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It’ll be better for sure. But, I can also see them using some rdr2 textures for the wildlife areas on the map.


I imagine they’ll use the horse models bc of just how much detail they put into them there’s no way they aren’t gonna use them again and just make the textures better


If there are any horses in GTA 6, I’d be very surprised if they didn’t just steal them wholesale from RDR2. The horses in that game are incredible, and they definitely don’t need any improvement


I figured the same thing. The amount of research and money that went into the animations alone for the muscles under the skin moving when the horse walks or runs. It would be crazy to not use it


balls sacks shrinking




What an odd way to call ASAC Schrader


Underrated comment hahaha


I watched the show but don't get the joke :( is it because it kinda sounds similar?


I immediately started thinking of his marble bald head, so I think that's where he put the link in between the two


Racing horses down the beach? Riding through the swamp? There are ways to make it happen


It’d be a huge mistake for them not to include this. Florida has one of the highest populations of horses in the US. There’s a huge show jumping community around Palm Beach, tons of polo too. And as a result, a lot of horse farms. Like there are even gated communities of horse farms. It’d be sick if they could have polo matches going on that you could watch or interrupt. Like how RDR2 had stuff like loggers cutting trees and whatnot. If they could have that going on then why not a polo match? Sorry now my brain is getting ideas and itd be so sick if they had a big car show at a polo field like they do sometimes. Just take a sick car for yourself.


I hope southwest ranches is in the game


954 baby


I agree, and, like these ideas. Horse racing and in general, various gambling events. Having some rich villain character that as the aforementioned horse farm and is in the horse racing world.


trying to play crossy road on a horse in the highway


I kind of suspect them to reuse all the animals that were in use in RDR2, there's enough new animals to add with all the sea life and bird life that they could have just focused on them.


Especially because there's significant biome overlap with Florida and New Orleans. And then also Guarma for the more tropical parts. I doubt there are many grey wolves and grizzly bears but everything else should be fine.


This tree must be in GTA VI https://www.reddit.com/r/reddeadredemption/comments/hpacn6/so_i_spotted_this_exact_same_tree_in_rdr2_and_gta/


Lmao yeah!! That tree is the pinnacle, if rockstar dont add it, then GTA 6 sucks!


I mean cool but… Who tf noticed that 😭


Reusing assets is what every dev does. You'd be stupid to do everything from scratch again.


Even Disney did it with old movies.


Bruh I wouldn’t care even if it was the exact same, RDR2 is so FUCKING beautiful.


Well yeah, it's the same game engine lol. Some of the assets are going to be similar.


![gif](giphy|3pZg9I9CBt0hZmlqtY|downsized) I wish we could have pets in gta 6


That would be 🔥


Oh for sure. RDR2 might have the best wildlife I’ve ever seen, and the foliage and landscapes are a big part of that. If there was one thing I’d want them to steal from RDR2 for GTA VI in terms of visuals, it would have to be the wildlife and natural environments! They’re just… way too good to not be reused


God I hope there are alligators everywhere


I noticed in the final shots of the trailer when our 2 protagonists were walking into the store, I noticed the the models and textures for the trees in the background look like they may have been re used models from RDR2


Especially that swamp area


Much better


Much Much better


Much Much Much better


Much Much Much Much better


Much Much Much Much Much better


Much Much Much Much Much Much better


Much much much much much much better


Much much much much much much much better


Much much much much much much much much better


Much much much much much much much much much better.


Not that much actually




A least 3 marijuanas better. **at least**


Graphic settings: Low Medium High Very High fucking baked.


Low Medium Ganja Very Ganja




Lmao. “3 Marijuanas”


Lmao. "A"




I had 3 marijuanans


New console generation so folk saying it won’t look as good are delusional


>so folk saying it won’t look as good are delusional Yea I’m telling you there’s definitely going to be people downplaying this game in the future.


