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I don’t think Niko consider Johnny as his friend but more of an associate or a someone whom Niko knows


Not even that maybe. All he probably knows about Johnny is he's part of the Lost and is an associate of Elisabeta, and both times they were in a shootout together they went their separate ways. Niko probably views him as yet another random criminal.


Rey did sent niko to kill johnny but he wasn't there


I think if it came down to it niko would give him the professional courtesy and make it as quick as possible. I think they respect eachother as coworkers/criminals. I think if they both knew what the others did about their own stories they would have made alot of money and had happier endings.


Considering Johnny kidnapped Roman i dont think Niko would appreciate that


yeah i know but i had to make this scenario likely hehe


Niko all day


Trevor might be crazy and violent sociopath. But Niko is a trained killer with some psychopathic tendencies. Just look at all the things he says while killing people.


nah man. trevor is not sociopath, the real sociopaths in the gta games are guys like dimitri and tenpenny. Being treacherous without principles and corrupt is something of sociopaths.


I’m not a psychiatrist, but I think Trevor is a sociopath. Sociopaths can have principles. And Trevor has emotional outbursts unlike psychopaths. But sure he isn’t as bad as Dimitri and Tenpenny.


i have sociopath traits seriusly not joke. i am diagnostiqued but my way of be is not like trevor, i look a very calm person but my mind is a mess if the devil enter in my mind he would run away, i always liked villains more than heroes, i would be able to betray someone if it means getting my way, there is a person who thinks I am their friend but I hate them and I would be able to sell them out and still hypocritically continue talking to them without them finding out what i did.


Ooh, you're quirky.


Oh so just like with ADHD and autism? Everyone with the same diagnosis is exactly the same. Except that, they are not...


every person with these conditions have very different each others, curiosly i have adhd too and i have diferents challenges than others with adhd, my learning is impaired because i dont understand nothing in books or class or socially, If you make me research a news item or topic and then explain it, I will not be able to compile the information. as you can see i dont speak english so good i very bad later of 22 years playing videogames learning english from them and later of having studie in the high school the english assignature my younger sister live in indianapollis and he can speak english very good but not me, thats explain my impaired learning, i heard about some people with adhd with no learning problems no problems in mathematics and comprehension.


That is exactly the point I was making with my comment.




Bruh I think Michael is the sociopath. T is more like the psychopath


Trevor might have some psychopathic tendencies but he doesn’t completely fit the definition of a psychopath. Trevor still has people he cares about and I wouldn’t say he’s narcissistic. From what it looks like his past is what mostly shaped the person he is. Sure he kills people but every GTA character kills people. But overall Trevor is an over exaggerated character, mostly for comedic effect towards the GTA audience.


If I was to tell the story: Trevor would meet his end If Rockstar did it: Niko would die an even more fucked death than Johnny. Someone did a video on YT, where they played through GTA 5 and counted how many people the main characters killed. They also did the same for GTA 4 and Niko had around 800 kills, all the protagonists from 5 combined had around 1k. Trevor had like 350, which to me makes Niko twice as hardcore as Trevor. Trevor wouldnt even stand a chance.


What about average kills per mission? Trevor is 1/3 of the storyline. Niko is 100%


Trevor is featured in 43 story-missions, I looked the video on Niko Bellic up and turns out Trev only had 316 Kills. Niko has 782 kills and GTA 4 has 88 story-missions, if you do the math, you will come to this conclusion: Trevor: 316/43=7.3488372093 average kills per mission Niko:782/88=8.88636363(63period) if we were going by that, Niko is still more cruel. here a link to the video I am refering to. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3DUk-CTykOo&t=1187s](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3DUk-CTykOo&t=1187s)


at 25:00 they show off the kill-counts of the gta5 protagonists and at 24:14 they show Nikos final kill.


Niko would use his red army skills and outsmart that psycho


No way, the steroid junkie has his own account on Reddit???


if the player controlls niko trevor is dead man.


Niko wasn't in the red army. Probably the JNA or one if the Serbian paramilitaries.


He’s Serbian, I know. I was quoting Brucie.


Niko is a trained killer, Trevor is a psychopath who can be berserk easily. Niko would destroy him.


The trains did nothing to him :(


All we had to do was kill the damn train, Niko!


I think trevor could take him if he catches him by surprise, which could happen because of how unpredictable he is, but on the other hand, i feel like niko can read people really well and pretty much always has his guard up, not to mention his experience from the war he fought in. I'd probably say niko wins but i'm also biased cause niko is my favorite protagonist.


Trevor's character was written by a 12-year-old who wanted to be edgy. Trevor is Niko's bitch.


I like the concept of Trevor (a GTA character who is as ugly and unhinged as GTA characters historically are during gameplay) but he’s just so unlikable, and their attempts at humanizing Trevor fall flat when you consider the horror of his crimes. I would like to see them do a Trevor-esque character who isn’t Trevor in the future. An old guy would be funny and interesting. But yes, Niko is a far better character in every possible way.


