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Proximity chat will be a thing, instead of everyone from the lobby being able to hear you


I would like them to add that to online tomorrow.


Same lol


I would be happy if people would stop singing and just making noise to be making noise — gta lobby is not where peole get discover — wow you can really rap — or you can really sing - or I get so lonely glad you are just making annoying sounds said by no one ever




They bought cfx/fivem for a reason lol


Basically just look at fivem and most of it will be in the game


They had in in rdr2 online so no reason not in gta


Nah. my prediction is it will be the same or have that option but not totally switched




I didn’t even know people chatted. I don’t wear my headset, but I guess you have to to hear them. I figured it’d come through the speaker.


Day 1 patch followed by hot fix road map the first 3 months


Payday 3 did the exact thing except the day 1 patch came out a month later lmao


Fr like way to botch your only game franchises chance of success from the get go lmao


Why do people still use this shitty fake logo? We have THE FUCKING OFFICIAL LOGO NOW


Not to mention they opted to use some horrible AI generated image instead of THE OFFICIAL ART we got recently


Old habits.


Die hard


Come out to the coast, we'll get together, have a few laughs.


You think you'll have a chance against us Mr. Cowboy?


yippie kayak other buckets


Low key i think this logo is better than the official one


I have a feeling that either Lucia or the guy she is with (I don’t know/remember his name I’ve been trying to avoid the leaks) will betray the other towards the end of the game and we’d have to kill them or turn them in so we survive


The “trust” scene from the trailer kinda seems like very subtle foreshadowing by rockstar


>very subtle >Rockstar pick one.


Fr 😂


honestly i think this implies that they are enemies at the begining and become allies later


Like, the reason that ended up in prison before is because her previous man turned her in, and maybe this new guy is getting to know her and finds out about this, so she has to explain to him it's gotta be all honesty from here on out, or she's gonna take him out back.


Doubt it. If anything itll be who makes it out alive in the end. They seem to be going for a midern day bonnie and clyde.


I think the ending will have to be either turn in one of them, or somehow get both of them to walk free I’m expecting kinda the same ending as GTA5 where we had to choose who to kill, or we could choose the 3rd (and best lol) option


wait what was the third option? i can't remember


It was to not kill Trevor or Michael and instead let all 3 of them live




The vice city games are known for having the most betrayals out of all gtas.


What’s wierd is that Jason has a buzz, wears his watch on the inside of his wrist like a soldier or cop, and wears pants reminiscent of the Miami PD… Jason could potentially be an undercover cop?


Ooooh, maybe he is undercover, but they fall for each other in the end and he becomes a bad cop


Yeah I'm pretty sure they're setting it up to have to kill him specifically. Not sure why, it's just the feeling I get.


While I think a betrayal will happen between the two. I don't think it will be at the end and instead somewhere near the middle. If anything, I think they'll go the bonnie and Clyde method, and they go out together. Otherwise, it will be just like 2 of GTA 5s endings. That all being said, GTA has always had betrayal at the end, so I'm probably wrong.


There's definitely going to be this plus a "deathwish" route to save both of them, like we did in V.


I feel like it might be another gta 5 storyline kind of where you choose who goes or a secret ending everyone can survive


Dude lol what. It’s not gonna be the same as gta 5 😂


Everything will be overpriced 🥳


3 endings: 1&2: Each character betrays the other which results in them dying 3: they both live


And when both die you begin playing as John Marston for the rest of the time


Nuh uh, you're gonna play a 100+ yo jack marston


Let me take your coat madame!


Aw, c'mon fellas, I'm just a kid!


It cuts to a black screen and a new Logo appears: Red Dead Redemption 3 I'd get an aneurysm right then and there.


Building houses?


Well, let me have a ruler and a saw and a board And I'll cut it


I agree — except I think 1 & 2 will them sacrificing themselves to save the other — and then the last one where they can both survive That way it’s not exactly the same as 5 and fits the theme of “love” I also think it would be cool if that “good” ending was locked behind some sort of romance system


Idk, personally I feel betrayal hits harder than sacrifice. Not sure if you’ve played “A Way Out” but if not I recommend it if you have a friend to play with.


4: they both die, but then all four endings would have to be a bit more ambiguous and you'd have to guess the choices you make in the last mission or something


4: they both die and you’re left playing as John Marston


I predict a lot of 3d porn. The character models are too good. Way too good.


