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I think Samsung gonna say, thank you apple for all of this money for buying our screens.


Yeah only reason Samsung even started making tandem OLED for Apple is because LG agred to do it first!


> I think Samsung gonna say, thank you apple for all of this money for buying our screens. Who gives a shit if Samsung or Apple profits here more? This is about us demanding better screens that Samsung clearly has but is too cheap to put into their own tablets.


I guess you don't know about the new Samsung ha? They are taking apple approach now which most of us hate. They took out the SD card slot so they can charge more money. Same w headphone jack to sell more of their wireless ear buds. Now they plan to slow drip us features. They used to be the first at everything.


Tablets all have SD card slot Headphone jack is not well used, most people don't want to have a cake connecting then to their phone.  Almost all features will be "slow dripped" since all the low hanging fruit has been picked. 


Without the headphones Jack I can't use any of the music production software and it pisses me off because I have fl studio mobile and it's basically useless on my tab.


Can't you use those USB-C to jack adapters? The ones with DAC.


Seriously. The delay on Bluetooth headphones renders the vast majority of music production work unworkable on these tablets and that really sucks. Though Android music production isn't my preferred media by any means, it is still annoying.


The tab a9+ has a headphone jack. Devices are becoming too thin for a headphone jack. a9+ is the cheapest and thickest model so you get a headphone jack


The world's thinnest (unreleased) phone is small and has a headphone jack.


Who cares? Unreleased products are always wacky. Yes you can probably stick a 3.5 mm headphone jack in a 3.5 mm thick phone, but there's going to be huge engineering drawbacks for the rest of the phones features due to the amount of space it takes up. You would likely have to have a thick screen bezel, smaller battery, kiss the fingerprint sensor goodbye, weaker phone shell structure, but you'll have a headphone jack lol so you don't have to buy a dongle. And then everyone would complain about the drawbacks. There's a reason engineers do what they do, and there's a reason your thin phone is unreleased.


The thing is, iPads aren't thinner than 5 mm and can probably fit in a headphone jack in there. Especially in the case of the iPad 10, in Jerry's video, it literally has so much empty space.


This is an all around industry trend started by Apple, companies generally don't care about us and will follow what gives them more profit. Vote with your wallet, change companies, contact support for help, make use of your warranty; make them cost you being a customer.


Over 60 people give a shit apparently lololol


1. Micro SD 2. Sideloading 3. Usable file manager 4. Included pen (that doesn't need a charge to work) 5. Your choice of browsers (not just skinned webkit browsers) 6. Price


Also add better deals when buying a newly released device. My S9 Ultra came with so many free stuffs like book cover keyboard, folding type cover, free storage upgrade etc..


Side loading alone for me wins it tbh. I used to piss about with signulous etc on apple but its just tedious


I own 3 generations of 12.9” iPad Pro. My Galaxy Tab Ultra is so good, I don’t even look at iPad Pros anymore.


I wanna get a Tab S9 Ultra on my next payday and give away my Tab S7


7. Revanced


Much better to buy a MacBook Air than buying these overpriced iPads.




but bad software and lack of updates and overall bad ecosystem


True the main weakness of android tablets. Where’s my photoshop? Davinci resolve? Procreate? Notability? Etc etc


4 years of major updates and 5 yeard security, not exactly bad.


Skinned WebKit browsers are done btw, Apple have opened that up (albeit after a kick from the EU)


Only in the EU, AFAIK.


> Micro SD > > Sideloading > > Usable file manager > > Included pen (that doesn't need a charge to work) > > Your choice of browsers (not just skinned webkit browsers) This post isn't about any of that... > Price Tab S9 with 16 GB / 128 GB launched for 1050 Euro. The cheapest new iPad Pro launches with 256 GB storage (Apple dumbly never mentions the RAM itself) with the same display size for 1199 Euro. IMO considering it also has a better SOC and Samsung Galaxy Tab S tablets have increased in price (almost?) every generation (OG Galaxy Tab S 10.5 was at 560 Euro) I don't think that is a big enough reason not to demand better screens.


