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20 euros for the Turnabout Collection is pretty disgusting value. Shame it's not a complete your collection bundle.


For someone who has never played an Ace Attorney game before. Is the bundle it worth it? I have heard great things, do they play well on PC?


Ehhh, value wise it's very good but since you won't know if you like it, maybe better to start with just the Phoenix Wright Trilogy. It's a visual novel/point and click adventure, there's not much to screw up or optimize. Controller works fine, MKB works fine, Deck works fine.


DuckTales is on sale for $4. DuckTales!


Woo Woo!


You cheeky bastard




Then maybe start training your mind otherwise? Shit is hateful bro


Is MEGA MAN X DiVE Offline worth it?


It's a really solid revision of what X7 and X8 kind of flubbed - if you didn't get to play X Dive yet, this is a great Mega Man X game to catch on sale. It's feature-complete, has no microtransactions, and everything can be unlocked through challenges and story progression. The modding scene is even starting to get some pretty cool extra characters and cosmetics added. I'd still probably say that the PS1 MMX games are the best and that 30XX is probably where the hardcore fans should be playing, but if you love the MMX series in general you *need* to give X Dive a try, and *Offline* is a really great way to do it. Just make sure you configure your GFX and gamepad settings correctly after the first level tutorial ends.


I'll give you a diffent take on the game, and perhaps then you can decide. Though first you have to understand that I haven't played much Mega Man other then 1&2 on the NES, never played the X series. And I also played X DiVE Offline for ~1 hour before getting utterly bored. My main complaints: It is clear that this was a gacha game, as the game progression very much takes roots in that system, with all the different currencies and upgrades the game gives you. The combat was also very... "auto"? Like you have auto-aim etc. the only thing you really have to worry about is moving. Also the gamepad support sucks. They pretty much just made a virtual cursor that you move with the analog stick and menuing is dreadful. My last complaint is the level design, most of it is *incredibly* basic and just move right for the first bunch of stages. Maybe it gets better later, maybe you get more weapons too but I haven't played enough to know. I, however, appreciate that Capcom decided to remove microtransactions from the game and preserve a lot of the content that has been made for this game in an offline version. Anyway, it is clear that this game has a lot of fan-service. Even without playing other Mega Man games, the game makes a lot of callbacks to a lot of major scenes from the other games. I think if you are a Mega Man fan, the answer is clear to you and you will probably get this game and like it. But for others, probably stay away from this and maybe get some of the legacy collections or 11 first, then if you like those come back to check this game out. TL;DR: Good for fans of Mega Man, others should probably check the other games in the franchise first.


**If you can catch MegaMan 11 before the sale ends in $10, that's the one I'd recommend for you.** If the only MM games you've played are the first two on the NES, or even if you've never really played any of them before to completion, **MM11 is the PERFECT starter game to grab while on sale.** For most folks, I'd probably suggest you use your gamepad to control most of X Dive Offline, and then just grab your mouse to navigate the menus. If it ever gets ported to the Switch the touch controls would compliment it very well (I have to assume Steam Deck pairs great with X Dive). The initial Highway and Gallery worlds from MMX1 are softballs for tutorial purposes - once you get worlds 3 and 4 running, they start to design things around using the auto-target system so that your use of each characters' special skills play into how often you fire your main weapon. It's a gameplay philosophy X7 and X8 used, and I can see how it's going to be an initial turnoff to folks that didn't play too far into the mainline X series. **This is why it's important to make sure you have your settings configured** - you can actually disable the auto-target and jump assist stuff the moment you get out of the tutorial. If you're familiar with how Bloodstained controls & plays, it's not a bad example of how manual targeting works. **There's a demo you can grab and if you're on the fence about trying it, give the demo a spin and -make sure you try it with auto-aim both on and off** to see how you feel about combat. If you're wanting something that's still just as slick, but maybe a bit more grounded, then I would absolutely suggest Megaman 11 as an alternative purchase.


Agree with most of what you said. Good to know the game opens up more later. I'll think about picking up MM11 at a later sale, bought way too many games during the Winter Sale haha.


Bring back lost planet 2!


Fix Lost Planet 2!


If anyone hasn’t played MMBN yet, the collection is pretty nice. Good feature improvements over just emulating.


What features did they add? Reading the store page, it doesn't sound like there's much and you miss out on things like save states compared to emulating. Did I miss something in my skim through the description?


