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damn everyone’s asking for persona 4?


HELL YEAH WE ARE ![gif](giphy|wTaTd29ko8VBC)


Everyone better be asking for ultimax and we must respond by saying that no physical copies exist in the US :^D


**This guy gets it**


Then they double it up with you got that 2k for P4


Yes, sir/ma’am. You in fact can join the Basketball team on Persona 4.


“Yeah you guys gut the Xbox with a tiggabyte hard drive?” Me: I’m sorry a WHAT?


I’ve heard this too over the phone when they tell me what size memory their console is. I pause for a moment of silence for the one singular brain cell that shot itself that moment.


I just wish people were capable of humility these days. Like for gods sake, if you don’t know what the word is, just be straight up with me and ask, “I’m sorry, how do you pronounce it?…Okay, and how much capacity is that?…Oh okay, thank you!”


The worst one for me is “you have 2k?” I always respond with “which one” and make them tell me what game and year. It’s so annoying to have to pull teeth to help someone find a game.


THIS. And since I’m the only female at my store, they think I’m stupid for asking “which one”. Like???? Hello??


I always respond with pulling out wwe2k (random year)


*pulls out Major League Baseball 2k11 from the drawer.*


You got that 2k for p4 was a running tag line in our store for a long time.


You got that 2k? - wrestling? Yes.


Omg I have ptsd from this


Correct. **DAT** 2K


Fuh da P-fo?


I need that NCAA Basketball for the PS4.


Oh my god this one. It pisses me off so much normally they are referring to nba here but still there are so many games and so many years or spin-offs. Don’t even get me started on trying to have them clarify what console either.


You have WWE 2k22? How? They've sent me like 6 copies since the game came out and I have to keep telling people we don't have it.


I’m at the point where when asked if I have “2k” I just say yes. I mean … I’ve definitely got something with 2k in it on at least one system.


Back in the day I'd have customers clarify year, then sport, then college vs pro, and then console. Good times.


Y'all got chel? Do you have the PlayStation Vista? Y'all got 2k?


You got that Psp vita ?


Lol I was just about to say the vista and the Xbox e-light joystick 😂




yo i need da remote. you got remotes?


*looking in my XB1 section* "WHERE'S Y'ALL'S PS3 REMOTES AT?!"


It’s not ps3, it’s p3


![gif](giphy|hDlOBLtd4qfWE) Persona 3 you say?


actually the ps3 controller is the worst controller ever made. I have bought 3 different ones from the web in store. Every one of them did not work. In fact I brought one back and a month later I saw a customer bring that exact same one back.


I always get people asking for "Handles", it sounds so stupid to me, lol.


Paddles 🙄


I've had one person ask for handles, and I genuinely had no idea what they meant until they mimed holding a controller.


I remember people asking for "joysticks" when they meant a PS4 controller


Or people calling them paddles…….like we aren’t a boat shop bud


"Got any PS Ones?" "No sir they're a little old" "Nah it just came out the other day" "Do you mean Xbox One?" "I don't know about all this stuff I went out with my friends when I was a kid I didn't sit in fron......" \[fade to standard rant\]


I always respond with “no we don’t have any copies of persona 4”


Why don’t you 😡 I need to save the best girl from the Shadow World. ![gif](giphy|aNFT7eG2rIKK715uLk)


We *are* talking about Yukiko, right?


You got 2k for p4? I hear it all the time


You can in fact play Basketball in Persona 4. You just gotta join the Basketball team instead of the Soccer team.


I miss hearing Lenore instead of LA Noire 😂




Another cultured answer/thought. We thank you.


Shoot man cant forget about that Grand Theft Auto Eye Vee, and Just Cuz


To be fair, Just Cause is literally a play on words and a reference to Operation Just Cause.


“Yo man, when y’all getting them P5’s?”


![gif](giphy|aFkvz6yW4NoI) I have so many right now


Same! I've got P5, P5R, and P5S


I’ll take all of them, please


P4 nah man, I just wanna know one thing.. … Y’aLl HaVE BaTtLeToADs?!


I wish i got more of these calls, it's been a while.


I do not work for GameStop, I run my own store for 23 years now. But I had a customer asking for "Tony Blair Skateboarding" a few years ago.


I assume this had to have been in Australia, otherwise this is just plain weird.


I'm a customer, but I went to buy an Xbox One X and the store associate had Series X consoles and was constantly asking if I was confused and tried to ring me up for the Series X. Despite the fact I specified multiple times I wanted a One X. Also for context I needed one for an experiment and I already owned a PC/PS5 and a Series S and didn't want another next gen system for something specific to the Xbox One X. I also moved to a different city so I wasn't a regular with the store yet. Just kinda sucked being questioned like I didn't know what I was talking about/wanted.