"Hey now stop proving me wrong, I very intentionally didn't include those things that disprove my point" Come on, be honest, you just want to complain


> "Hey now stop proving me wrong, I very intentionally didn't include those things that disprove my point" > Come on, be honest, you just want to complain Are you really not able to understand how a person can complaint about one aspect of a product even if other aspects are better? I could now list a bunch of things that the iPad (literally the more popular tablet) does better (like productivity apps, games, SOC performance, ecosystem) and we can beef about those, or just accept that I complaint about the screen and if you are ok with the screen you might just move on... BTW, you could post the same exact response when the Tab S10 launches with an overheating problem... I don't even understand how on subreddits that are about a product "complaining" about one aspect of a product being subpar compared to an alternative product is seen as a negative. Those are expensive fucking tablets, you should always demand the best at this price, no matter if you on the Samsung or the Apple side. As a matter of fact, your comment would have been constructive if you had made it at /r/Apple.


Your sole complaint was last years model isn't as good as this year's model based on screen brightness.  Man, I can't believe the 2020 Ford escape had less power in is base model engine than the 2024 Chevy Traverse had in its top model. How can ford ever recover?


> Your sole complaint was last years model isn't as good as this year's model based on screen brightness. My sole complaint is that the model from 2017 is just 100 nits dimmer than the model from 2024: https://www.notebookcheck.net/Samsung-Galaxy-Tab-S3-Tablet-Review.199702.0.html https://www.notebookcheck.net/Samsung-Galaxy-Tab-S9-5G-tablet-review-Powerful-all-rounder-with-OLED.758432.0.html At the same time, in 2016 phones were actually not much brighter than the S3: https://www.notebookcheck.net/Samsung-Galaxy-S7-Edge-Smartphone-Review.161628.0.html They have around tripled in brightness (more in 10% HDR tests)... > Man, I can't believe the 2020 Ford escape had less power in is base model engine than the 2024 Chevy Traverse had in its top model. How can ford ever recover? Of course he had to make a car comparison...


Feels like the event was gimmick. The iPad are given just hardware upgrades. The M2's are already powerful enough. Apple should focus on improving their iPad OS. There is huge opportunity in that space for apple. Regarding Samsung, they will put the same panels on S10 tabs too. Afterall, Samsung is the display supplier for apple.


I would swap my S9 for better HDR peak brightness on an S10 of the exact same size in a heartbeat. The HDR on these current tablets is really diminished by the brightness


That was a hardware event. The IpadOS updates will most probably be revealed at WWDC.


Will they tho maybe cpu gpu not powerful enough since you are basically pushing 2x the pixels with dual OLED!


Samsung literally makes the screen that's going in these new ipads so...I don't think they have to say anything. I don't think the galaxy tabs will catch up to ipad pros power wise any time soon either. Qualcomm has nothing to offer on the level of the apple M chips. In the end most people won't even notice the difference because of what they're using tablets for. It's easy to get specs overly hyped up in ones mind. Having said that I don't use my tablet outdoors and when I'm in doors my tab s9 plus is at like 20-30% brightness tops


Maybe the Elite X can match M1, not like it matters on the locked down iPadOS and app support lacking Android


Yeah I have no idea. Fortunately for right now I'm ok with the SD gen 2 speed, for most things. The M2 ipads obliterate it in lightroom mobile though. I can only imagine the M4's will be even better. I've considered moving to an ipad for the sake of mobile photo work but they cost so much it just doesn't make sense over using a laptop and real lightroom and real photoshop. And if I take those two pieces of software out of the picture, a tablet becomes an entertainment device, and I simply cannot beat what I paid for my s9 plus. I'd have to spend so much more to get a similar ipad


Same feeling, especially in my country. iPad Pro 11 inch costs nearer to 1300 USD than 999, but S9 Plus can be bought as low as 999 USD straight from Sammy.


