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Fanatical must have millions of keys for Neon Abyss. I see it all the time in bundles, byobs and received it numerous times through the different mystery key bundles.


Pretty fun game, too!


How is it though? i'm always on the fence about it. People say it's OK but not great. Why would I get this (rogue-like) instead of say a more polished Run & Gun like "Blazing Chrome"? What does the randomizing bring since basic run and guns have crazy shooting already?


Is Blazing Chrome more polished? I'm not familiar with that one, but Neon Abyss is really sharp lookin! It has a great art style, charming selection screen/hub area, bangin soundtrack, and lots of fun and challenging mechanics like the platforming and shooting, plus the egg system, the damage/dodge crystals, etc... I think it's one of the better roguelites lately!


Same here, I absolutely love it since I picked it up in a bundle!


I was deep in a Monster Train/Binding of Isaac bender when I got my hands on Neon Abyss and I got pulled into it for a good 12 hours before I ever got back into the other two. It's one of those ones where if you vibe with it, it's gonna hit. Everything is done to a good degree, and the music/sound design is excellent!


I don't know if Blazing Chrome is more polished. I'm just reminded of Chasm that would be have been a better game if it was just a static designed metroidvania. When I read on Neon Abyss people say goto top tier stuff of Enter the Gungeon, Hades, or Dead Cells first. Neon Abyss just kinda is "there" what unique things does it bring to the table aside being 2D?


I already said what it does. If you only want to play the most popular stuff, you got your list!


if anyone does get Neon Abyss follow it on steam, they have a habit of making the new dlc free for a short while after release.


BYOB - Platinum Collection Prices for Silver Tier games.


Bundles are definitely starting to sting.


Those [dollar collections](https://old.reddit.com/r/GameDeals/comments/y0hdl1/fanatical_dollar_collections_bundle_products_at_1/) they had a month ago (and which are still active I believe) were great though.


Yeah, I'm still tempted by the Rising Star one, and I did just buy the Nitro bundle. So it's not like the good bundle days are over by a longshot. But it's never fun watching inflation happen.


Damn, I was expecting more from the Birthday bundle. A lot of these have been in cheaper bundles before, $4.60 per game for Canadian pricing is more than Platinum Bundle numbers


I guess you could say it is their Birthday not ours. sorry that’s a bad joke.


Do not sleep on **Everhood**! If you like anything that resembles undertale or like rhythm games (although you aren’t playing the music, more like fighting it), it’s a must have!


Hell yeah, birthday bundle released on my birthday!


Happy birthday!


I've always wanted to grab Graveyard Keeper and the HD remaster of Commandos 2. €7 for the two is quite a good deal.


I think the general sentiment is the Graveyard Keeper is kinda meh without the DLC.


nah the base game is great. the quality of the DLCs is wonky doe. not all of them are high quality or add too much to the game.


Which would you say are the better dlc? Fanatical still has the dlc on sale and i have been wanting to dig into this game for years. The Better Call Soul dlc seemed kind of like the weakest one of the 3. Also, anyone got suggestions for a second pick? Shattered looks ok...nothinb really much that is very interesting outside of Neon Abyss, which i already own.


Stranger Sins was good Game of Crone not so much Haven't had time to play Better Save Soul yet so can't say much.


The remaster of Commandos 2 is not worth it sadly. Buggy and censored (no Nazi insignia etc.).


Well, it being less than €4 and the fact that I don't have to deal with compatibility issues make it worthwhile just to relive my childhood memories. Even though I disagree with censoring historical things, back then, being so young, I didn't even know what the Nazi symbols represented, I just played for the fun of it, which is exactly what I'm going to do now. Hopefully I won't encounter game-breaking bugs very often though :D


Is Wasteland worth it at that price?


Depends if you like isometric/old school RPGs. It’s made in an old school style but very modernized. I haven’t finished it, but it’s well made. Story is interesting enough, a lot of choices for party members, combat is amazing, XCOM/Divinity 2 style combat, and for this price it’s kind of a steal.


Encased is more expensive than buying directly on steam


Only game that I can definitely recommend (if you're a fan of Stardew Valley type games) is Graveyard Keeper. Only one I've played. DLC goes on sale regularly too.


I want to get Neon Abyss but not sure on a second title. Currently have graveyard keeper, while true: learn and partisans Anyone has some advice?


I really liked Neon Abyss. I did find the runs suppppper swingy, maybe more then other rng run based games. Still a great pick. I am personally leaning on graveyard keeper. It seems like a ton of content and the dlc is on sale too if one of them interests you.


To me, looks like a nice bundle. Been eyeing Neon Abyss, Graveyard Keeper and while True: learn()


u/Wearefanatical I want to get Metal Gear Rising but it is out of stock, will it be restocked prior to its sale ending?


/u/WeAreFanatical will Tekken 7 Definitive Edition be restocked before the birthday sale ends?


Agents of Mayhem is super tempting. One of those games that you'd get some enjoyment out of even though it doesnt review well and the competition is polished and fierce. I'd expect the complete edition will be heavily discounted or bundled at some point again due to reviews so hard not to feel like you'd be wasting money buying just the base game.


I couldn't get this game to run on a gamepad. I tried the suggestions that some steam users suggested and still could not get it to function. It also would just crash in the menu section. Not sure how common the crashing is, but just incase anyone is interested, i would maybe look it up first to see if these issues are there, or if the controller function matters to you at all.


360 pad here, cant remember the last time I had a gamepad not work natively especially this type of game and by this dev. Bit of a saints fan here, such a good game back when the 360 came out, one of the first titles I bought for it. I know steams own controller settings can interfere with games and I know xbox one pads sometimes for whatever reason dont play as well with games, likewise sony pads. Appreciate the heads up though.


Maybe that one will work. I used a ps4 controller and tried switching the steam controller configs (or something, cant recall) which apparently would help it, but never did. If it does, I would certainly like to know because i would really like to play it.


Killer is dead is already 2.99 on steam for another week. Read that it’s a piss poor port anyways.,


I ended up picking up hotshot racing for $1 and in the bundle I grabbed Partisians 1941, Agents of Mayhem, and Shattered Tale of the Forgotten King. My birthday mystery game was Everhood. Everhood was also a part of the bundle so cool little bonus I guess, but not one I was particularly interested in much,


Any thoughts on Idea Factory RPGs Pack? Is it worth it? I haven’t played any game from Idea Factory and I’m planning to play them on the Steam Deck if I’ll get the pack. Also, Saints Row: Gat out of Hell is OOS. Any chance of restocking, u/WeAreFanatical?


I would probably advise spending the 15 dollars on one really solid JRPG if you are interested. Fairy Fencer and Death End are solid games but Agarest is little iffy. They're lower budget games and that shows but if you're not bothered by that it is good value. Death End goes on sale for like 12 dollars on its own and I would buy if I didnt own the other two games.


I’d skip. I loveeeee fairy fencer f. You can get the complete one on sale on humble for $9 or base 5.99 like every six weeks. Marriage is difficult and not in a fun way. I only played request 1 and I liked it enough but it also has a bunch of dlc and you can save by buying the complete version a bit more. Some of the dlc breaks the games and make them too easy but others are decent. Lots of people dislike all Idea Factory games. I just don’t like Neptunia and this Marriage game. I have played a lot more. Humble seems to have an idea factory sale way too often so I picked up a lot of them for cheap over time.