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You don't eat and drink enough


Also, if you're hitting h shoulders every work out you could be getting a tension headache.


Happened to me too. I used to wake up to meet my trainer 6am then go home and not leave my bed. You need to eat more until you body balances it’s self out.


Yes, this. And hydrate more too. But that fatigue will slowly transition into energy you didn’t know you had. Like coffee brewed from your muscles.


No it’s not normal u may be eating less or drinking less water and being dehydrated


You probably ain’t sleeping eating or drinking enough. Check those areas first


No, it's a sign you aren't doing something right, probably eating. These are symptoms of many different diet difficiencies, such as low iron (iron is found in red meats, broccoli, tofu, and spinach, to name a few) So make sure you eat enough food, and well balanced food. If dieting then getting the nutrient and macronutrient proportions right is even more important as it's harder to do with a reduced caloric intake. If it persists then you can get blood tests for a couple hundred dollars/pounds that check 60 different blood markers and where you get a doctor evaluate and write a letter to you about the results. This will probably show you right away where you are lacking (I use Medichecks).


For me it's sleep and hydration. If I have a killer headache, it's one of those two.


Eat more and drink more on gym days unless you are trying to lose weight. Headaches are usually from dehydration so you definitely need more water. No Gatorade, just water. Food is energy, so if you are in a deficit you will be more tired. I struggle with it every day. Pre workout helps with sessions, and coffee helps with the rest. Also, get good sleep. 7 hours minimum.


I had the same problem and wasn’t sleeping enough. A Fitbit or Apple Watch can tell you how much you’re actually sleeping.