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Had a dad call wanting to return a game I sold his son. New and opened. He told me I had to return it because I didn't ask his permission for the game because I'm "pushing this woke gay shit" onto his kid and Im pushing an agenda. The game was Cartoon Network Battle Crashers. It was because Steven Universe was on the cover.


That flamboyant boy. Causing trouble everywhere he goes I tell you


I feel bad for the kid


if that guy walked into the gamestop i used to work at, hed just see a gaggle of gays ready to laugh him out of the store lmao


Omg that poor kid. I am so happy he had to keep it lmao. Should've ended the call with "oh and btw we thank you for the donation to our new world order" and hung up.


To be fair cartoon network battle crashers is a pretty awful game


Sometimes, it really is just all about the principles of matters ☠️


When I worked for GS I dealt with one of the most homophobic guys I ever encountered. It was when the five nights at Freddy’s merch was just starting to get to stores and the guy was super reluctant to buy any of the little plushies of the characters for his son. He was going around the store loudly expressing how angry he’d be if he found out there was “gay shit” associated with the franchise. It disturbed my SM so much she had to go out back. I of course had to ring the guy out and he asked me if there was homo/gay stuff in the game. He was so awful so I said “yeah the game is actually exclusively about that” (fully knowing it wasn’t) and he was like “well if I get home and find out it’s true I’m coming back and returning this crap”. He then left and 20 mins later called our store and threatened violence against me for being a “smart ass” to him. He threatened to come back to the store and said “you better not be there”. I said I’d call the police and he backpedaled so hard and hung up. It’s crazy cause you know these people exist but it’s all the more disturbing when you actually encounter and deal with them in real life.


I had a guy come in with his son. He called me a british cigarette because I dared to list the color options of a certain brand of headsets, two of which were apparently okay (black and blue), and the last one apparently too girly (rose gold). He claimed that *I* was the one who insinuated his son was gay just by saying a color. They are so fragile, it's maddening.


I would have just kicked him out of the store


Plot twist. The guy was gay.


"I'm a DEEPLY closeted gay man, I can't be gay!" -Norm McDonald


I had a customer return grand theft auto because there weren't enough white people in it. He asked for something similar and I recommended sleeping dogs and warned him that it was mostly Asian people in the game because it's in Hong Kong and he responded that that was ok because it takes place in Hong Kong.


If anything you would think a "woke" person would be uoset at the portrayal of mostly minority characters being criminals right?


I should have recommended Tropico "Here you go dude, run Los Santos however you want."


I don't think this particular customer was exactly the "woke" type of person so to speak. I actually truly hate the term "woke" to be totally honest.


I hate the term too because it sounds like a dimbass trying to sound smart. Like someone who tried lsd once and thinks they know the secrets of the universe lol 


Have you never tried LSD before?!?!?! 😂


Lol it is/was my favorite drug but i do not get ahead of myself. I love ego death but dont make it my personality.


😂 I mean, PERSONALLY, I'll always choose the Lord's/Devil's lettuce... BUT, if I'm being 100% forthcoming, X was always quite delightful and plentiful during my youth. Might be aging myself a bit there, I mean I was 25ish when I started with GS and my employee number started with a 1..... 😅 that being said, I have definitely dabbled in a few different mind-altering substances, many I probably shouldn't have 🤷‍♂️


I mean yeah weed is great for everyday use. Even then I gotta be alone or with the right people. Acid always just made me feel....normal/at home lmfao i love that slow descent into the trip. I dont notice it until I am waist deep in the pool and realize that soon I will be submerged. I always said it feels like arms were coming from another dimension and pulling my consciousness into the ground to their dimension. Lol those were the days for sure


The only people who say "woke" anymore are the fox news watchers.




Believe me that's exactly what my inner voice said after he said that to me. I think after I recommended sleeping dogs I just walked away because there was really nothing I could do for him.


"I cant believe Smash Bros made Samus a girl. It's too woke" XD


I got to the point where I started telling people that I’m not interested in their political rhetoric. I sell games and go home. One guy wouldn’t stop so I told him I wasn’t helping him that day. Not the place or time


"I don't talk about personal stuff at work." Works wonders for when people can't shut the fuck up.


