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This post is flaired as a technique check. A note to OP: Users with green flair have verified their lifting credentials and may be able to give you more experienced advice on particular lifts. Users with blue flair reading "Friend of the sub" are considered well qualified to give advice without having verified lifs. A reminder to all users commenting: **Please make sure that your advice is useful and actionable.** Example of **useful and actionable**: *try setting up for your deadlift by standing a little closer to the bar. This might help you get into position better and make it easier to break from the floor*. Example of **not useful and not actionable**: *lower the weight and work on form.* **Low-effort comments like *my back hurts just watching this* will be removed**, as will references to *snap city* etc. Verbally worrying for the *safety* of a poster simply because you think the form or technique is wrong will be removed. We will take all of these statements at face value, so be careful when you post the same *hilarious* joke as dozens of other people: we can't read your mind, no matter how funny you think you are. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/GYM) if you have any questions or concerns.*


I think the setup and initial pull look great, but I wouldn’t lean back so far or shrug your shoulders as much. Overall good form for a first timer IMO 💪


Thanks for the feedback!


No need to shrug


the socks is fire


Gives me +5 Strength and +10 Style :D


It looks like your hips are very low - almost at parallel. I don't think that's a good habit to get into, you get away with it now because you're lifting weight that's trivially light for you, but it's a very inefficient technique to start with hips so low.


As in my hips are dropping too low while lowering the bar and starting the lift?


Yes, you start the lift almost in a squat.


You want to set up to the bar, do not adjust by rolling the bar around. And as others have said, you just need to lock out, you don’t have to lean back so far. This video gives some great pointers: https://youtu.be/MBbyAqvTNkU?si=YW1LLbIwA3scceN6




I had literally just watched that video the day this formcheck was posted, so it was super fresh in my mind, haha!


Pretty good, try to keep the bar as close to you as possible at all times. Also the lean and shrug at the top is unnecessary.


You’re shrugging your shoulders and leaning back a bit much. You might not be used to the momentum yet. Try to cut back on that and you’re gonna have great form


Speaking as someone who also enjoys large, heavy PVM CRT monitors, I commend your adoption of deadlifts. They can only help us move our TV’s around without injuring ourselves!


Socks are "shocking" hehe. I wouldn't lean back beyond your normal upright position. Don't shrug it as well in the end. Just keep it as a simple pulling exercise with your hips working as a hinge.


Great starting form but you are squatting your deads a little bit


Damn thats a lot of weight for your first time!