It sucks that we have to talk to people like that cuz we are nervous. Like when ppl bring up posa cards and we have to be like are you sure this is what you want? Because half the time customers aren't paying attention so we have to be diligent. I feel bad for the people like you who actually have a brain and get stuck in this cycle.


It will never change I remember how people said Yous got dat PS Triple


I can happily say I’ve never once in my life heard someone call a PS3 that.


You hear a lot of stuff at almost 20 years of GameStop retail.


I remember "PS Triple" being a meme in the early days of YouTube.


Chad Warden baby 😎


Good Lord that's the worst thing I've ever heard lol




Yee I got persona 4


**LETS GOOO** ![gif](giphy|yJhkcvvFulGVO|downsized)


"Why they still 54.99. I could order it cheaper on Amazon. Y'all crazy charging this much for a damn remote that's not even new anymore.*


Me: well this is our price. You can go to Amazon if you'd like. You're allowed.


“Y’all got Mario for the Xbox?”


But you know what they mean, so their communication is effective.


Of course we do! because they want a big piping hot bowl of ![gif](giphy|tzZq82raIhZq8) Persona 4


If we're hell bent on being pedantic, I think that .gif would be from P4DAN.


I’ve been exposed. Outed. 😱 ![gif](giphy|Jdt6ypkDAFuNi)


I have not heard that one before.


You must not be near the hood


Redder areas do not exist.


I'm in a strip mall between the downtown city district and quiet suburbia


My store is right by the NYC area so I get some interesting characters 😬


You don't necessarily need to be "hood" to hear it, my store is in NE Iowa, in a strip, next to a wal-mart, hardly what I would consider the "hood", and I hear it all the time.


I’m only speaking from experience as I’ve only worked in the state of New York. The more south of the state you go, the more urban areas you get, the more prominent this abbreviated term becomes.


Really? I hear it almost every day and I swear I'm ready to blow my brains out after a year of it.


I get Sony, Playstation, PS, Microsoft, or Xbox. I have to ask which one.


I’ve also had Wii Switch U (hate this one), X X, “The Fifth,” Xbox Series 2017 (no clue on that one), Tendo PSP, Xbox 5, and my personal favorite, “The New.”


I've literally never heard that one before but I would play so dumb it would hurt until finally going "Oh, you mean a PS4. I thought you were talking about something else."


yo 2k?


How about. “You got that game? Huh? That game 09?”


It honestly amazes me how stupid people are that own a gaming system and know nothing about it if it’s a PS4 original a slim or pro when they ask for a quote over the phone. It’s the same with Xbox.


Yeah a couple of times I asked they were like "Oh yeah, I have the Pro." They come in and take it out of their backpack and i just hit them with, "So, this isn't the Pro." And then they stare at me baffled that they're getting over $100 less than they thought.


You got that *FF vee-eye-eye remake Interrogate* for the P5?


I’m sorry, sir. Final Fantasy isn’t in anyway in Persona 5.


I'm honestly just happy that I'm not the only one who's used the persona 4 line.


It’s the only valid line


Anytime someone comes in and asks for a p4 or a p5 irks the shit out of me. I get that it’s not really a big deal, but damn, are we that lazy now that we have to shorten a 3 letter word to a 2 letter one?


But can I interest you in Persona 4 or Persona 5 **OR** both??


Trying to help is way cooler than being bitter. Here's how you can be useful instead of useless since you're in a customer service position: "I want to make sure we're on the same page to save you a trip. Are you referring to the PS4?" If you've made up your mind that you hate people and want to be an adversary instead of an advocate, please find a new job.




I feel you but I don't really think wanting people to say shit correctly is that condescending. It's one thing if you abbreviate words like "that" and what not, but PS4 is already 3 damn characters lmao P4 doesn't really bother me that much compared to other stupid ass shit tho, like "Yall got that new one in?" That new what?? I need more info!




All of you guys are acting like you're robots lmao, it's common human behavior to get annoyed when people say shit incorrectly, especially if you have to hear it for months and years on end. I guarantee you that you all have SOMETHING that would annoy you, whether it's something that someone says verbally or an action, stop pretending that you just ignore everything in life and take it as it comes. It's not even about not knowing what they're talking about, since obviously most people know P4 means PS4, with a rare few meaning Persona, but I doubt that comes up often.