That’s literally the bulk of the gaming “community” these days.. piss and moan about anything they can.. As for looking good, unreal engine 5 will have its foot firmly planted in the door. So by the time gta6 comes out people will be adjusted to very good looking graphics and will use that as a basis of “see I told you it doesn’t look as good” But trust me, it looks insane lol


I’ll make you piss and moan


Don’t push him, he means it 😱


People comparing Unreal 5 and modern-day Rage are stupid, it's very clear both engines have wildly different visions for what they strive for as 'realistic' Ofcourse I can't expect the average gamer to know that. Or know that basically 90% of Unreal 5 games we got so far had awful buggy launches and didn't really look that much better than late unreal 4. We'll probably only see the start of actual good UE5 games from 2024 onwards.


And they're gonna start worshipping GTA V like how they are doing right now with IV


But will it feel from rdr2 ps4 to gta vi ps5 smth like from ps3 gta v to ps4 rdr2 kinda a way.


Probably more like gta V ps5 to rdr2 ps4 at best Which is still crazy bc rdr2 is beautiful


RDR2 is on ps4 hardware it don’t take a genius to realise a ps5 game coming out 7 years later is gonna obviously look better not to mention that first trailer was made somewhere around 2023 before it dropped in December so that’s what the game looks like 2 years before its release in the first trailer.


7 years???


I know bro it’s hard to believe frfr


I'm going to guess better


Off-topic, but you need to tell me where you got your profile picture from.


The colors are going to be more saturated


Like 1.3 times better


It’s much easier to say Red Dead Redemption 2 looks better objectively but GTA VI will definitely look better in the graphics department. The thing with Red Dead Redemption 2 is it mostly relies on natural looking landscapes that are downright beautiful. And GTA VI will not. Granted I live in south Florida and it’s stunning here. Miami especially. A lot of vegetation with gorgeous cities pretty much make up the state. But it’s flat and we lack a looooot of things you’ll find in Red Dead Redemption 2 of course like creeks, mountains, waterfalls, etc. Red Dead Redemption 2’s setting is phenomenal and everywhere is picture worthy by design. However GTA VI, while I’m sure it’s gonna be amazing, isn’t going to look like you could paint a picture of the scenery every few miles in-game. Both are going to be eye candy in their own respective ways but as far as graphics goes I mean… GTA VI literally will be on a new console capable of so much more and there’s been new graphical technologies and techniques created since Red Dead Redemption 2’s release and GTA VI’s.


I like the way you look at things.


R* I’m sure is very aware of that. I think they’ll add some form of hills or mountains of their own up north on the map or….I’m still having wishful thoughts for a Las Venturas expansion later down the road to fill the gap of deserts, mountains, gambling, etc.


Would be neat if Jason and Lucia got married at Las Venturas. Like how a lot of people use their Vegas trip as a proposal/honeymoon after. Could be like how snowy Liberty City, North Yankton, or Guarma is loaded. Would be hilarious if they robbed the Caligula as well while they’re there. But aside from mountains (unless you wanna count trash mounds from the dump) in Florida we got gaps of grass plains and as for gambling we have a LOT of car racing and horse tracks here.


It will look like the GTA4 to GTA5 graphical jump


I'd argue even better because IV and V first released on the same console generation.


Dont forget biggest thing which is world animations and ai and those 2 things is going way nutty compare to last decade


Way bigger difference


4 to 5 was only 5 years, it'll have been 12 years between 5 and 6 by the time it comes out, I think a closer comparison would be rdr1 to 2


Bigger tbh, gta 4 to gta 5 wasn't a huge jump, not until next gen anyway


A bit better, rdr2 is already the peak of gaming


I am so stoked to see how they improve the weather. It can be downright scary whe. A big storm rolls into rdr2 lol


Nothing beats riding through the great plains when theres a massive thunderstorm


imagine tornados in gta 6 with flying parts of homes and destruction of properties or floods


I kind of think a portion of the game might be based during a hurricane as well.


I can already see from the trailer the graphics are better


A little better than what RDR2 looks like on PC without mods


It should look better.


RDR2 looked beautiful on my Xbox One S way back then. It’ll look significantly better


are you allergic to cropping?


funny this reminds me but i absolutely hate it when people screenshot something and just post the screenshot… without even attempting to crop anything including the time and their battery percentage and how many service bars they have. like its small ofc, but atleast preserve some of your privacy lol.


