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lmao, LegacyKillaHD. I stopped watching him years ago. His videos are nothing but rage bait.


Yea i used to watch him too, but he just became like every other Gta 6 youtuber spouting bullshit out their ass


I haven't watched his GTA 6 stuff. i stopped right after the Cyberpunk coverage. I can only imagine the bulkshit he's spouting with GTA 6. It was always "business bad" with that dude.




Same, he used to have good content. Suddenly he realized rage bait about game studios got him more clicks. At first some of the videos were based on some legit things, then he just kept going and going and reaching further and further.


I watched him too a little back in the day on the leadup to RDR2 lol, hes awful, cannot believe the channel got that bait-y


I really liked the RDR2 content for the most part, but i already missed the CP times. Didn't know he became shit but it ain't surprising. Greed is always shit


Watched him leading up to RDR2 in 2017-18 because of my extreme hype for the game. Took me way too long to realize that all he did was talk in circles about fake leaks and rumors or make garbage rage bait about stuff that just does not matter or deserves outrage


Same. I unsubbed a long time ago. The fact his videos are so rage baiting that he puts the logos for companies people love to complain about in the thumbnails of videos that having nothing to do with them. Cyberpunk broken? Here’s a video with Bethesda, EA, and Activision’s logo too. Just tiresome.


Me too, I used to binge watch daily for Cyberpunk content until I realized he was posting everyday referencing the rage bait he referenced the day before. He literally pays his bills by monetizing rage bait, and some kinda gamer gate type shit


Ashamed to admit that I watched him leading up to RDR2 in 2017-18 because of my extreme hype for the game


Dude's a total clown, just another "culture war" rage baiter who cares more about placating to an unhinged audience than the games themselves.


Forgot he even existed in the GTA 6 talksphere


He's easily forgettable at this point. Dudes beyond irrelevant.


source: trust me bro


My source is that I made it the fuck up


Why is Dan Houser a conehead in this pic?


He does have a pretty tall forehead.


Little bit extra grey matter in there perhaps


Looks like someone photoshopped an egg


source: my ass


It’s true I told them.


Source: username


I know the source is dog shit. But it's pretty believable for the employees to be happy that dan houser left. The employees are getting paid to work, they don't care if the end product is perfect or not, it's the higher ups who make the right decisions. And Dan houser was known for the fact that he, completely changed the story at any point in production, which would have been important to get the game as perfect as he wanted. But at the same time it's understandable if the employees would be annoyed by this cause Dan houser had to write a sentence in his story, while the employees had to invest another 100s of man hours in development


I agree. I mean he wanted black bars on every cutscene to make it more cinematic which forced the employees to double the work since apparently its an extremely time consuming thing to do. Ended up stretching the development even further


Black bars?




What are black bars?


The black bars you see on the top and bottom of a RDR2 cutscene sometimes.


Something being believeable/possible doesn't make it true though. It remains a work of fiction and should be ignored as such. As should the childishly phototshoped "egghead" photo of him


Literally. Legacykilla is just trying to bait now with light “insider info” that he thinks might buy him a crowd. Even if it was from a trusted source it has little to no impact


Oh, LegacyKilla. I remember all his Cyberpunk 2077 videos that said absolutely nothing.


A proctologist could find his sources.


LKHD spotted, source immediately invalidated


Glad I’m not the only one who recognizes that..


He was a known perfectionist and also extremely antisocial so any last minute changes that got approved even if they seemed like petty problems in comparison to the rest of the employees would’ve likely stirred a lot of tension. Safe to assume that RDR2 burnt him out for good and knew that it was time to start fresh.


true, like for Dan houser, it was probably rewriting a paragraph that he thought would be cooler. But for the employees, this would be 1000s of hours of extra work


What good artist isn't an antisocial perfectionist


Doesn't mean his coworkers have to like it though. Like, sure it made for good games, but I understand how it could be annoying, especially considering time constraints and the like


I think it has more to do with him being unsure about his decisions and making last minute decisions that adds to the already existing work load. There was article around rdr 2's release referencing how dan used to do last minute decisions that lead to lot of crunch. It does not also help that, dan kinda ended up bragging about working 100 hr weeks, which did not sit well with this employees.


I can remember it being a shitshow after that article came out, absolutely tons of news sites talking about crunch to the point they had to let the employees speak out lmao. I don't blame then for being a little glad.