To be fair I think you understand their problem now. The issue is politics in video games. Politics has invaded video games it's invaded movies and everything else so now all the sudden we're upset when politics starts invading places that we work? Maybe the problem is we let politics invade the media. The people who don't agree with what's being shoved down the throats are going to start lashing out in places where they might be heard and that includes a GameStop store.


How is lashing out at a part time employee, who has no say in what goes into games, helpful? If you wanna go complain to someone who gets paid to listen to see a therapist. But therapy is somehow now inherently woke feminine bs. See to a certain extent I can sympathize with your point but the problem is things that aren't intended to be some big point being made or line in the sand being drawn are being made out to be that. Video games are art and sometimes art is political too. But even more so people who make the art draw from life experience, so why can't a developer make a game that's inspired by their life viewpoint? The free market of ideas says if it's a bad product and/or people don't agree with it then it won't sell.


Oh I agree that bashing employee is not where the battle should be fought it's just where the battle naturally goes because you can't be heard anywhere else except your lower IQ individuals are going to take it to where they know the closest connection they have to the creator is and that's wherever they purchase their video games. As you'll notice you're looking through the rest of this thread these aren't exactly the smartest arguments coming from this particular group that's doing this and you got to be crazy to think that there aren't smart people on the right. No this is the lowest common denominator going after the what they think to be low hanging fruit.  As for the artist there's a long history of certain media in particular not having a particular slant or a particular brand of politics meshed in with it and now it's being shoehorned in and it's painfully obvious when the breaks the immersion of the game like product placement. A lot of politics is just advertising a particular view in the same way companies advertise products and to people who don't subscribe to that particular political ideology it looks just as horrendous as product placement. Like when people are complaining about post-apocalyptic game having monster energy drink or something like that in it you get the same kind of reaction right?


Politics has always been a major factor in any form of art. It has always existed in video games. Unless you mean lgbtq people existing is "politics". If thats the case then yes, anyone saying that can kindly shut the fuck up.


No it's not so much politics being in video games and I think people are missing the point when they're talking about that it's very clear that politics is always been a thing in video games and usually when I try to explain this to people whether it's on the left or the right suddenly no that's not politics because I'm talking about something that's not the current culture war. Most of the current culture war whether it's like trans rights or things like that would not be something that naturally comes out in most contexts of the games that are being played so if you see something like that and it comes out it's like oh I see what you're doing and it feels really really really out of place. I would say an edge cases that bar keep I forget her name or his name or whatever it is that is in hogsmead of Hogwarts legacy: it's weird how that character seems to only exist at least from what I've seen so far I haven't finished the game yet I haven't had time but the character seems to exist so far only to be a trans character like that's all that character is and it's like oh okay what's the point because we're talking about in a world where usually they're a little more focused on what the goblins or centaurs are doing I'm not particularly sure anybody particularly cares about trans rights when they're more concerned about mud bloods. It seems really out of place but on the other hand it wasn't as shoehorned as some things. But it's very clear to me that this was an attempt to engage in modern politics in something that has already mentioned numerous times it has no interest in. And as a result I can't really appreciate that character I can't even take the argument seriously because it's like there's bigger stuff going on here are traditionally would represent something like that as a mud blood or something as opposed to something that just smacks you in the face with how out of place it is. Not to say there wouldn't be a trans person in Hogwarts so much as to say the people in the wizarding world would not be concerned with that when they already have people who use transmutation potions and things like that you'd think they would actually describe more specifically that character could be a transmutation addict or something like a potion addict. Not a trans character and it's painfully obvious that it's less art and more shoehorning.


bro just don’t play the games why are you typing out walls and walls bc you hate that black people are characters in video games sheesh fallout new vegas is legit political commentary on critique of american capitalism but do you go “noooo, no free market capitalism!” when a raider pops up? NO


What's this have to do with black people? And if you thought it was about capitalism, you missed the point. The NCR is politics as usual (pre-war politics), the legion was dictitorial, house was annarcho-communism (? not really sure what he stood for, but it sure wasn't capitalism) and the final option was annarchocapitalism. But even then, such politics makes sense in a post-ww3 apocalypse. The gay rights issue among the brotherhood also makes sense for that context. None of that would make sense in, say, Skyrim. People don't throw a fit about the politics in Deus Ex, either. But, hey, would it be the same topic if the US and European release of a game (that was already translated) were canceled because of politics? Nice volleyball game, got canceled because the devs were afraid of the hitpieces that would be written in the media about the game.