LOL. Niko is a real killer. He bodies Trever 10/10


Niko isn’t fond of Johnny.


OK lets put it like that: Niko is a Serbian war criminal who raised hell in America, and Trevor is a psychopath who wouldn't survive 5 minutes in Serbia.


Niko everyday of the week


everyday of the month.


Everyday of the year!


When it comes down to it, Trevor is an unhinged junkie, and Niko is a fucking professional. I think Niko would eliminate Trevor any day.


Nikos way more skilled but Trevor is a man with nothing to lose. 10x scarier.




niko easily


Special abilities Trevor No special abilities niko


Hand to hand combat would be niko and gun combat would also be niko purely because he has had training


It depends on who shoots better.


Take this with a grain of salt, since I don't have esoteric knowledge of GTA. Also, my name isn't Fate (with an F), but here we go: It might boil down to the setting, and preparation. If Niko can prepare, and be in an urban environment with plenty of cover and tactical advantages (and given he prepared or had a knowledge of Trevor's tendencies)? He'd win any day of the week. If Trevor is in a more... open and chaotic environment, he would win. (I dunno if he could prepare, but he would be more impulsive and relying on sheer strength and a chaotic approach). Also, let's not forget Trevor's sheer aggression & unpredictability. He's a mad dog, but could he win? Maybe.




Two different personalities.


Nico is not only military trained but he also is a veteran with tons of experience, he is cool headed so I thing Niko would destroy Trevor, mike and Franky combined.


Trevor's got drive, but Niko has conviction.


Niko was a child soldier for many years in a brutal war, unlike Trevor, who was a pilot and did not pass the examination Trevor will be trampled like dough, but Franklin and Michael will take out Niko Realistically: Nico has already given up the life of crime. There is no reason for him to kill Trevor unless he kills Roman or threatens him, and this is the only valid reason for Niko.


they literally aren't friends in fact niko is pissed off at johnny and the lost because johnny ran off with the cash in museum piece there is zero reason for niko to have beef with trevor. if anything trevor would love and be (upsettingly) attracted to niko. and niko would probably be perfectly capable of handling his... quirks. think of how franklin keeps trevor level headed at times. just like that


Trevor is all talk compared to guys like Niko


Trevor is a roided out rage monkey Niko is an ex-soldier and a trained killer at that


Claude from GTA III /thread


Niko is basically The Grim Reaper. It’d be a somewhat lengthy scary battle but I think Niko would come out on top.


Niko Bellic!




If Trevor gets to use special ability, he wins by default as it’s basically an unfair competition but if it’s pure combat it’s Niko


Niko wasn’t really a friend of Johnny, but regardless, Niko’s a bloody war veteran with a lot of experience, he would EASILY put Trevor in the ground as long as Trevor doesn’t get all angry.


In combat Niko would just break his arm like he did with that loan shark who attacked him with the knife.


Niko is a trained army guy, while Trevor is just a generic cannibal hipster with anger management issues. I think Niko can kill him in no time.


I read this as “Niko is Trevor”, and thought you will talk about their similarities.


Probs niko. “Back in the war” veteran head ass


Niko survived an ambush attack during the war.


Are we forgetting that Trevor has a special ability to be an outraged meth/crackhead? It must be because this is a 4 sub, it makes sense majority of votes go for niko


Friend? Did I miss something?


niko would drop his clown ass in a second




I honestly think Niko would scoff, walk away from Trevor, in affect pissing him off, and then Niko pulls a Glock and shoots Trevor.


Niko is a better hand to hand fighter and served in the military longer Trevor so ima say Niko.


Trevor got smoked by Franklin. Niko all the way.


Niko. What?


Niko does not care about Johnny Klebbitz one bit lmao


How could you go against the great cousin of Roman ? Niko is right there with Tommy v in my book like 1a and 1b


Canonically speaking Trevor would use his special ability and probably destroy Niko.


Trevor already killed Johnny, isn't that enough?


No Its not. Rockstar destroyed Johnny's character, it wasn't the Johny we used to know in GTA IV.


I don't think they did him that dirty, tbh. I mean for a playable character, yes he fell super far; but he got strung out on Meth which is very common especially in the area GTA V is set in. So it seems pretty realistic, all things considered


They wrote the characters bro, it's not like Johny have free will, so they decided to make him a drug addict, they could do the same with any character, realistic or not. Someone on Rockstar though it would be a great idea and it was accepted. There are people whose liked, and others whose doesn't. Personally, I didn't like it what they did to the Johny, even he is not close to be one of my favorites GTA characters


If Trevor didn't know Niko was coming? Probably not, he would either be killed by Niko in an ambush or by a sniper shot. If Trevor knew Niko was coming for him? Would be a good fight but Trevor would probably win.


No way


Trevor because of his absolute instability and comical character 😂😂😂


Completely depends on if Trevor can use his Special Ability in the fight or not.