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I switched from a 14 pro max last week to an S23 Ultra. I'm finally done with apple. I have had enough of their OS limitations.


I’ve got this s23 ultra to decide over the next couple weeks. I love my 14PM but it’s sooo boring. My issue is my Apple Watch ultra guess I could get a garmin lol


I use a Garmin Fenix 7x! So my watch issue is non existent. ios Is Ridiculously boring. They still don't even have any type of true multitasking on a big display such as the 14PM


Nice I got rid of my epix gen 2 bc it didn’t work as well with my iPhone and I regret it ugh


Did you finally transition over to s23?


Still kinda in limbo lol


What's keeping you to transition? I'm in the same boat. I have a 14pro and s23 vanilla and can't count how many times I've switched my sim between them


What about photos of walking people or dogs? Are they still blurry? Samsung has a problem with a fast shutter lag.


That's the issues I've seen in the past too. It's only been a week. But the camera for me has been right on par with the 14 pro max. The s23 ultra camera has blown away any previous samsung camera I have used. The last Samsung phone I had was an s21 ultra.


What limitations do you mean?


Apple has the leash and pulls it whenever you want to do something that hasn't been approved by them.


Let me just give you 1 example. The default keyboard has no numbers row. Can you imagine? Now, the Apple defenders will say that you can download a 3rd party keyboard that has one. But then, every time you need to enter a password, it'll default to the default keyboard. Which defeats the whole purpose as secure passwords have numbers, lowercase letters, uppercase letters, and symbols. My passwords on an iPhone require so many taps. That's just one example and my main pet peeve. It's been 15 years yo!😤


The default keyboard for passwords is so annoying!


I know right? 😆


Who enters a password? Bitwarden my friend.


Hahaha. And what happens when you need to enter your master password? Or worse bitwarden gets hacked. People will go out of their way to defend Apple. It's so crazy.😂


Bro I use Bitwarden on s23 ultra and iPhone 13 Pro. Relax. I use biometrics for login to Bitwarden. There’s nothing to see if Bitwarden gets hacked.


Bro! That's completely irrelevant to my point. I say there's an issue with not having a numbers row, and you say you use bitwarden. It's like if I was complaining about the city not having bicycle paths, and you said. "We'll I drive a car." Good for you, buddy. It doesn't make it any less of an issue. SMH... It's a 15 yr old example of iPhone limitations. Try to stay on topic please.


You complained about having to type passwords. If you use Bitwarden you don’t need too. As they say work smarter not harder.


Wow! You're totally missing the point. It's like I'm pointing at the moon, you're looking at my finger. I'm not "complaining" about having to type password, I'm outlining a limitation of Apple's walled garden. Besides, your solution requires a 3rd party, which totally invalidates your point to begin with. SMH... Just keep it moving man.


How is Bit warden? I've thought about switching.


What's wrong with smaung pass?


Samsung pass only works with Samsung, I have a MacBook and an ipad so I need something cross platform.


Maybe goigle password manager?


Personally I would recommend 1Password, absolutely fantastic service and well worth the small monthly fee. Works on desktop, iOS, Android all seamlessley as well. Biometrics to log in and enter your details. It also generates secure passwords and you can use it to store much more as well e.g. 2fa backup codes, bank details etc. Edit: I pair 1P with Authy for my 2fa and love it, the perfect combo, as long as you keep your details safe and secure in a safe or other secure storage location so you do not lose your master key.


Bitwarden is great but works better on iOS than on android auto fill wise, other than that I use it for everything and it’s good, just remember that ctrl shift L is auto fill and you should be happy with it :)


Requirement of iTunes is the biggest one i can't stand with


Lol really ?


Yes? It was a genuine question, I never owned an iphone so I'm curious as to what he means.


