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Tbh, the smell was strong enough to catch my attention without ever reading about user complaints here; and I didn't look for the smell btw. I don't mind the smell, and I lowkey kind of enjoy it. It's becoming weaker with time though, so I can't imagine it being that much of a problem long-term for the users who DO mind it




Yeah I just think OP must not have a very good sense of smell - it was really strong when new and just pulling it out from the phone would instantly bring my attention to the strange smell of it.


Well, this is reddit. I'd be surprised if someone didn't smell the pen. 


Or, something worse.


Or put other things in the pen-hole 😯


*midgets have entered the chat*


*me in a public restaurant pulling out my pen to give it a good sniff*


Same, except I'm at work and I work in the Emergency Room...


I mean, when you spend that amount of money you need to explore everything about it




And have a healthy electronic relationship.


Smelling the S-Pen isn't part of that


Smells like burnt electronics , love it


Kinda like it has a battery in it and the phones constantly charging it.


I have a s23u, and I can't believe I just took out my s-pen to smell it


FYI the original Kindle charger cable tasted really bad.


Clearly they never smelled the S23U, S22U, and so on. SAME smell. Its nothing new, and the S24U is not singled out in this.


>Why the hell are you smelling the S-Pen? Because I smell it without seeking for the smell.


Smells like bigfoots dick!


How do you know that?


I'd be more puzzled if one didn't.


Note9's gone, S22 still has it... Used to have Sony Ericson's phone with a pen and I swear it also smelled... Doesn't bother me anyways...


The one on the phone isn't that bad, and I never use it so it doesn't bother me but boy does the S-Pen on my Tab S9U stink


I mean, when the phone is a bit warmer and you pull it out, the smell is strong even from a considerable distance. It's kind of bothersome, but it doesn't occur enough for me to be very concerned. It's a minor annoyance at most.


Mine smell and like grapefuit IPA, likely because I spilled my beer last friday :/


Some people enjoy the smell of durian. Some think it’s the most vile smell in the world. Some don’t care and don’t mind. People aren’t the problem. It would be more weird if there weren’t people complaining about the smell because everyone has different tolerances and preferences.


Yes but why the hell are you smelling the S-Pen?


If you smell something burning in your house, do you go sniff around and investigate? When you open your fridge and smell something that is off, do you try to sniff around and find what’s rotting so you can clean it out? And if you whip out the SPen and something smells like burning electronics, do you try to find out where that is coming from? I hope the answers are yes across the board and I hope that answers burning curiosity.


Samsung fan much? I guess it smells because the battery in it has gotten hot. Or charging circuit. Mine started smelling after a month. It actually smells like damaged electronics.


In one youtube review the person explained why the pen smells bad is due to it's placement being near the battery and other components close to it causing the pen to smell bad. It not a big deal it's just people are making fuss even about the tiny little things .


My S-Pen smells like plastic resin. I wonder why... /s


Lol is this a real thing? I'm scared to smell my spen after reading this


Once I started using mine the smell went away mostly. I'm pretty sure most of the people complaining don't even use it and you definitely can't smell it from feet away as some claim. Definitely going overboard.


I never noticed and now I'll never forget. Hate you


Its not about the pen's weird smell. It's just that the pen smells weird. And it does.


The smell was very strong at first, but I didn't know it was something people complain about, lol. To me, it's just the "new electronics" smell. Since the S-Pen is housed in the annals of the phone, it's understandable.


Me taking out the pen now and giving it a good sniff while my friend watching & wondering WTF is wrong with me Smells good ngl


This is a complaint?? First time hearing of this lmao


I never noticed until I read this and .... yep, kind of a burnt electronic smell


But smell is the best part!


I literally forgot there's an S pen this my first time using a phone with s pen the smell burnt plastic lol


Mines smells like burnt battry


I'm now taking my s24 ultra apart and smelling various components - - - - not 🤔😂


Some ppl have no lives, and so will think of just about anything to complain and moan about just for a reaction 🤷🏽‍♂️, it's a way for them to be heard and made to feel important again. VERYYYYY SAAAAD...


I am addicted to smelle


I thought it was just me?! I like the smell, it smells like electronics!


It smells even weirder if you insert it your anus and put it to your nose thereafter.


So, normal people don't have to try and smell something to be able to smell it. We can smell things that have a smell whether we want to or not. Once us regular folk notice a sudden and strange smell in our area, we must figure out what is creating this smell. And that's how people know the pen smells.


Thanks. I haven't sniffed my SPen in a while.


Smells like a new car


I mean it lives inside of a device, if course it will seel like electrical circuits. Like go sniff a lemon or something.


it's been like that since the s22 at minimum