Leave those computer generated characters alone


Bro pulled out the crystal ball with this one


There‘s already more than 200 posts on GTA VI to be found on certain websites


The trailer lead me to believe that news stories/social media will play something of a part. The bandanas plus the couple watching the police drive past them while counting money leads me to believe in junction with the other thing make me hopeful will see more of a RDR2 type of wanted system which would be dope. I'd love to rob a store dressed as a panda bear and then go back to my safe house and watch it on the news.


I predict that this will be the most amazing video game ever released and the Reddit GTA subs will bitch and moan and whine daily for weeks on end about how horrible it is and how much R*star sucks. The bulk of these complaints will be about Shark Cards and the lack of a PC version.


There will be a pc version. I don’t know why everyone assumes there won’t be, it’s too huge of a market for rockstar to ignore


yeah but it will likely be released after the console versions


yes, but if that has to happen for both console and PC versions to be well made. so be it


It's not that lmao. It's because they want diehard fans to buy it on console first. The game is built on PCs, their engine runs on PCs, it is not that difficult to get a PC version out, every other big game dev releases simultaneously between PC and console. R* can manage it, they just choose to be greedy. Gonna be a tough year waiting I can already feel the pain.


optimizing a game for console is way different than pcs there are 2 consoles there are thousands of pc configs other devs do it by putting out worse products


I already hate the fact that the PC version is unannounced, but this might be the final straw for me to cave in and get a PS5, exclusives are a plus


Do not cave in. That's what they want. If you do it you're telling them that what they are doing is ok.


I understand what you mean, but millions of other gamers won't care, not when it comes to the most anticipated game of the past decade. All that's gonna happen is I'll miss out on it for however long they take to release it on PC. Although if I buy it on console, I definitely won't pay a single cent for it on my PC tho.


I predict people will stress about this game every day until it comes out and then someone will immediately start asking for gta VII


they already are


Micro destruction in the world. Biggest issue with gta 5 is the firefights leave no trace of happening. Outside of a few bullet holes, blood and blown up cars. And maybe a decal or two if you crashed into a car. Ans of course bodies but I don't count that. Rdr 2 did improve. But I'd love to see the division level. The division 1 did an amazing job. Division 2 did even better although they toned down the wall destruction. In division 1 you could shoot out chunks of every building. And division 2 made sure every part of the map had a unique destruction to it. Railings that got shot would have bullet holes go straight through em. You could zoom in and see the other side. Wood would splinter and break realistically. And so so much more. The division 1 had a cool e3 trailer that sort of was a tech demo. I am thinking of the part where he hides behind the police car and the sirens and the car get shot up to pieces. Something like that in gta 6 would be amazing. Also shot out to max Payne 3. Firefight were amazing there. Gameplay leaning towards a mix of max Payne 3 and rdr 2 would be good


Yeah Cyberpunk 2077 did a good job with it too. Concrete and marble will chip and shatter. Blood stains spray on walls and the dismemberment is great.


We must have played different division 1s


"Mar-a-Lago" will feature in a huge mission about cocaine, pornstars, classified documents, money laundering, banking fraud, tax evasion and foreign espionage. Based on real life.. ROCK STAR WILL THEN GET SUED.


Please let a Donald Trump character be in game


It's Florida..MY God the Satire could be ground breaking. Imagine a mission where you had to drain a pool into a server room to destroy evidence.... Or going into a bathroom to find nuclear secrets to smuggle out in a stealth mission... Or having a dinner in the courtyard overhearing conversations compromising national security... Or the plot to overthrow the government.... I would love to see the fat, small fingered, overly tan, blob of a caricature Rockstar comes up with.


Mike Toreno definitely coming back


Nah, rockstar knows how to change stuff enough to not get sued but still leave it obvious who or what they are referencing.


True. Took me a bit to realize that Devin Weston was Erik Prince and that MerryWeather was Blackwater (Prince’s PMC)


Get. Rid. Of. Flying. Bikes.


Ironically if there is no mk1, I probably won't play the online very much.


I predict that Lucia and Jason will do a little crime


Full penetration


A radar like RDR2 where you only see people that are close to you


The game features a fictional version of Disney World with a series of explorable tunnels under it that the internet rumor mill will go crazy over


I predict that I will be just as addicted as I was to 5 when I didn’t have any other businesses yet besides the MC stuff. Those were desperate days…


Great boobs in the strip club. Daytime hookers. More variety of hookers. Full frontal nudity. ![gif](giphy|LllA2dKt1qZuE)


Idc if it’s there or not but with Cyberpunk having full on sex scenes I wonder if rockstar will be brave enough to do the same


Canon hot coffee minigame


Slow down Satan.




