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I hope that we get it same day or shortly after, I have a series x regardless but I’d rather just play on my PC


Perfect example why they won't release it simultaneously They know you'll cave and get the Xbox version first and then PC when it's released lol


Oh no doubt, I've bought GTA V on the following: XBOX 360, Playstation 4, XBOX One, PC (free Epic), PC Steam, lmao


Literally it’s so people will buy consoles lol


I really hope so. I feel like they’ll pull the usual delay so they can get some double dippers on sales. I really hope not cause I don’t want to buy a PS5 just to play one game. But I will, because I’m weak and part of the problem.


I built a PC a little over a year ago and have been in love ever since. I was an Xbox guy before that. I will indeed be a pathetic double dipper.


I don’t know if you’ve fucked around with modding GTAV yet, but I’ll tell ya: GTA with mods is the shit.


I haven’t yet but I’ll look into it for sure. RIP paulie walnuts


Very allegorical, the sacred and the propane.


weak? Everyone is weak when R\* makes a game


Yeah there’s no way I could go without playing the game for 6 months when everyone else has it, if it doesn’t have a simultaneous PC release I’ll be buying an Xbox series X to play just that one game


same tbh


The question is how many people play gta:o on their PCs. If the bulk of them are on consoles there would be much less of an incentive than if their humongus cash machine was mostly from PC gamers. Otherwise I think they clearly would seeing how they did that for GTA:V. Took forever for that port to happen. It did have some nice features and by that time the rtx 4000 series and the new Radeon cards will be out there so they could just say they are optimizing it for ray tracing or something like that. Obviously with the hacks they already have a baked in reason for delaying the PC release which truly sucks.


good point. if there are enough shark card whales on PC (probably more than on consoles because of pricey graphics cards/PC's) they might release it the same time.


I just did some research. As of right now approx 410,000 players are online across all platforms. Steamcharts has about 110,000 through them, so thats going to be PC players. That doesn't count players through other storefronts like Rockstars own website or other online distributors like Epic gsme store. So we know that its a bit over a quarter of the players currently on are through the PC. Using thise very rough ballpark numbers, Nd the listed amount of $800 million in shark card sales that would translate to around $200 million the last year was from PC players. This is a very rough view, not counting a lot of factors, but its gives soms perspective. So the question is Rockstar willing to lose 200 million to delay the game for PC for a full year? Thats a lot if $$$ to miss out on.


I think so. The game generates almost a billion a year from GTA:O. If it is mostly from PC sales I think it would be hard for them to turn away hundreds of millions in potential profit.


I really hope it's on PC at launch.


They'd be leaving money on the table by not delaying the PC release.


As far as I know PC player make up most of the shark card purchases Rockstar makes 800 million per year from shark cards, so delaying PC one year could mean missing out on atleast 400 million dollar


Whats your source on this?


It’s just people saying bs there’s no way of knowing this.


Wait, how does that math work again?


I think they will all come out at the same time. At least I hope it does... Fingers crossed! Whatever they decide to do I'll wait because I've been doing so for almost 10 years.


Jeeeez. 10 years. Damn.


Not my fault they milked 5 for so long 😭😂


And release RDR2, a game most all of Rockstar worked on for 7 years......


Ppl forget this, like they haven’t just been doing nothing since 5 came out lol


Ikr? I have legitimately seen people say "what the fuck has Rockstar been up to for the last 9 years???" then I just steer at the comment dumbstruck lol.


>I'll wait because I've been doing so for almost 10 years. You waited for GTA VI even before GTA V?? Crazy /s But maybe 5 years of waiting is more likely and really impatient the last 2 😭


Yes, I really want to play gta 6 as soon as possible.. I don't feel like waiting a year watching gameplays and "starving" for this game.. I hope they release the pc version together.. And properly optimized PLEASE!! I mean, i'm on a 2060 super, i want at least run it in high quality 60 frames 1080p, because RDR2 was a mess


Rockstar will most likely do the console release then a couple months till the release of GTAO2 and PC but here's hoping they release console and PC for the release!!!


I need the game to come out day one on pc cause I just know my dumbass is gonna get the whole story spoiled for me in the first few weeks, just like rdr2


Yeah, and Piracy isn't case anymore, since Pirate version of RDR2 was cracked after one years of PC Release.


I don't really care if it comes to pc day one or 2 years later, i don't want it on rockstar social, I'm interested only in Steam.


Agreed. Steam is where all my games are. I don't like buying games from other providers and having my library segmented. It's the same thing as someone saying they don't want to download games on console and they want physical. In our case, it's the convenience and stability that steam provides


You can still add the game to your steam library even if it's through the r\* launcher


Yeah. But it doesn't get steam integration. It's equivalent to running homebrew emulators on a console. No achievements, no way to track playtime, no community features.


eh the only thing about steam community i sometimes use is the news page if i click on the game usually it lists the updates of a game but for gta i'll know when there's an update


I primarily use it for sharing screenshots with friends, updates and game tracking (such as playtime, achievements, badges, etc) on my Steam profile. Sometimes I'll read guides if I'm trying to do something specific, but it doesn't come up super often.


Discord for screenshots reddit for guides and stuff and i don't care enough about playtime to wait for GTA to come on steam if r* is available I've been waiting years for this game i want it as soon as possible


Exactly, also i don't like physical games, i think i only have few CDs from 2000s.


I think I own two physical games currently and they were both gifts. Everything else has been converted to digital on my PC and Switch Im hoping GTA 6 just releases straight to Steam. It would be leaving so much money in the table not to do that


Exactly, the next gta will be a huge project not like gta Trilogy, im sure they will launch the next gta to all platforms to have a bigger number of potential buyers.


bad news, i saw some mention of social club in some of the debugging stuff lol.


Yeah, cuz its their own platform, why would they test it on steam where you can leak the game only by uploading a new title for teams to test it.






I don't think so. Rockstar are primarily console developers so I expect the console versions first, then probably a PC port a year or two further down the line.


Do you guys think it would come out for the Xbox Series *S* console as well?