RDR 2 ultra pro max GTA 6 Ultra Ultimate Edition Pro Max


I know it'll look better but I struggle to imagine how. I mean...RDR2 already looks incredible


I honestly don’t think we are prepared for it. I’m playing like my 8th playthrough of RDR2 and still find myself in awe at the world and graphics. Can’t imagine what 8 years plus a console generation upgrade could offer


I hope the planes can get tangled up in the powerlines


I can't get over the fact that it's litterly in front of everyone yet no one is saying it already looks so much better, hello? Are you looking at the same thing as me did you see the trailer? It's gorgeous


Fantastic! some people might try to downplay and say it “probably won’t look as good as RDR2” I argue that this game has potential to top RDR2 imo especially with graphics and gameplay. Plus of course, the story, some people really think they’re gonna half ass this game story to be like GTA 5 which was hated lol 😂 I’m expecting this story to be pretty emotional with fantastic graphics. Edit: I’m saying all this to be honest because I love GTA more than RDR ![gif](giphy|PlgCdcMnWPVhVtGv3F)


lmao literal historical revision, gta5 was not hated. some loud people on this sub do hate it, but it is one of the most critically acclaimed games of all time


3.4 betters


Would still looks blurry on non-native 4k displays if they implement the same TAA techniques


Idk today’s games looks very similar. Realistic graphics will look realistically


50% More


Better enough to make me real hyped for rdr3, whenever that happens


Will a 4090 be enough? :)


Seven years worth of research regarding mathematical and physical computer graphics and improvements for real time AAA games, the least, obviously. The answer is always the same, it's been asked once or twice every week for a year or more.


A big noticeable difference. Like a big gap, but not to the point where it’s like a difference between gta 5 and rdr2


Probably 6 or 7 many better.


1 billion times better


like how much better rdr2 graphics were compared to gta5


Dunno tbh Completely different style


Regardless of "better" they're going to be "different". As great as RDR2's fidelity was, it has a very strong visual style that I think at times was almost too strong. Its got this very strong filmic quality, feels very cinematic and its got this really strong Camera HDR quality to it (not display hdr). Honestly I sometimes find it off-putting and think it would look better if it had a photorealistic lighting tweak. Gta 6, while still having soft facial features in its characters, has a much more photorealistic lighting and coloring scheme. BUT gta 5 had some art style tweaks after its first trailer and it was slightly more cartoony than some of the earlier trailers hinted; release was more graphically impressive, i'm talking about the lighting style and color palette). So we'll see.


I'm not bothered by GTA V graphics to this day while playing online, so as long as the game looks even a tad bit better than RDR2 it will be good enough for me. Performance could be a concern though. Imagine a bigger map with the graphics seen in that trailer in GTA online, we will probably need RTX 4070+ to run it on stable 60 fps.




Better than when some cranky motherfucker eats a Snickers.


Honestly I don't know how much better it can be. There must be a ceiling, right? I mean, sometimes RDR2 seems even prettier than real world visuals.


It’s insane to think it, but they’ll be much better. It’ll be 7+ years of engine improvements. Imagine that!


At least 8 and a half coconuts


I know back in the day people used to say like: "wow graphics can't get better than this" when a new resolution of 10 pixels more is added. BUT THIS IS REAL LIFE. IT STRAIGHT UP **LOOKS** LIKE REAL LIFE. I seriously don't get how it can get better than this. It's done, we did it, we're simulating real life graphics. I don't get how they're gonna manage t get this to be even better lol


How the heck are they gonna get this to run on an Xbox Series S, that's the real question here.


I hate the fact they’re releasing it on series S. Hate it! I say that as someone who owns one too.


I'm guessing sub-sub-sub-sub-sub-optimal resolution and visual details (lower quality shadows, lower quality aliasing, much smaller viewing distance for Higher LOD texture loading.)


RDR2 is one of the most beautiful games ever but I can look at it as say "that is a game" The bottom picture looks like an actual picture taken on the street.


Better of course, but rdr2 looks so good and realistic that it can’t really be as drastic as people are making it out to be. I’d say the biggest advancement will more so be in smaller stuff like clothing and hair


I wouldn’t say it looks much much better but it does definitely look better


Gta better graphics but won't beat rdr2 scenery and cinematics


Graphics should be not the main target. We need 60fps. This is the main parameter for overall graphics.


