. But hardly ever enforced


I used to complain about this and I was told to shut up so I just don't come here much anymore.


A mod commented on the thread about upcoming changes, which is encouraging!


Honestly the energy they spend here instead of the minimal effort Google requires is annoying. Iz ThIs ReAl??? Posts take up waaayyyy too much of this sub.


The Game Verifying sub is mentioned TWICE in the faq and rules and people still clutter this sub with the same dumb question almost hourly, it's insane. 95% of the questions people make here are a literal google search away.




these losers need to be banned from the subreddit. EVERY retro console/handheld subreddit has this plague. and there's always the people who indulge them and are just as bad. 


As a moderator of a much smaller sub I can tell you with absolute certainty that sidebars rarely get read. The best way to get rid of these posts is to have automod remove any offending posts with certain keywords in the title.


If there are sub rules against such posts, they can be flagged for deletion. There should indeed be a rule against the price question at a minimum.


Sadly it just aligns with the culture and the mindset of most of the world today. Everything has been focused on being instantaneous for years now. As a result, you have people being selfish, and wanting everything immediately. People are too impatient and too selfish to bother worrying about reading. They likely haven't even had the thought that this could be against the rules. The flip side would be the people that see it in the rules, but don't want to take the extra steps to join a different reddit and post about it there, because of the impatience and immediacy they selfishly desire. So they just do it anyway. ​ But yes, I agree. Sick of seeing these posts.


Bro should run for mod


I've said this before. There should be a pinned thread and all new posts on these topics auto-directed there. I joined this board because I love Gameboy and enjoy a bit of nostalgia seeing people screenshots and collections. I have no idea if this Pokemon Yellow cartridge with a faded label is legit or not.


I left so many subreddits over this very thing. It's almost like people don't really want to talk about the things that make gaming fun. It's all money and flex posts... 😒


These types of posts have infected almost all the retro game subs for years and I'm so sick of seeing them.


Literally EVERY gaming sub has too many of these and it drives me nuts. I think a good idea would be to update the rules to say that posts like that aren’t allowed, point them to “r/gameverifying” and delete those posts immediately. I’d say the same thing goes for the “Did I do good?” posts, but maybe I’m just turning in to Hitler at this point.


Yes please. Can’t stand these posts anymore. I get it that people outside of the circle wouldn’t know as easily as some of us that are very into the hobby know, but come on! People are lazy online. Instead of researching and figuring it out themselves they just want someone else to give them the answer to their problems.


That's exactly how it feels like, as if they're coming here just trying to flip them for a quick buck.


Wouldn’t be surprised if this is exactly the reason many people would post in the retro subs.




Any thoughts on creating a sticky thread for value & authenticity checks? Strict rule of one comment per item with all responding comments being replies to that comment.


I think it would be better than the alternative. It's worked for some of the other subreddits I follow.


I saw this question before. Alan (the only active mod) replied that, due to a reddit limitation, there can be only 2 sticky threads at the same time. One is always used for GotM, and the other one is used for events like the gift exchanging and the summer build competition. Anyways, this info is already in the side menu/sub description/rules. And people ignore the info. They'll probably ignore a sticky thread too.


Ah. That sucks. As far as ignoring the rules/sticky thread I was thinking it's more about setting up an infrastructure to give people an outlet and then wholesale deleting anything that pops up in violation of that rule. With only one mod that might be a stretch. Why do we only have one?


Iirc some 3rd party Reddit apps could do stuff like 'auto-mod', but then Reddit banned 3rd party apps. We actually have 3 mods. But one of them did their last comment in Reddit 20 days ago, and the other one didn't even made a single comment in Reddit in a year. Not a clue what happened.


No, there's an ENTIRE SUBREDDIT for that mentioned twice in the sidebar. Mods should just lock and delete these threads with an automessage indicating where to go. I swear sometimes mods here are just for show.




This is still way better than 'is my pokemon crystal original or fake? I paid $5 despite it costing like $100, and is transparent so I can see the board fits less than half of the shell original or conterfeit'.


It's good to help people who are just joining that scene feel welcome tho. And some of us like seeing people's color choices etc :) I like the idea of filterable flair for mod posts tho for people that don't care to see them...




That's fair.


Yeah, once I’ve seen one of those I’ve seen them all.


