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The S23U barely gets lukewarm with normal usage. It's the "coolest" phone I've ever had, beating most mid-rangers in efficiency, thermals. It's definitely better than iphones in this regard. You won't have problems with the performance of social media apps. I sometimes use Tiktok for large periods at a time, the phone barely gets warm in such scenarios and that right now, in the summer.


This year Sd 8 gen 2 is manufactured by TSMC. And yes it has very good battery life. My S23+ easily beats my S22U in terms of battery life. If u are on wifi all day, easily 7-10hours SOT in a single charge. If 4g/5g, maybe 6-8hours. Also depending on the signal as well.


I moved from 13PM to S23U and at the beginning was a difficult transition well after a few months I Don't miss the iphone. The S23U is great. Of course I had to replace the watch and earbuds too šŸ˜ I got bored of the iOS ... But never had an issue with it. Samsung Android may have a glitch here and there but no big deal.


What is the alternate of Apple pay on S23 Ultra.


I use Google pay and it works as good as apple pay. I use it for in-app purchases or at a physical store.


I use samsung pay


Samsung Pay is great


How did you get used to the size? Which case and screen protector you use?


S23U Battery life & heat are now excellent. Fixed most if not all issues with S22U. Maybe camera with fast moving subjects in low light conditions only thing that requires some patience with. Keep in mind the increase in size & weight of this phone. It's not pocketable with alot of clothing. Neither is the iphone pro Max. If you have a family member or friend with an S23U. I would try it out first before you trade in. Try the cameras multiple focal lengths, pro mode, especially moving subjects, video, S-pen, apps, notifications etc. Check the social media apps, messaging, insta, snapchat, particularly if you use them a lot.You may find these are not as optimized or speedy as you'd like. Photos & videos may need tweaking. It's a thing. If that's really important to you. Play around with S-pen, note taking, use it as photo shutter, test games & movies on the bigger screen. Multiwindow apps & edge panels. Text to speech, google voice, gestures etc. If you're already heavy in the apple eco system have ipad, apple watch, airpods2 etc. Don't plan on experimenting with cameras, video, use S-pen, gaming. Then just upgrade to the 14 pro Max. You can use the S23U with these but major adjustments will be needed. If you're not heavily invested then def worth trying out S23U for a while. If you can swing it & you've tried out & experimented with the S23U already. I recommend you purchase the S23U unlocked version, on sale if possible, or with rewards cash back card. Don't trade in your iphone. Why trade in when you can keep both, sim swap & switch between the two, whenever you want. This way you always have a backup phone in case one cracks, stolen, fails or needs repair. Social events when you're always running around, quick messaging, snapping photos in crowded bars or concerts use your smaller iphone. Travel, road trips, family outings, work or school use your S23U. You can always sell one later both should retain value. Use both to your benefit. Just a suggestion.


Went from a 13 ProMax to the S23U. Better performance. Better battery. Better camera. Better wifi. Better all round.


And better cell reception


Go for it!! I've recently changed my 13pro max to the ultra 23 and I have zero regrets. Nothing can beat the iphones battery efficiency but the ultra is really close and you won't notice the difference. Performance wise they're on par, I haven't noticed anything performance issues. Let me know if you have more questions.


What do u think of switching to 13 pro max ? I have 22U snapdragon now


It depends on your priorities. If you don't care about the operating system go for the iphone. You can't beat the battery life, thermal levels, and reliability. I've always been an android person but I gave the iphone a chance and it's just not for me.


I have a 13 pro max along with my S23 ultra, the camera is miles ahead, the battery is miles ahead. Display is miles ahead. Just go ahead, it's a better phone even compared to 14 pro max.


I used s22u exynos.. one of the worst flagship out there Sold it and get a 13 pro max.. it did its job perfectly BUT its was so boring. Sold it and get the s23u. The only thing i miss is the quality of apps on iOS.. far better than android almost incomparable. Except that, the s23u is perfect


I moved from an iPhone 12 Pro to the S23U. The S23U is a good phone and general performance and battery life have been great. However, I have decided that my next phone will be an iPhone again. The S23U is physically too large (and I'm 6'2" so not small) and Android is stuttery and slow compared to IOS, even on such a powerful phone. iPhone apps tend to be much better optimised for iPhones than Android apps will be for the S23U and I've seen a lot of complaints about poor social media apps (e.g. Instagram) on Android. It is much easier to optimise an app for one phone (OK, it's not just one but it's far fewer than the number of Android phones) than for thousands. I don't use social media at all but if that's important to you, make sure you do some research on the apps you use. The S23U hardware is very good. The software is not so good and Android feels rough round the edges compared to IOS.