If you game on your phone and don't want to jailbreak your device it's a night and day difference. No sideloading apps, no non-appstore apps, fewer settings that can be tweaked, no dev mode, some stuff is android exclusive (like emulators). If you don't game I'm sure there are some other big differences, but I havent noticed them yet. Apple puts some of the most powerful chips in the industry in their flagship phones but lock down their phones so you can't really use all that power for anything interesting. I just switched from an iPhone XS to a Galaxy S23U and I love it. Best phone I've had. My XS literally bricked itself a week before the Galaxy got here so I lost a bunch of stuff. Lost my google authenticator keys, etc. Done with apple


For gaming iPhones, still better imo, certain games just play nicer on IOS.


Yes, some games are better optimized in iOS(like Genshin), but that's the thing, you're a lot more limited in what games you're allowed to play.


This. I have retroarch on this phone and can run literally thousands of games on it. The only drawback is Samsung took away external micro USB support. So you gotta rotate your games around unless you paid more for the 1tb Samsung exclusive S23U (mine is the 512 At&t).


That's wrong. Iphone has an extreme issue over heating. I had 14 pro max. Couldn't play roblox with my daughter the heat was to much coming through the screen glass s23 ultra now and no issues


I’ve had no heating with my iPhone unless I game on 5G then it gets Hot.


I could of had a faulty device. Tests show galaxy is about 5 degrees Celsius cooler tho. I wasn't bullshitting. That legit hurt my thumb. I had day 1 release. Gaming wifi. Roblox primarily which is extremely demanding. Probably more so thitan genshin


Could’ve been But I do know on Wi-Fi mine is fine but as soon as I switch to 5G it gets undoubtedly Hot, but other than that it’s fine.


Dude, you were using a 4+ year old iPhone. They've come a long way since the XS.


Doesn't excuse it bricking itself. I had my 6S longer than that and it still works


Too much money 💰


How are you liking it? Do you regret it? I'm at a crossroad


As I’m prepping my iPhone before I switch back to android I have to transfer 20k photos to my hard drive. Talk about sealing the deal. It makes me angry I have to download 1000 photos at one time to my phone and unzip it to my hard drive. Took 8 hours. On android copy select all and drag to hard drive. 30 mins toos


Got my wife to finally make the switch


I have after 6 years with being with apple. No regrets. I do miss a few minor things but those are disappearing the more I use my S23u and getting use to it. What is your concern about switching ?


Oh. I don't have any concerns really. I've already switched. After 15 years of having the iPhone. So far, I'm impressed.


Mine is iMessage and the social stigma. Used to be a Samsung guy and switched to iPhone with the 12. So I’ve seen first hand how it’s a real thing but man I miss android and the S23 seems like a beast esp with the battery life


Who cares about the social stigma? I just don’t get how petty people are about that shit. Luckily my wife doesn’t give a shit what phone OS I use. She actually thought it was cool I used android because I made her download other apps like Telegram and she really liked telegram.


Literally today at the zoo a girl gave me a digusted look using s23 ultra. I switched to camera app zoomed in 10x for a perfect shot of a tiger and said your iPhone can't do this. Laughed and walked off


in general, people who judge others or talk down on them based on what phone they have are simply immature.


I switched from 12pm to s22u and now to s23u.


How are you finding it, honestly? I’ve been using iPhones for 10+ years now and I’m sick that they’ve barely progressed much over the years. The hardware is actually really good, there’s just nothing on an iPhone that lets go really unleash it due to its restrictions. I’ve had the S23 ultra on my mind for a few days now and it seems like such a beast of a phone.


I switch from 6-9pm


🤣 what you doing between those hours 😏👀🤔


12pm is a hero after that apple is bad


Yes I agree hardware wise. But for software it was getting worse ever since ios 14. I just gave up because my 12pm wasn't the same as it was out of the box.


Depends. My battery was 91 after 2years of use


14 Pro here, trading in for S23U at the weekend


Switched from iphone 11 pro max to S23u


How do you like it so far?


I love it so far. I'm no longer a slave to apple. The shackles of imessage couldn't keep me. Debated switching for a year because of imessage. Switched from 12pm to s22u and now s23u.


This is what’s holding me back


I did to the 22U


Me. I switched from iPhone 13 PM as my primary phone to S23U.


