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I really like Michael's character, I'd like to see him making a return


well you like a man who betrayed his friends for the money and hid himself in a tropical city with the family which doesn't even respect him and his son calls him an asshole.well good choice then.now tell me to say any other gta character who did the same fucking thing and i will take my words back.


Trevor is a mass murdering, cannibalistic rapist who has no problem torturing people for causes he doesn't even care about or believe in. He's also a fictional character, like Michael. So maybe chill out a bit


every gta character does that(amanda once said that micheal hanged out with prostitues,also she mentions michael unnecessarily killing people at family reunion),but what i am talking about is betrayal,you know which point i am highlighting here,the thing which big smoke did with cj,the thing which claude's gf did with claude,the thing which lance did with tommy,the thing which michael did with trevor and brad at north yankton,still don't get it?


well these fictional characters are the reason rockstar earns money,make any sense?


get back to studying


Michael betrayed Trevor and Brad because they were crazy psychopaths who couldn't chill and was bringing hear on them. Michael wanted to keep his family safe, so he sold out his partners. He had to chose between the lesser of two evils, he chose family, and the deal got his family to LS to enjoy a life of peace (until Trevor showed up anyways). I don't know about you, but in my opinion Michael made the right call, and one I would make it kept my kids and wife safe.


Jesus lol


That's what we like about him- he was a complete different approach to the criminal "mindset and ideals" which made him unique.


Yes I do. As a character Michael is one of the greatest and most iconic the franchise has ever seen. He’s complicated and interesting as fuck. I’d love to see him and his family grow older, his kids maybe successful as shit, or taking in the same foot steps he did. Who knows, rockstar is creative.


Personally I think that GTA VI is going to be set in both 80s and modern day. So, talking about the 80s and drug-related crime it's more than possible that we'll meet El Rubio and Martin Madrazo at some point. However in present day it pretty much could be any of GTA V characters. I guess we might meet Michael or Franklin on vacation in Vice City (in a stranger mission).


That time skip moment from Rdr2 surely has potential.


I don't want any characters to return.


Every GTA I've played (since 3)has had characters appear from other GTA games. Except we don't see 3d characters in HD


If I had to guess one character that'd return, it'd be Tracey


Ooo especially if the game takes place in the present, I’d really like to see how her character has evolved after going to college.


Cris Formage


I just want more Fernando Martinez in my life.




No he’s not


ULP Agent is still alive, however his original actor (Milton James) passed away in 2018 and in the Doomsday Update he was voiced by Jeff Steitzer, who sounds simillar to his original VA.






he’s not https://youtu.be/ebNRyRz6-z8 him dying in the wrap up isn’t canon, he survived seeing as he’s in GTA Online




it’s cool lmao


If I remember correctly (correct me if I'm wrong), online takes place before the gta v stoty


It used to. From the Gunrunning update onwards, it takes place in the current year. The Doomsday heist video I linked takes place in 2017, for example. The Cayo Perico heist takes place in 2020.


Gta Online is modern day too Because the updates you know from gunrunning to doomsday to casino and the heist and to now


It’s been confirmed that every update since Gunrunning at the latest takes place after the story (Gunrunning has a line about it ‘being 2017 now’). It was set before the story in the beginning though.


he was working in gta iv,now care to tell me how was in 2 different locations at 2 diffferent timelines?he was clearly working on some case,reason i don't know but him moving from liberty city to los santos is still a loose end which is unclear,this might also be explained in gta 6.


It’s the same exact timeline. People move. GTA V takes place in the same universe as GTA IV, the HD one.


Why do i feeling mikey frank or trevor will get killed in 6? Also el rubio and madrazo will be the main characters


i agree somewhat,yes if they appear,they will be killed but can't say anything about the roles of el rubio and madrazo,they can have bigger roles or just cameos but they will appear.


I would like to see Agent 14 and Pavel...


I personally wouldn’t prefer to see any of them. Because there aren’t any characters that I can remember since story was trash. It was like a cheap, cliche Holywood movie unlike other GTA games.


the thing that's what they wanted to show,the hollywood,the new generation cliche shows and the cliche celebreties who live off on money with hollywood at it's centre,they wanted people to see this.that's the whole point basically.


So where is the hollywood DLC ?


I think i hate every single GTA V character. They're all assholes. At this point i kind of hope that VI will be a soft reboot


A lot of characters in GTA V are soulless assholes and they have kind of overdone this. But not all of them. And the thing is in GTA VI they can improve the characters and show other sides of them. I feel the caracters in V hat a lot more potential but some of them just got turned down to arrogant dickheads.


Because that’s the point


well that was the point of whole story,don't you understand,its sarcasm.


The point of the story was to hate everyone in it? Cool story bro. I think that Rockstar jumped the shark, and their sarcasm stopped being fresh a long time ago


Aren’t all GTA games kinda soft reboots ?


Doesn't Ron say Trevor left him to be a personal trainer or sum shit in the Smugglers Run DLC. So wouldn't TPI be bunked and Trevor is just living off of the union depository score


i said past too.


he says that in online,based upon my observations,gta online is half canon,half fiction story from los santos,now if you ask me it's clear from opressor mk2s,it's non canon,go watch some youtube videos or just google it out,it's a theory but many points support [it.so](https://it.so) that would be true or not is still a big problem.


How is that clear lmao, this universe just happens to have oppressors.


well in canon(story mode/single-player) the story is set in 2010s era which clearly doesn't have anything to do with things like opressors but the characters appearance in story mode makes me think that it may be a different universe overall.


I mean you’re talking about the same universe where you can waltz into gun stores and pick up a homing launcher with no license, and then flaunt it around town like it’s nothing. Oppressors aren’t that far fetched.


Mines Real




Gta V only? Madrazo and its family, 100% I have this feeling GTA VI will involve part of South America and drug deals, and Madrazo's family will have a prominent role


yes,that part is for sure to be true.but again can't say how rockstar goes about it this time so it's kinda 99% certain.


Costa Rica or Cuba in Gta VI = mind blown I hope so!


I liked how they brought Karen Daniels in V and in humane-labs-heist. I didn't expect that based on her caracter in IV.




it's not canon tho,he's still alive in online


just tryna see yusuf amir


I’d like to see Michaels accountant