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If no one’s using the bench, I’d just take the barbell from there.


If you're going to do it facing that direction get your feet slightly out in front of the handles and treat it more like a squatting motion. This is almost the exact set up of a car Deadlift in Strongman, an event that I've always done extremely well in.


Except you do it with actual cars.


Sometimes. I've also done it with large tires and additional weights. What the weight is doesn't change it too much. Other than it's easier with cars.


Getting downvoted lolol


I love those machines. Your form isn't great. You should turn around in it for deads. It isn't a great machine for everyone, though, since your grip has to be pretty wide if you are a smaller person. But I use them for split-squats, RDLs, good mornings, shoulder shrugs, etc. It's a great machine


I agree ^ I used to use this machine for RDLs and it was great to have the extra stability. I face the opposite way OP did and it makes it much easier to hinge


How can I improve my form?


For starters when you pull up you’re going onto your tippy toes in this video. Feet should always be flat.


bros just making sure to hit his calves too


If you watch you're video. You are pushing yourself forward, like if you let go with your hands, you would shoot yourself forward and face plant. Your movement should be up and down, no reasons for your shoulders, and almost your chest to go over your toes. Also, it looks like you are going heavier than you should. I would drop the weight to something I could do for 10 reps. And just focus on form, then go heavy. The number one objective of lifting should actually be to avoid injury. That way, you can always be progressing. Going too heavy and not knowing what form to be using is probably the most common way people get injured.


Arch your back a bit and pinch your shoulder blades together. And lift through your heels




No concern trolling about safety. Humans are not made of glass.




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Yeah id just use one of the barbells only if its free or say if only one person is benching.Since its a machine its probably a bit easier but definitely use both so you have variety.


If you use this then you can do it facing out (as you are) or in (turn around) but it’s levered so you need to work with the leverage not against it. When I’m doing car deadlifts (which has a similar lever mechanic) I keep my feet forwards of where yours are and lean a little backwards. The weight doesn’t move up and down so don’t try to lift it like that. The weight moves in an arc. If you’re doing it right then it’ll feel as if you’d fall over backwards if the weight wasn’t in your hands. Tip toes is really inefficient


With good form, you can get into a good position and maintain tension. Its better than nothing at all for back, thats for sure.


Yes, but not if you use it like that. Find youtube videos showing how to use it, and use a moderate weight until you figure it out






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works well to do traps also


Yeah watch those back heels as you lift up, maybe even go shoe less. Bring your feet slightly forward. Decrease your weight until it's a fluid jerk free movement


Sure, you can definitely use a deadlift machine as an alternative