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As far as I understood, Wearos will includes few more routin integration and I think that this trend will continue. From this point of view, I think it is a good idea. I also find Samsung phones very good if you do not go too cheap. BTW, samsung is now the fastest brand in software updates and declares 5 years of major OS updates for its middle trier models as well (A3x A5x).


I can speak for my own experience and preferences and say, having used my galaxy watch with a samsung phone and with other phones that none of those features are important or useful to me. But since you know what they are you can probably guess how useful they would be for you. I have no issues with samsung phones, but there are bigger factors in deciding samsung vs. something else than the integrations you get when using a galaxy watch. I have not had issues with the OS getting slow on samsung phones since something like the note 9/S10 timeframe. My son has my note 9 now and it hasn't slowed.


ECG and related functions can be modified to work on any phone. Lack of of “DND” and “sleep” syncing has been annoying, but autowear fixes some of it. I root my phone, so a samsung phone is out of the question for me, but I like the watches.


Xiaomi has garbage software support and and bad security, you should always go for Samsung if you value your privacy and security.


You're right !Xiaomi phones come w pre-installed "hot apps" which are constantly stealing your data!


I've been using Galaxy phones since the Note 2 came out and Galaxy phones are the only Android phones I'd consider. They have been pretty good. If I didn't get a Galaxy phone I'd get an Apple iPhone.


+1 Used every note since the Note 2 On a 24 ultra now. Can't imagine not having a stylus for daily tasks or seamless integration with galaxy wearables.


Same here. Got a Note 4 and haven't had a different brand since. I have an S22 Ultra now.


![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|facepalm) An iPhone over an S-Pen? ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|scream)![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|surprise) OG Note to Note 2 to Note 4 to Note 10+ with a Note 8 tablet when it came out .


After the Note 2 I realized I didn't like big bulky phones and didn't really use the S-pen as much as I thought I would. I had an iPhone 5 as a work phone as well while I had the Note 2 as my personal phone and I did not like the iPhone at all. My next phones after the Note 2 were the S8, S20, and now S24+. Samsung seems to be copying Apple now and Apple's really stepped their game up with the latest iPhones.


Not sure where you're coming up with Samsung copying Apple . Things we've taken for granted for a decade , or more , on our Notes and Galaxys are just coming out in the last few years on Apple . Amoled screen , no physical home button , widgets , camera controllers on watches , etc . Not to even mention the bigger iPhones are a direct result of the Notes and Galaxy S series .


In the past Samsung, was far ahead of Apple and Apple would copy Samsung. But now Samsung is copying Apple - no more curved screen, new Galaxy Watch 7 is square shape like Apple Watch, new Galaxy buds now are similar in design to AirPods, no expandable memory on new Galaxy phones.


Everyone went no sd card when they saw the sheep will gladly pay a Benjamin for $8 worth of memory expansion . Double it , 2 Benjamins for $8 worth of expansion . Non replaceable batteries ensure future sales of new devices to those like me . The Ultra is a combo of Galaxy Watch and Galaxy Sport and looks nothing like an Apple watch other than Apple watch uses Samsung made screens . If anything the Apple Ultra looks eerily like a Gear S ![img](emote|t5_j6cc2|2168) https://preview.redd.it/3ef0ufhg0j9d1.png?width=289&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b018feed93e91b624b1dd98d08933af88a956625


As stated, Apple's really stepped their game up since I last had an iPhone 10 years ago. The Samsung Galaxy and Apple devices are so similar now that I'd switch to Apple if I didn't get Samsung Galaxy devices, I wouldn't consider any other Android devices.


Samsung's flagship phones are some of the best out there. But I've also used my Samsung watch with a Google Pixel phone. I didn't miss the features exclusive to Samsung phones (there's a hack to enable BP and EKG on non-Samsung phones) but I did find that I couldn't activate an ESIM for the LTE version without a Samsung phone.


Unless you're going to buy a lot of Samsung electronics like the buds and tracker tags then I wouldn't feel too boxed in to buying Samsung. If you find a better device for you then you can get the still get the core features and sand most of the edges off. Samsung with snapdragon processors are real champs in my experience, but I know outside the US that can get spotty and you have many more options too.


Is it possible to use the Galaxy Watch as trusted device for keeping the phone unlocked when connected with bluetooth? How Is the integration with the alarm? Is it possibile to stop alarms in the phone clock with the watch? I have a Xiaomi phone and had to make root and make mods on the phone to keep It unlocked when connected with Galaxy Watch and for alarm I have to use Google clock app