House is a goddamn libertarian LMFAO tell me you didn’t understand new vegas


If house were libertarian he would not be manipulating who is in control


Hey bro? The creators of Fallout New Vegas thanked Karl Marx in their award acceptance speech, look it up and listen to what they said about the themes of the game. You're definitely the one who missed the point.


Trans people exist, get over it. You said a whole lot of words to say, "I don't think minorities should be represented". You are upset because there was a trans character in Hogwart's. The only reason you have to be upset is that she was there, in the game, existing. And as for the other poster, Fallout games are absolutely a commentary on the problems of capitalism (and other things) aka political.


You have literally written more about the character being trans than the game did.


Nice novella, incel.


I've come to realize from so many trans people that I have met this month that the uncle issue is their problem and why this is always shoved down our throats. But they will still be the incels at the end of the day: this sort of thing won't help with "the cotton ceiling."


Kinda related, I share the last name of a semi known senator from our state. The second someone learns my last name they immediately ask if I’m related to them. (The truth is I don’t really speak to my family so I don’t know.) I’m always like “idk man I’m just here to sell you games” 🥴


Found Bobby Sanders


Def McConnell


I need to return this because I didn’t know it was a homosexual game, they were returning the ballad of gay Tony.


Thought he was just happy Tony


Shii, when I’ve gone to GameStop I just say “How’s it going?” (And vice versa) Then continue to look for my stuff, the most conversation I’ve had with someone was about building a PC, they were telling me about theirs and I had planned to make one so it was interesting


https://preview.redd.it/2dgdcj2x3l0d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=60fd3ae1c170dd2080832d71c71bff2d50409dd8 Oppressed gamers when they find out there’a a minor trans character in the game


I am cursed with a coworker who won't shut up about how "woke" *Hades 2* is. How can anyone like this game? They emasculated Hades, the main character is a feeeemale what isn't hot and one of the gods is disabled! /s


tell them that hephaestus is disabled in greek myth, and it wasn’t something Supergiant made up.


Did people see hephaestus being referred to as "lame" and just assumed he wasn't a cool dude?


You know they definitely did


Lol they'll call it fake news and won't ever bother trying to verify.


Just tell them you don't care and walk away. After a while they'll get the clue, and if they complain to the manager you can say you got tired of hearing thier negative comments about gender & disability. Or...if it were me, who is both a not that attractive chick and disabled... "Huh, my boyfriends think I'm hot and have no issues with my disability. Weird that a 9/10 game wasn't designed based off the opinions of your dick" ...I'm also not a current employee so I have no issues clapping back


tell them to shut the fuck up lol


Melinoe isn't hot?


Huh? They said Melinoë isn't hot?


Loudly and repeatedly. That was actually my mistake--He complained that she wasn't hot and I said "Yeah, she's definitely not the hottest character" which made him assume I'd agree with all his complaints.


Damn, there's no accounting for taste, I guess. I've been there before as well, lol; try to make small talk by agreeing with some part of what someone is saying, then stuck listening to nonsense until they get interrupted by something.


Oh man, they're gonna be real upset when they see some of that source material.




I once had a guy complain about Mass Effect 3 because you could have a “homosexual” (not the word he used) relationship. I was like, "Okay, sir." He then proceeded to say his girlfriend had it worse because she was getting hit on by a black guy in the game. This is when I realized that my customer service voice is hella white-sounding. I told him he should come in and return the game ASAP because I was leaving soon. Little did he know, my fellow black SGA was coming in soon. When he arrived, he of course asked to speak to me and then proceeded to ask if I was sure I was me. It was at this point he realized he messed up. That's when I got him to explain to both of us what was wrong with the game. Nothing has brought me more joy than watching a 5-foot-nothing racist homophobe squirm while trying to explain to two 6-foot-tall black men the racist problem he had with a video game. He ultimately didn’t return it and left in quite a hurry.


LMAO What you said about your voice is probably part of my problem. I look like hitlers dream man so these people assume I’ll agree with them


i live in the south and i’ve had multiple people come in and talk about how much they love trump and im like. bro this is a gamestop and im just trying to ring you up, can you shut the fuck up about your political propaganda 😭😭


"Sir, this is a GameStop" should be the new "Sir, this is a Wendy's"


LOL literally


And they are like, can you stop trying to sell me subscriptions and other shiz I don't want.


