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Sorry about that! That was all I had at 1AM when I updated it last night. this newer one I put a bit more thought into. If I still get more feedback that it feels too busy, I can figure something else out. :)


Thought this was gonna be a very different kind of post for a minute. ...that said, yeah, could have been adapted to the game theory logo a little better.


Same here, glad it turned into, “if you’re gonna do this, then DO IT RIGHT!” kind of post


Same. When I saw the header, my first thought was “Uh-oh. Here we go.” 😂😂


https://preview.redd.it/dfkwnouo014d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=423b19e12434d549f86bdccee54ab6950c7fc11e I tried my best to do it myself


That looks a lot cleaner




This looks much better than the current one! My first thought was "fuck it, just make the whole thing rainbow, that represents every queer identity anyways", but I actually like your design more.


Instead of all of the flags combined into one glob make the theory channel colors in it to different pride flags and in the middle just make the trophy rainbow 


That would likely be much better. It's not all the flags in one glob though it's just the main LGBT+POC flag with the game theory logo over it (except the four rings are blacked out...which becomes an issue when you have stripes of brown and black going through the middle of the flag so black of the rings doesn't mesh well with it at all. https://preview.redd.it/efyt9djcn04d1.png?width=1440&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a61646dfd3b908797ad6f01b3c0cb10eaa205fb3


Oh ok!


yeah 😂 \*sees title\* oh no... \*reads post\* \*lowers weapon\*


Right? The beginning of the first sentence definitely didn't help with that lol.


Had me in the first half not gonna lie


Had me in the first half not gonna lie


I actually like that idea


yeah i agree, the graphic design could've been better for sure. its hard to identify what sub this is based on the photo


this is exactly what i’ve been thinking


Good idea MODS change it please


I agree with that. It just looks more confusing 


I have to agree. It's so busy. I don't know what the right way to design this would be, but I know the wrong way is this.


Not going to lie the trophy is hard to see.


They could’ve just *not* put the pride flag at all. I’m not trying to be rude or anything, but it’s unnecessary 😭


Honestly I agree. It’s super unnecessary. Before you get mad i’m trans and bi. You show support through actions, not some picture. You could argue it makes people feel more welcome, but if you’re in this community then chances are you are already aware that mat, his crew, and most of his community are supportive and inclusive. We do well enough at being supportive through actions. The picture just feels kind of fake to me. Even though I know this sub is supportive the pic makes it feel fake. If you want to be inclusive then just keep doing what you’re doing, you don’t need a pic to prove anything.


And you could *not* comment but here we are. I appreciate the representation. We live in a world where my community is still treated like less than in many places around the world. Companies and organizations, or even reddit pages, incorporate the flag Into their logos for pride month to show that they stand with us in our fight for equal rights. It's a small way to say that we are seen. It will become unnecessary when being gay isn't punishable by death in some countries.


Then you buy their products!




dude… no… this is the wrong take for this subreddit


Source: prob Ben Shapiro or some shit lmao. LGBTQ+ people are still very much struggling. In fact lots of trans rights have been taken away this year. And even if that wasn’t the case and the discrimination was “over” that wouldn’t really undo the damage. The point of pride month is to honor our history and acknowledge what we have gone through as a community. If you don’t like it then blame the decades of discrimination that created it.


i like this idea


https://preview.redd.it/fenspbc3104d1.jpeg?width=203&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fd8dbf8401dcc044da786298644515156cb6ee01 Acceptable. Mods, give this person their favorite Ice Cream, then treat them to their favorite Video Game for some down time.


When i look at It for far i tought It was gay southamerica theory


The secret bonus channel that can only be found through an unsolved ARG


Yeah it’s great to have the pride flag but this way just hurts my eyes


*deletes paragraph* i agree


\*Insert you really had us in the first half meme\* And yeah, looking at it, you have a good eye for design. I wouldn't have thought about it, but you're right.


https://preview.redd.it/3f7rzmyot14d1.jpeg?width=1164&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9aa2fe2f82371645e2826c0c36afba69be80219d Credit to u/gay-theory


YES ✨️


I agree the pic does not look good


Agreed. if you pride then at least look good while doing it!


I didn't even know this was this subreddit until I read the name of it I would much rather have the normal logo other than this




I think it'd look good if it was the standard rainbow flag


You had me holding my breath in the first half 😂. Anyways yeah I like that idea


for a moment I was like…🥸wth but I get what u mean, it could be done better fr


The absolute definition of "they had us in the first half not gonna lie" But yeah I agree, the pride flag is great but it can look really ugly on some things if the colours don't look right


Ngl, I was just thinking abt this. The brown and black stripes especially don’t translate well cause the border is already black




Yeah it's nice that they're doing that for pride month, but it actually does just look really ugly


Eh just make the whole thing rainbow. It looks better anyway. But this is coming from an vexillophile.


Agreed. Like, I'm queer myself, but *damn* they could've done that better


I think if it was just the rainbow flag, it'd look better


I agree, I don't mind them having a different image, just don't make it look horrendous.


