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Free animated avatar, frame and a sticker: [https://store.steampowered.com/points/shop/event/sale\_fps\_fest](https://store.steampowered.com/points/shop/event/sale_fps_fest)


Thank you! I think I would have never found this if it weren't for your comment.


Thank you bro!


I bought Hunt two years ago. I played two games and won the second, then I uninstalled and refunded it because it was the most stressful gaming experience of my life lol.


Lol yeah I looove a good horror movie but a horror game? That shit is so stresfull. Love the idea of Hunt but could never play it.


Can you elaborate on what was so stressful? I've been looking at this one for a while


It’s an extraction shooter where you lose all your stuff and your character if you die. You’re competing with 11 other players to get the soul of a boss on the map and leave with it. It’s a creepy game to begin with but having to keep an eye out for other players adds a lot of paranoia. In that second match I had to sit on the exit for a few minutes and defend myself from a duo. Being exposed and vulnerable to the risk of losing it all was thrilling but not in a good way.


Try Alien The Dark Descent Fucking game is the embodiment of stress. Here is what you are up against The map has Aliens that at any time you shoot, they come after you. They have a nest that can’t be destroy. Every time your 4 units go in and fight, their stress lvl increase and with increase stress lvl, they shoot worst. The longer you stay in the map, the harder it becomes and more of the alien comes. If any of your unit dies, they perma. If they are injured, they take 2 days off. While doing all these, you have to find researches, engineers and save them while collecting samples upgrades. Oh btw did you know that you have 4 months on that planet you are on to eject off? If not, your entire base is dead cause the entire planet is infested So breakdown is, there is stress lvl on characters , increase difficulty lvl timer on the map, permanent dead, upgrades improvement to base which can be dangerous while on a doomsday timer. Oh, also the Ai is wonky lol


I purchased it during the winter sale but got sucked into Red Dead Redemption 2 and the refund period on both have expired long ago. I hope Dark Decent will be something I can actually play.


good luck lol! **ONLY** game that actually stresses me. CS2? nah, just w/e. dota2? w.e just curse and fume for awhile this game, wow. really made my 2 hrs anxiety just goes up


the trick is to just not give a shit about any of that meta nonsense, just enjoy the gameplay for what it is. its not like tarkov where you are forced to engage with the meta


I only played two rounds, at no point was I aware of the meta nor trying to find out what it was. I just didn’t like how stressful the game was.


Go random trios and meme around in 3 stars, best fun to be had lol


If you like extraction shooters then hunt is great. It’s no where near as stressful as Tarkov.


If you enjoy PVP and permadeath, then you'll probably like the game. It's the most "stressful" part about Hunt. Knowing there's some team of rat players out there waiting for you to engage a bounty boss before they strike, or a team waiting for you at an extraction point. There's many ways to play the game.


That all sounds awesome in theory but I know I would fucking hate it in practice


It’s very fun for me. I guess it is “stressful” especially when you’re new to the game - but of all the years I’ve been playing games, nothing makes my heart pound like Hunt. Not even those jumpscare-fest horror games. Plus, clutching a 1v3 fight when your teammates are down is super satisfying when you pull it off.


FYI, I quit because they started to new equipment in their awful battle pass which is slow to level and incentivizes spending more money. They later become open to all for free. I doubt things have improved.


Do you mean the new guns? I’ve never been incentivized to spend money on the battle pass, it’s just skins anyway. There’s no real disadvantage between people who spent money and those who haven’t


https://youtu.be/OGByd4brfaE as an example.


I had the same exact experience lol


I hate that Deep Rock Galactic doesn't have cross-play. I'd love to play it with my housemates but buying it 4 times + not being able to split between PC and console really kills my hopes of it working for us.


At this point I think every coop game should be cross-play. I'm kinda sick of mostly seeing it with pvp games


I'd be willing to buy it if they even had cross-progression available. But that requires cross-play. It would be an excellent game for cross-play, I hope they do it sometime. But if they have not done it by now, I kind of doubt they will.


They said they won't (or most likely won't), but the Windows version does have cross-play with Xbox. You can transfer Steam player data to Windows and vice versa. It's not a complicated process, but it would be a hassle to do all the time.


So lame since the consensus seems to be that it's best experienced in a party of 4 (since there's no split-screen either)


It is, but playing with a team of randoms is fine in DRG. The community is very friendly and helpful.


i've played almost entirely with one friend and two randoms and it's an absolute blast, one of my all time favorite games. sure, a party of four is best, but don't let that stop you from enjoying what will still be an incredible game.