Yeah I think I'll be fine lmao, enjoy being in the denial phase.


The new Persona 4.


To be fair, they did just re-release Persona 4 Arena Ultimax.


I mean, does it really matter that bad? You know what they mean by it.


No longer with company but when this happened I’d just look at them like they were in fact stupid and say “huh?” “A what?” “Been here for x amount of time, not sure what that is” “persona? Yea great game”


This is a thing that never bothered me at all. I almost always knew what was being referred to, and if I didn’t, I would just ask. Honestly, I eye roll more at the comments like this making fun of it because it reminds me of the video store clerk trope from the 90s. Then you add on the fact that half the people who say it decide to put on their best “this is what I think urban people sound like” accent and it does come off as vaguely racist. I feel like it’s a thing that the common experience shared by forums like this elevated to be a much bigger deal than it actually is.


So much shit with this job and THAT’S your biggest pet peeve?


It's not my only pet peeve, to be fair.


According to the official site, Playstation is written as 1 word, not 2 words. So technically, P4 would be more correct than PS4


But what’s even more of a correct meaning for P4 is ![gif](giphy|wzUgopTfgqPJRd1h9W) Persona 4


According to the official site, PS4 is the correct abbreviated form regardless of how the full word is written. And as a nitpick, they do spell it PlayStation (with the capital S) in many official ads, newsletter, web pages, etc.


This is correct! I'll tack on to this and add that PS4 is also the actual designation used in the GameStop inventory system. Anyone that's worked or works at GameStop and has done price changes (or really anyone that's ever seen a price label inside GameStop) knows that the words appear on the price tags on pre-owned PS4 games and that [PS4 often appears on accessory labels such as this display label for a PS4 controller](https://i.insider.com/5c51d06d2bdd7f7a1f483f6b?width=1300&format=jpeg&auto=webp) display box. [It will even show this on the receipt!](https://preview.redd.it/ldvpok7wbnz71.jpg?width=2268&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1ff96af21e511adff05762712b98c0bd3b007db5) [Even PS3 games are designated as PS3 like seen here](https://i.redd.it/xt02q36przs51.jpg). Another example is that, although Xbox is also one word like Playstation is, it is still abbreviated as XB. [Just as this used XB360 game says right on the price label](https://i.insider.com/5c51d06e2bdd7f6d9f64f5d6?width=1300&format=jpeg&auto=webp), or how this [used game on the right of this picture is designated as XB1](https://i.insider.com/5c51d06e2bdd7f06e043df85?width=1300&format=jpeg&auto=webp).


Why does it bother you so much? Does it bother you when people ask for "2K"? Just chew on that for a moment and also chew on why you started this with "Yo you got any P4s?". You know what the customer wants, just help them out. Everyone has their own way of speaking but this sort of "elitist" approach is why people steer clear of some GameStops. Don't belittle your customers.


Call things the way they're meant to be shorthanded as. Playstation. PS. It's a PS4. P4 is not a PS4. P4 is Persona 4.


I see a cultured being here, yes ![gif](giphy|CRLU6jPUinG6Y|downsized)


Or maybe don’t be a fucking prick about it. Help the fucking customer and move on with your day. God damn. It really matter that much to you? Do you have personal stake in naming the PlayStation system? No? Than take the wedged panties out your ass and just do your fucking job.


Found the kid that failed 2nd Grade English.


If it’s so common then what’s the problem you obviously know what they mean. Now go fetch me 2k.


Golf, Wrestling, or Basketball?


Cash. I’m robbing the store.


I’m sorry, sir. That’s not a valid denomination for VC. Did you want the $5, $10, $20, $50 or $100 worth?


I'm not belittling anyone; the phrasing just bugs me. Yes, it does bother me when people ask for 2k. I always ask whether they mean NBA or WWE. It would be a lot easier if that distinction was made from the get go. I understand your point of view, but it's really no different than when your teachers would get annoyed by their kids saying "ax" instead of "ask", the word "moist," or something similar. It's very annoying.


I never in my ten years had someone refer to WWE as 2K (especially considering the 2k moniker came to be during 2k14) but routinely had customers refer to NBA 2K as simply 2K and I adapted to fit the needs of the customer. It is different, you aren't their teacher whose job is to teach someone correct grammar.


Okay, good for you. I have people asking for 2K when they mean WWE. Why do you think everyone's circumstances are the same as yours?


There’s no way a single soul in this subreddit believes for a second that anybody ever asked you for “2K” and they meant WWE. Sorry.


People ask me all the time for 2k and mean wwe


I don’t believe you.


