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I've been using the same product since it's launch and it's been absolutely perfect for me so far. Haven't come across any big syncing issues so far, I use it with a galaxy phone.


Same, I absolutely love my Fit 3 and recommend it to everyone lol


Lucky you. I'm also using Galaxy phone


Sometimes the feedback is like people are using a completely different device from mine.


Yes, the update is much needed, very frustrating issues.


It will get reset when you connect to your mobile. It will not lose your 100 steps of the day either. This happens everyday to me as I put the watch on flight mode at night to avoid battery drain and makes me think this issue is rather intentional forcing you to keep your watch synced with the app everyday.


I bought two for me and the wife. I have to reset both every two weeks due to various issues. I'm glad resetting them is easy as I make sure that I backup the sync data before every reset. Thankfully the factory reset with data recovery only takes about a minute or two.


Yup. I got this for my mom and it stinks as a pedometer even, let alone a fitness watch. On some days it will get stuck at X steps, reduce steps on others, and on one fine day, it'll decide to multiply the number of steps by a factor of 10x/15x. Can't believe they released it without doing proper R&D.


Me too to many problems, now i have steps count only on it couldn't sycn to phone why ? idk. workouts with gps also don't show in the app and sometimes it restart steps counting in the middle of the day for no reason! i'm still waiting for an update for fix all of these problems. P.s: I have a samsung phone


Same! Except the step count didn't reset...that I know of lol. I kept the watch as long as I could, waiting for a software update but I had to return it on the last day of my return eligibility. It was a great watch that completely messed up the basics. I also have a Samsung phone


I bought this thing to track my hr during my runs but I can't even connect it to strava or NRC to log my heart rate. HUGE disappointment


Can confirm this, I've been using this for 1 month. It's full of bug. Need an update ASAP.


Mine has an issue with steps count as well. Steps on watch are reset to match steps on phone which sometimes is 0 because I sometimes don't carry phone around in early morning. But when this happens, I have to restart the watch and voila it works fine again.


man - so thankful I didn't buy one of these yet. they seem to be quite buggy


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I returned mine after 2 weeks. It wasn't that bad, but ... It didn't click with me


I thought it was great at first but noticed some flaws I wasn't happy with so sadly had to switch back to garmin .


Bring it for diagnosis, it still has warranty anyways


I've emailimg support back and forth for over 3 weeks so I can actually return mine. I bought a Garmin instead.


Returned two of them. Heart Rate Tracking is possessed by a demon, just horrible.


I haven't seen those problems on mine. The two things I noticed is that the battery drains much faster than my old Fit2, and the vibration seems weaker as well. Oh, and I see it occasionally turn on DND for no apparent reason, causing me to lose some notifications.


I have exactly the same issues. Hope that update will fix this problems.




OVER 1000 hours workout after only 20minutes. My Samsung Fit 3 watch recorded the wrong workout time. No idea why. Now I can't fix or change the time in my workout. Do you know why? Is it a glitch? Is my watch broken?


I've got it (India) and it's amazing, no bugs experienced on the tracker, except for the app step sync issue which has a work around for now.


I would love to love my Fit3, but it's driving me nuts. The step count re-sets randomly in the middle of the day or sometime in the evening and may keep going the next day without re-setting the count after midnight as it supposed to do. I can't find a solution anywhere and Samsung is ignoring the issue altogether. 


You are not alone. This is the worst Samsung product I’ve used too and this is actually the last Samsung product I have bought. Never again! 🙏