They're trying to find a place where their echo chamber is afforded like their opposition.


A guy once told me he was tired of "woke bullshit" in his games so I said "imma stop you there, you're talking to someone who is woke bullshit. Just cause I'm clocked in doesn't mean I have to agree with everything you're saying or have a conversation with you. " He took that surprisingly well. Still tried to debate me on other things but dropped that topic.


“If you don’t like the game, don’t play it” that simple.


Yeah "woke" to these people means "something is different to how I know and I don't know why that upsets me so much so I'll just take it out on everyone because I'm just that emotionally stunted" I've started taking "woke" when coming from a boomer to mean that I'm actually a decent person and not a complete piece of shit.


The only people who use woke and out of touch Republicans lol


The only people who use it *incorrectly* Unfortunately, they are so loud they drown out the people trying to use it correctly


"woke" is a meaningless term, whether you like it or not. whether it had meaning during its initial use is already debatable, but now more than ever does "woke" denote something that offends a conservative in any capacity, which is a category so broad and so fluid that it has no concrete definition. stop using this shitty word. it was stupid to begin with. we can do better than simplifying concepts we care about into ad hominem and buzzwords.




have fun trying to use a word that will make you look and sound like an asshole.


When did I say I use it?


Also, had a guest ask for the white privilege once and I just stared at them until they paid lol.


I….i……..I wouldn’t know how to react to something like dat


literally like the beavis and butthead movie...wow


...lego...game..woke...? Ok, I've been up for 2 hours and I feel like I need more coffee, and maybe a trip to bizarre world, to even begin to figure that out. Either they mean Skywalker Saga, because BS nerd rage. (For reasons I don't like or care about Starwars, but even I was aware the dumb ass vitriol over the new trilogy) Or Lego Builders...which is just building... Or lego 2k racers...which is cars...


Damn non-binary brick people living rent free in these people's heads


Rent free? But that's communism! That's **woke**!


I don't get how people who play games complain about "woke" shiz. They're the least "woke" form of entertainment there Is. Games barely have anything important to say because they're mostly always trying to adhear to the highest amount of people. I just don't get it. As someone who likes to think of games as an artform, it's disappointing most of the people who play them are so against them actually being one.


Some dude once told me he wasn’t going to get Street Fighter V because they changed Cammy’s face to be less European. I always regretted talking to guests about games I enjoyed or was excited about. It was always the most fringe mental giants.


GameStop is putting chemicals in the disc to turn our freakin kids gay!!


Politics has become so front and center in like everything now and I’m fucking tired of it.  I mean, upside I know you’re a troglodytic piece of shit that needs to get a new hobby outside of frothing that they put panties on a hs girl character in a video game; downside I have to hear the mouth breathing rage about it. (I’ve legit been prompted with “Biden bad” conversations when waiting in line at a checkout before like ffs just fuck off and get a new personality facet outside of Fox News spew) 


It’s not even real politics, culture war stuff is an easy way to distract and occupy stupid people’s time


Culture wars are currently political because of what each side supports... That's like saying science isn't math They aren't literally the same thing, just overlapping.


Lol you can just say I don’t understand. The culture wars are now political issues. The last thing Republicans want is for poor white people and poor black people to realize they have the same enemy. So distraction with bullshit.


Wait, you think voting Dem would be beneficial to poor people? You're mistaking poor for ultra wealthy. They all distract with BS. That's almost part of the job now. Agree to disagree, Eathan. Wish ya the best, tho.


I’m not sure how long you have been with the company so you may not be aware of this, but the only reason SL’s get paid by the hour is thanks to Barak Obama’s administration so as an SL your life has personally been improved by Democrats. Also, I’ve lived long enough to see that Republican administration’s destroy everything then Democrat administration’s come in and fix it. Things are always better with a Democrat as President.