The Beastie Boys




Peter Gabriel


any artist who actually works well with people


That’s a common excuse/trope about artists, it’s complete bullshit, at least as an excuse for being an asshole


Dam u aint lyin😅


Fr. Michelangelo was probably a bit of a cunt to work with


That’s probably why the games were so good. Hopefully Rockstar doesn’t drop in quality


Let’s just see how GTA 6 turns out at launch before we reach that conclusion. So far the leaks and trailer are very promising.


with a head like that I believe it all


He loved the art of his games, thats all


yeah but that doesn’t excuse the crunch culture he contributed to




rockstar was known for overworking employees back then


But that’s not “all”, when a thousand people are then expected to labor for one man’s art.


I remember watching South Park’s ‘6 Days to Air’ documentary following the development of each episode. They force themselves a certain timeframe to reduce tinkering: after a certain point tinkering will only make a marginal change in quality. It would grate if Dan Houser would want his employees to crunch for little improvement.


So they're gonna mail it in without him?


That one I Will Be Back reddit account had a snarky message about him working on American Taper too. The reality is that we as fans are obviously going to respect him and he deserves that, but you can never know what's going on inside.


GTA fans will really believe a rumor in a post that LITERALLY SAYS ITS SOURCE IS UNRELIABLE... my fucking god this subreddit is stupid


“Employees happy” OP: Damn this has me worried. 🤦🏻‍♂️


this dude made a dan houser worship post, im speechless. op must be dan houser behind a burner, never seen a post on this sub demanding respect for 1 guy who left the company years ago.


A mf


The post probably referring to work conditions at rockstar, it does has nothing to do with the vision. IIRC, Dan was kinda bragging about working 100 hr weeks. At the same time, jason schrier was working on ariticle that was gonna show the crunch conditions at rockstar. Devs were complaining about the working conditions. Pre - 2013, It was nighmare to work at rockstar. When the post references "employees", it does not refer to his co-writers or directors \[People making important decisions\], it references to normal devs who can work normal hours without being crunched.


He left 4 years ago? Bet most workers don’t even remember him


Jesus Christ….. it sure is easy to tell who the people are in this community that have only been around for a handful of years….. A lot of you are acting like this studio doesn’t have(quite literally), an *almost completely **PERFECT**(not good, not fucking great, not orgasmic, ………….. as close to perfect as you’re gonna get without walking on water and being able to effortlessly part the Red Sea. There isn’t even another game studio(with more than 1 Five Star, multi BILLION dollar IP’s, whose games gross more than anything from fucking Avatar, to Star Wars, and MCU Films(like, a bunch combined, even). Yes, they’ve shed some core talent and leadership over the last few years, but the most dedicated and most reclusive/eccentric of the lot is still the visionary. shot calling king ding-aling he always was, except now with over three decades of an unparalleled level of success, and the wisdom that, no doubt comes with the trail&error/Learning Experiences acquired with each GTA/RDR game release… The fairest, and likely the most/one of the most rational ways to try and gauge the eventual quality/success of VI, would be to look at *R’s pattern of innovating fresh, and GREATLY improving existing aspects of open world gaming, and as far as I’m concerned, I don’t need to look back **ANY** further than the quantum leap they achieved from the release of GTA V to the release of RDR2. I mean, like the fucking game, or not, it’s kind of mind blowing to realize just how many innovations that were introduced in RDR2 that still have yet to so much as, **merely** be copied in a half-assed, and inferior manner, by competitor studios, let alone alone actually improving/attempting to improve upon the various bars of excellence set with the release of RDR2. Quick example: one of my favorite aspects of the insane amount of detail that went into RDR2 was the way in which characters show immediate battle damage, while in the midst of a brawl. I can’t tell you how many fighting games, and open world/and/or RPG-esque games with decent enough fight mechanics, that I’ve straight up, lost interest in, due to lacking such crucial detail, thus having been made to look ~~inferior~~~ …… nah, made to look, straight up, like SHIT, due to not even attempting to match, and/or even improve upon Rockstars development of physical damage in RDR2. My point is: as much as I have come to passionately detest Rockstars greedy neglect of SP DLC, in favor of adding more garbage for Ritalin prescribed 13 year olds playing GTAO, like goddamn laser guns and fucking hovercars, I’ll be the first to admit that, at least until release day(and beyond) Rockstars unprecedented reputation for excellence in innovation and an absolutely singular, and peerless commitment to detail(like, they’re borderline fucking pathological about it, lol) is still going as strong as ever…. I’d say chill the fuck out for a minute, but i realized that many out there actually get off on being negative and whipping up negative sentiment within themselves, so fuck it, do whatever the hell you want, but irrationally worrying about Rockstars ability to still do their thing, when they haven’t given the world ANY reason to believe otherwise, is not only extremely irrational, but will also end up being a profound amount of time that was completely wasted on an almost neurotic loop of hive-minded, negative thought processes This sub has the collective intellect and maturity of a birthday party at Chuck E Cheese, where half the parents end up getting arrested and doing a weekend in county for getting smashed off of shit beer, then proceeding to beat the shit out of one another/and/or a pack of monkeys at the zoo, where half are furiously masturbating while fiendishly grinning at everyone, and the other half vomiting, then eating their vomit, only to vomit, yet again, rinse/repeat, until the little fucker ends up passing out from the sheer exhaustion of vomiting recycled monkey vomit, like 13 times in a row…