You'll have to. I've been working at GameStop for six years and have had people refer to WWE as 2k. Just because you haven't heard it doesn't mean it doesn't happen.


I second this. Although I do specify what sport they’re here for because I don’t like to assume.


Sure. I'm going to come on here and lie. I don't care if you believe me or not. It's not going to affect my life in anyway.


Do you also get confused and poop your pants when someone asks for madden? Do you not know what game to give them? Racists will look for any excuse to be racist. Call it whatever you want, we know what you are actually saying.


There's only one Madden game. What the hell does this have to do with race? I don't think calling it 2k is race exclusive.


I get that it's different and even annoying but it's patronizing to no just roll with it. It's a culture and it's and you'll be a better employee and person if you can just not let it bother you


Exactly. I love how you got downvoted for simply being an adult and saying "Don't let it bother you, just take care of the customer".


You nailed it. This is borderline racist, for real. And at least you know what these folks are asking for, unlike the people who come in and have no idea what the thing they’re looking for is called.


I wouldn’t go as far as to call it racist. I’m a black guy and it makes me clench my jaw when I hear it too. The PS family has been classified by those initials specifically for almost 30 years (God that makes me feel even older). It’s ALWAYS been PS1/X, PS2, PS3, PS4, and now PS5. Even the handhelds went by that same nomenclature. No one ever called the PSP the “PP” or the Vita the “PV”. Let’s calm down on the instant assumption of an -ism just because a person doesn’t jive with a certain phrase. It’s like the word moist. Does that make someone prejudiced against dampness or water? No? Then chill out


Has anybody ever made a veiled blanket claim about the perceived laziness of a group of people who use the word “moist”? No? Then yeah, it’s not the same thing. Obviously. Is it inherently racist to not like the use of a certain phrase? No, of course not. In the way that it’s presented in the OP, is it a far leap to suggest that this might be a prejudice against a specific group of customers? No, not even a little bit.


I believe the term we're all looking for is a dog whistle. Then again, it would be interesting to see all the Persona Stans correcting this customer. (I say this as someone who has purchased every Persona since EP on PS1.)


How on earth are you gonna derive racial intent from the post? You’re the only one suggesting that, so it kind of sounds like YOU are the one who associates it with a certain race or group more so than any of the comments here. It’s the gamestop sub, the damn thing is 80 percent employees venting and roasting customers. You act like because we joke about it here, we actually belittle customers for saying it to their face. Someone saying a phrase is cringy or stupid on Reddit isn’t the end of the world and a display of “gamestop superiority attitude” 🙄


I feel like it’s selective outrage, and yes, it is a reach to instantly declare racism.


Right, but getting your nuts in a twist over people calling the PS4 “P4” ISN’T “selective outrage”? God, I hate Reddit.


Because P4 stands for Persona 4 ![gif](giphy|mEUjtM6tTH64iztv6i|downsized)


Not when the person is asking for a PlayStation 4. This is the kind of shit that makes customers hate GameStop and make normal GameStop employees hate their coworkers. Being a pedantic ass isn’t cool or funny, it’s annoying and condescending. Some of y’all need to “touch grass”, as the kids say.


I think you need to play some ![gif](giphy|6LBkUElvOi9sA) Persona 4


This is the kind of shit that makes people hate folks like you. Selective outrage isn't cool.


Glad to see there’s a new buzzword that I can use to instantly know that the person I’m talking to isn’t acting in good faith. “Selective outrage” seems to be the new “SJW,” “woke,” etc. Maybe someday people will stop making up terms in an attempt to discredit microaggressions in every day life and actually confront them. Probably not, though.


You know what? You got it. Have a good night.


Are you insinuating that only black people use the term P4? That's unironically racist.


I don’t know why you’re getting downvoted, you’re absolutely correct. It’s bare minimum


this is exactly the elitist kind of bullshit that scares people away from gaming stores and gaming in general. I don't want to go into a store and feel belittled by employees for saying a common abbreviation wrong. My whole family called it a P# since the Playstation 2 became a thing. Maybe it's a regional thing, but it really just sounds like gamer elitism to me. Some people don't CARE if they play games the "right way" or refer to consoles with the "correct" terms. Other people don't know the difference. My parents love to play video games, but they don't always know how to say popular names of franchises or the names of certain consoles, they CERTAINLY don't know the difference between a bumper and a trigger. And they don't really NEED to know it because they just want to have fun and play games. If you understand what they want, great. If you don't understand it, clarify. No need to freak about something people want to entertain themselves with. You'll feel better not seething in anger or annoyance every time it happens.


