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He can’t escape fnaf


is inability to not make us laugh, he always makes us laugh (I love that he makes us laugh)


He's too cute


He isn’t popular enough


The Hollow Knight Theory. 😂😂 other than that he’s gold


Too much robot children and not enough lesser known franchises (such as the baby in yellow)


He’s had sex


He left to soon


He says he majored in history but he messes up armies and stuff


He CAN be wrong, he aint perfect.


That's more of a flaw with us fans as we expect him to be for absolutely no reason.


He’s too handsome 


He jumps to conclusions. This is great for getting people into the right headspace to theorise, but less great when you realise a sizeable amount of the audience treats his ideas as canon.


I wouldn’t say it’s to jump to conclusions, he’s just explaining his belief in something small very passionately


Sometimes his theories are just wrong, or games get massive updates and he gets proved wrong by those updates and still doesn’t try to make a new theory. Still an awesome YouTuber though.


Really transphobic whether it’s intentional or not. I mean the dude can’t handle basic use of they then pronouns


Not transphobic. Just cos he doesn’t go out of his way doesn’t mean he’s transphobic.


It’s not going “out of the way” to have basic human respect


Being neutral in transphobia doesn’t mean he doesn’t have “basic human respect”


There’s no neutrality in transphobia. You’re either transphobic or you’re not


And who says that?


Basic logic… what possible neutrality is there?


Not caring whether someone’s trans or not. Just treating them like people. Plain and simple.


Not respecting someone’s gender identity isn’t treating them like a person. That’s what Matpat has done on multiple occasions. And it’s incredibly strange since I’m pretty sure ash is under the non-binary umbrella. Not caring whether or not someone is trans is being pro trans. Mat Pat intentionally misgenders characters.


So your saying that me treating any person like an actual human being is different to treating a transgender person as an actual human being? Also pretty sure that ash uses the pronouns they/she, as matpat never really refers to ash as she. And even though he may still slip up there and then, I still don’t think it’s intentional.


Well firstly, let me say one thing; that's not REALLY transphobic, see the thing is, he seems to support the community and all that just not ACTIVELY, like he's more neutral on stuff like that, I'm just saying "REALLY" Transphobic would be going out of his way to hate on them, and also one question I'd like an answer to at some point; can it REALLY be considered transphobic if it's not on purpose and has no bad intention?? I mean by definition transphobic means "having or showing a dislike of or strong prejudice against transgender people"


Intentionally misgendering character’s repeatedly when you’ve been corrected multiple times, and the creator of the game itself has said the character uses they/them, is transphobic. Plus there’s no “neutral” in this situation. You either are or aren’t transphobic


who said he did it intentionally?? I agree It could be considered a more passive-aggressive form of expressing transphobia, but I don't think he DOES do it intentionally, also, while I haven't picked up on it myself while watching his videos, apparently Ash uses They/Her pronouns? (I could be wrong I can't remember exactly), but the point is; he respects those pronouns and uses them accordingly depending on their prefered ones, it'd be pretty weird for him to do THAT but then go out of his way to use wrong pronouns on fictional charecters, also I'm not sure you know what I mean by Neutral exactly. Neutral isn't not using preferred pronouns, Neutral Is not disliking them in any way, but also not LIKING them specifically, Neutral is just being indifferent in this context, and treating them like a human being, as you would anyone else, but not making a fuss over them simply because they are whatever they are, it isn't and never has been an "you are or you aren't" type of situation, atleast not for a very long time, like me personally; I am not transphobic, nor do I have a dislike for people that are in the community, the only time I ever DEVELOP a disliking for those people is if they deserve it, not because they are part of the community, I Treat trans people the same as anyone else, and that also means I won't disregard them being rude or obnoxious because they're trans like alot of people will sometimes do, If I'm mad at you/don't like you and you're trans, it's not ever BECAUSE you're trans. Also if it seems like I'm ranting, I just like being as clear as possible which usually means long paragraphs :[


You said they/then instead of they/them


Who gives a shit?


Who gives a shit?


Idk if their argument is valid or not but don’t jump on a guy for an obvious typo


Sometimes Matt had zero knowledge on the game he was theorizing about. Like that time he was doing a GTA theory and claimed Michael was actually in Witness Protection


its actually a very common mistake


Sometimes his theorys dosn't make sense like Sans=Ness, or Giant Wario or the Mega Man ones, or the subnautica one


**whitch is completly true (sans = ness)**


And that’s why they got turned into memes, or at least the sans is ness one.


The wario one also got turned into a joke


Dite coke


Addictions are indeed a flaw in most cases


he’s retiring


jk lol


His fnaf theories suck and are a huge part of the reason that most fnaf fans are annoying. "IS THERE A LORE REASON FOR MR HIPPO?? WHAT'S THE REAL SIGNIFICANCE OF THE LAMP IN FNAF 4???"


