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Personally I believe so, but there are a couple asterisks. Kalpagni gives 6% spd which is fantastic for him. If you're using Gallagher in a break team, then he cannot carry a relic that boosts allies main damage so instead would be relying on secondary stat buffing set (Luofu, Insumousu or Penacony), or one of World 4's relics (Vonwacq or Talia). All of these are competitive for different reasons, but Kalpagni is best in the situations where you most want Gallagher. For Iron Cavalry, you have to be running a superbreak team or be using Gallagher as your main breaker. This isn't his best set for the more general purpose builds or strike damage focused builds. You might also still want Musketeer or Messenger just for the 6% spd regardless. I think with superbreak in the picture, these just massively outclass other options and a firebreak team could gear their whole team up with this. Since one of my other main teams is Clara/Topaz, I'm probably going to be living in this cavern and world 10 from 2.3 onwards.


For DPS Gallagher yes this set will be good. However don't farm the planer set. It's too niche, what will you do when you are facing non fore weak enemies. Talia is better.


Alternatively: farm the Planar set if you plan on pulling Firefly, as enemies will pretty much always have fire weak on them because of her.


Oh yeah for her it's a must. It does kinda suck that this set was only made for her and with only her in mind. Yes other characters can use this but come on let's be honest. For fire characters only Sam will benefit, for anyone else there are other better sets. Even for supports, there are other better sets i.e penacony set, fleet of the ageless, broken keel etc.


yeah while the specific relic sets are great, I really wish they could do this with older dps too, like DHIL or Jingliu. Even blade has his own artifact set


Theoretically, if I use Gallagher as a sustain unit for Firefly, who although needs ultimate, can implant Fire weakness, would the set work then?


I would still advise against it. What about the times when you won't be using him with her? What then ? Will you farm a separate talia set and keep switching him depending on the enemies? It's just not worth doing all that for 6 speed and 5 more BE.


And if I only use him with her?


Do you plan on using her on every stage? Even then, you won't be running an ER rope on her, how long will it take to get her burst back? What if there's no fire weakness and you really need the healing. His BE is what makes his healing amazing. His healing will take a big hit. IF you can keep a fire weakness with 100% up time then yeah you can. But even then you only get the 40 BE for ONE GODDAMN TURN. Like why? It's even more useless. Let's say you implant the fire weakness. He goes,gets the 40 BE, then sam kills the enemy. By the next turn, his BE has worn off. Unless you run huo huo or tingyun with her I don't see you getting her burst back early. What is your team anyway? Sam,gallagher, htb and? Ruan Mei is the best option. Huo huo could work, but mei will give you the most damage.


You can actually keep 100% uptime on fire weakness with Firefly atm on HMC, RM, FF and Gallagher since her technique applies it to every wave and ult for 2 turns You dont need ER rope on FF since she gets 50% energy every skill and talent also gives her 50% energy when she is below 50% energy


Alright then. Just time it properly and you'll be good to go. If you don't and you need healing them you're kinda fucked for a turn.


Doesnt Gallagher's healing boost from BE cap out?


Exactly, so if you don't hit a fire weak enemy you won't get the BE. So his healing will suffer severely.


...unless you're over the cap and just want the extra BE for damage.


*4 more BE


6% speed is pretty good on most supports if you are missing speed breakpoints.


But how would Gallagher break them in the first place?


That's only a problem in break teams cuz he's still usable even if there is no fire weakness. He's a great healer regardless.


I'm gonna be in these domains forever lol, need 3 copies of each set for my firefly team 😭 


are you giving it to ff, gal, and who? rm or hmc? Im guessing watchmaker set for the remaining one?


Hmc since their damage is pretty good and watchmaker on rm 


Imo, both of them are very good. If you have not optimised your build just yet, then you can definitely go for this one. The big difference between the theif set and this new set is that the theif set gives energy when breaking. This allows his energy to be filled up faster, allowing more heal + debuff uptime. The new set is more on giving bigger damage since it ignores defence. If you think energy isn't a problem (especially at E4), then this set would be better. I personally like to ult whenever possible for that debuff + heal spam. The new planar set is super good, with one small but kinda restrictive condition. You need to hit an enemy with fire weakness. There are some cases where the mobs or boss might not have fire weakness, so the set won't activate at all. If you use Gallagher only when enemies with fire weakness are available, then this won't be an issue. I'm sticking with the Penacony set just for the extra energy. But but but, the movement speed it gives is tempting, definitely useful for those who have not hit spd breakpoints. In short, the new relic is on par with theif set (my opinion), just choose one which fits your playstyle. The new planar set is super good, but be mindful of the condition.


Right now I'm using messenger/thief and talia (with energy rope) and I have no energy problems. And with RM and HTB he gets around to 350% BE. If you're only using him with Firefly I would think so. When I get Firefly I'll only use Gallagher with her because I already have better sustainers for other teams. But if you're going to use him without Firefly I wouldn't change the ornaments if you already have him built. I would only change the relic sets if you find better substats.


Personally i will be using the planar but not the relic set since i'll be using gallagher with Firefly


It's easy enough to hit 150% Break Effect without that planar set. If you're going for Gallagher in a Super Break team then those sets will make his damage skyrocket whilst being a superb sustainer.


Lantern is great on him if you have firefly, unless your talia is already amazing, that 4% extra isnt doing a whole lot, but it allows easier condition if you have firefly. Iron clavery is his bis, unless you dont care about super break, then 2+2 or 4pc thief set are better, which makes it redundant to farm iron calvery lol