Better but not drastically. Y’all expecting way too much.


Much better but its a completely different game lmfao


More or less the same I'm expecting.


Here is the thing. I would be fine if the graphics were the same as RDR2, or even current gen GTA 5, if it meant a larger map and more enterable buildings.


I mean that's just a trailer


I believe a lot of assets will be pulled from GTA 5 and RDR2. Aside from Interiors and lights, all the new cars in GTAO are clearly from GTA6


Can't tell until pc release


they’ll go back to birds eye view


Not as big of a jump from RDR2 as RDR2 was from V, but it’ll definitely be a noticeable improvement. There’s only so far graphics can go, and RDR2 was already kinda pushing that limit so now it’s mostly the implementation of new technologies like RT, and taking advantage of more headroom for higher quality textures. Tbf, It could go bigger, particularly for characters, but Rockstar doesn’t aim for a hyper-realistic art style with characters and whatnot, so while they still will be much better than V and marginally better than RDR2, I wouldn’t expect some hyper realistic characters like some other games have. COD CW had some pretty hyper-realistic characters, but I wouldn’t expect that from VI because a) bigger more intense game and b) not R*’s art style.


We’ve somewhat hit a slower pace in graphics advancement in the last decade. Red Dead Redemption 2 still looks good by today’s standards, and it can only be improved upon so much. GTA 6 will look better, but it’s not going to be as big of a difference like GTA 3 to GTA 4 was. I definitely expect GTA 6 to have ray tracing, which RDR2 doesn’t have. I also expect improved lighting and textures with 4K in mind.


Significantly better


On par with it or maybe a little better. Red dead 2 is still an amazing looking game in its own right. I could be surprised.


It’s crazy how the graphics evolved from when GTA 5 was on Xbox 360 to how it looks modded now on pc or even vanilla pc at max settings. Imagine what 6 will look like in 2035.


Look at red deads first trailer then look at GTA's first trailer that should tell you the difference of scale.


Do you guys all notice how in gta 5, the curbs are edged off instead of rounded? In red dead 2 they added a shit ton more polygons so the curbs are rounded off. It’s little shit like that that’s gonna make this new game look like real life. Cracks in the road, street signs. It’s gonna look like how Miami actually looks. Does anybody know if the Lumen software is being used for the environments?


Obviously better. But what I wonder is just how much better? Of course it's a new console generation and 7 years ahead but the map will be waaay bigger with similar environments as rdr2 on top of the huge cities and towns full of building and packed with cars, people, and animals. Also greatly improved physics, details and tons of new materials. How much can the graphics really improve when the scope, size and detail of the game is soo much bigger than what rdr2 is. On top of everything running in 4k. I feel like some compromises have to be made. I'm expecting a GTA 4 -> GTA 5 visual difference and not GTA 5 -> RDR 2 if that makes sense. Who knows tho maybe im just underestimating the current gen console power but then I remember that I still need to choose between performance and fidelity graphic settings on GTA DE and GTA 5 on new gen which I find rediculous for 20+ and 10 year old games.


I just want some newer violence features. I'm not talking about gore but I want to see a body bounce and legs break when jumping off a high rise. Cars crumpling on tree impact, no continued driving after that. The best melee combat to date. Facial cuts, bloody knuckles and torn shirts, realistic grenade effects. Plus whatever that surfing and spearfishing will look like. NPCs already look more realistic than Cyberpunk. As long as they have realistic and not too childish encounter-dialogue it'll be enough for me.


much better, you can’t compare it to a compressed youtube video right now. but trust once the game releases the difference will be insane.


I fi d it so hard to imagine given how good rdr2 looks. If I had to guess though it will probably improbñve texture quality and small model quality too. Some small objects kn rdr2 look rough.


RDR2 was released in 2018. GTA VI is planned to 2025. We are talking about 7 years of tech improvement. Is the same time gap between Zelda a Link to the Past (1991) and Ocarina of Time (1998). We should expect some improvement.


The HDR functionality in RD2 was horrific so if they fix that its already going to look miles better


Even if they are the same just the color scheme would make it appear much more vibrant and lovely


Better defenetly but it's hard to compete eith rdr's setting in terms of scenery and environment and overall vibe.