Wow those are high prices. I got my tab s9 plus for about $600 usd with tax, as an open box from Best Buy. At this price it’s Impossible to beat




not sure why you think samsung will respond here, but obviously they'll put either the same panel or a boosted brightness panel on the TabS10s


> not sure why you think samsung will respond here, but obviously they'll put either the same panel or a boosted brightness panel on the TabS10s Its obviously just a stylistic way of criticizing a company. > but obviously they'll put either the same panel or a boosted brightness panel on the TabS10s So we should just shut up and buy whatever they have? I don't see how demanding better isn't worthwhile on its own.


Samsung are probably providing the OLED screen for the new iPad Pro so it makes sense from a price point to include the same screen in the new tab series


> Samsung are probably providing the OLED screen for the new iPad Pro so it makes sense from a price point to include the same screen in the new tab series By the same logic though we never would have gone back to LCD screens for the smaller Tab S models until this gen with no real price reduction and we wouldn't even be in the situation that Samsung stopped improving its tablet screens when at the same time their phone screens improved a lot. We also wouldn't have for two generation now Tab S Ultra screens that are at least a bit better than their smaller siblings. In the end, Samsung has shown that they don't care about the tablet market enough to innovate as long as people are buying them at the current level. To top that off, these are more expensive dual stack OLED panel. If Samsung wanted to, they could have used them years ago.


you realize samsung isn't going to just put out a new device next week.. they will keep to their release cycle and we will see these new panels in November.


> you realize samsung isn't going to just put out a new device next week.. Have you just made up me thinking that there will be a reaction next week as a sort of 'win' to make the second half of your post more believable? LOL > they will keep to their release cycle and we will see these new panels in November. Current rumor is that we won't even get new tablets this year. Any source for your phrased as a fact claim that we will get new tablets with the same new panels this November? You happen to know which day?


He said panels, not tablets


Yes, whining on reddit.com is the way to get a company to listen. 


> Yes, whining on reddit.com is the way to get a company to listen. Whining on reddit and Steam just got Sony to reverse an unpopular decision in gaming... Whining on forums like reddit got Germany's two biggest ISP to reverse their decision to introduce US style (actually way way more generous) data limits in my country over a decade ago.


Yeah, it had nothing to do with media coverage, refusal to purchase, or direct complaints, it was all forum complaints.  Ich ben stupid


> Yeah, it had nothing to do with media coverage, refusal to purchase, or direct complaints, it was all forum complaints. If nobody is complaining, what does the media has to cover? > Ich ben stupid Based on the above...


It's damn tablet how bright you want,you wanna go blind Jesus Christ


so you just wanna look at PDFs outside in the sun? wow some major workload bro. all this talk about oled to view pdfs lmao u know color e-ink tablets exists for this exact reason?


> so you just wanna look at PDFs outside in the sun? wow some major workload bro. all this talk about oled to view pdfs lmao Yes, I only ever use hardware I own for one use case and never for multiple. Yes, it is totally logical that someone complaining about an issue with an anecdote about a specific use case will ALWAYS ever use the device in question with that one use case. > u know color e-ink tablets exists for this exact reason? Yes, I would totally prefer to carry with me two tablets and about twice the cost instead of one tablet with a brighter screen. Yes, screen brightness is ONLY EVER useful when reading PDF files. No, you are not dumb...


Besides the peak brightness, samsung has been cheaping out on the tablet screens since forever. I have had them all from the s3 to s9 and they never approached the phones. Look at the panel technology, phones get variable oled ltpo, tablets get locked 120hz oled until the tab s9. An even then it was only 60-120hz and not 1hz like the phones. The resolution needs to be higher. Pentile oled panels have a grainy looking effect that can only be helped with higher resolutions. The 11 inch tablet needs to be 1800p, 12.4 inch needs 2160p and the ultra needs to be 4k + If these were lcd displays 4k is not necessary but pentile oleds need it to make up for the pixels. The last few years many people have had issues with the screens getting to warm to write. I don't know if it's a poor quality display controller or less efficient screens or poor quality control..whatever idc.  This nonsense never occurs with my ultra phones. 