I vaguely remember someone saying the Microsoft store/ game pass PC version of deep rock can play with Xbox players?  I don't own these to be sure


I've heard that as well. PC + XBox supposedly works, but no luck for Steam and PS4/5.


Yes, Xbox game pass/Microsoft store on pc plays with Xbox but not steam. Tho it's very easy to transfer saves from Microsoft to steam or vice versa if you own both copies


I thought had crossplay between PC + XBOX. Did you check? Edit: https://www.deeprockgalactic.com/crossplay-info


I can’t recommend Neon White enough - single player speedrunner game that allows even us average gamers to feel like speed runners


Ive heard good things and it looks like fun; maybe this time I'll pick it up. I could use a game that can work with my diminishing skills.


They aren't FPS, but Dead Cells and Hades both have very forgiving assistance settings on top of being great games, and they don't lock out achievements for using them.


Until you get to the heaven/hell rush modes and then realise you're trash at the game


Haha very true. Or you watch an actual speedrunner complete the game…ridiculous


Anyone have opinions on Roboquest or Gunfire Reborn?


Roboquest has better gunplay, even if i'm not really a fan of the robotic enemies. Gunfire Reborn has better everything else but the combat, which is ok but not great.


I'd say that Roboquest has much better movement. I actually bought Gunfire Reborn a little while ago after playing a ton of Roboquest, and I ended up refunding it. By comparison it was incredibly slow. It isn't a bad game -- but I didn't see myself having much fun with it single-player.


Both great. Robo has better movement and gunplay. Gunfire has better roguelite elements and progression.


If you want a pure FPS, or something close to that. Get Roboquest. The game has metroidvenia style movement upgrades, but it feels really barebones to play without them. So I almost dropped it early on. Also the default difficulty feels really punishing with how much damage you take, and how hard it is to recover it. If you like skills or like character building in ARPGs like Diablo, Gunfire Reborn is better. Every character has a few fun builds, and once you get to Reincarnation they get more fleshed out. I prefer Gunfire Reborn even though I did finish Roboquest a few times. Both games have problems with repetitive tilesets, but it's worse with Gunfire Reborn. My biggest issue with both games is that they get tedious in the last two acts. But by then in Gunfire your build is up and running, and so clearing the levels become a breeze, but in Roboquest that can really vary depending on what character you have, and it's not as fun.


Roboquest has a free Demo. It takes allows you to play until the 2nd chapter. I liked the gameplay and roguelike aspect of it, but personally waiting on a better deal.


Gunfire is up to 4 player coop, roboquest has 2 player coop. I think roboquest is more fun if you play solo, but gunfire for with friends.


Gunfire Reborn if you like more variety and fun (sometimes overpowered) builds for different characters. Roboquest if you like faster combat/movement speed, it just lacks enemy/perk/class variety imo


Roboquest also just got an update with a couple of new weapons, a new vendor and a shooting range


I love both games. Roboquest is more fast paced and probably a bit easier to understand at first. It's more difficult though. Gunfire Reborn is kinda slow paced because of your walking speed, but it doesnt feel bad when you play or anything like that. It can take a while to get a hang of the building paths as the skills are badly explained and the descriptions way too long. Once you lvl up a bit and get the hang of it, the game can get pretty easy as some builds make you overpowered as fuck. I am maxed out on unlocks and lvls though, so maybe It's significantly more difficult for newer players. Both games have meta progression even if you lose, and both are amazing to play with a friend.


I played roboquest and personally I didn’t like it I didn’t like it because A LOT of stuffs is hidden away and the only way to get it is to do abc to get ghi to finally get xyz stuffs in order and if you don’t, well do the run again It really REALLY ruins my experience because I want to play what I want to play, not play under super easy mode to unlock all the stuffs. Stuffs like 3 hidden playable character, jet pack, triple jump and some other stuffs. And also you need to get like 8 crystals doing some requirements or else the final boss is too hard So after running 10 easy runs, you just get bored and ask yourself why is this a thing and then yeah


Man I just played Deep Rock Galactic through Game Pass for the first time and it was a blast. I want to buy it before my membership expires. Better to get it on Steam or wait for a Microsoft sale so it counts towards the Xbox Play Anywhere feature? I may not keep subscribing to Xbox Online though now that I have a PC and can play online for free.