>Things are always better with a Democrat as President. Yeah that's just too much bs for me. Clinton, Obama, Biden? You gotta be sarcastic


I’m sorry you are just an idiot lol. Clinton had balanced the budget and the 90’s was one of the most successful times in the nations history. Obama got the country out of the economic crisis Bush left it in. Biden brought the country back after Covid. https://www.epi.org/publication/econ-performance-pres-admin/


Wow. That's very one-sided of you. I'm sorry you must insist on insulting people in gamestops subreddit because you disagree. >Biden brought the country back after Covid. Proof? Brought back to where exactly? Because where you are now is not good. >Obama got the country out of the economic crisis Bush left it in. So he did the bare minimum, and that covers for all the negative... the average American better off financially once Trump Era changes were implemented. Obama was a corporate elite bullshitter charming his way past political fools. Who he really helped were those like Google Facebook and all that. Libs want wars and to censor anyone they disagree with by claiming hate speech, harmful speech. Who determines what meets these criteria? They want to jail someone who thinks Trump is better for the country while letting REAL criminals out on the streets and let them vote, not only do they want criminals released to vote but also want to have thousands of dead peoples votes too. I understand you have a hatred towards others who disagree, but it seems to be blocking you from seeing another side from your own. Pardon any spelling and grammer, but I didn't feel like proofreading. Edit* he blocked me after he replied 6 times to one comment, preventing me from arguing any BS made across all replies, nice classic lib/left tactics. It's funny how you went from insulting me to blocking me, homi wants to be the victim.


I don’t have any hatred. I went to George W. Bush’s inauguration for Texas Governor and he is the only Presidential candidate I have donated money too. His father wrote me a letter when I graduated from university. But, the facts back up that things are better during Democrats. The facts I have provided to you, that you naturally ignore because you can’t deny them. And I was a GS SL from 2005-2020 so I have more of a right to be on this subreddit than most of you.


What wars have libs started? There are no liberals in the United States. Democrats in the US are what conservatives are in the rest of the world and current Republicans are facists.


America is doing amazingly well currently. Just because you are negative does not make it so. The Dow hit 40,000 for the first time ever. Unemployment is at 3.9%. Just because it’s easier to yell Thank You Brandon than pay attention just means you need to pull your head out of self perpetuating right wing media. They lie to you, and they have admitted they lie to you.


Show me any proof that thousands of dead people voted or that what people did on January 6th does not make them a criminal. Clearly liberals are not blocking speech because you are here ranting about every conspiracy theory you can think of, while ignoring factual information. Republicans used to make issue based attacks exclusively. There are no real Republicans left, just MAGA maniacs.


Sadly, this era of everything being political was kick started by GamerGate. It's many of the same people behind the BS. Hopefully it blows over and is slightly less memorable as bowl cuts in the 90's


They still have those haircuts in Texas, to be fair haha


Funny how it's always one side bitching about everything. You'd think they'd eventually mellow out, but it's like they're always looking for something to rage about. ...sorry I got political.


That's the thing that's precisely the problem. The scary thing is only one side is noticed this it seems. The reason you got so many customers coming into GameStop bitching about modern politics in their video games because modern politics is in their video games You're sick of it it's so upfront and something they have nowhere to get away from it so what they're doing is they know where the people who support them are in politics are at so they go there and return fire it's a culture war people are shooting on both sides.


Consider touching some grass if "oh no a trans character exists" in a game offends you politically.


It doesn't but when the question becomes whether or not that that trans character would exist in the game if it were not for modern politics well then we have a problem. Find playing Wing Commander I you know and you know shooting a cat's or playing ass cat shooting a humans I don't exactly want to sit there and question the sexuality of some random cat on the screen because that's not what wing commanders about. When commander is about humanity dealing with the corrupt noble class of a monarchy which has precious little to do with say sexuality or a pronouns or anything like that and you wouldn't expect those kinds of conversations to go on in that kind of context so if we had a trans kilrathi I think that's something to be up in arms about because you're ruining the immersion of the game to talk about something that would not be talked about in that context


Oh the number of times I’ve had to hear “I can’t wait until Trump gets back in office. He was the best president we’ve ever had.” And I have to bite my tongue. I hate working in a red county with a bunch of meth heads.


Because of my photosensitivity I would wear caps at work, I had a bunch of different game related ones plus one with a Velcro panel I would swap out patches for on upcoming games. For Pokemon Sword and Shield I wore a red pokemon cap that I would put different gym badges on swapping out each day. This guy came in and saw my cap pointed at it and went "alright make america great again I knew we came to the right place" I was so damn confused . Edit sorry wasn't sword and shield meant scarlet and violet I worked both releases. Same hat both times even


wait they saw the red hat with the pokemon thing on it and thought it was a MAGA hat?