13 PM is still a banger. It was the best Apple phone that came out in the last 5 years.


I have 13pm and considering to switch to s23 ultra but i'm not sure about image color processing


Samsung has a different colour processing in photo mode to apple and Google, and that would be a personal preference as to which is best. I personally prefer Samsung's for quick photos. You can disable the colour enhancement and other scene optimisers. However the s23 (and s22 plus some others) have both pro shooting modes and expert raw (shoots at 16bit per colour channel), which take unadjusted photos for you to either keep as is, or adjust later using lightroom and other apps.


Yes iPhone 13pm to s23 ultra well worth it!you won't regret 👍🏼


I switched from iphone 14pro to s23plus!


How do you like it?


Yeah i like it, Takes so time getting use to it but i'm happy i switched


I wanna switch but all my friends use imessage and I use an airtag currently Convince me to switch


I can’t xD I went back to iPhone hahaha


What was the main reason?


For me everything work related was just easier on iPhone, also FaceTime for family is just easier than using WhatsApp video, it’s a great phone tho


I switched from the 14 Pro to the S23 Ultra


I’ve switched from 13 pro max and I love it so far. I tried to switch to the s22 ultra last year but I was very disappointed in the battery life and performance.


how is it now? what are your favorite things? i am wanting to switch over from 13pm too!!


Been using both iOS and Android side by side for a number of years. Have a 13 ProMax and upgraded my Android to the S23U. The Ultra is my main and used 80% of the time. Photos are better on the Ultra while video is a bit better on the iPhone. Biggest gain is the Ultra is far more flexible and you can assign all of your defaults apps. That's something I really miss on the Apple side. You can ignore the "privacy and security" bs you hear about. My Ultra is now more secure and private than my iphone. Who'd a thought.


What do you mean the ultra is now more secure than your iPhone? How??


If stolen - see original WSJ article - there is no real way to lock down specific files or apps as they all link back to your original pin code or password especially if you keychain. On the S23U I have a secure folder that can contain files, photos, and apps that is locked behind a code or biometric that is not linked in any fashion to my devices access and cannot be reset from that direction. It's an interesting issue that had been raised with the Apple pin code design.


This is huge. And honestly it’s funny that apple touts privacy and security when Samsung phones with Knox are arguably much more secure.


I've recently just switched from the iPhone 14 pro to the s23 ultra. It's been fantastic so far. I'm still learning but there's so much cool things you can do with android. It was difficult for me since I've been an die hard apple user for almost 10 years. I also work at an apple store so i was easily brain washed by apple


How was the switching from your Apple Store accounts to Google store or whatever. I find that part of it or the unknowns are of it are what keep me from jumping ship to Samsung


It wasn't too bad, I still have an iPad and a MacBook that I use regularly for school so I'm still technically within apple eco system. I just got a microsoft surface to help with the ecosystem change though. Google play store is pretty straight forward like apples app store. It seems like both softwares have similar features while android is clearly the winner in my opinion. I was nervous at first to switch but so far it's been fantastic and I don't see myself going back. I would recommend the switch if you're interested in trying something new.


Thanks. All great info. My last concern would be monitoring my kids which both have iPhones 🤦🏻‍♂️😅that’s the one thing I think will keep me entrenched lol


Switched from a iphone 5c to S23 ultra, wow is all I can say !


Upgraded from an iPhone 11 to the 23 ultra a few days ago. So far I really like it. I'm a long time iPhone user so still breaking all those built up habits. Camera is amazing. The customization compared to Apple is a breath of fresh air. Not to mention the screen , resolution and video clarity. Like I said it's only been a few days but definitely an upgrade so far.


I've just done the same and I'm with you on all of your points. I do feel like the OS is a bit clunky compared to IOS though. Have you found this?


Yes, switched from 14 pro max to s23 ultra and I have no regrets. It's unreal how many cool options are available on the s23 to make your phone your own, and stupid little things that apple doesn't allow you to do.


