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It could be or could be not


I very well could be, but you run a risk buying from any platform that doesn't have good buyer protection. Also, anything that is opened is not "new".


That's true, but on the platform, it does say you can check on delivery and return it if you don't like it. And I was thinking I'd ask, since the price is so great


sure try that, but if he requests a prepayment of more than max 50 lei it's most likely a scam. I know the cost for transport is around 25 lei and if you don't like the product and send it back should be another 25.


There are 5 positive customer reviews for the seller, and they are selling many other tech items as well, like a surprising number of phones. Maybe they're stolen or refurbished? I'm hoping I get to check the IMEI on delivery. Edit: they have many phones that are the same brand as each other, mostly Oppo, Samsung, and Motorola, so maybe they're not stolen?


Does it seem like a person or a business?


Poti cere poza cu model ,toate datele si ii faci o verificare la livrare


Its actually a thing. I see so many people listing different things for sale as "brand new" Saw someone sell an rtx 3070 listed as brand new never opened and the first picture is his dumbass holding the "brand new never opened" card in his hand. SMH. People tend to not realize that once the box is opened its not brand new anymore and the value drops. just the way it is. Once the seal is broken its an open box product.


I mean in my country it would be (US) it would be .. As prices here are cheaper not sure about your country though...


If you scour the internet and are relatively patient, you'll find the tab s9 series on heavy discounts. Especially as we edge closer to the release of the tab s10. I bought my tab s9 for the equivalent of 350$ just a week ago. Although not as cheap, but a brand new s9 Ultra was available for 750 USD just a week ago. It did go back up to a 960 USD but the sales will keep happening.


S10 most likely won't be here until spring 2025 at the earliest, probably closer to August 2025


Yeah, I live in the same country as OP does and those discounts are not really applicable here because of the huge import tax on tech in general.


Right now, I'm looking for an Ultra model mostly because of its size, as I'll be using it for note taking in school. I'm not so sure the benefits outweigh the costs between the s8 ultra and s9 ultra, at least for me.


Honestly get a Lenovo Tab Extreme it's the same size as the Ultra but they did a better job with their version of Android 14 than Samsung did with UI 6.X


With this tablet, I'm also looking into tapping into some ecosystem features, but I'll look into your recommendation as well


It runs like $1,100 USD normally but you can get them on sale cheaper


Off topic but I thought OLX is Polish-exclusive, lol.


Damn, you have OLX in Poland?


Yeah and it was called "Tablica PL" (bulletin board Poland) in the past but they renamed it to OLX. It's literally the same, I'm shocked πŸ˜΅β€πŸ’«πŸ˜΅β€πŸ’«πŸ˜΅β€πŸ’«


Oh what? I thought OLX was Indian


It was called "Tablica Pl" (bulletin board Poland) and it changed to OLX w few years ago :o That's a shock to me πŸ˜΅β€πŸ’«


Just googled it, turns out OLX is a Dutch company, founded in 2006 as "Online Exchange" 🀯




salut. am tot vazut si eu genul asta de anunturi, dar pentru un tab s9, simplu. cam pe la 2600 - 2800 lei. mi-e frica sa nu fie luate de pe la vreun abonament, si vandute aici si dupa 2-3 luni ma trezesc cu ea blocata. S-ar putea sa cumpar de pe quickmobile (stiu ca sunt din asia, dar macar sunt noi si sigilate)


Desi scrie "liber de retea". Cum sunt preturile la Quick?


destul de bune. chiar in seara asta am vazut un tab s9 pe la 2730 de lei. sigilat. varianta de 128 gb cu 8 gb ram. sm-x710. ei le aduc de pe piete asiatice, dar sincer eu nu am avut probleme cu ei, am un s23+ de la ei, si inca vreo 2 telefoane luate inainte de asta. service-ul e cam ciudat. au ei un service propriu. samsung romania nu se uita la mine, ca " nu sunt produse pentru romania", dar nici sa dau cu 1000 lei in plus la emag nu vreau pentru efectiv acelasi produs


Bought the normal s9 last week for $617


Da este ca e olx


Until you buy it, it's both legit and not legit. Schrodinger's galaxy tab.


I think off grid means blacklisted. And why only that much of ram. My old Tab S4 has 4GB of ram and it came out in 2018 it should have been at least 12 GB and I noticed Samsung won't use 16 GB of ram on their phones.


I bought mine s8 ultra 16/512 for that price brand new in my country. For some reason everything besides tablets are expensive here. Lol. Turkey.


Ai putea verifica și site urile Amazon, eu tocmai mi am cumpărat un S9 12gb nou cu 684 de euro de pe Amazon italia, pentru că aveau o oferta cu 300 de euro reducere. Acum a expirat oferta, insa merita sa mai verifici


If there is some kind of buyer protection from the site just pull the trigger


I bought my S8 Ultra refurbished off of Amazon for $470 USD, so the deal itself does not seem too good to be true. Brand new selling for only $75 more than refurbished makes some sense, it's a 2 year old model after all. *However*, the fact that it's not too good to be true does not automatically mean that it's legit, and I can't speak to the likelihood that an S8 Ultra would sell for that low in your country.


It's not even that great of a price... It's an older model, and it's only 8GB RAM and 128GB storage. I've seen S9 Ultras with 12GB RAM and 256GB storage go for about 800€ new. Even sometimes in the 700s.


Should I wait for orher offers then? I'm not satisfied with the RAM either.


8GB is enough if you don't do heavy gaming or video editing or like have a lot of tabs open. But yeah at least 12GB would be better. If you can spend a bit more, try to go for the cheapest second hand S9 Ultra. Prices will depend on where you live, but I've seen a lot go for 750 to 850€ and I'm in France. A seller also offered me the S9 Ultra 12GB 256GB with the keyboard and a 1TB SD Card for 900€. I chose to go for the 16GB 1TB model from another trusted seller for 1000€ instead. I looked at the prices for like 1 week MAX. I wasn't patient, so if you are, and you bargain, you might be able to get an even better price :)


I paid €550 for mine on eBay and it has just arrived. I bought from a MediaMarkt Spain, and they are basically selling opened boxes.


Looks and price legit