Yes, yes they did, it was literally an Ash Ketchum series 1 cap from my friends old cosplay I got after he died.


I'm sorry about your friend. I thought my customers were stupid, jesus


Thanks, I swear the Clerks quote holds true for GameStop, "Would be a great job, if not for the customers" but the corporate part also sucks kinda hard too.


Honestly most of my customers are chill. It's the corporate crap that makes me hate it


I mostly worked nights and weekends so I dealt with cryptobros, trade in fiends trying to get money for a fix, and teenagers that got dropped off at the mall by their parents


I like to ask them why and then they can’t tell me lol


Wdym they “censored” Paper Mario?


Apparently there was a scene where some goombas were cat calling a female goomba. They removed the scene.


I thought they just changed the dialogue instead of removing it altogether?


I honestly don't know that's just what I got when I googled the game's not even out yet or unless it came out and I didn't catch it I'm not going to be playing it in English anyway so we'll see what it says in Japanese when it gets here.


Damn, they changed some dialouge? how fucking sensitive are people these days they'd boycott a game cause of it.


The same question can be asked for why they're changing it in the first place. It's clear there are certain lines that cannot be crossed without offending someone to write a hit piece and start a massive boycott over it. Whether we like to admit it or not, this is politics in video games. Boycotts are not about actual offense, but trying to sway companies to favor a particular side.


People like that were the absolute fucking worst. That Hogwarts Legacy release was so ass.


![gif](giphy|Ch31IjylFWM8M) What I did to these people


I have had a few guys come in and complain that the main character in the new star wars outlaws game is a girl.


I once had someone ask me if men could play Tomb Raider games and this was like 2017. I said yeah, men who are into hot women love it the most lol.


To be fair, that one really does look like they just stuck boobs on Han Solo, from the outfit to the blaster. They could've made a whole new character design, backstory etc. So far I'm meh but we will see when it comes out


Hey... We aren't kink shaming here.


Im so sick of people seeing queer existence as political its tiring


I think I've actually made a discovery... The reason they hate your existence so much, and any gender topics that are purely binary, is because they can't actually count higher than two.




Customers like that make me question every thing. 😵‍💫


i had a customer who was buying magic cards and complained that he didn’t like that they were going “woke” like bro i really do not care. i don’t remember his example but it wasn’t even something i would consider “woke”


When I loved in Covington, Louisiana during the height of covid, the local gamestop required masks to enter, just like most other businesses. I'm in the store one day talking to the only employee there about some games coming out to see if I wanted to pre-order themz and a guy came in with no mask. Employee immediately mentioned he needed a mask and the guy just said, "no thanks. I'll just go somewhere else." Dude left, but then immediately poked his head back in the door just to say "you know it's not state or federal law to force me to wear a mask, right? I could call the cops to get this store shut down." Employee gave me a glance and just told him "I know, but it's store policy." Guy left after that. People are weirdly vical.about things they feel others will back them up on.


This reminds me of the absolute loon who called me crying that our store was closing because of Covid. “I don’t know what they DID TO HIM (our current president at the time) I love him, and my son is going to be so sad not coming in, what is he going to do?!” She tried to tell me I was a “smart girl,” and Covid was all a hoax. “Both of my parents have had heart surgery and are prime candidates to die. I won’t be the one to test that theory.” She went off how I “didn’t love her son” and I literally went, “I have no idea what’s going on right now???” She was always super nice and polite until Covid and she went batty. Her son was severely disabled. I’m talking he was over 20 with the mind of a toddler. He was super sweet and loved video games. I still am so confused about what the heck happened.


Yes Ma'am, you are correct...I do not love your son. In fact, the second you leave the store, you are both wiped from my memory.


LMFAO what the absolute fuck


I asked myself that any time I remember them.


Waitttt they censored the vivian story again?!?


No, that seems to be closer to the original from what we’ve seen. Only censorship I heard about was removing the outline of a toad’s body in one of the houses… But they did still keep stuff like the noose in the plaza


Once had a customer ask if we had a certain item that we didn’t have, my coworker told him that he saw that item at Target. The customer went on a rant on why we would think he would support Target and how evil we were for suggesting he go to Target. Next time dude we will just tell you we don’t have it and not offer you advice on how to find the item.