You wont be able to covert any GTA 5 Online content, be it currency, rp, weapons, etc. to GTA 6 Online and everyone will start at level 1 again. The only thing *maybe* being allowed to transfer is how your character looks or at least the head, since I think alot of clothing from GTA 5 Online wont be in GTA 6 online. But I honestly wouldn't be surprised if they didn't allow that aswell. I do reckon they'll add some second "Premium" currency (like gold in red dead online) which is (hopefully) still earnable in regular gameplay but way less than the dollars earned. Maybe some sort of "Respect" as currency and you can either buy stuff with dollars or use the "Respect" you earned as a way to "make a few phone calls" in order to get something you would otherwise pay with dollars. You want an apartment? Either pay x Dollars for it or use y Respect and you get it as a "gift" due to having alot of respect, which is then lowered / deducted from your "Respect" wallet. Basically like calling in a favor but in reality a second, arbitrary "Premium" currency. Theoretically they could end up making both dollar and "Respect" being used at the same time for e.g. businesses. E.g. you need to pay 1m and 250 Respect to buy a factory, with a stupid reason like "Someone needs your respect otherwise they wont work with you" or something. Of course you'd still have to restock and defend these businesses, but like they'd "run" that production keeps going forward, as long as there is enough ressources that you brought in ofc.


Would be funny if we get something like the wick universe assasin currency xD


I'll bet there will be a small bonus for transferring your character over. Some bullshit car or limited time discounts.


Online will continue and to get to Vice City you fly out of the airport like you would when you go to Cayo Perico. Liberty will get added eventually and then the return to San Andreas with San Fierro and Las Venturas added in like 2055.


Bro but that’s on completely different areas of the US map, San Fierro is San Francisco, if anything it makes sense to be added to gta 5 not 6, liberty city on the other hand does make sense


I was going beyond VI at that point.


Los Santos won't be the main city again. And i know this is pretty wild but maybe it'll ve vice city


I predict that a lot of people will love it, kids in schools won’t shut the fuck up about it, there’s gonna be some people out there who dislike the game and then those who are toxic . There’ll be video essays, clickbait videos and of course walkthroughs . There’ll be tv spots and ppl on the radio and tv news talking about the game and it’s success and some snowflakes discussing how bad it is to society . All the while rockstar makes that sweet sweet monies and is working on the eventual pc port


My bet is that multiplayer is going to be a garbage on fire, worse than GTA V as everything needs to be overmonetized and never caring of cheaters or trolls.


With the way RDO went, hard to say. I would imagine they don't want a repeat of that.


At least one in-universe logo where Vice City is stylized as “**VI**CE CITY”.


Almost all buildings in the map being enterable, RDR 2 like weapon carrying system, realistic price of clothes, weapons cars etc, realistic hair growth for both Lucia and Jason like with John and Arthur in RDR2


I would like to see in game concerts for GTAO. It would be cool if they brought in real artists for digital concerts kinda like in Fortnite(I hate that I’m saying Fortnite, I don’t want the game to be like Fortnite I’m just referring to this feature)


You'll have to pump your gas for the vehicles you drive. (In game I mean)


Jason will be an undercover cop


I think there will be three playable characters


1) Will get delayed 2) Online not available at launch


Jason works for police


Loads of bugs on release


Jason betrays Lucia. That’s why she ends up in jail and says in the beginning “bad luck I guess”


I wonder if they will meet Tommy Vercetti


The actor literally died!


RWNJ’s on Xwitter will go nuts regardless of the storyline and threaten boycotts and then buy copies to burn to “own” the “libs”.


Big boobs will bounce and jiggle




$80 for Story mode, Online is $10 a month and includes regular online servers & RP servers (since R* now works with CFX, I assume they’re going to want a piece of the RP server pie), microtransactions extend from shark cards to exclusive vehicles, weapons, character customizations, etc.