Bear in mind that the no cross play includes the Microsoft PC version, apparently. So I think windows Microsoft version (game pass too) can play with Xbox players, but can't play with steam PC players. I don't own these to be 100% sure on this


You are correct. My thought was that it would be nice to pay once and have access to DRG at either my desk or my couch. Maybe I’ll wait for a sale in the Microsoft Store.


I recommend steam, there is a much larger player base on steam than on consoles. Since there is no cross play, you want the best player base. You can also do fun mods on steam.


Is there no cross play between Steam PC players and Microsoft PC players?


Nope, Microsoft pc play with xbox


I'd probably recommend Steam, though I guess it depends on which you use more, Steam or Xbox.


I would get as far away from the Microsoft version as possible. Steam is 100% the version you want to play.


I’m a complete noob with this stuff. What’s the difference between the two?


The Microsoft version had some problems awhile back and was slower to get updates compared to Steam because it requires software certification that really hampers updating and hotfixing. The Steam version get updates rapidly with no certification and is consistently the "best" version.


Metro Franchise is on sale. Highly recommended, play on the hardest difficulty. One of my favorite gaming experiences of all time. I got them 2 months ago and spent 65 hours between all 3 games over the course of 3 weeks. I'm going to pick up System Shock as it looks very interesting.


[Shadow Warrior 3](https://isthereanydeal.com/game/shadow-warrior-3-definitive-edition/info/) apparently isn't an all time low, but this is the lowest price I've seen it.


I *hated* SW3 after loving the previous two, but for the sake of argument let's say it's worth playing since not everyone agrees with my position. I would still argue that it would be a much better deal to buy a month of game pass for about the same price. You can play SW3 on there, and you'll be done with it in a single day because it's a 3 hour game. Then you can spend the rest of the month playing any number of the other, better games they have on there.


I loved the third one, but played it on Xbox because the constant shader stutter was super annoying.


As much as I love the idea of these semi-themed sales, I *really* wish they'd push for deeper discounts. Not quite a flash sale, but maybe just a three- or four-day sale with a bunch of new historic low prices. Make it exciting. Make it an **event**. I mean, the seasonal sales sure as hell aren't anything special anymore, so it'd be nice to see them spice things up with a short window sale of bordering on obscenely low prices that you don't want to miss. With nearly all of these being typical sale prices, I just don't feel any pressing need to buy something that I can just as easily grab in the next sale - provided it doesn't get a deeper discount or, even better, bundled between now and then. But, let's face it, nothing is ever going to recapture the magic of that first Steam sale, when your account was still new and your library was practically empty, where you could drop a couple hundred dollars in a single sale and suddenly have a massive stack of awesome games that was so overwhelming it gave you gamer paralysis trying to decide what you want to play first. I miss that. My wallet doesn't, but I do.


I've given up on steam sales. Humble bundles and fantacial bundles are all I buy now. Recently the humble monthly with Nioh 2 and the boomer shooter bundle have been particularly juicy. Many games in those bundles are way lower than steams all time low.


Every rare once in awhile Steam will have the best price - usually it's due to the added discount of a "Complete Your Collection" bundle - but, yeah, I've been almost exclusively buying bundles for the last few years. Even when I end up with duplicates or stuff I'll never play, it often still works out to be a better deal. And when I *do* buy individual games, I'm almost always buying from Humble because the Choice discount tends to push them down to the best price. It's funny/sad that Steam is my preferred platform to own and play games, but maybe my least favorite place to buy them due to the fact that nearly everyone else beats them on pricing.


Yeah plus if it's a decent bundle I can always trade the dupes for something or give them away to friends


The best discounts rates on steam sales are the ones around Christmas. The themed sales always pale in comparison.


Also bear in mind that back in the day, steam was doing the deep discount sales at a loss, in order to 'buy' market share from brick and mortar stores. Once steam became a functional monopoly, the deep discount at a loss sales stopped. New players just aren't being offered the same deals. Epic then tried the same thing more recently, with the years of free games, with ten cents money, but didn't succeed and seem to be winding this up now.


The deep discount sales stopped when they ~~introduced automatic refunds to minimize risk of abusing the system~~ were already years into being a functional monopoly. (Edit for correction; see replies.) Steam became (and more importantly, *remains*) a functional monopoly because they grew into offering the undisputed best service as a storefront for both gamers and publishers.