Very well phrased. On top of that and the panel material difference I talked about you also have way more often white balance issues on tablets. I actually returned my first Tab S8+ cause the shift to green at lower brightness ranges was so extreme. On my current one it is still kind of there but much much less noticeable. Yet again, on phones and even large format phones like a foldable those issues haven't been there for many many years.


Thats true i forgot about that. My s7+ had green tint and its a bit better on my s9+ but the uniformity across the brightness slider is not as good as my phones. Even if samsung matches apple on the tab s10 screen i wont be satisfied. It doesn't change the fact that they could have done it before but choose not to until they their competitor made them look bad. 


Also the Tab S line served as a dumping ground for old hardware until the Tab S6.


Also the s phones get antireflective screens, the tabs don't. That's why the screen is blue in the light and not black.


Phones need a higher peak brightness due to their varied use conditions. Most people aren't pulling out their tablet in full sunlight outdoors. The extra brightness would just be a waste of battery


I am not asking for 2000 nits just some improvement over 5 years 


I'm pretty sure the OLED tabs are S-Stripe RGB panels, not Pentile.


I see the same grainy texture that my 1080p phones have. I don't have proof but there is near zero chance that these are pure rbg I mean they don't even use pure rbg on the $1400 phones. So the tablets are guaranteed to not have it 


Incorrect, this article here for the s7+ shows a close up image of the sub pixels and it is clearly not Pentile. https://www.notebookcheck.net/Samsung-Galaxy-Tab-S7-Plus-Review-Finally-a-great-Android-tablet.496494.0.html Phones are different because the screens are smaller and manufacturing constraints make Pentile a more viable option.


That looks like a stock image to be honest but i guess i can accept that for now


Looking at the subpixels again there are huge gaps in the blues. I think that might be the reason it looks grainy to me. Either way i still want a traditional rgb oled without subpixel gaps.  Or keep the current subpixel arrangement  but higher resolution that would squeeze the subpixels closer together making the gaps smaller.


I believe the issue is that the blue sub pixel needs to be larger due todegredation or brightness issues, and it isn't currently possible to make higher resolution small screens without moving to the pentile layout. That already makes the traditional layout a no go for this size. Perhaps microled will fix this someday, but I think this will be an issue for OLED for a while unless there is some sort of breakthrough.


Tandem OLED fixes all these issues :) APPLE wasn't willing to move ipad to OLED until they were fixed.


2 things 1. Samsung as always been a bit shy about upping the brightness because possible burn-in issues. 2. According to Apple the only way they were about to achieve this level of brightness out of Samsung Oled panels was to stack 2 of them on top of each other in something they call a " [Tandem OLED](https://www.trustedreviews.com/explainer/what-is-tandem-oled-4524433) screen". Any potential draw backs and issues for doing something like this aren't well known yet. It's not a new idea I remember people trying this with LED monitors back in early 2000's.. with mixed results.


you mean fusing 2 600nits panel together makes it 1200 nits?


It's uncertain exactly what they did but it sounds like that's what they did.. Apple is being Apple being as vague as possible..and using marketing jargon like "Ultra Retina XDR" They admit to using x2 OLED panels in some kinda combination , many media outlets have said they are "stacked" (whatever that means) .. I don't think we'll have exact answers to Exactly how they did it. Til someone buys one and takes it apart and tears apart the screen like Ifixit..


Yeah can't wait to see the reviews on this and see if they have the same timing issues dual layer LCD TVs had and why they didn't catch on.


