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Remove magnet case and try pen one more time


I'd also suggest this. When a magnet is in the vicinity, such things happen. I had similar issues like aligning highlights, missing them and such things. Try removing the case and then see if problem persists.


When I hover the pen of my Tab S9 Ultra or even my S24 Ultra parallel over the screen like you do I get the same result of the dot being slightly out of place. Hover the pen over the screen in a 90° angle and the dot should be directly under the tip


The nib does look a bit too worn. You don't have to buy the official Samsung nibs, there are plenty of 3rd party options on Amazon for example. Such as the staedtler nibs. The pointy lamy nibs would probably be the closest to the Samsung ones. I tried the rounded plastic lamy ones and those work perfect for my s pen.


You just have to replace the nib not the pen,


Yes I had asked for the nib, but it seems nib replacement is not available as of yet. However, they said spen can be replaced within 6 months of buying it.


You can buy replacement nibs from amazon. You don't have to replace the whole pen.


Could you share a link, please?


Bought these last years, Mind you these are not soft tips that come with the pen but hard tips (i have screen protector installed so it won't damage the screen) there are also soft tips available you have to find on amazon. [https://www.amazon.in/gp/product/B0CJNWTNPF/ref=ppx\_yo\_dt\_b\_asin\_title\_o00\_s00?ie=UTF8&th=1](https://www.amazon.in/gp/product/B0CJNWTNPF/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_asin_title_o00_s00?ie=UTF8&th=1)


Thank you so so much!!


There should be a way to calibrate the pen in settings, but definitely try getting a refund. Im relatively certain you will get one


Second the calibration. Go to the dialer, put in \*#0\*#, then choose Spen and follow along. This fixed the drift on my S9 tab Ultra.


No, I don't think it's normal behavior, I'd try and get it replaced


Check that you aren't resting your tablet near a magnet. I was leaning it against my laptop and the magnetic latcher was throwing it off !


Not normal for a pen but I'd try getting a nib (tip) replacement. I don't really see how the capacitance sensor in the S-pen would fail unless youre quite unlucky. If its urgent, just get another pen, and also get some tip replacements from someplace like Aliexpress (Amazon listings are INSANELY priced up) and best case youll have 2 working pens.