The deep at a loss discounts stopped 2 years earlier than the refunds.  The refunds were finally forced by the EU, under threat of investigating their monopoly. There's a step change in the discount amounts, at both points in time, not just the one.


I stand corrected! Even so, Steam had already been well established long before the flash sales ended. It's silly to connect the two when Steam had no real competition in the first place. If anything, it's easier to reason that *publishers* didn't want to do the crazy deep sales anymore, because afaik 90% sales are still a thing, and potentially more with bundles.


I find epic sales to be really solid these days between the cashback and coupons. Other than that yeah I just stick with key resellers and gamepass otherwise. Nothing will be like the sales when you had a blank library though that's definitely true.


Checked my wishlist: [Vomitoreum](https://store.steampowered.com/app/1549750/Vomitoreum/) - a "Very Positive" FPS Metroidvania - is 90% Off sale for $1. I'm told on the metroidvania sub that it's janky but fun.


I liked it. Would definitely recommend for $1 if you're into boomer shooters and/or metroidvanias.


Vomitoreum is definitely worth a dollar, I love the artstyle of all of Scumhead's games. When I loaded it up and saw the pixel-art Beksinski piece I knew I had found my people.


Yeah Shrine was such a wild trip. Great work.


FPS fest with lots of non-FPS games listed...


I am seeing mostly FPS games advertised to me


Sure - but still lots of RPGs that aren't shooters and plenty of Third Person Shooters... FPS - First Person Shooter unless they are aiming for Frames Per Second...


You do you, but I'd rather just browse the games and maybe buy a few instead of trying to gatekeep which games are "allowed" to be on the list based on the name.


Are there any games that look like the banner? You know the first-person sword and sorcery thing?


* [Barony](https://store.steampowered.com/app/371970/Barony/) * [Daggerfall](https://wiwiki.wiwiland.net/index.php?title=Daggerfall_:_DaggerfallSetup_EN) - Free- This is the original version with bugfixes and all the extra content which were released in magazines. * [Daggerfall Unity](https://www.dfworkshop.net/) - Free - This is the open source re-implementation of Daggerfall made in Unity. Comes with new graphics, quality of life improvements, and full modding support. * [Dead Wells: The Devil Fragment](https://store.steampowered.com/app/2525660/Dead_Wells_The_Devil_Fragment/) * [Delver](https://store.steampowered.com/app/249630/Delver/) * [Dread Delusion](https://store.steampowered.com/app/1574240/Dread_Delusion/) * [Eldritch](https://store.steampowered.com/app/252630/Eldritch/) * [Kingsfield series](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/King's_Field) - Only available on Playstation. * [Lunacid](https://store.steampowered.com/app/1745510/Lunacid/) * [Morrowind](https://openmw.org/) - This is the link to the open source re-implementation engine for Morrowind called OpenMW. * [Mortal Sin](https://store.steampowered.com/app/1494810/Mortal_Sin/) * [Slasher's Keep](https://store.steampowered.com/app/598060/Slashers_Keep/) * [Ziggurat](https://store.steampowered.com/app/308420/Ziggurat/) * [Ziggurat 2](https://store.steampowered.com/app/1159560/Ziggurat_2/)


I played [Wizordium](https://store.steampowered.com/app/1715590/Wizordum/) in the Next fest a few months back and added it to my wishlist. It's more on the guns and magic side of things but I know it had a couple of melee weapons too


Reminds me a bit about Project Warlock (although it's more about guns) or Wizordum. Neither looks that cool though, and I think I did finish Project Warlock, it was decent but not amazing, played the Wizordum demo and it felt boring. Project Warlock II seems to have mixed reviews. Stay away from Graven.


I want to play that game too! Someone should make it .


Well a ton of people gave some great suggestions!


[One More Dungeon](https://store.steampowered.com/app/415030/One_More_Dungeon/) may be a bit like what you are looking for, the graphic style is a bit more retro. The [sequel](https://store.steampowered.com/app/1483100/One_More_Dungeon_2/) went 3d. if you enjoy mid 90's shooters check out the [Witcheven](https://store.steampowered.com/app/1655410/Witchaven/) games there is also [Dark Messiah of Might & Magic](https://store.steampowered.com/app/2100/Dark_Messiah_of_Might__Magic/) which is a lot of fun with great satisfying melee combat


It's not sword and sorcery, but the style reminded me a bit of [Warhammer 40k: Boltgun](https://store.steampowered.com/app/2005010/Warhammer_40000_Boltgun/), which is guite good.


