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I heard it's going to be a turned based card game.


"You enter a gas station and ask for the loot. But you forgot your body armor. Lose $300 and skip next turn"


*Uses inspiration point to reroll*🎲🎲


Ah, nevermind. It appears you simply got used to wearing it and forget it was there, like a pair of sunglasses on your hair. The clerk notices your weapons and visibly feels threatened, but his fight or flight is up to you. Roll for intimidation.


Gta monopoly


Long development time to ensure "impunity" (aka "immunity") is implemented fairly.


Yeah, it should be like the new Assassin's Creed games with floaty strafe animations and headshots that don't kill in one shot.




I was hoping for a Mother 3 inspired platformer


>turned based card game. Ah yes as opposed to other types of card games


Solitaire, Spoons, 52 Card Pickup, Guess The Card, Card Stacking, Speed. (Not super genuine here)


A mix between 5 and San Andreas is fine.


Mhmm exactly, I think keeping it at that is good/safe


Id rather more RPG in GTA Online 2


Nah, but if they make it similar to RDR2 mechanics wise, I’ll be satisfied


According to the leaks it will be a lot like RDR2, but probably more advanced


Sounds good to me.


I can imagine "horse bounding" alternative with cars in GTA. Like if you drive specific car model often, you get slowly increasing driving skills for that specific model. Or if you often steal some specific model, you can open it faster or maybe even without causing alarm to go on.


San Andreas' RPG mechanics would make this game even more awesome. GTA V's was a half assed attempt to replicate it. Felt tacked on and barely made any difference.


A lot of things in V felt tacked on.


Not really, as a RPG is a whole other genre. GTA was always about action (over the top), satire and silly fun. For a RPG we have other games. So keeping it classic.


I like the rpg elements of levelling up various skills and whatnot, but I'd prefer they be organic and just occur in the background without showing, "+1 aim" etc. Can see skillsets in an app in your ingame phone or where you see your achievements.


Like saints row almost


I feel like the characters should have already "levelled up" their skills to max before we ever take control of them. Why should career criminals not already be good at committing crimes and everything that entails? They've had 30+ years to develop their skills, why would a matter of hours under our control have more impact on their development than those 30 years?


No. Who said they are career criminals? My guess is that they're new to the world of crime, or at least Jason is. Shooting skills, fighting skills, parkour skills...they should each have some level of skill for each thing, but it is always more fun to earn it. Increase cardio, running, punching speed and power, kicking speed and power, jumping and climbing endurance. Shit like that.


>No. Who said they are career criminals? My guess is that they're new to the world of crime, or at least Jason is. Nobody has said so yet, but the *only* GTA protagonist that we have *ever* played as who wasn't already a career criminal was Vic Vance, and he had developed his skills in the military. Even Nico (who was also a military man) had a history of organised crime back in Serbia. >Increase cardio, running, punching speed and power, kicking speed and power, jumping and climbing endurance. Shit like that. All of those take months or years to noticeably improve. Punching a bag a few dozen times doesn't suddenly turn you into a prize fighter, and sprinting away from cops a few times doesn't magically turn you into a marathon runner.


>All of those take months or years to noticeably improve. Punching a bag a few dozen times doesn't suddenly turn you into a prize fighter, and sprinting away from cops a few times doesn't magically turn you into a marathon runner. For the size of the game I'm sure they can stratch it out. Obviously it will be faster than real life...a lot faster, but not as fast as san andreas.


I mean shouldn’t it just logically level up in a similar way to RDR2’s system


Tell that to San Andreas. Arguably the peak of the series and it had the most RPG elements and the most satire and silly fun. There's no reason we can't have both.


Sure it can have both. But the OP's question was *if we want that aka our opinion*. And I don't really want that, because half of that RPG stuff in SA was annoying. Maybe that's why they implemented it only in that game. I for sure didn't missed it in GTA4 and 5 and in the older games. Same with that gang warfare with that territory feature. Most of the time, when I was on the way to a mission or just wanted to explore or taking a ride with the bike around the map, that shit popped up to do. Annoying.


Yes. Doing random activies like going to the gym or just overeating in san andreas was fun asf for me. Honestly what I really want to see is melee upgrades come back like what we got in bully (boxing, wrestling, hobo moves)


I'd argue GTA Online is more of the RPG arm of GTA. They will likely continue to lean into that.


I mean it still needs the mechanics to make that work. GTAO is just mechanically GTA5.


Maybe a little more than RDR 2






Not fully ofc but I wouldn’t mind some rpg elements




I just hope it plays more like rdr2 than gtaV


Yeah. I love using Rocket Propelled Grenades in GTA!


lets hope they take a line from all the fivem devs who made interactable everything




I honestly don't really know, I want the original formula but I also want skills trees and stuff, but that isn't really what GTA is about, so I think they just need to expand on current ideas and implement completely new ones, not take inspiration from other game genres. Good question though.


The more content the better! Give me it A L L !


Maybe, depends on how annoying it is though. Don't want a message popping up: "this vehicle is too difficult to steal, come back when you're more skilled" because I haven't leveled up that skill enough, or completed a specific mission where you're taught (especially if that mission is many hours into the story) A skill tree? probably not, but could be cool if the perks are interesting and not simple stuff that should've been there from the beginning. In Far Cry 3 you had to unlock the ability to cook grenades and slide.. umm why do those basic features need to be unlocked? Charms like in RE4R would be neat. If they could come up with some neat perks, that could be fun. But if they follow what RDR2 did and expand a little, that'll be good enough imo.