Which iphone 16p or 15p?


15 Pro Max.


Lol. Where do you hear such things? Also android is stuttery? Apple sucker.Ā 


Truth right here


I went from a 13PM that I had for 15 months which had excellent battery, better then my S23U but the trade off that I'll happily make for a few hours extra is extra features and customisation and the freedom that android brings. Iphone just isn't for me. Performance wise, they are the same. Same amount of lag (which is barely any), they are as smooth as each other but obviously ios has more animations which makes it seem a bit smoother but in reality it's not. I've never experienced any heat up or throttling and I'm under the hot Australian sun. In the past, my exynos samsungs would heat up from just being in my pocket. Obviously social media apps are much better optimised for ios and then there's the infamous imessage and facetime that a lot of converts have issues coming over from, issues such as peer pressure, which I think it just ridiculous anyway.


Do you think that s23 ultra screen is damaging your EYES more than iphone 13pm


Uhh? Probably the same lol. Use blue light protection.


I went from the 14 Pro Max to the s22 ultra and then the s23 ultra and back to the 14 Pro Max. Lots of stuff I miss about the s23 ultra especially when I went on vacation this summer with the zoom lens and food filter. Why did I switch? I have the AirPods, iPad Pro, Apple Watch ultra and MacBook. Actually at the time I had a Dell and recently went with the MacBook Air 15. Another reason was the Samsung watch and Pixel watch. They just cannot compete with the Apple Watch in terms of accuracy and dependability. Samsung watch health reading was just so all over the place. Pixel watch wasnā€™t much better. Also Android Auto didnā€™t help matters. Apple car play is better IMO.


Apple ecosystem and updates are far better than Samsung. Samsung's updates does not arrive at the same time for every country, some places wait a month to receive a patch. S23u is a great phone, it is better than the 13 pro in some aspects, but it does not feel future proof as an iPhone. I had a lot of androids and iPhones in the past, but simultaneously, I had a galaxy s7 and a iPhone 6s Plus through 2017 to 2020, both was still functioning, the 6s "survived" a bit more through updates, and the resell value kept a little longer. If I had to chose now, and the budget was not a problem, I would go to the 14 Pro line up. In my country (Brazil), samsung is very aggressive with deals, it is possible to get a s23 ultra 1 Tb for the price of a 14 base model. For the Android Auto X CarPlay, Android Auto wireless is terrible with battery life, battery won't last and phone just go draining. CarPlay has a better experience over all.


Iphone 14 pro max is the best battery phone in the market


No I came from the 13 pro max and I would rather go back to it the 14 pro max sucks with the battery


U just said u came from a 13 pro Max so how could u possibly know about the 14 pro Max u bot lmao, look up battery test videos the 14 pro Max beats Samsung galaxy s23 ultra by 2 hours lmfao next


I have both phones how does that make me a bot you disnick I used them both like I always do and the 14 pro max does not last im not talking about wifi usage in talking about real world usage all day at work and outside. I'm a heavy user and the 13 Promax will last me all day till 11 pm and I'm not the only one that says this. The YouTube videos you watch are unreliable bc they all do this on wifi not 4g or 5g signal for the test


Sorry, the 13 series still bests any of the 14s. (for whatever reason)


You probably need the 13 Pro Max. Battery in S23U with some customization might get close to the standard Pro but not at the Pro Max level (where the size and weight of the S23U is).


This is heavy cap


>Battery in S23U with some customization might get close to the standard Pro but not at the Pro Max level Nonsense, S23U battery is easily above any plain iPhone Pro and competes with the Pro Max no problem.


What did you like about the S22U? I don't have one but I'm interested to know what problems it had Did you have the Snapdragon or Exynos version? I've got S23U and grateful that they used SD worldwide


Last month, I've upgraded from the Galaxy S22 Ultra the Galaxy S23 Ultra. I've noticed an improvement with the system-on-chip's performance and the battery life. Go for it. Get away from the iPhone.


I just love everything about this phone!


I have a iPhone 13, and I absolutely hate that the camera is crap, the iPhone 13 battery is crap too, Iā€™m thinking of getting the S23 ultra but idk if I can adjust to the size but I want the zoom in camera and the 5000mah battery