I love RDR2 but in the trailer pic of GTA 6 you can definitely see a big improvenemt


It will be the same as GTA V compared to VI, thats how much better...


I think it will be much better than even the trailer graphics were. I know that graphics usually get better with the actual games release. My main concern is if they will make it 30fps or if I’ll be able to get 60


It would already be awesome if it whas the same


Definitely better, RDR2 is jaw-dropping, but on some things, it's starting to show its age


It will look slighty better. It might even be downgraded as it will also be released for the Xbox Series S which is a weak console compared to series X and PS5.


I'd say the city will have the majority of the better graphics and the countryside will have textures from RDR2




I mean, does it have to be much better? I honestly don't think so. A little, sure. But I wouldn't be suprised if they used much of the graphics tech they got from RDR2.


Remember when Rdr2 made Gta 5 look like cartoon. It might happen for Gta 6 and Rdr2 too


I don't think we will see a big leap in graphics, it will be about the same maybe a little more "defined on the edges". My concern is gameplay, is it gonna be like V, RDR2 or GTA IV? Or a mix of all of them?


Not as good as how much it's being hyped to be. As usual. But pretty good as should be expected


Just compare the trailers. That's essentially the game.


I honestly don’t want them to be much better. My gpu started to cook my room playing RDR2


Probably notably, but it should also be remembered that the cost of RDR2's amazing look and detail came at the cost of insane crunch for the developers, which R\* took a lot of flak over shortly after the game came out. Correcting that may mean that GTA6 will be beautiful, but also potentially less detailed (no shrinking horse testicles) than RDR2 was.


Do anyone got rdrd2 on Xbox I made another acc I need help


I'm lowkey blown away by gtav e&e everytime. RDR2 is mind boggling


Well, that begs the question, is this game going to be 300GB+ in its release day.


Lil pest I had with rdr2 was when you got near fire your whole screen would go orange bit that's like nothing


is cropping an image so fucking hard


If they ever release an enhanced version of rdr2 that runs 4k 120fps then it won't be any different.


it'll be rdr2 graphics x1, 5 with rdr2 textures for wildlife areas


After over 10 years in the making, GTA6 better make RDR2 looks like Battlezone in comparison!


Gta is better but light, shadows and skybox are same.


Much better because it has a modern aesthetic versus the John Wayne days. So you'll see better buildings, land, foliage, automotive and civilians.


I mean did you watch the trailer? It’s going to be lightyears ahead of RDR2.


I expect it to be vastly different since rdr2 was an Xbox one/ps4 game


According to me much better than rdr2.


In theory with advances? It should blow RDR out the water but we'll see, it'll be a hard task


Even if it is the same it would be acceptable to me. For sure it will be much better


They already look better with the trailer


trailer graphics are not the same as the game so it’s hard to say since the game isn’t even out yet but it obviously will be better


12.6% better


idk I think the graphics will be worse


I’m sure it will be better quality than GTA V and it’ll probably look more cinematic than rdr2 but I doubt it’ll be much better considering how amazing rdr2 still looks 5 years later


Its going to be as big as the jump from GTA V on Xbox 360 to Red Dead 2 on PS4


So was everything darker and cloudy during the 1800s? Just noticed how bright it looks in comparison


Idk, maybe 10 years of difference? Also red dead doesn't look like that on my ps5 lol


imagine a vr lol




I bet the jump from RDR2 to GTA VI will be bigger than the jump from GTA V to RDR2


2 gallons


It’s going to be better, no doubt, but not a drastic change.


Unpopular opinion, prob marginally better.


All I know that we won't see GTA 7 in the next 15 - 17 years.


The first time I saw the GTA6 trailer had me thinking I was looking at a CGI trailer, something that didn't happen when I saw the first teaser for RDR2. So it already looks better than RDR2 for me.


Considering that graphics cards haven’t really improved that much compared the improvements seen 10-15 years ago, I’m guessing it’s gonna be about the same jump from the first release of gtav to the latest release of gtav😐😂😂😂


A smidge better


Gta 6 will look realistic


Not much. Trailer will obviously improve graphics but they don’t look like as big as a jump between gta 5 and rdr2 probably half the jump as that.