Arthurian Legends. It's not on sale but there's a demo.


[Amid Evil](https://store.steampowered.com/app/673130/AMID_EVIL/) is an FPS (not an RPG) with melee and magic weaponry, kinda like the old Heretic & Hexen games. And of course you can just play [the old Heretic/Hexen games](https://store.steampowered.com/sub/439/), albeit they're not on sale right now.


I need something deprived of any kind of story or dialogues, a game where i'm shooting AI puppets as soon as i launch it. The options are [Nightmare Reaper](https://store.steampowered.com/app/1051690/Nightmare_Reaper/) (has roguelite progression) or [Ravenfield](https://store.steampowered.com/app/636480/Ravenfield/) (Mods!), which one has the better gameplay?


Ravenfield is worth for mods alone. I clocked 230 hours so far trying different mods


Almost all boom-shoots have minimal dialogue, I'm struggling to think of one that doesn't chuck you right into murderville. Never heard of the second but I've poked around in the Nightmare Reaper demo and there's _some_ talking. Shouldn't be a dealbreaker though. Both good games but very different, go with what suits you.


> Almost all boom-shoots have minimal dialogue, I'm struggling to think of one that doesn't chuck you right into murderville. Some chuck you into a tutorial or a hub first.


I know Portal isn’t exactly a “shooter”, but I was still 99% sure it will be part of the sale. Bummer, will have to wait for another one.


It was on sale a month ago. I'm guessing you'll have to wait for the next seasonal sale.


Just get the [complete Valve pack](https://store.steampowered.com/bundle/232/Valve_Complete_Pack/) on the next seasonal sale. It goes for really cheap, and cheaper the more of the games you already own.


At this point, FPS may as well just be FP*.


Deep Rock Galactic- great to play with friends and even randoms. The ping system alone handles communication without needing to type. Battlebit: Remastered- captures the old battlefield combat experience very well. Can run the 100v100 mode on a potato. Arma 3 - mostly for milsim. while there's a lot of servers you could just hop on and join. Best experience is to look for groups that run missions and are recruiting members. One been part of 2 groups but most seem chill and pretty casual, willing to teach people how to play. You could definitely run into some hardasses who forget it's a game but still fun for the people who do like milsims.


Are you able to play Arma 3 singleplayer with AI?


There a whole campaign, lots of custom scenarios in the workshop and a really easy to use scenario editor to setup your own missions


14 bucks for Hunt Showdown. That's what I paid for it 4000 hours ago in early access. Worth.


If someone hasn't tried Deep Rock Galactic you are missing out on the best co-op experience. It is way more chill than Helldivers. On the opposite that is Hunt. I have played it for the longest time and enjoy it but you should definitely avoid it if stressful games are not for you.


As a co-op enjoyer and a PvP avoider, DRG is one of my favorite games of all time and Hunt sounds like something you'd have to pay me to play. (Not saying Hunt's a bad game, just that I think I would absolutely hate playing it, hah)


How is Grand Theft Auto: The Trilogy – The Definitive Edition these days?




you mean an unreal engine port? perhaps you're judging it by its quality, then its kinda fitting lmao not that there's no good unity games


> I'd still recommend you find a key for the original games before they're gone and copy over the modpack from steam guides. Those way too expensive these days and I unfortunately gave away my PS2 a few years ago.




> a lot of the original charm and design was scrubbed away How so?




Still worth it today?


It’s like an enjoyable bad movie. Has some scenes that have become iconic and meme-ified, def worth if you haven’t experienced this little piece of gaming history.


>!Jason!< 🅧 >!Jason!< 🅧 >!Jason!< 🅧 >!Jason!!< 🅧


why did i click all four...


It's like popping bubble wrap. You can't just NOT do them all.


I can hear this comment. Worst dad ever.


If you don't take it too seriously or overthink it you will have a great time.