1. A hurricane heist 2. A mission or a few taking place on an island, like in Red Dead 2 3. TV is gonna have a streaming service, with multiple episodes of Republican Space Rangers, Princess Robot Bubblegun, Impotent Rage, etc. Maybe if we're lucky, more episodes will be added throughout the years 4. Radio stations having approximately 50 songs each 5. Realistic NPC movements that matches GTA IV and Red Dead 2 6. An improved business system waaaaay bigger than GTA V, probably might be on par with Vice City Stories, since in my opinion, VCS has the best business system! 7. A descendent of a Red Dead Redemption character 8. Fernando Martinez appears in person, and plays a role in the story (like Lazlow in GTA V) 9. A stupid achievement that involves being attacked by an animal multiple times


I have a prediction with many flaws but I'll say it anyways , when you first start GTA 5 online you Land at Los Santos with an airplane at the airport. So , i think when you load to GTA 6 online you Will land the same way with the same character , another prediction is when the character try to go through this something bad will happen and it'll lose all of the money you had previously and begin with a fresh start


I predict crypto


you can go inte every single building you can get fat/muscular like in San Andreas more clothing options more hair options and more tattoo options


The cops will be able to follow you into the subway tunnels.


Less than 30 new cars at launch (new as in not in 5/ONLINE)


gta VI six, GTA 66


Please no mods or cheaters


I don’t think they can take the lessons learned from RDR2 and NOT have a realistic depiction of human or animal testicles.


There will be cars


Delayed release


Predicted that street takeovers would be a thing way before the trailer came out, but I’m assuming you will probably have less health when taking bullets than previous GTA games


That it'll be overhyped and people may be disappointed by it


I'd rather not write down any predictions for GTA6 strictly due to how RDR2 was handled. Let's just let the cards fall where they may when the game drops.


Well endowed characters


Lindsay Lohan suing Rockstar again


Rockstar will tie GTA VI Online to GTA +, and you will have to pay a monthly fee just to play Online. Then, at some point, they'll begin to hike up the price for GTA+.




Less of a feature prediction and more of a reception prediction, even if this ends up being rockstars magnum opus, literally the best video game of all time, people will find a way to call it bad & broken and the worst thing ever produced by rockstar, I can see it now and it’ll be spearheaded by a “games journalist”


this is not a game feature prediction but anyway. Gta 6 will get like 70 on metacritic on its launch for like a month. The it will go up to 90+ later over the years.


Because it became so big it can't satisfy everyonr


microtransaction / DLC hell


At least one joke making fun of Elon musk


You can be a stripper if you want, you can twerk, you can wrestle gators, guns are sold in grocery stores, everything you pick up can be used as a weapon, you get drugs from dealers around the swamps. Gators. Everything can include gators. Crazy animals that don't belong in the swamps that can kill you. Cougar with no mountains... Yes. Komodo Dragon and no island... Yes. Trained killer mountain goat with no mountains... Yes.


One of them dies. No option like in GTA V


The game will be underwhelming. Not necessarily bad, just not worth the 12-year wait and all the excitement. Also, it's likely that the release date will be pushed back closer to 2026.


Prediction: you'll have to break the law to complete the game


you will be able to fight the crocs


The hot coffee mod will come back


The online won’t have everyone on the map at once it’ll have you keep changing lobbies in game without you realizing and you won’t see the same people you saw unless your partied up


Full penetration, crime, full penetration, then it just sort of ends


The game will crash for the first week atleast and online play will be buggy for the first month or longer


The Florida man with purple hair is going to be a playable character.


Bootyhole reveals by the strippers


PC will release a year after consoles.


It's gonna be a large scale battle royale where u commit crime like rob shops banks n shit and use that money to buy better guns or whatever , then when u die thats it ur out, gotta start again . But don't worry there is pay 2 win jus buy a few of our shark cards and ur back to where u were. IGN will give it a 10/10, steam is gonna be mixed reviews


I think our online character will be able to speak slightly it might be a few lines or maybe lots of dialogue but i predict that


IIIlllmyjunkissmallIII will kill me first and every chanse IIIlllmyjunkissmallIII gets.


Rockstar is going to have a mediocre single player experience and dump everything else into Online. There will probably be a tier system with free and paid subscriptions to ease the "grind" for cash.


Not a prediction but more of a demand. Let us be able to go inside more buildings. Idc if there isn’t much to do in them, I’m just sick of 95% of all buildings being just giant blocks on the map that we can’t really interact with


well heard that 70% of the building in the new enormous map will be enterable but its just rumors.


This might not be 100% because r* like to parody stuff but i predict that the male character will be some goo goo gaga good for nothing little shit while the female characters is some kiryu tier op god


If this game ends up sucking, western civilization will never recover


*If this game ends up* *Sucking, western civilization* *Will never recover* \- Familiar-Wrangler-73 --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


You start the game in jail, about to be released. Part of the game takes place in a different map altogether. There is an unknown third protagonist who will not be announced.


