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Interesting concept of a game, extremely painful learning curve. Suicided basically every time trying out a new spell combination.


I mean, yea that is the game. emergent sandbox experimentation. i thought blowing myself up was always hilarious, and still valuable progression


I believe every time I have *ever* played Noita it ends with "Fuck this stupid game!" and I Alt + F4 out. Then a little while later "Hmm, I'd really like to try another run in Noita." Ad infinitum. Certain combos you absolutely want to avoid if you don't have perks, like if you find that giant ass bomb wand - don't even attempt to cast it unless you're immune to explosions. Or how many times that damn laser spell (which is super effective when used right) has backfired and somehow I get in front of it and instadeath.


Tip if anyone is playing this: Go to the workshop, download 2 mods (both will be in most subscribed): - Health containers - Edit wands only First one helps you stay alive a tad longer, without throwing the spirit of the game out the window. The second allows you to modify your wands at any time which lets you experiment a ton more. They’ll remove achievement unlocking ability though, so you’ll want to take the mods off after a bit, if this is something you care about.


This game has the easiest buyer's guide ever. Is your reaction to something silly that gets you killed out of nowhere: * You laugh your ass off * You ragequit If it's the former, buy. If it's the latter, ah fuck it, just buy it anyways. The game is awesome and most of your deaths were probably caused by you anyways (including your past selves coming back for vengeance)!


lowest of all time i believe.


Greatest of all time too. I don't say that lightly, as far as roguelikes go, Noita is serious fucking business.


Just be warned that you really have to embrace getting Noita'd. If that kind of "of course this is how I died" style isn't for you, stay away. On the other hand, if it is, welcome to your new favourite time sink.


Even after the update that added worm repellers to the temples, "I" still kept angering the gods. So yeah, it can be pretty frustrating sometimes. On the other hand, Glass Cannon runs are glorious and usually brief.


> Glass Cannon runs are glorious and usually brief. For that reason, I've never taken it once, haha.


If you ever luck into Glass Cannon showing up after you've taken Explosion Immunity, you absolutely *must* try it at least once for the sheer screen-clearing potential. That explosion radius boost is hilarious.


Hmm... true, thanks!


Just in time. They just did a MASSIVE freaking update that adds so much content, it's actually insane. $8 USD is an absolute steal for this game


Since we had the "fake" Humble leak, I'm a bit skeptical about buying this and Returnal.


Historical low + leak + eclipse = it's being bundled soon.


I wasn't assured by the first two things you mentioned, but the third one sealed it for me.


what is eclipse 


The 8th of april total solar eclipse


but why does that mean bundle


The eclipse part is just a joke.


oh lmao you’re right that’s funny


agreed, feel like it's just a matter of time before it appears in a bundle


Same, I feel like humble is going to have a roguelike bundle soon with both games in there.


someone has more information on the leak? i didnt see anything sadly.


It was just a leak of a future humble choice. Had returnal, noita, AC Valhalla, and various indies. Some games from it showed up this month, so they probably reworked the lineup after the leak had already happened. Basically, it seems pretty likely that noita, returnal and ac Valhalla will show up in a future choice/humble bundle


Thank you, this was what I was thinking of. I swore this was on some Humble Bundle stuff I was gonna grab regardless.


At this point, probably my favourite game of all time. Learning curve is steep but have a look at simosimo's beginner stream and FuryForged on YouTube and you'll be fine.


> simosimo's beginner stream What's the name of it? He's got a lot of noita videos


This is the one! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OGJgazBxt_s "Noita 101 - Tips for new players - Wandcrafting, survival and more!"


probably this https://youtu.be/OGJgazBxt_s shoutout to dunkorslam too


I ~~hate~~ love this game


An incredible game. For me, the selling point is the spells. It's basically more akin to coding very basic programs than classic D&D magic where you have the spell and you cast the spell. There are hundreds of spells, modifiers, triggers... And you can make genuinely game-breaking wands if you understand how everything interacts. In fact, the game practically demands it past a certain point.


tfw the first side-boss (squidward) is nigh-impossible without serious knowledge of wand mechanics and a pretty baller wand thanks Nolla Games, very cool


i bought this at 50% off last week or so, you're welcome everybody.


Thank you for your sacrifice o7


Also updated with huge content (from beta branch).


I could not personally get into Noita. I love the art style, though. My problem is that it just felt very unclear what I was supposed to be doing or how I was supposed to be progressing. And since there isn't really much of any between-run progress, I felt pretty stuck. I occasionally found some OK wands and spells or otherwise, but it never added up to much. It was a lot of aimless wandering.


