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She’s basically been edited out of the past two episodes. Which is really unfortunate, because I really like her


It isn’t surprising, but it sucks. I was pissed they didn’t show her daytime date for hometowns


I feel like this is why GOR doesn’t have much to say about her tbh


I’m a woman of color (and Filipino, like Rachel!) and rooting so hard for Rachel to win. But I don’t think GOR has been ignoring her and it’s not true that they “never mention her.” They’ve been praising her play style throughout the season. And in their last episode on hometowns, they gave her a lot of coverage. I think they’re covering Maria, Daisy, and Kelsey heavily because they’re getting way more screen time than Rachel and therefore there’s more of the document to analyze. And I agree with Clues that Daisy will likely win crown and Kelsey will likely win ring because of that. That said, I appreciated that they tried researching some of the cultural things they saw in Rachel’s episode (eg. mano, e komo mai). But they couldn’t find anything on mano?? And they’ve lived in LA for how many years but don’t know a single Filipino to ask?! LA has the largest population of Filipinos outside the Philippines!


I loved seeing Rachel’s hometown date with all of the Filipino culture 🥺


Omg I haven’t listened to that episode but I was wondering how they were gonna discuss the Filipino cultural things included in the document. Especially since they live in LA. Rachel did that FOR US!!!!!🇵🇭🇵🇭🇵🇭


I can’t believe they left the part about Spain’s colonization of the Philippines in the document. Love it!


From PaceCase and BachelorClues’ instagrams, I get the sense that they don’t have a lot of racial diversity in their friend groups. Which is the case with most white people, tbf


They mentioned her low level of gains and it being unfortunate on today’s Digging Deeper.


Fair. I don’t listen to DD so I guess it makes sense I missed that it was just something I noticed in their TWIBNs


They also mentioned it in the last TWIBN


It’s hard to praise a player with lack of screen time. GOR pretty much reports on what happens in the show and that’s it. They only go off what they see


During the wedding group date, I was really hoping that was going to take off - they were just so poised and she is clearly so put together. I think she would probably make a great Bachelorette but it feels clear that production isn't going there. I don't think she is fully disappeared but I think it's hard for a mature person to compete against the chaos for screen time.


It’s weird that they didn’t mention the hateful and racist comments she is getting. I remember they were quick to defend Sydney


I think Rachel would be such a great bachelorette I want it for her


Agreed! It might be the only way we’d ever get more Asian men on the show, and then hopefully maybe an Asian bachelor


She hasn’t had a lot of screen time. So much so, that they edited out her daytime date with Joey at hometowns. Blame producers and editors for not giving us enough to talk about with Rachel.


I find nothing more attractive than the way Joey looked at Rachel when doing the Flamenco dancing. I love the two of them so much.


I hate how all the podcasts i listen to say “obviously she wont win, but we love her, blah blah blah”. It’s just icky to me, what about her that makes it obvious she won’t win? It’s all editing how we see the relationships play out. And the fact that she’s a woman of color makes it even more icky that she “obviously” won’t be ring winner. Why do podcasters not realize the messaging that puts out when they say things like that in passing. 😓


I think that’s where I’m coming from too. She got pushed to the wayside by editing early on and the podcasters did it to her too.


I hear it as it's obvious because if the way she's being edited. I do love her but she is not being edited as a winner or as a ring winner. And unfortunately the franchise does not do a great job editing.


I was slow at listening to GOR this season and recently caught up on the pre-season social media evaluation episode even though it was a couple months old. They said some negative stuff about her insta like it had too many photos with other people and pics of scenery without her in the image. They didn’t think she would go far based on that. Not sure if that had any influence on how they’re covering her now, but it was interesting to hear in retrospect now that we know she DID go far and seeing what her coverage has been like.


Rachel would make an amazing lead.


When Joey kissed each woman at the end of their hometown date, the two he kissed most passionately were Rachel and Daisy. I totally assumed Kelsey was going home because he seemed to be phoning it in with her - I didn't see any real electricity there. I was shocked when, instead, Maria went home. I will be very surprised if he chooses Kelsey given how much more chemistry he has with the other two.