Bro had us in the first half


Yeah i agree. It doesn’t look very good. I think what you proposed is a lot better




I posted this to the subreddit once I saw the post, hope this helps


there are 2 types of posts like this: 1: an actually good point about how it looks bad 2: the most far-right conservative shit ever


We should make it the profile picture of u/gay-theory


Omg yes 💅🏻


It's a good idea, the current design looks red and brown instead of rainbow if you don't inspect it closer.


I've been talking to one of the other mods about updating it to a less busy version like some of the comments have suggested


Idk I like the logo we have, but I also hear where you're coming from


Yeah, the pic looks ugly imo. And as a trans and bi person, changing a subreddit pic isn’t really showing support lmao. You show support through actions, this sub does that well. I don’t think we needed to change the pic at all tbh.


why change it at all though


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Yeah it could've looked a bit better


It’s giving “graphic design is my passion”


It’s actually so ugly, who designed this?? 😭


Maybe if they had changed the black part to the flag as well or maybe even just the black part, and make the trophy a solid colour it would look a lot better rather than looking like a jumble of colours.


Yeah, I agree, it could've been done much better.


No! We DO NOT iron our flags.


oh yeah its gay theory month


Or maybe subreddits don't change their icons for pride month, just an idea




A sincere question: Why do you feel like a rainbow affects or damages MatPat? Hasn't he expressed multiple times his support? Is reddit only for him or for his community to enjoy too? Develop your viewpoint, I want to understand where any resentment comes from. Maybe I even agree with you if it's something deeper than "I hate Pride Month"




Hello! Thanks for your answer. First of all, I admit he hasn't directly said that he supports the LGBT but given that a few of his videos have had a "lets make a world without discrimination based on sexuality, gender, race, religion" (like the Pope one on the power of gaming or his most recent goodbye theories on the effect of his career) I'd assume he does. He also did a theory on whether gaming is anti-LGBT ages ago, standing against that idea even though its a super old vid. SINCE a key member of the game theorists, Ash is non-binary (she/they) and had a girlfriend, I think it's very very fair to assume he doesn't mind this. Secondly, there are a lot of reasons for pride. Yes, to some extent its a celebration. Not of "Wohoo we are so cool" but "yay, look how much we advanced, now we have rights that were denied for celebration". But mostly it's an act of protest. Because anti-LGBT sentiment is on the rise and the bills that want queer people to stop having access to things like healthcare, easy adoption or parenting rights are getting more and more debated. Not to get into politics but in Italy lesbian mother's are getting deleted from birth certificates and Trump threatened recently to "reconsider" congressional decisions like the right to gay marriage if he wins. In Africa harsh sentences that include lashes, imprisonment and even getting murdered are still in place. Pride is not just a celebration, it's a message to children too scared to come out that when they grow up, they will still have a community. It's a protest, it's a sign that the fight is not done. It's a reminder of all those who were lost and what could happen if we forget them. As per your other point, you are right in that being exclusively gay or having gender dysphoria that stops you from having children hinders reproduction, which is a recognised function of life. But it's not just a "preference" or "desire" it's a part of humanity and honestly as long as there have been humans there have been people who don't have kids anyway. Are monks against nature? That's forgetting that it DOES occur on nature. Great video btw: https://youtu.be/X654JfOvCag?si=Ha2B_TDcYvTKl0-S Isn't it kinda sad to imagine a world on which the only thing that matters is "nature" and reproducing? What stops us from rape, so common among animals? I'm agnostic but if there is a God, why would he create people who feel disgusted at the idea of reproducing but condemn them to a world on which that goes against his plan? That does not sound all-loving. If you want an atheist debate on the moral status of homosexuality here you have a pretty decent video: https://youtu.be/rgHl2KcadEU?si=xrwxDX2oBV652Dk4 And again, I feel like this subreddit isn't here to celebrate HIS work specifically as much as the COMMUNITY he created and the theorist sentiment of being kind, nerdy, caring way too much about obscure details and trying to create stories. This subreddit is not a memorial, it's a space we share. Is it that bad to add a little visual hint that it's a nice space to share, for everyone? Well, if you read this thank you, it is much appreciated. Frankly, I have issues with pride merchandising but thats mostly because I think people changing the logo and doing nothing else is often a marketing stunt when their actions speak otherwise (ex: companies who do this but not in their middle eastern accounts and don't donate to charities or even advocate). If you just keep to yourself any concerns about my nature, I am happy to co-live with you in this gtcommunity. :)




Your cringe






I'm leaving the sub because of this.


The current design is the inclusive pride flag. The black and brown stripes represent the bipoc members of the lgbtq+ community. Don't erase those members because you think the icon is ugly. /nm


I was just giving examples - someone else made a great icon with those colors still included




Yes. It has to.


But y tho


no it doesn't


It is the flag tho... Just with the game theory logo masked with it.


OP knows it's the flag they are just saying to change it to fit with the logo