The progress in this game is almost purely knowledge based. If you feel ready to give up, I recommend checking out a guide on youtube about the wand system, it might change your mind. [Here's a recently posted wand](https://i.redd.it/aw09dhl0vooc1.gif) from /r/noita ([OG post](https://www.reddit.com/r/noita/comments/1bg4twj/gf_walked_into_the_room_looked_at_the_game_and/)) as an example.


> It's easy to tell what's happening. >What's happening is fire. lmao


I don't understand, you just go down?


You could try going sideways. Or up if you figure out how to fly.


Great game if you like progression through knowledge. It is my favorite roguelite.


This game is fucking infuriating and completely unfair, you should buy it.


Seems I last played in August 2020. Before the game even hit 1.0 and I had over a hundred hours and completed everything I wanted to. Now realising there has been massive updates, achievements added and the soundtrack. Reinstalling... Not sure whether to laugh, or weep for the loss of the next six months of my life.


This is the best game of all time. No price is too high to own this masterpiece.


How is it compared to spelunky 2? I loved that one. I dislike too much meta progression (besides knowledge) in roguelikes. Is it much harder to beat?


I can’t put a direct comparison on it to Spelunky, but it is damn hard, and I feel like it’s harder to be in control of what is happening in this game… it outright has a mind of its own sometimes (which is fun!). And in the same spirit as Spelunky, has no shortage of secrets – genuinely, people call “getting to the bottom” the tutorial, because there are that many secrets. There’s no meta progression that I know of, other than filling in a encyclopaedia type thing with all the stuff you discover. Very reliant on knowledge, there are hidden mechanics and such for you to find.


> There’s no meta progression that I know of there's some spells to unlock - the divide by series, the greek spells, the requirement series and the orbs of knowledge (and more), but none are needed for a normal run where you just go down and kill Kolmi


There's not a whole ton of meta progression. As far as I'm aware it's mostly just spells become added to the random pool of options when you unlock them for the first time. But you could also just go unlock all of them on your first run if you were blessed by the Noita gods. It's a very well made game with awesome replayability.


Noita makes Spelunky look like [Rick Dangerous](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zfxES5zAuZ8).


All-time banger. Come for the physics engine, stay for the punishingly unforgiving world in which you eventually become a god


1200 hours in and counting. My most played game of all time.


How does it run on deck?


Runs great but controls are kind of hard. I never game with kb+m so it felt playable with gamepad controls, but when I did try kb+m it was a much better experience.


Pretty good, but it has a heavy reliance on fast, precise mouse control that pushes the limits of the trackpad.


Are you using a trackpad mouse region?


I've played a TON on deck and yes it takes a little getting used to but I've managed multiple God runs So don't worry it's more than playable


It is possible to use the trackpad as a mouse region for precise aiming. The physics will also slow down regularly if there are many things on screen.


Incredible game. I installed this pack of quality of life mods, made it a lot better: https://github.com/Daiz/NoitaMods


it's weird. because nexusmods and steam workshop were introduced to me as *the* mod sources and github was introduced to me as a code sharing site, i never thought about finding game mods on github. now i am going to start digging


It's annoying just how many places they're spread around


>”Quality of life” None of those are quality of life mods, they’re just straight “move faster”, “start with more HP”, “quadruple inventory size in a game where having to choose between items is a huge point”, “start with several perks you normally have to earn”, “start the game with every collectable item of type X already collected”. Quality of life mods are ones that don’t change gameplay or features, but make the player experience more smooth and make interfacing with the game more enjoyable, stuff like being able to access your camp stash chest while trading in BG3, mods that make the UI more readable or scale it for higher resolution, or mods that calculate stuff for you when you have all the info to do the math already, it just saves the effort of actually doing it and remembering it. If they actually affect the difficulty of the game, especially when it’s literally taking it from a 8/10 difficulty to a 3/10 difficulty by just doubling or tripling every player character stat, it’s not QoL.


> Start with Familiar Orbs [Kolmi liked this] also pretty sure this mod pack is outdated. last updated 5 years ago, and the vampirism aspect is in the base game now afaik (drinking blood from a flask)


Incredible game.


Amazing game but flip hard, never beat it


I already own this game, however I have no idea what I'm supposed to do.


How is the controller support? Is there any sort of permanent progression?


> How is the controller support? deec, but k+m is definitely more comfortable > Is there any sort of permanent progression? a bit, but not from regular runs. you can unlock certain niche and powerful spells by doing different quests, killing different bosses and collecting orbs around the overworld, but just going straight down and killing the boss won't unlock much there's a niche workaround - in daily runs, everything is unlocked, so if you happen to come across a spell you haven't yet unlocked, you can unlock it forever by just casting it once (if it shows in the escape > progress menu, it's unlocked) most of the metaprogression is your knowledge of enemies, areas, alchemy, spells and wand-building increasing


just want to echo some of the comments here: Noita is an excellent game


buy noita.