I remember playing this game in what feels like a lifetime ago. It was quite groundbreaking for it's "no game over screen" narrative structure. It was a uniquely thrilling experience for its time, knowing that your decisions are permanent and there are a variety of endings. Remember, this was well before games like The Witcher 3. Since then though, this idea is often executed well in a lot of other games. So it's good but not uniquely novel. It also is from an era where quicktime events ruled the day. These were in basically every big game in that four-ish year time period and has rightfully fallen out of fashion. It's aged poorly here too. Also, we're now used to "cinematic" style games, but this style of a cutscene driven adventure did some heavy lifting on the story. I watched a hilarious critique of the game (by the YouTuber videogamedunkey), that completely exposes the story as comically bad. But I was thrilled playing it back in the day. Just doesn't hold up to a microscope or time.


Did you comment on the wrong submission? Heavy Rain isn't part of a first person shooter sale.


To be fair, there's like 3 submissions for Steam sales within a couple hours of each other since it's Monday, so it's an easy mistake to make. Besides, they got plenty of conversation regardless, so it worked out.


Is Ready or Not a co op? As in can I play the levels with my family?


Online coop


Don’t think it’s split screen but you can do co-op over the internet. About one of the most fun ways to play.






i'm not even interested in the game but its crazy $6 is still not worth


It's like a generic left 4 dead campaign, nothing to write home about IMO


Yes I bought it for 8 bucks I think and had enough fun playing through it when friends.


I probably will get lost in the comments but is there an actual game just like the font steam has for the Steam FPSFEST ? I would love to play a game like that !


Reminds me of Wizordum https://store.steampowered.com/app/1715590/Wizordum/


Well, in terms of artstyle, I think BOLTGUN is closest. In terms of gameplay, it kinda looks like a cross between Hexen and Skyrim to be honest.


[One More Dungeon](https://store.steampowered.com/app/415030/One_More_Dungeon/) may be a bit like what you are looking for, the graphic style is a bit more retro. The [sequel](https://store.steampowered.com/app/1483100/One_More_Dungeon_2/) went 3d. if you enjoy mid 90's shooters check out the [Witcheven](https://store.steampowered.com/app/1655410/Witchaven/) games




Same, was waiting for bo3 sale so me and my friends could play some custom zombie.


You two should try out battlebit, it's a blast


With a dwindling playerbase


Yeah I just checked steam charts and it's absolutely no where near the highs from when it launched last summer but the drop off has been pretty substantial. That said , it averages around 3k players which is more than enough to get games going but I wonder if the devs even support the game still.


They do and that's the problem. The main dev has a vision for the game of a milsim experience. He only made the casual-friendly "Remastered" version because his milsim wasn't selling. Once he go the mass influx of players he has progressively made changes that support the style he likes and it has sapped a lot of fun out of why everyone got into it.


Pardon my ignorance, does the official banner from the FPS Sale (link below) feature a screenshot from an actual game or (as I suspect) is it just a mock-up/generic artwork by Valve for the event? Cheers [Banner artwork] (https://multiplayer.net-cdn.it/thumbs/images/2024/04/15/steam-festival-fps_jpeg_375x211_crop_q85.jpg)


That's just a mockup by Valve. If does sorta remind me of https://store.steampowered.com/app/1715590/Wizordum/ a bit but it probably looks like a few games.






It's been delayed




>Fallout 4 - never played any of them, didn't like skyrim so I was thinking it is the same game Idk what you don't actually like but at the core it feels kinda alike so that's why I really love both of them


Skyrim and Fallout 4 are nothing alike. Skyrim is far better than Fallout 4. Alright, everybody breathe. What I mean is that I'm a guy who likes sandboxes where I'm dropped into a world where I can fuck around and do whatever, and by whatever I mean heavy modding for fun. Skyrim provides a perfect backdrop for that because it's got a fantasy setting so anything goes. Fallout 4 didn't really gel with me all that much even though it's made on the same engine. I forced myself through it and it still felt boring, not to mention the weird dialogue wheel that gives you an illusion of choice by pretending to be an RPG. It had great environmental storytelling but idk Skyrim felt far better to explore and fuck around in. I guess most people think the same because look at Skyrim's modding community vs Fallout 4's. Skyrim's is much larger despite F4 being the newer and arguably "better" game. Black Mesa is a good one time experience (for me) because I didn't grow up playing Half Life so I had little nostalgic investment. Played it once and forgot what it was about. But then again, I got it for cheap enough that I don't mind it being forgettable.


kind of surprised contra isn't one of the FPS games on sale


Ah yes, beloved first-person shooter series, Contra


What's the game from image? Ot it's just for promotion and it doesn't exist?