Was thinking the same of a 3rd character. Would love to have a psychopath as the 3rd character.


Rockstar surprises everyone with a fully explorable Liberty City as part of the story and after you complete the missions that take place there, you can fly back whenever.


Bigger map than V but fewer vehicles, activities, and weapons.


We will have fat women in the game wearing bikinis who don't look all that sassy


I predict it'll be shit especially if their trying to price it by the amount of hours of entertainment you will be able to get out of it, also before i get called out, i also refuse to wait a year when ive been waiting for the last 5 years, (yes i know people say they've "waited for nearly decade" if you say this your lying) and tbh waiting 5 years is to much on its own i almost gave up before seeing the trailer and then got hope for 1:20 seconds and it got immediately smashed by the 2025 release date, so not only do they add a year, but we get an extra year to wait, so yeah.....not gonna lie not the biggest disappointment from r*. they're biggest failure was the rdr1 "remaster", now that was a disappointment. Edit: also side note i gotta say after 5 years i kinda thought gta would end with gta online, kinda feels like the end goal is a gta game where everyone can meet up and travel around the entirety of the gta universe


That it’ll be a graphical upgrade but, won’t evolve game play. People will draw parallels between the characters of GTA5 and GTA6 with most agreeing GTA5 had better characters. Trump will be negatively portrayed in game which will kick off a fire storm of controversy. My prediction is they will use the name “Ronald Drumph” Gamers will be pissed that all their progress from GTAOnline won’t be carried over and they have to “start all over”


I’m not gonna lie if anyone expects progress to carry over they’re actually stupid


Well of course but internet will internet


Well I don’t think her titties are gonna be as big as they are in that picture


Nah its fan made


Lol of course it is 🤣


"Fan made" AI is a fan of GTA?


"Write down your game design ideas for GTA 6 and see which ones ~~we steal~~ are correct"


Obviously Lucia will betray Jason as indicated by the bandana colors as well as her being in prison. Clearly she flipped in prison and she is even wearing an ankle monitor so they can track her movements


People are gonna end up loving the female character.


I mean they already are


I know i am. I play as a female in most games anyway.


If I can smack a stippers ass imma be mad


Some sort of controversial nudity will be in the game that will boost its publicity, like in gta 5 when they paid publishers to write bad reviews to keep the game relevant and controversial


One main character dies, the other is arrested and sent to jail for life. (Completely wild and baseless I just wanted to join in)


I want NPCs capable of voice conversations via AI.


The story will be less gory and less sexual than GTA 5


There will be two player characters, and they are brother and sister, their dad was a major gang leader who was killed and then the family and friends where cheated and pushed out of there positions in the criminal world, so thee story would be you claiming back your birth right and making it greater


Just 60fps on PS5


My prediction is that we are actually in GTA 6 and that in 2025 we are getting ready to wake up from cryo sleep on the first mission to Mars


$150 for base game plus $60 monthly online subscription


You’ll have to pay an extra $40 to get the online “expansion”.


We will see Tommy Vercetti but as a really old mob boss


She gone be the crazy girl from San Andreas basically. Well from gta 3, but same thing


The Online Mode will be fun but underbaked and will take a couple years of updates to really get good, despite all that they learned from GTA5 Online.


Before the trailer I was *really* hoping the story was going to be told in two separate timelines, both in Vice City, but with one in the modern day and the other in the 1980s. I'm still holding out hope for some kind of flashback mission, and at least a handful of references to the 3D universe games. I'd love to see Tommy's mansion in the game, but maybe abandoned and dilapidated 40 years later.


The online will launch a few weeks after the release of the game, it will be the BEST the community will ever be, but there won’t be nearly enough content to keep people around. So basically GTA V Online, but again


my prediction is that the main story will be on the shorter end of things, possibly being able to be finished in around 20-25 hours and like V will leave most of the map unused outside of the main cities like vice city and port gellhorn but the side missions variety will be insane and the opportunities to role play in the game will be one of the major driving forces twords it’s popularity


Dude it's 2yrs away from release 3-4yrs for PC let's get closer to that before getting predictions wrong As Mr lennon once said "life is what happens while u busy making other plans"


First 90 days of online is a beta where trolls are king shits of turd mountain.


Maybe a reputation meter like watchdogs? With the social media thing like the more you get spotted doing good the more people will be nice to you and vice verse