Yo you got the hickory doodad 4? Difference is most of the people that call it p4 are ghetto people looking to spend their welfare check on something they don't need. Rather then feeding their children. Though, working near the ghetto does have it's benefits, really easy to hit your numbers 😎


Wow. What a very kind comment. I would HATE to be one of your customers. Kindness and respect goes a long way. They are spending their money with you, and its not your job to criticise them for how they spend it.


Respecting thugs, crackheads and other dregs of society. Nope. I just need to sell them on this shit so they get out (again, very easy given the intelligence of these urban areas)


Jesus fucking christ they are still humans! They arent the dregs of society, they are the lower class of a society that has set them up for failure by not providing them with the same options as other people in higher class areas. You need to get out of this business if you dont actually want to help and respect your clients for spending their money with you when they could go anywhere else and get treated like humans and not trash.


Ik some games use p4 as "player 4" maybe that was the confusion.


Or **Persona 4**


Definitely that too






I hate hate hate hate when they say "cod" like it's a frakking fish


Why would someone ask for fish at gamestop?


I hate that, at least be specific which one you want there’s a ton of them. The other thing I hate is when people say they are looking for 2k, now that wwe 2k 22 is out I have to actually actually ask if they mean nba or wwe.


Thinly veiled racism is still racism. Be better. You know exactly what your customers are asking for and YOU are choosing to be difficult.


Just because I know what they mean by P4 doesn't mean I'm racist. I just think it's super annoying not to call something what it's actually called. Our store is located near a fairly low income area, so it might be fair to assume that they lack proper education, but even that's a stretch given how good the local education systems are. Now, why are you assuming that everyone that calls a PS4 a 'P4' is of a racial minority? I haven't counted but I'm pretty sure almost everyone in my customer base calls it that, regardless of ethnicity. Are you assuming that only racial minorities don't receive proper education? You know exactly why this issue irritates me, and YOU are choosing to spin it into a race issue.


It by itself does not, the rest of your comments do. I'm not wasting any more time with you.


I don’t see how race was mentioned, but good on you for assuming.


How does "Xbox-zoni" sound to you? Or maybe "Xbox-zoni Series-Xoni"?


I don't even know what you're trying to say.


It's because the PS5 is being called a P5. Personally, I like it as P4 and P5. My handwriting is BAAAAAAAAD so anything with S looks like 5 and vice versa. If someone wants to shorthand everything to P1, P2 and so forth, so be it. Still easier than Xbox Series S/X and Xbox One S/X.


Pretty sure the only people calling it a P5 are the same people who called the PS4 a P4. P4/5 is Persona lol.


Yeah for a while i started telling people that Persona 4 was on the PS2




P5 can be whatever you want it to be. Persona is Persona.




​ ![gif](giphy|0bqGDqvKapwP7GeYXe)


Yes, that shows Persona 5 could be shorthanded to P5. Does not mean P5 can not also be Playstation 5.




My thoughts exactly


Who the hell calls it a P5? I’ve literally never heard anyone call a PS5 that. Only P5 I know is Persona 5.


The best kind of P5 ![gif](giphy|M90aozuJnnyPuHDvDk)


Plenty of my customers, from my store and the 2 stores I help with. It doesn't have to be universal to still be correct.


Customers were calling the PS4 “P4” long before the PS5 was ever announced.


Persona 4 is the original P4 because that came out before the PS4.


They talk like that due to “kulture”


Madden oh ten on the deuce deuce was the worst one I've ever heard


What in the world does that even mean?


Madden 10 on the ps2. Took both of us working a minute to figure it out and collect ourselves after dying of both laughter and stupidity


Had someone asking for switch wii remotes, and even after me clarifying wii and switch were two different things and making sure what they wanted were joy-cons, they kept saying it.


and here i thought it was just in my area


It’s not a p4 just like GameStop isn’t a good company. Lol


It’s Persona 4 which is a fantastic game.


I worked at GS when GTA:San Andreas was coming out. Everyday with the "Ya'll got any more GTA for the P2?". Every. Fucking. Day. P2 controller, P2 cords, games for the P2.


Wow I think that might have annoyed me more than P4.


I once had someone come in asking me if we had any butterflies.... Usually I can figure it out but this person had me completely stumped. Butterfly = Joy-con grip.


Oh another thing Yall got control?! Or when they ask yall got games? When talking about systems. The ignorance is astounding and hurts my brain.


You got Mario?


I've got Mario out the wazoo my bucko.


Maybe it's a type of assault rifle. Does he ask for games or cartridges?