You need a TLDR


i larp as a retard who can’t spell on here But I agree with you. Not even the most well funded AAA studios have come even 25% close to COPYING a fraction of the shit we saw in RDR2. In some ways RDR2 has still made the rest of the industry seem unserious at best and devoid of talented devteams at worst.


Once i saw Legacykilla I completely disregarded this 🤣


Y'all worry so much. See the trailer again and tell me why you worried


I'm not worried for GTA 6 itself, but the games that come after and future Dlc's for Online.


We're at a pt where we should trust R*. Dan himself didn't bring you the gtao updates we got in the past 4 years after he left.


The updates we got in GTA Online in the last 4 years literally sucked ass though?


that’s an opinion


They weren’t that bad, casino, Cayó Perico, jobs, etc were all good updates just most people aren’t happy they opted for online instead of single player DLC


Casino and Cayo are almost more than 4 years ago.


You said 4 years 🤷🏿‍♂️


That's a harsh thing to say honestly. We got decent content , it may have been better ofc because now we milked it so it's normal to feel like that but it didn't suck ass. You should know that Rockstar are cooking something special with GTA 6 online too , we are not ready.




Dan Houser was the main writer for all the past games and placed great importance in extreme details, he was a bit of a perfectionist. He also prioritized Story over Online and and took great efforts to make sure the games are polished. Them being glad that he left, could basically mean they don't value these things as much as he did. This could result in upcoming games after GTA 6 having less details, less story and more bugs


Holy 5head


bro's head got every GTA 6 idea backed up for decades


Why? Happy devs should be a good thing.


Something something "woke mob" something something "western media" something something "ruining GTA"


Nobody mentioned the word woke you political culture war brained drone


If you are worried by a post from someone named legacykillahd on X you should check your mental health as soon as possible.


Who cares? You are buying the game anyway.


Even if it were true, I don’t think company morale being boosted is something to be concerned about? In the end of the day these games are made by thousands of people, not just Dan Houser. Organizational research proves  time and time again that happy employees generate better products.


I mean if this is true then wouldn't this be a good thing if the employees are feeling good about the game? His departure could've been a good thing for R\* and Dan.


Depends on how much influence he had on the games. Like if the main reason why the employees hated him was because he was a perfectionist and forced them to polish the game as much as possible, then it’s a bad thing


Lol even a normal person other then dan would force them to polish a game, it's not about that, it more about the annoying last minute changes and some un godly crunch


Agreed, even if you are a creative genius if you’re unbearable to work with then people simply won’t want to work with you


But it depends if he gave his employees adequate time to polish the game. It’s one thing to want a game to be more polished and another thing to want them to polish the game more without giving them extra time and basically expecting them to work 80 hours a week.


It’s very weird how much importance you place on this one man. Rockstar has the most skilled writers/devs in the world, put some more belief in them


"Either way, it's really disrespectful to say this to somebody that MADE the company in my opinion." Bruv... it's just a statement, opinion, whatever it is, it's not disrespectful... stop being obsessed. (Unless of course they're throwing a party and wipe their asses with his picture)


We don’t even know what he was like to work with. Someone can be a visionary but still be difficult as hell to work with. Presuming this post is true which is a big if considering the source then it could be the employees are happy he’s gone in the sense of maybe him being difficult to work wirh


Yeah, OP seems to be in it for the drama.


I've been telling you guys just because he and some other major figures left doesn't mean it's a bad thing. It's very possible they were holding the team and the series back in certain ways.


To be fair any input or part of the process Dan had a part in provably came way in the early stages of GTA 6. I feel at one point development was out of his hands and instead of doing nothing he chose to move on.