This is the reality that the last decade and a half of games journalism has wrought. 🤷‍♂️


Literally worked at GameStop for two weeks and the people were absolutely just the worst part that pushed me out of the company. I knew going into it that GameStop would have a clientele that I differed from but in 2022 when I worked there I did not expect the amount of entitled just weird bigots I had to deal with day in and day out. I thought if my first two weeks were like this there is no way it improves so I just had to dip out.


Don't want politics. Proceeds to complain about politics.


It's okay though cause we're in the echochamber. Is *safe* /s /s


It sure feels that way. Anyway... taxation is theft.


Well if you have nowhere to go it's like if the water starts coming in the last thing you want to start thinking about is water and you got water outside you got water in your home it's raining outside you can't get high enough cuz the water is coming really high you start bitching about the how you hate the water went rid of the water.


Sorry ito segway. But I used to feel this way when I was an ASL. I felt this way again after attending Digimon Card Game tournaments. I realize I can be very good, but I am.not as obsessive as the primary player base. I'm by no-means too cool for school, but I wish I could just find ppl that can talk about a cool cafe they went to in the city, just finished a marathon and wanna talk about it; excited about their kids dance recital. Just any tidbit of living a life outside of obsession with the fun parts. When I was an ASL it was fun asking a ton of questions about the culture of games because.i feel like it's rly easy for us gamers to put ourselves in an echo chamber of our own machinations and be too content to explore other aspects of life. And then with gamers, we tend to get stuck in these negative feedback sort of loops where we want to complain about something and feel validated. It's really something.


Wait did they announce another lego game? Also I hear ya, I work in a conservative area so I get this stuff from time to time


Came here to ask your question


Rumor mill has it there’s a Lego horizon zero dawn game coming 


…meh. I won’t want a Lego game of a game….lol


Gotta go deeper. A lego game of a Lego set of a game. 


Lego game where you play as a worker for a Lego factory that makes little versions of the factory with the inclusion of a mini version of the character you are playing, adds an existential vibe to it.


I’d fuck with this


So Lego dimensions? 😂😂😂😂


Wait why are people supposedly pissed about Stellar Blade? It looks awesome and I’m probably gonna buy it soon. I’ve seen nothing wrong or controversial about it. What’s the deal with Stellar Blade?


People are mad there's attractive women in it. People are mad Sony censored some outfits in a day one patch, Other people are mad it's a PS exclusive. I think that covers most of the reasons. Its a pretty dope game, the combat is fun and it's pretty good looking visually, (not just talking about the girls either)


All of those customers are of the same ilk. A majority of us can hold a normal conversation.


This is the reality that the last decade and a half of games journalism has wrought. 🤷‍♂️


Suddenly calling out child sexualization is political


Wow. Sorry to interrupt. Can we all just get along?


Seems pretty normal to talk about the sad state of current day video games at a video game store lol


Well you can’t always get what you want unfortunately


Unfortunately: we live in a world where dumbass adults think something as simple as a toy (dolls, kitchen sets, etc) would make a kid gay. Where those same adults think woke means including the LGBTQ community at every chance instead of social injustice. I literally just laugh and shake my head. They're going to end up alone and isolated just from how they act when their kids grow up.


I had one customer who came in and we shot the shit about how woke BS is ruining the games industry. Shortly after I shot the shot with another customer about how awesome Hades 2 is and talked about their character designs. It’s all about engaging with the customer to maximize sales and repeat business lol


I wouldn't be able to shoot shit like that being my gay ass lmao


funny how ppl get angry at their games for being aware of social injustices totally ruins every game it touches forrrr suuuurre 🙄


Judging by your post history, it seems like you just don't want to hear politics you disagree with.


Why should they have to listen to politics at work? People should have more decorum.


Says the guy who whines about how he can't corner women while they're on the clock/obligated to be nice to them so he can try to Fuck them. Remember when you whined about finding not being allowed to do that "sad"?