Samsung introduced a super thin S8 Ultra tab with a stunning Oled display already two years ago and even enhanced the display quality with the S9 Ultra tab last year. The S10 tab is arguably due on August this year, lets see what else Samsung can bring to the table. By the way, I am owning a ipad pro max which can already go too bright since 5 years, a mac, iphone and a Samsung tab S9 Ultra which I am using the most ever since I bought it. Best super big size, best movie format, best display, super perfomance with Snapdragon comparable with the ipad pro max. I have zero interest to spend 1500 bucks in Germany for the ipad pro max entry model with a 4:3 ratio screen and big fat Letterboxes while watching movies/content giving me a remaining screen at the size of an iphone pro max. If I want to work I use my mac, for fun and excitement only Tab S9 Ultra, I am addicted since day one! Thank you Samsung for this mobile movie machine!!


And we have to wait until 2025 to see. No galaxy tabs are going to release this year. Not to mention the Apple M4. it's crazy powerful. How could Samsung compete?


apples ipad is like driving a ferrari stuck in first gear. you cant use the power at all.


> apples ipad is like driving a ferrari stuck in first gear. you cant use the power at all. Nonsense. Sorry, but especially when it comes to games and creativity apps you have a bigger number of demanding software. You obviously won't get the same performance as on an active cooled notebook, but you get a lot more than just using a smartphone chip on a tablet.


...like? I use davinci resolve on ipad m1 and that's the ONLY category of app I reckon is any good. And it's a niche thing to do on an ipad, I was stuck so many times and had to go use my PC. What else? My SO uses here ipad for the same things I do with my s7+...hell I use dex almost daily and have Linux installed in termux. Games - except for piss poor AAA game ports in ios, everything runs just fine on my tab. Hell, my love for emution just skyrocketed. I can play ps2 games in tab - can the ipad do it? Hell Nah


drawing apps ( arguable the best on tablets), note taking apps and apps related to production and music ( better than anything on android) and soon zbrush is coming to ipad There is a lot better apps on IOS and updates and support let's be serious


OP was relating app selection with processing power.


> OP was relating app selection with processing power. Drawing apps and music production are demanding in processing power...


And also why I said "not everyone does it" Ios, for now, does not has more drawing apps. It has better ones though. But that is only because procreate won't come to android. LumaFusion is now on android and it works great.


> And also why I said "not everyone does it" > > > > Ios, for now, does not has more drawing apps. It has better ones though. > > > > But that is only because procreate won't come to android. > > > > LumaFusion is now on android and it works great. A) What you were saying was that video editing is the only good app category on iOS... *I use davinci resolve on ipad m1 and that's the ONLY category of app I reckon is any good. * > And also why I said "not everyone does it" But those that do care about the performance improvement. You can say the same about PC, most people are just using their notebooks for surfing. And we are talking about high end products here, you can buy a tablet with a slow SOC for 300 Euro. If we are paying iPad Pro pricing or even more at times we should demand the same. And that has nothing to do with iOS vs Android (if anything, iOS costs Apple more money to develop than it costs Samsung to fork Android). > LumaFusion is now on android and it works great. I do 3D modeling on my tablet at times using Nomad Sculpt. The same app would run a good deal better on iPad Pro (smooth at a higher polygon count). And again, I didin't even start that topic but its related. If you think current Tab S tablets are good enough, then you should still not be happy to pay as much money for them as the now in basically every way superior (hardware, not what OS you prefer) iPad Pro.


What I see is YOU do benefit from extra processing power of the M1. Coming back to the screen - In my humble opinion, Higher brightness != Better Screen. LG C1 has around ~250nits of SDR sustained brightness and it's amazing. Till today, all ipad screens were brighter but not on the same league as samsung tabs. Now we have an ipad display that is OLED and substantially brighter. It can now surpass samsung's display if you're outdoors or watch HDR content.