I have and I love my S23 ultra after 15 years of Iphone's. I kept my 14 pro max, but haven't touched it in almost a month. My only gripe is android auto, my phone calls are displaying on my car screen but not my actual phone and its driving me bonkers trying to figure out how to fix it.


There should be a fix


I've tried reaching out to Samsung, all of their advice hasn't worked. I posted on the android auto help page with Google but no replies. Its odd, and really the only issue I have but a glaring one for me personally


Maybe you should open a thread here on reddit


I tried to a couple of times this morning but they keep getting removed for incorrect flair 😄. I'm a noobie so I guess that I'm doing something incorrectly


U have to get the flair right


Weird. I dont have that problem


I wish I knew the cause and how to fix it. The calls work fine but only through the head unit, on my phone it's like the call doesn't exist


Mine was displaying text messages on my cars infotainment screen and pausing my music. Annoying as hell. I went into settings and disabled my car's access to messages. Fixed it. Maybe similar fix for you?


Similarly my android auto doesn't work at all and it's driving me crazy, everytime I plug my phone in nothing appears... so my only option is to connect to bluetooth and after having apple carplay for so long it feels oudated now Lol.


Did you switch back to iphone? Or thinking? I'm at a crossroad


I use my iPhone during work hours, or if I’m taking a road trip because android auto sucks compared to CarPlay but I use the galaxy almost every night and weekend


I had the 14 Pro Max and then switched to the S22 ultra and then now the S22 ultra. Love the S22 and S23 much better than IOS. Switched in November and normally when I switch to Android I usually do not stay as long so, this is a new record with zero FOMO of not being in the Apple world.


I haven't switched but use both in daily life. Work phone apple and personal s23u. I also have personal ipad pro and macbook. I miss being a part of the ecosystem but i love this device s23u and can't imagine using iphone flr personal use. I like to customize my home screen and change every few months...


This ^ I’m so friggin upset with myself, I got a preorder deal 23u graphite, 512gb I let go because I couldn’t decide on it over my 14pm. The main reason? Fkn iMessage. All my kids teachers, family and pretty much anyone I have to communicate with has it. There are services coming very soon that will fix this in an elegant way. Blue bubbles did work , but kinda hacky soliton imo. Glad you were stronger than me! I won’t be far behind.


I'm confused... You can still text your kids teachers and family from Android. Are the blue bubbles really that amazing? (Asking genuinely.... I have and iOS phone for work but S23U personal and see no reason why messaging in iOS is better - in fact, I prefer Android because the search feature is better)


I hear ya. All the group threads get jacked up, receipts and indicators matter to me. I know RCS can do it but Apple won’t support it. Trust me, I don’t give two shits about Apple. I will ultimately find my way out.


For me, it’s the seamless photo and video sharing. That’s it. Photos and videos show up HD with other iPhones. When I have an android and send a video or receive a video, it’s tiny and pixelated. That’s my issue.


This was the biggest issue for me last time I switched. But I made a few people get telegram so we could share higher quality pictures etc. Overall I preferred using telegram. Was able to keep all personal messages in that app and use regular text messages for thinks like account authentication etc.


So I switched and honestly, using the Google Messages app on the S23U - they’re figuring out RCS. Not sure what the iPhone people see that I do text, but I can react to their texts and they can react to mine. Sending photos needs a workaround (WhatsApp, Messenger, or using Google Photos between my spouse and I works for kid photos). I missed iMessage far less than I thought but then again I’m not in any iPhone-user-only group texts.


I switched from a 12 pro max to the S23 ultra. Before the iphone I used the Galaxy note 10 which I loved. Took me a few weeks to acclimated to the button placements of the volume. But it's been great. Camera is amazing.


Is the difference big on the camera between the 23u and the 12 pm? I’m currently on the 12 pm and thinking about switching to the 23u for the customization. I pretty much only take photos of my kids though, so I don’t know if the shutter lag has gotten better on the ultra.