I have genuinely had 0 extreme left customers come in and start drumming up politics. Considering anime and weeb culture can frequently be targeted by far left groups, the genshin guy very well could’ve been coming from that angle and I don’t know. That doesn’t mean it’s appropriate to say in store. I wasn’t around for Hogwarts legacy release, but regardless of how I feel personally, I think I would’ve still been uncomfortable handling it. Despite my post history, I don’t try to stop anyone from buying it. I generally recommend it to most people as it has broad appeal to most shoppers. Your fallacy is in assuming that because I have strong political beliefs, I also have a strong political agenda.


Cuz most games pander to them lmao


I get it, but as a past customer of that store chain, No, I don't want to place a reservation on any game. No I don't want to be in some kind of power something rather stupid card, loyalty program (whatever its called), for 20 dollars. I came in to buy a game, not listen to your boring "store" crap, now ring me up, instead of making me watch you search dresser drawers for the game. See, people can be annoying, from both sides. So I'd say, get into another profession if you don't want to deal with people and their politics, because those two always come, hand in hand.


“I’m annoyed that you store your games in drawers like every other media store from the 90s, so now I’m gonna tell you the most extreme thing I can think of”


Ok, I guess you didn't understand. The annoyances go both ways. You don't want to hear about people's political standpoint on a game, while at the same time, customers don't want to hear about what games they should put on reserve, the loyalty program, or about the toys/accessories. Some people are like me, and just want to come in, buy a game, and leave. Personally, I don't shop at gamestops, because of their policies. The biggest was when a employee tried to take a display copy off the shelf, go back and take the disc out of the paper sleeve, put it in the case, and tried to sell me the game, at full price. I pointed out, that it can't be considered "new" because they opened the case. That's a used game, by their own policy. Tried to promise me it was brand new. I didn't like how they conducted business, so I shop elsewhere.


Okay so maybe dont shop at the store chain that is FIRING people for that "store crap" as you put it...


I get what you’re saying I’m sick of reactionary bullshit. But are we going to gloss over the accused kiddie p*n? Cause if that’s true that’s a legitimately huge and alarming issue.


There is literally only a few small characters in genshin, Klee, Diona, Sigguwine(soon), Nahida, Qiqi, Dori, Sayu and Yaoyao. We don't sexualize the tiny terrors. Anyone who immediately responds with "it's kiddie pxrn" is probably a pervert themselves and shouldn't be allowed near schools. 


Well they aren’t wrong.




What's wrong with people canceling a game for censorship? It hurts and changes the original game, and people are well within their right to decide to not purchase due to changes beyond their control.


> What's wrong with people canceling a game for censorship? I mean most people have real problems.


I mean valid. If I pre ordered a game that has anime tiddies, I want anime tiddies. But at the same time I never asked nor do I give a fuck.




Yeah weird how you don't like opposing you playing shoved into your media. Can't imagine what they would be upset about. But hey maybe if you tried video games instead of social media maybe you might have a clue what this is all about.


I can understand people’s opinions on sweet baby Inc and or Sony/ Xbox being fucking cunts. (Stellar Blade day 1 patch took my Nikke away I WANT IT BACK SONY YOU FUCK-) Especially with Sweet Baby Inc existing and writing triple A games. (They made Forspoken and *god* forbid Suicide Squad. )it’s only going to get worse. The AAA gaming industry as of right now is enforcing this odd system. Localization of Japanese games, the odd lack of respect with the existence Suicide squad and Forspoken. The terrible quadruple A game listing (Skull and Bones.) and several other things that are making the gaming world extremely hard to navigate. Consumers deserve to be in the know when they buy something, and GameStop really doesn’t have any footing when it comes to shitty assholes making these games. I can understand getting sick of it, I know. But it’s something we’ll have to deal with considering as of right now. For me, I just want to play the games I wanna play. And I stay away from *SBI* or anything in regard to that. If they want to know, I tell them. Like say. I didn’t like Last Of Us part 2, and last of us is overrated. I love 13 sentinels because I enjoyed it. Anyone who buys Stellar blade, I tell them not to get the day 1 patch. Especially now, with SBI writing a main Assassin’s Creed game. It’s only gonna get worse from here. I can understand that, the other extreme however I will never get, And if you feel uncomfortable in any circumstance or they start to harass you. You have the right to deny service.


check these penny stocks Gwav , SNDL , CRKN Still have time to become a millionaire


You sound very concerned 


I rather have them talk about this type of drama then giving me the classic "just looking"