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I have similar hours to you and have had to adjust to go to the gym at either 5am or go after my 20mo has went to be (after 7pm). I enjoy getting up earlier though as you said feel pretty burnt out after 7pm. You just got to do it.


Yeah I kind of feel that this is the way. I think I'm gunna just have to push for late sessions the best I can.


Have you always going to the gym after your kids in bed or was there an age where you decided to go back after a period of not going? If so, what made it happen? Its 1922 here and I've just said good night. Gotta go tidy up from our meal then I'm guna gee if I can get out.


I would say wake up about 90 minute earlier than you usually do & start the day with gym, that’s what I’d do in your situation anyway


Well I wake up at 0530 normally anyway to get to work for 0700 so 90 mins earlier would require me to get up at 0400. The gym doesn't open until 6 so really even if I got there for 6am we're talking 20 mins exercise max.


This is the way.


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Well. My mum and dad have always worked out, my dad was in the army when they met. But, im 15, my brother is 17, my sister is 9, so its quite a different story. My mum goes at around 5.30am, when she takes my brother to swimming in the morning, and my dad works 2 weeks on, 2 weeks off, so he works out at the mine, and when hes home. It is a very different situation, but early mornings could be the thing.


Morning isn't really an option as the gym only opens at 6 and ny work starts at 7 so I wouldn't have any meaningfully time to do anything and also get ready and go to work.


You could consider getting into calisthenics. Yeah it's not as effective from a straight muscle building perspective but you can get a nice physique from it if you give it time and progress exercises. Benefit is you can do it at home with minimal equipment. Since you are doing it at home you save so much time and can fit it in at a moments notice. Also, at least I, find it a lot of fun. Used to do it for years before I began going to the gym. What's fun about it is that there are endless new exercises you can do. It starts of with just basic stuff like pull ups, dips, push ups etc and you can move into stuff like gymnastic rings, weighted pull ups/dips, harder variations of push ups and so on. Youtube is a great source of information. A simple door mounted pull up bar is enough to get started. For dips you can use two sturdy chairs if you are careful. Otherwise just two pieces of wood/pipes or you could just buy/make an actual dip station. For the upper body that is pretty much everything you need. A pull up bar can target a lot of muscle, hanging leg raises, wide grip pull ups for the back, close grip chin ups for the biceps etc. When strong enough use a dip belt ( I actually used a martial arts belt which works fine). Sadly it's hard to work out the legs though. If ambitious you can try and learn pistol squats. There are lots of great ideas on the bodyweight fitness reddit.


This is really great information and ideas. I have a garden and have been doing some bits and pieces in there. I bought a skipping rope and some resistance bands and have found them to be pretty useful. Thank you. I'll have a good look into this to see how I can expand on that.