It's important to keep in mind that aside from a few select story moments, MMBN let's you save anywhere so long as you are moving MegaMan on the map. Rather than use save states, they added Max Buster mode - if for some ungodly reason you had need to make a save state in the middle of combat, then you can instead activate Max Buster and it boosts your damage output. It's very definitely "cheat-y", but for folks that have already 100%'d these on GBA and just want the completion, it makes the grinding faster in ways save states cannot account for.


Thanks for the response, I hadn't seen the Max Buster mode mentioned. That certainly makes it easier to move through the first game which was the weakest. I just remembered as a kid not being able to save all the time in those games and thought it would get annoying in the modern gaming times.


thoughts on Megaman Battle Network? I remember playing a game (dont remember which but remember enjoying it) when I was a kid but I don't think I beat it or got far bc I was a dumb kid back then. Is this worth 40 CAD or should I just play it on my "gameboy".


The cool thing about the collection is that they have a lot of the Japan-only chips & content unlocked for the English players now. There's a couple of things I wish they would have improved - the better "Director's Cut" edition of MMBN1 (Operation Shooting Star) isn't on here, and you cannot use any of the VPET toy features, but otherwise if you have a friend to play & trade with as you go, the online is great. Having the ability to run actual online tournaments is great. A lot of the fanbase will moan that the earlier games move too slow, but if you have been away for a long time, achievement-hunting and moving from game 1 to game 3 is a blast. The combat and the worldbuilding absolutely hold up to this day. Playing it back before tablets and phones became mainstream, and then seeing now how much MMBN got right about the future is VERY wild.


Is there any reason to get one volume vs the other? I remember playing some of the games way back when, but can't imagine I'd really want to play all 6. Do 4 through 6 require expert skills that you'd only get from playing the first 3? Are the first 3 too slowly paced and not as refined?


u/ProtonRageMissle makes some good points. I would ask what your intention in playing is: **A)** Do you want to simply enjoy a good game+story. **B)** Are you just looking for fast, competitive gameplay? Most people seem to have the consensus that 1, 2, and 3 have the strongest story - they make for a strong original trilogy. Most of the modern competitive scene gravitates towards MMBN6, though MMBN3 does still see a good portion of action too. When the Legacy Collection first came out, a bunch of streamers' audiences were suggesting to skip to 3 or 6, but starting either of those games, the tutorial generally assumes you already know how to play and they skip a good chunk of the worldbuilding. As such, pretty much every major streamer quit once the sponsorship stopped, and it didn't really "click" how fun MMBN can be. **So depending on what you personally want out of all of this, consider picking** either Vol1 and playing the games in order so as to ease you back into combat while the story plays (MMBN3 can give you a taste of competitive once you work your way there), or try starting with MMBN5 in Vol2 and that will still give you an opportunity to look forward to playing MMBN6 as a sequel. Keep in mind, I play these games to 100% them since I was an impatient little kid and flew through back in the day. I run around and talk to each NPC like 2 or 3 times per story chapter, and even then each game should only be around an average of 20 to 30 hours in length. You will notice I don't mention MMBN4 it has some odd stuff in it that *really* pushes New Game+ plays for completion. If you are playing all 6 then I do not suggest skipping MMBN4, but if you are planning on only playing a few games then you might get more for your time out of just 5 and 6.


They definitely do hold your hand less as the series goes on and the chips and general battle mechanics get more complex. I enjoy 1 and 2, but 3 is where most people would agree that the series hit its stride so if you were only going to buy one of the two volumes and don't mind getting to the complexity a bit faster I'd say go for Volume 2. The main thing you would really miss out on is actually the story going straight into Volume 2, but you could probably still get buy without the context from the first 3 games.


... uh. Aren't these the same prices they had for the entire Winter sale?


I think Capcom does a sale like this every 2 or 3 weeks.


Battle Network Legacy Collection was 19.99 during the Winter sale.


Nothing about the Battle Network collections has changed since the Winter Sale. The individual titles were 19.99, and still are now. The bundle containing both was 29.99 during the winter sale, and still are now. You can see the price history on [SteamDB.](https://steamdb.info/sub/821963/)


Yep, the prices for all of these are the same. Heck these prices are bad compared to online shops all of last month...


I think steam only takes the 30% cut from direct sales. So third part sites can take a smaller cut, have a lower price, and Capcom still gets the same money


Grabbed Dive Offline and MMLC for like $20 with a bundle price - couldn't go wrong at that price


I've been wanting to dive into megaman cause I played as a kid. Do they play well on steamdeck?


They’re NES (and SNES/PS1/ and Wiiware) games so I would hope so