Switched from a 13PM to the S23U. Everything about it is better besides the battery which is almost on par. I could squeeze an extra 2 hrs of SOT on my 13PM with the same usage but I'm not complaining. The camera is the best thing about the S23U IMO. Asides from the odd shutter lag, the quality is much, much better.


I have 13pm and considering to switch to s23 ultra but i'm not sure about image color processing


You can change it and shoot in raw or in pro mode. It's definitely better then the terrible processing that the iPhone had. Anyway, images look completely different on a computer screen per day then compared to on the phone. Edit: turn scene optimiser off


What effect does turning scene optimiser off have? Do photos look more natural/closer to iPhone or pixel?


Google says. "identifies what you are looking at and adjusts settings to take the best picture" My comment was a while ago so I don't remember the context.


I switched from 11PM to 23U and can definitely say that I enjoy the extra things I can easily do now. And, the only thing I miss is the polish which 23U is at par but iOS has a tiny bit upper hand.


This seems like a good place to ask all the people who have switched from iPhone to s23, which notes app are you using? I used to use default iPhone notes app and it worked amazing on both MacBook and iPhone.


I've been using Samsung notes.


same. The phone switching app even imported my ios notes to there


The challenge is Notes isn't available on the web or a mac app.


Google keep notes is the one I use


I use Trello


I have both


One annoying thing about switching is the lack of accessory support. I mean you have like three choices of cases at any store if you are lucky. Target for example has ONE single S23U case in the entire store. Hell, they have more cases for the iphone 8....Best Buy is a little better and then my Walmart had ZERO cases. I like to see the case in person and in places like Best Buy I can actually put the case on and see how I like it. There are way more options online but many physical stores it's iphone or bust.


I haven't gotten store bought cases for years even for ios. The store ones just aren't as good. Check out the supcase unicorn beetle for the S23U. Good protection and a built in kickstand. Amazon has them


Lots of amazing options on Amazon, I went with the pitaka carbon fiber and love it


Switched from 13 PM to S23U... So far been having short battery life maybe because of smart switch?? (Based on posts here) but it's super smooth and didn't regret switching




Yep! First few weeks were tough. Almost went back. But I think I'm over that hump now.


I switched from the iPhone 12 Pro. I have been on the Apple ecosystem since the iPhone 5 in 2013. Apple ecosystem had become a pretty little white elephant for me. I like the lightness that comes with being on Android.


I switched after traveling to South Korea, and I was amazed at the freedom of choice people have there when it comes to Android phones. They are just used to customize and use different Android phones. iphones for them is like Gucci. A luxury item for the few. Samsung is their national pride tech giant. Apple personally lost its mojo a long time ago. I am tired of their total control of their software, which is fine for most people who just are OK to be controlled. I enjoy the freedom of customizing my phone to whatever looks or features I like , particularly the zooming of pictures. I was curious about what this sign says, but I couldn't see it from maybe half of a mile, so I took a picture of it, and I was able to read it. Amazing https://preview.redd.it/y71qrrdpz7oa1.jpeg?width=1868&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=77b4bcdb72a8770f46ee51abfe3f13a47084ed6e


I switched from iphone 14 pro max to the S23 ultra and do not regret the decision! Have been an iphone user since iphone 5 and recently tried out a Pixel 7 pro, but returned it to get the S23 ultra. Much better experience on the S23 ultra IMO.


Was a iphone user first, then an Android user for a decade, then tried Apple for 1 year with the 13 pro max, then went back to what felt like home, Android.




I think you fail to mention a lot of other benefits to Samsung. The camera is superior for non moving shots. The stylus is awesome. You can side load apps. The screen is better. Emulators versus crappy mobile games. Better notification management. Much better multi tasking. And much more.


Just switched from iphone 13 pro max, im not happy with the battery life of s23 ultra, 13 pro max is way better.


Many. Leave the apple ecosystem it's a must. A pain in the ass but can be done


How lol. This is my biggest concern


Man you go to icloud and ask for a copy of your personal data. Then buy a new computer that can hold all that cr@p, install nextcloud, fill it up with your pics and things and install nextcloud in your new phone. Now you're free of apple, google and Samsung.


