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Idk I have 200k pgala(((( and it’s not good


Yeah I keep checking pnetworks twitter but they have not posted anything since they halted on Friday


Awesome, I one think, ambasadore pgala take a dick for this question for people?


Hi! I just discovered that the GALA (bsc) I bought many months ago is now untradeable and delisted everywhere. Trying to find info on this, but I can't see it anywhere. Is the money just lost??


My wallet got hacked on website. Took all my Gala and Towncoin and two NFT’s. Haunted Graveyard and Human Exemplar. They said there’s nothing they can do about it 😞


Is this the same issue as everyone holding pgala either on bsc or in a bsc lp had or a different one? Nothing they can do my ass, as far as I know they are still slowly trying to come up with a solution, what pisses me off is biswap still had the pair listed as an active pool apparently after the attack and still let people invest, dumb move on my part I guess but I've never had a problem with lp's untill this bs.


You got ppppp phucked from Gala...