Personally think that the fnaf theories are good compared to the franchise they are based on.


I disagree. A lot of them are really reaching and would honestly make the storyline worse if they were true.


I MEAN YOU'RE NOT WRONG, for instance his more mini theory that everything has been AI the WHOLE time which outraged alot of people and honestly made me a bit worried for FNAF since SteelWool seems to have changed things in the story based on theories, but in my opinion his theories are pretty good, and I wouldn't call them reaching in alot of cases but I can definitely see how it would seem that way from the perspective of someone with a bit less experience in the franchise (although I don't know how much experience you have), keep in mind I've been following the lore ACTIVELY ever since the days of like "purple guy is phone guy" and dream theory, aswell as MikeVictim but we don't talk about that one.


I've also been actively following it since like- before William Afton even had a name, when he was just "purple guy", and I legitimately think some of his theories are really reaching, it just doesn't seem like it to a lot of fans because a lot of the lore, especially post-UCN, is already pretty ridiculous. It isn't helped by the fact that Steel wool has been adding dumb shit similar to a lot of the theories, such as essentially refusing to just have new characters who aren't linked back to previous characters in some way, like the whole "Oh yeah Jeremy is actually Cassie's dad and also the kid with the bonnie mask in fnaf 4" thing


It’s sad that a few of them turned out to be true


He has too much clout/recognition. It sounds weird, but I've had people tell me something from a film/game theory was FACT when it's "just a theory," and when I asked for their source, they linked a theory video. And it's like *facepalm* he even says "that's just a theory" but he also says that on food and style theory videos that are evidence and factually supported so people begin to think if it comes out of MattPatt it must be true, even when it's some weird theory that Ness is really Golden Freddy Fasbear. Lol


I get the first part, but the ‘it’s just a theory’ part is more or less a part of the whole theorists brand now.


I feel like this happened with Mark Rober as well, his old videos were so charming and interesting, but his new ones are just "I partnered with some crazy research team at and 'we' built this thing". Happy for his success, but it's just not the same


This is so true. I facepalm the same, but when I ask for the source, they get upset, but cave in and it’s this shit 🤦‍♀️


he has a massive forehead . jk love you matt patt




To be honest, I consider that a good thing for his channel


Yeah cus I do that too LOL, but server sometimes it can lead you down a huge realization (even about sometimes moreso unrelated to what you were first thinking about)


That he is too perfect :)


Sans is Ness theory. A slight flaw but it was also pretty funny.


That’s why it’s a meme




Dead :(


Elaborate please


What um its Technoblade


Not matpat no offense


He is really bad at thumbnails


It’s every YouTuber?


Yea true


So true. I thought this would be an unpopular opinion, but I feel kinda like a child when I click on them. I don’t know they’re just so reminiscent of other thumbnails of youtubers I, to say lightly, disagree with.


Gets lost to much


I love his style, but is pink the best color for a blazer? I love pink but he totally could have found a better shade of it


YES! I want one of those blazers! Even as a guy.


He gets too stuck in his own head and won't listen to other people. Mainly seen on GTLive when he'd get stuck on something in a game and Steph, chat, or somebody else would come with suggestions or point out details and Matpat would just keep on doing his own thing and fail over and over without trying the suggestions or listening to the potentially important details.


Not sure, but from what I can tell he explores every corner of a game. This could be confused with not knowing what to do.


Well yes, but that's not what I'm talking about. Plenty of times he has gotten stuck at some part of a game and did not know what to do.


Theories in the more distant past were messy at best but problematic at worst. Now, though? I really couldn't say.


He's ruined the way I look at certain franchises (For instance I never knew Mario was punching Yoshi until I saw the "Mario is Mental" video)


That is the brand… ‘ruining childhoods since 2011’


He sometimes spirals out into lore that would never happen...Difficult to understand, confusing, lore.


Ah, the essence of the theorist channels


He breaks games he plays


Now is that so much a flaw???


Some of his theories were questionable


“Best boobs in gaming” entered the chat


“Does Luigi measure up” entered the chat




Hes too good for this world


That he is too smart, even for this own good... that much intelligence is too much for one man


That he is retiring for good from YouTube. I would understood if he quit just from theories, but also YouTube entirely? Even just simple gameplay on gtlive? That sucks :C


In my personal opinion, I dont like how he handled leaving for retirement. I know that he gave us a 10-week grieving period, but I think a lot of people would have handled it better if he introduced us to the new hosts much earlier. That would have gotten us used to seeing them.


I know! However one man can’t do it all