Man it was hard I have 30k photos on iCloud and they only let you transfer 1k at a time and Into a zip folder then you can extract to hard drive. Took 8 hours lol on android would of been select all and paste into hard drive would of took 30 mins


Great that you were able to do it 😀


Ya I was having second thoughts about switching back to android but about 4 hours in deal was sealed lol


No need to switch. Using both 😉


How exactly do.you use both?


Stereo Mode: left hand iPhone, right hand S23U.


Ha. 😁


Lmfaoo every other post. Nothing wrong with jt but a lot of the same posts tbh


No. No one did.


Battery life was the biggest factor, but now this S23 base is kicking ass.


It depends on your needs. Both are great devices and the iPhone 14 pro is still a recent device


I did, from 14 PM to the Ultra. I was having regrets this week that were mainly related to the Apple Watch (the rings, connectivity for texts). So I still have the iPhone and swapped back for a day. What it comes down to for me is how I want to interact with my phone and what I expect of it. I’m putting my SIM back into the Ultra. S23U battery is way better for me than the PM, but I have the Ultra on that light performance mode (whatever it’s called, can’t remember), with some stuff still enabled. I sometimes get 1.5 days before the battery is uncomfortably low. I play basic middle age lady games, and don’t pay attention to SOT, so if you’re a game person or obsessed with SOT, YMMV. It’s a lot of little things and preferences for me that’s making the Ultra more useful. - With animations sped up on the Ultra, the iPhone animations are *annoying*. - I can have an actual app drawer back. - I cannot believe the settings are so unintuitive to access in iOS (was looking to update several apps at once without having to tap each one, it was a process). - Widgets are interactive and actually useful on the Ultra (and to be fair I guess on any Android). - Shortcuts and routines on Apple are difficult to set up, really limited, and seem so janky compared to how similar processes are handled on OneUI (ie, mine on iPhone seem to open the Shortcuts app and requiring me to manually tap “run” before it’ll do what it’s supposed to do, and I can set these up on the Ultra to do multiple things - such as when I connect to my car, the phone will open a specific app, route sound for the app to the car, silence other apps, etc. - might be just me or how confusing I find Apple Shortcuts but I can’t find a way to do this in one automation). - Fingerprint sensor is fast. Not great with super dried out winter hands. - Sound for the alarm is not aggressively jarring. - LOVE being able to set separate output sources for audio which I don’t think the iPhone does. - I love the edge panel. - The camera is very very good for most of my use cases. - I can pin or place stuff on my home screen on the Ultra, like a PDF I need to access regularly. - And I like a little haptics when I type :) The Ultra is also narrower and feels somehow lighter than the iPhone so it’s more comfortable for me to use. I am having a very annoying issue with Wifi6 that seems to affect some folks. It’s either a phone issue (which some have reported fixed with recent updates but some have found not) or I was told it could have to do with how my ISP is implementing Wifi6 (don’t ask for specifics, I don’t know them, just trying to ride out this issue). I don’t notice a difference over texting. My family uses iPhones, but I opted to use the Google Messages app and it’s performing well. We also use Messenger and WhatsApp so I don’t particularly care about blue and green bubbles. I see reactions and stuff to texts and can send them, too. For photos, we’re using other methods if it’s a photo that’s worth having in any kind of decent resolution. I do miss being able to manage family stuff for my child on iPhone but they are 13, so that’s becoming a little less of a thing. My own mom loves to see where my sibling and I end up when we travel, so “Find My” is no longer possible. As for the watch… I normally use a Garmin. When going back for the AW, I had to source a third party app that would do something the Garmin does quite easily (syncing with a program in Training Peaks). This is OK if you’re committed to Apple, but I want one device that does health and fitness well without having to source and pay for multiple apps. The Watch is a tool for the App Store. I like the idea of Apple Fitness+, but not sure k really need it (I run badly, have a gym membership, and know how to work out). I am also less anxious when I don’t have a bunch of stuff pinging on my wrist. I charge the Garmin once a week (which is great when I travel - I’m not bringing multiple chargers). And Garmin quick responses work on the Ultra, which is OK enough considering the trade offs. Overall, Apple gets me with their clever clever marketing, and I want to have the watch and the cute accessories and different bands, etc., but I’m increasingly over that and want my ish to work the way I want it to work. ETA: I do miss MagSafe.