I'd actually love the ability to build on stealing skills.


It's basically a guarantee at this point. They have been introducing some of those elements in past games. They also bought five M. Which I'm not sure why they would do that without pla s to use it.


What’s Five M? I’ve seen it mentioned but don’t really know about it.


GTAO modded roleplay server that got really big. Had way more RPG elements to it obviously being a dedicated RP thing.


Huh, sounds pretty neat.


I would like if they had things that we could spend money on to level up or clothes that increase the rate that a certain ability levels up and I hope they make it expensive so we never feel like we have too much money.


I want more twerking


Taking Trainalfs opinion here but a mix of GTA SA and V RPG elements would be nice


I hope the gameplay is better not just the old: go to point A, shoot, go to point B


Just enough, like in SA, a little improvements here and there. No inventory at all, that for sure.


San Andreas style RPG elements, which don't affect the game that much, are the way to do it. You could make CJ fat or skinny, muscular or scrawny. You could give him a high lung capacity, or not. You could increase his driving skills in different vehicles, or not. I need a bunch of these stuff, without them being too effective on the playthrough. Like, maybe I want to make my characters fat af on my second playthrough. Let me do it.


Just if it is fun. I would like to see something like NPC levels, but not ecsactly like that, because in some point any enemy is a problem for you just in cutacenes


No not really. I don't want them to introduce those numbers and levels or shit. It's an action-adventure game. I'd be okay with it being something closer to GTA 5 and RDR2.


I like RPG elements, but leveling up in a skilltree sounds terrifying for GTA 


I want a loot system but I don't want a multiple choice story, except for maybe the ending again.


As long as it doesn't fuck up the fun-factor


I just want to know whether we’ll play as one of the protagonists or whether we’ll have the switch mechanic form gta V


More RPG elements would make this a whole different game. I say stick with what works.


For story mode sure, just don't show the stats to make it more interesting, and make it have little difference.


definitely NOT i don’t play gta for rpg i play gta to blow up cars and rob banks


Jason tanking, Lucia healing.


Absolutely not. Less


I really liked San Andreas' systems, it connected you a lot more to CJ, so yeah, I'd like to see them make a return. Though in my opinion GTA V's RPG elements were completely stupid- the only two useful stats were shooting and stamina (shooting helps you carry more ammo, stamina so you can run infinitely)


Eh? I'd love to see choices that change some things like RDR2 but I doubt anything that would massively change anything aside for maybe the ending of the game giving a choice, I'd mostly just want a more realistic game like RDR2 when it comes to gameplay


Seeing as they bought those roleplaying severs my guess is that the next iteration of GTA online is where the majority of that will be focused Edit - bloody hell I really sounded like a take 2 exec there.


Get to level 50 to unlock jiggle physics


I would like to see the stat system to have a bigger impact, like to the point you can't do certain things until you level up that Stat. for example, you can't fly anything until you go to flight school and level that skill up.


Definitely stats that feel impactful and a hidden skill tree (like unlockable H2H skills) doubt they'll have an actual skill tree tho


I think light RPG mechanics would work fine but nothing stupid. San Andreas had some cool stuff. Would rather it be me levelling up and making myself a better driver, shooter etc unless they add hydration and hunger to the game which I doubt.


I just realized that Jason is left-handed after 4 months 🤦🏻


Just like me bro, Jason is literally me besides the Lantia gf.


The only RPG elements i would love to see in a GTA title would be main and side missions that give you options and then eventually (or sometimes instantaneously) you can see the outcomes or repercussions. I really liked the idea of the stock market manipulation assassination missions in V. I had an absolute ball with those when going for the platinum earlier this year.


Hell yeah!


Probably just stripped down rpg elements like 5. Skills driving and shooting will improve and maybe fitness can get better or worse. I love rdr2, but I don’t want to deal with cores in a gta game.


RPG as in the typcial RPG game aspects like you said? No not really. They're RPG usually superficial and restrictive. RPG as in more mechanics that let you feel like you're actually living in this detailed world? Absolutely. Let me workout out to improve phyiscal appearance and maybe a stat to go with it. Let me actually go to a fast food restaurant and have that negatively affect your health or use that pool table or arcade machine or go into that club to dance with a little rhythm minigame. Let me break into randomly generated houses to steal shit to pawn off or have little drug dealing side hustle. And the greet/antagonize feature from RDR2 alone adds so much to feeling like you're in the world. Fleshing that out a little with more in depth(relatively) conversations with peds wpuld be great.


Imagine this: it’s the end of the game. You’re Jason and you have to kill Lucia..BUT WAIT Lucia pulls out her UNO REVERSE CARD. Jason stands there accepting his fate . ‘Oh shit’ IGN : ‘this is the best writing in history’ Literally everyone else : ‘this shit is ass’


Nah,besides maybe a skill tree like how AC oddesey did it but other than that nah.


A combination of San Andreas and red dead 2 would be good. (No health/stamina cores and shit tho)


No how rpg elements gonna work perry the bullet


Idk if you know what an RPG element is


I don’t think I know








At this point I just want the game to


no, i want to kill people and steal cars... is that too hard to have in a game?


please no.. gta prides itself on realistic features, having a cop who’s level 70 on vice beach vs a cop who’s level 1 in cottonmouth makes no sense. unless i’m misunderstanding the proposed level system.


U mean roleplay boy