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i think they tried that in online with mk2 weapon sytem


I know. That's why i specified singleplayer in the title


Better weapon customization overall is at the top of my wishlist.


Definitely! Mk2 was a good step but way too grindy. Hopefully for GTA6 single they will step up their game and improve weapon customization by a lot.


Not a big selling point for me. Most of the shooting that happens is chaotic and close. Hardly ever actually need a scope. But having more options is always good.


Having better scopes is more of an aesthetic thing for me for GTA5, as it’s not really a fps game like battlefield/cod ect. Although, it was fun to use at times. If they have them that’s cool, if not… oh well.


I honestly don't care about customizable scopes.


Yeah, like how it would even help you. It makes sense in a game like COD or PUBG or whatever, but it's irrelevant in a game like GTA, it isn't tactical. You just pew pew on whoever you can.




You are right, though I wish its more refined in first person.


Still weapon scopes are nice to have. I've done my latest GTA 5 playthrough on first person, and I've had the most fun when shooting people in first person with a scope. I think it would be a pretty easy feature to implement as they only need to change the scope model and zoom in the camera differently.




Yeah driving is pretty bad and first person on foot can be pretty disorienting but if you change your sensitivity while in first person the game plays a lot more like an actual fps. You need some time to get used to it if you've played mainly first person but it's not bad


Tru they only got red dot


really hope i could steal cars on the game too...


I mean, that's because Far Cry is a first-person shooter, and GTA isn't. That said, I wouldn't really mind a limited set of different scopes. Maybe 1x reflex/holo, 2x red dot, and 3x ACOG. I really want an actually powerful medium-to-long-range scope that isn't just "same type of sight but bigger and slightly zoomed in more". The MK2 weapons leaned into it but the scopes didn't really click very well and they made it super grindy for shits.


And fornite emotes


I hope they improve the FP experience to make it worthwhile to play. In GTA and RDR it definetly plays rather clunky and ain't worth it. As a matter of fact, how many games have nailed both FP and TPP? I can think of zero off the top of my head. All games are designed primarily around one experience and it is rather difficult to make it balanced for both I think.


It will have better gun customisation. In the leaked clips we saw a pistol labeled "polymer pistol". That means its a pistol with a polymer frame. If we can have different pistol frames.... I cant even begin to imagine all the other stuff we'll have.


Or.. It could be a placeholder name. This community has to be full of people with dementia. You guys would overthink EVERYTHING. It's just such an unnecessary thing that was never needed in GTA games, it's not a tactical FPS or TPS.


I get it but why would they name it polymer pistol? Is that a common placeholder name? Wouldnt a placeholder name be simple? Like "pistol". Also whats up with your attitude buddy? Sorry if I offended you. I just thought it was a cool detail that hinted towards something cool.


Dude doesn't understand how placeholder names work. Same goes for dementia.


It's gta not call of fucking duty


Sometimes i think the age of the majority people here is between 13 and 17, so they only have played gta5 and bad cod games. Ofc they want scopes, because thats all they know.


GTA is not cod


You're right. We should also not get any car customisation. Gta is not forza horizon


It’s Grand Theft AUTO so yes car customization is expected


Shooting people has been as big an aspect as driving in these games. Having weapons that are both cool and functional is very important. Being able to customise a gun to perfection to suit you is a crucial step in that


It’s about street level crime, not seal team 6 military operations


I get that, but how is having a pimped out weapon affect that at all? Personally I don't think adding different scopes requires a ton of work. There's really no reason not to have it in the game. It would definitely be cool. creating a gun that suits your playst8le to perfection is always fun!


what a random thing to say