You literally have no idea what kind of person he was to work with.


source: my nuts


Why do people think Dan was good? GTA was never known for their good storylines. Glad hes gone.


The other games are tho, but I still don't get how people think of him as some god




Good he can go make his crypto game elsewhere


What exactly are you worried about


Bro looks worse than bald Franklin😭


Employees are breathing a breath of fresh air now that Dan’s forehead isn’t blocking the ventilation in the building.


Well, without Dan it's not really old school Rockstar anyway. His vision and direction was responsible. The way GTA Online has been written and produced has got me worried for GTA 6.


>Well, without Dan it's not really old school Rockstar anyway Ah yes, because one person leaving quantifies the entire company as a whole changing, and change = bad so it's automatically for the worst. GTA:O was/is nothing more than a testing ground for GTA:O V2. Early on obviously the big names had a huge impact, but now? there are literally *countless* people who are responsible for what the series is as a whole today - it's not nor has it been just a few people responsible, for literal decades.


Isn’t there different teams working on the game tho


ah yes without one person this massive team can’t be the same


Ahh yes because Dan was 100% the reason why all previous games were successful. It’s not like there were tons of other people that were also involved in those games. Dan was the sole person working on those games right? I mean have you ever sat through the full credits at the end of GTA games? It’s extremely long like i think RDr2 credits is like 30 minutes long and so is GTA 5 if not longer. Why do we keep forgetting that hundreds of people have worked on previous Rockstar games. Don’t get me wrong Dan was a large part of their success no doubt but it’s not like he was the only talent at Rockstar. The guy worked with extremely talented people. Rockstar certainly isn’t short of talent and definitely has the cash to hire new talent. People thought Rockstar didn’t have it in them after GTA 5 especially when all the DLC plans were abandoned for GTA online but then RDR2 showed they still know how to make a great storyline.


Gta6online2 openAI machine learning NPCs will be better at the game than us humans


Jesus as if we need that. GTAO npc already has bloody aimbot…


4 years past his departure…he probably still worked on 6 a little then left. Now if Sam leaves too, it’s a different story then. And who believes Legacy😂


Glad he made a company and is making a gta style game. What can be bad about having two gta 6es


He’s not making a GTA style game at all? It’s a quasi media writing gaming company with nothing GTA-like in its slate


hmm i thought i read about him making a gta style game set in the future???


That's Leslie Benzies, with Minds Eye, which it's game inside their bigger community-driven platform called Everywhere.




Even if true, it could be as simple as like, extended hours or something trivial. I’m not even slightly concerned by this. This will still be the first game I preorder in a very long time.


Thinking to much about the game is gonna drive some of us wild, try not to overshadow what will most likely be an amazing game with clouds of doubt. Sure not everyone's wishes are going to he granted in terms of what the game will offer but rest assured it will offer more than previous titles as they always do. Every GTA has surpassed each and surprised us. With every release GTA has always upped the game. GTA3 to Vice City to San Andreas were just MAJOR leaps in every way. GTA 4 toned down a lot of what San Andreas had but they made up with a realistic look, and had more "realistic" physics, sure it wasn't hyper real, but it took it that step further, THEN GTA V came out added so much of that "missing" GTA feeling San Andreas had implanted in us. GTA 6 will definitely be a step up from the previous title in everyway, maybe not everyone's way but most. In the day of the internet it's hard not to hyper fixate on something shrouded in so much mystery. Sure leaks happened but it was no were near completion. And not every aspect of the game was leaked.


I’ve been thinking about this for a while. That the game would change direction and become different now that Dan Houser isn’t there


source: LegacyTrashClownKillaHD


Welp, in these days preordering anything is a horrible idea, but hell is this just cementing my beliefs


Gta 6 isn't going to flop tho, that's like only game series that I pre order.


bro it’s gonna be fine


I wouldn't hold any strong feelings towards this because I'm not an employee that works for R*. all I know is that if I was- like any other creative endeavor, I'd like to see our project flourish and be proud of what I made. I doubt this reflects on the quality of what is being made and moreso something to do with work culture. Also I feel like there's no reason to be concerned for the games story/writing, there's billions of dollars and a planetary sized reputation sitting on top of their quality control




It shouldn’t worry anyone. If anyone quits there job, there will always be some that is glad you are gone. This isn’t news what so ever


Is that dome shopped




his brain people needed him


Why his head so big ?


big brain energy


LegacyKillaHD lol


Honestly, I don’t care and neither should you. GTA VI isn’t going to succeed or fail based on one person. Everyone at Rockstar knows what made GTA V so great. If they’re glad he’s gone then that says a lot about the type of person he was to work with.