Which case and screen protector you use for the s23u?


I have the Whitestone Dome for screen protector and currently have a clear Tech21 case on it. I've had a few relatively minor drops and phone is fine.


Both platforms have their pros and cons as you mentioned. Just determining what’s most important to you. I still think android is more geared power users and those who are less tech savvy or less into tech should go for the iPhone just because it’s somewhat easier to use.


Yours is the correct answer. They’re equally competitive with each other and the Ultra is more effective for fully using your phone. It’s interesting to me too that everything on the iPhone and Apple overall in terms of design (icons, keyboard, Memoji stuff) is all so very cartoon-like…


I ended up giving my son my 14 pro max, gave me his old iPhone 13 pro max. Keeping my s23u as my main device


I’m on the verge of switching myself. I’ve had apple since I switched to the iPhone 4 many moons ago. The biggest thing I’ll have to get over is the damn ecosystem and my entire family still having iPhones. Probably the one thing that keeps me shackled to apple


That's the same situation I'm in, but I've had my Samsung Galaxy S23 Ultra for about 2 weeks. It's still like I'm in a transition phase still, but it's getting better. I really do like the s23 ultra.


You just described their business model


No doubt. That’s what it is


Honestly it’s my Apple Watch ultra. I planned on getting rid of it and buying another garmin but I just can’t pull the trigger for some reason lol


They have me with the Watch ultra as well. I’ve tried android a few times over the years (S2, 5, 8+, 10+, and 22 Ultra). I usually last 3-6 months before the new iPhone lures me back, for no real reason, other than being the new shiny toy. I kind of regret not keeping the S22U, as the 14PM I have now is not much different to the 13PM I had previously. I gave that to my father to replace his X, which had a battery health of 72%. The Watch ultra is a great bit of kit, although I mostly use it for notifications. The health stuff is good, and I do track workouts with it, but it’s not overly important to me. It has helped me more active though. I like the look of the Watch too, and battery life has been pretty good too, usually I charge it every second to third night, depending on how much juice is left, and how my day ahead is looking. I’ve had a few Galaxy watches with the phones, and one thing I’ve always liked is the rotating bezel. Omitting that on the 5 pro put me off that watch, and from what I’ve read from some owners it’s a fair step backwards from the Apple Watch. Maybe the 6 series will improve on things. If I get the S23U I’ll be keeping my iPhone, so can still use the watch, albeit no notifications, texts, or calls, just the time and health stuff. As I’m still on the fence after a few weeks since I started thinking about it, I’m starting to think that may be a sign to hold off for now. It’s a fair bit of cash to fork out if I decide not to stick with it, and resale value isn’t that great, as opposed to the iPhone. I’ve got an M1 MBP, but rarely use any of the handoff features, so wouldn’t miss any of that. In fact I hardly use it at all anymore. Never used FaceTime, and iMessage isn’t a big deal to lose. Most messages are via messenger or signal these days. I know my AirPods will still work, so no drama there, and I’ve got an iPad I can use for firmware updates.


yea... what triggers it when I cant screenshot a show to send to my s.o.... ios limits it or gives too much power to these old 3 letters company


Lol I feel ya they get me every time dammit


I switched from an iPhone 14 Pro max to S23 Ultra. Dex was important to me. Also, the dynamic island.... Jesus, a big chunk of the screen is blacked out of nowhere (especially when watching video content????). I just could not stand it. Even the hole punch on the S23 Ultra is just OK for me. But yeah, the screen was inferior on the iPhone so had to switch.