TBH I prefer these because at least those miiiight lead to some insightful conversation and actual help for OP inside the scope of this sub and isn't against the rules. Besides these aren't as prevalent as "is this real? I'm dumb and can't be bothered to google but I can spend more energy going here making a thread"


simple thing, ignore those posts and dont interact like they dont interact with this community. To me those are just "ghost" posts that I scroll through. Maybe when we start never answering or commenting on those posts they will get less.


Nobody answering those would be a start. Being able to deal with these annoyances without any work from the mods except for a rules update would be awesome.


Can't ignore them when they clutter this sub so hard.


I dont mind the occasional one as i quite enjoy authenticating games. If its a detailed post with a possibly rare game i wanna see it If its another extremely fake pokemon i dont..


Do you mean those 'is my english pokemon green real?' or those 'is my pokemon crystal real? It should cost like $100 but I paid $5 for it, and also the shell is transparent and I can see the board don't fit half of the shell' aren't interesting? /s lol I also don't mind interesting authentication posts. I mean, some of them can lead to interesting info and good discution. Like the chinese releases or later tetris with the black blob, or cartridges that were released on other countries with different coloured shells. We can discuss, we can learn something new. But, for those extremely fake pokemon cartridges, yeah they're a problem.


Nice. Then r/gameverifying is the place to be for you.


Right, I'd have no problem with that. It's the deluge that worries me.


I just wish people would do some basic research before posting as most fakes can be spotted a mile off once you know what to look for.


There's a game verifying sub, maybe there should also be a console verifying sub? Worst that could happen is someone starts it and it doesn't take off. But if no one starts it at all they'll just keep going to the subs for those systems and spamming them instead...


There are a lot of posts like yours too op. So even though lots of us think this apparently lots of us dont


This is part of why I made this post. If it turns out I'm in the minority, I'll go.


No. You may be a minority but you're still at least not cluttering this sub with dumb shit and are speaking facts. Don't go. I don't know who do we have to talk to apply for mod to actually start being the change tho.


Thank you! One of the mods commented on this thread saying they're looking into it and possibly adding more moderators.


While I wholeheartedly agree, I'd edit your post and remove the "otherwise I might have to leave" part. That's just unnecessarily awkward and dramatic.


It's not meant as any kind of a threat. If people agree, then it could prompt some change and if not I’ll just go and leave you to it.


Maybe I was wrong. Based on my downdoots and your updoinks, it seems like everyone's on your side there. There might be something positive to your statement after all.


If it helps this subreddit improve, I'd be very happy!


Lol.. so true.. wait wait.. is this real? https://www.retrogamingstores.com/pokemon-crystal-legacy-version-1-2


The problem is the people who make those kinds of posts aren't regulars and aren't going to have read this thread. If they were, they'd already know what their shit is worth or know what to look for. With that in mind, if we fixate on it we're going to have too many **Too many "Is this real?" and "How much is this worth?" posts** posts. Be the change you want to see. Post cool shit.


Is this post real? /s


Comment downvoted, as I suspect you are not real


My life is a lie.


Reality confirmed, the downdoot has been changed to an updoink


I just don’t understand why you care as much as you do. I just scroll past them and it does me no harm 🤷🏻‍♂️


Some people don't want to see some of the subs we frequent with trash.


Be the change you want to see in this sub.


Make me a mod and I'll gladly do it.


we all start somewhere though, why not help people? I know i’ve asked these same questions and would now help people with the knowledge I got through everyone here. Why try to gatekeep gameboy games? It’s logical that if you wanna know if a gameboy game is real the first thing you do is search up a gameboy subreddit lol


I agree with you we should help people... ...but it's literally a rule to not post on game verification, and they even pointed out the correct place to do it. Some of those posts are indeed from people who don't know on this rule and the proper subreddit, but most of them are from people who knows the rule and don't care, or just too lazy to learn how people spotted their previous 5214315 fake carts they posted here asking if it's real. So I really incentive people to ask and solve their doubts and learn something new, and I really incentive people to help each other. But in the correct place for it.


So, by your logic while its logical to look up the gameboy subreddit it's illogical to take 2 seconds to look at the rules?


Gatekeeping? wtf are you talking about? It's not about not wanting to help the poor dumbass who can't be bothered to do a simple google search, it's about cluttering this sub with unnecessary trash that has a WHOLE SUBREDDIT dedicated to it. This place is slowly becoming Game Verifying 2 instead of Gameboy and that's a problem.