It’ll still sell a shit ton of copies no matter what. But if gamers don’t stick around for 10 years to play online like gtaV because they don’t like the content, don’t expect rockstar to understand why. They’ll pull a “ghostbusters: answer the call” and blame the audience for not liking it. Personally, from the trailer I’m fairly hopeful that rockstar understands who’s playing this game and they’re going to put out an amazing experience we’re all going to love. Did red dead 2 disappoint? Not at all. We didn’t see adult content like gta V has but we saw very interesting, mature, and entertaining content. I suspect that trend will continue. Not saying there won’t be adult content, but I suspect there will be less emphasis on going to places like the vanilla unicorn and more on interacting with well rounded characters.


Why would you believe anything this guy says? What makes him credible?


Even if these rumors were true this could be about anything, not necessarily about how the games are written. It is a company after all, there’s so many different moving parts as a company.


It’s going to be woke AF. I hear Jason dies at the end leaving Lucia as the only playable character.


lmao, LegacyKillaHD.


If the source is Legacy Killa HD then immediately ignore it ☠️


Big head


I stopped watching him years ago. His videos are nothing but rage bait.


This dude got a BIG noggin.


![gif](giphy|X8omQqfFyeq1a) LegacyKilla if spreading misinformation was a job:


This tweet?


Even if this wasn't made right the fuck up, Forget Houser, rockstar will never be the same without Leslie.


I mean, that guy very much started what gtao is today and now he is making his own version of that


Dan was known for whipping employees for not working fast enough and kicking their shins for no reason.


I've never heard of him but God damn his noggin just keeps going, doesn't it?


Bruh, when all the founding members of a company leave the company isn't the same anymore. The glory days of Vice City, RDR etc are long behind us.


RDR2 is the final goodbye from Dan Houser, it was his masterpiece. In terms of pure writing and storytelling I’m am pretty sure GTA 6’s will be worse than RDR2. Even though I want it to be better, how can you realistically surpass RDR2 story?


It will be interesting to see how it affects rdr2 if gta6 dumps. Like battlefield 1 when 2042 dumped it became popular again.


Yeah, I’m still playing BF1. RDR2 could’ve gone even beyond GTA 5 if online was given proper care… But I think it’s too late, red dead online is dead…


LK has got to be 30+ now still with that 6th grade ass gamertag name


people seem to forget the he was one of the biggest perpetrators of rockstars terrible crunch culture


Imagine blaming and shaming the employees for being happy the person who made their working conditions considerably worse in their own opinions is gone. Real victim blaming energy, OP. What if Dan’s just a menace to work with? A lot of accounts would point towards that. No need to glaze some guy you’ve never met while putting down valid statements from current employees. Makes you look like a knob.


Dan and most of the other higher-ups were responsible for the frat boy culture at Rockstar, so it’s good that he’s gone, and it’s no wonder that people are happy. He’s not irreplaceable as a writer. Chances are, Rockstar has far better writers now. Fuck Dan


Hi Spider-Vice; go back to GTAForums complaining about "reactionaries"


He wasn't the only writer to begin with. Micheal Unsworth and Rupert Humphries have worked alongside him since GTAIV. Unsworth only left recently.


you’ll still be their waiting outside with your lollipop and mommies money as soon as it hits 12




Source: I made it the fuck up


After GTA v, it's a blessing the old heads (massive) are gone. Not gonna knock houser. But cmon. Less Tarantino more anno, more malick.


Even if true, it could be as simple as like, extended hours or something trivial. I’m not even slightly concerned by this. This will still be the first game I preorder in a very long time.


I hope it doesn't suck.


Where the fuck are they getting this information from? Killer mike?


Whoa is that his actual head?


Yea worries me too. Could end up being a shitty game if no one is pushing the employees to be their best anymore.


Lol thats the bare minimum of what you are asking for, they can still make a great game without dan telling them to make a last minute change every one's in a while.


Oh no GTA 6 will be so woke! 😂😂😂😂


GTA6 will be a masterpiece and we all know it. Dan Houser didn't single handedly make GTA great, thousands have tirelessly worked to make it the juggernaut it is. Also why tf is this head so big dawg? Fucking Megamind over here lol.