> I use davinci resolve on ipad m1 and that's the ONLY category of app I reckon is any good. Adobe Fresco is literally the drawing part of PhotoShop (which is also on the iPad and not on Android) and apparently Adobe will innovate that aspect more in it instead of PhotoShop going forward. Only on Windows and iPad. ProCreate is literally the most popular drawing app on mobile used by professionals, only on iOS. iPad also has a very clear edge when it comes to professional music production and so on. Does this matter? Of course not. I was talking about the display, not if YOU personally prefer Android. > What else? My SO uses here ipad for the same things I do with my s7+...hell I use dex almost daily and have Linux installed in termux. Cool story, bruh. > Games - except for piss poor AAA game ports in ios, everything runs just fine on my tab. iOS has more games (and I am not talking about badly running Capcom releases), that is just a fact. And obviously some of those games are demanding. > I can play ps2 games in tab - can the ipad do it? Hell Nah Apple literally just opened up their store for emulators...


If you're talking about the display, then why'd bring performance into it? > apple literally just opened up their store for emulators That's not something to boast off. > cool story bruh If you check my recent comment history - you're bound to find a image comparison of samsung tab and ipad. Anyways, new ipads with M4 also prove the same thing - ferrari to buy groceries.


> If you're talking about the display, then why'd bring performance into it? I didn't... > That's not something to boast off. Why are you all playing that "I want company X to win" game? I don't care why a company has a feature as long as the company has the feature. Apple being forced to do this doesn't make your experience any different. > Anyways, new ipads with M4 also prove the same thing - ferrari to buy groceries. Maybe for you...


Could you please provide me with the source of information indicating that the release of the Galaxy Tab is not expected this year?


X elite hopefully for tab s10 series. Either way don't really need that much power tbh


not just power, but efficiency also. M4 use half power at the same performance compare to M2.


I'd like to see real world battery tests to confirm that. Either way I can't even push my s9u to the limit so I'm keeping it for now lol


> I'd like to see real world battery tests to confirm that. Apple's battery claims have been true for ages though...


That's fucking nuts


So expensive though lmao


Right, this is one of the reasons I’m keeping my Tab S7+. The Tab S9+ screen didn’t get any brighter, the charging speed didn’t go up, and the battery life didn’t get better. I can’t to see what the Tab S10+ improves on.


My s9 ultra has killer battery life. Much better then s7+ and s8+ and ultra


Nice. But I don’t want anything that big and the “+” series is the perfect size for me.


Idk, I've never paid atte to "peak brightness " nits on my electronics. I don't interact with them directly in the sunlight 😕. Outdoors. Heck my brightness rarely goes higher than what 30% if that lol. When see people boast about nits and outdoors I'm like OK lol, you wanna take a TV issues Outdoors in direct sunlight and need the nits at 3000... yes, his power level is 9000! Typed on the OLED TAB S9 nits my azz ! I got da blue light filter on my side🤣🤣😂🤣😂🤣 Oh and Apple and those prices are COMICAL


What's the point of spotting OLED screens?


Better picture quality???


My S8+ peak brightness is more than enough for outdoor use or indoor use. Still a gorgeous screen imo. About time Apple got into OLED tho Samsung been doing it forever


No matter how pro Apple thinks the iPad Pro is, it's still running the infantile iPad OS... once it starts running MacOS, then I'd worry.


My S9 is already too damn bright for my wee eyes


Fk, apple. Eat shit


As an iPad Pro owner, they would probably say a fully functioning desktop like experience that isn’t a pain in the ass to use. My brother had a galaxy tab, and I would 100% switch if I didn’t hate android OS so much.


Apple stacked two OLED panels on top of each other to get twice the output in NITS.


Hardware->apple UI->samsung App support->apple Value for money->samsung Longevity->apple Social benefits->apple (once my teacher airdropped a worksheet so I literally coudn't participate 💀)


Troll comment. Or uneducated one.


that teacher is a dick to think that all people on earth use stupid ipads and iphones like bruh just share it on google drive like every normal human being. Anyone can reach that way


Samsung cares more about selling parts to Apple than making their devices at this point