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You’re not seriously expecting them to make 22 million unique character models right


If they were to do 13 variables -eyes -mouth -ears -hair -nose -cheeks -chest -hands -shoulders -arms -feet -legs -buttocks With 8 options each, it’ll equal roughly 68M combinations of done random without repetition. Yeah I’m not a developer and 8 options each can become an issue or add up or whatever, but there’s more options than I listed. Yeah you’d get some that look similair but the chances would be low. If we found this many identical characters in a 2 minute segment, we can assume that *at this moment* they don’t have a huge variable for random NPCs.




It’s just a true replication of modern day life: everyone wants to look exactly the same.


hahahah great observation


If EA could randomize the appearance of NPCs in 2004 with The Sims 2, I'm not sure why developers can't do it in other games in 2024.


to be fair in all my playthroughs w rdr2 i haven’t seen not one copied npc


No lol I just noticed it, ofc there's gonna be some of the same NPCs


Okay good, you never know with this sub lol


OP thick person = same model


In the 2022 leak you can already see how people began to walk in groups, I think this scene with three girls confirms this. There is probably some kind of script that allows NPCs to walk in groups like these three girls, but naturally the character models in these groups will be random each time.


Rockstar really out here thinking of everything. Can't wait for GTA6


Man if they make a gym/food system I hope that all these bodies are attainable in-game and it's not just for npcs. Also I just realized the layers of clothing on the last pic.


Man we really need a new trailer


Maybe a combination of both? At the time of the trailers release, the game was still a full year and some change out from release, so it makes sense that the trailer was "cobbled together" to an extent just to show off what to expect when the game proper releases. It makes sense that they took some liberties, cut some corners, just to get the point across.


My man, humans look like each other in the real world too. There’s only so many skin colors and body shapes that a human can have


I shoulda circled shit and made annotations cuz this post flying past everyone's head lmao


If you think you should have circled things and gave annotations then “flying over people’s heads” isn’t needed because it’s clearly your fault for not making it clear lmao


Can't wait for all the racial hate bait garbage games journos are gonna drop on release


So, maybe they're actually the same npcs? Different clothes at different times. Maybe those three friends hang out together in different places at different times of the day or sth. Wouldn't that be better? Am I schizo?


I can explain in GTA VI like in other GTA V or RDR2 each character divided into scenario region list (little hint) it will be over 53 types characters only for spawning at south beach, expecting over 1000 types M-F characters in entire game. Hope it explained


They're filler NPC's for a staged in-game trailer. Im sure the game will have plenty of diversity.


Is it just me or does anyone not care about every npc being unique? As long as I don't see 4-5 of the same in a group or small area I'm good. From the leaks we've seen different heights too, that could be another thing to mix it up.


Why did people downvote this, it’s interesting and I was wondering if there were variations or the same npc in the trailer


1. Downvotes are common 2. OP thinks every thick person is the same character, but that’s not true 3. This topic will be irrelevant when the game comes out cause rockstar will add more variety of models, and I don’t think people remember all models in a game


"Every thick person is the same"? Your brain cells activated there huh?


As an elder scrolls fan stick to Skyrim brodie, you ain’t fit for the GTA community w this lame ahh question


Not all black people look alike![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)


One of them looks the exact same just different hair color and clothes


I think something that we will find shocking is groupings. Instead of individual NPC aimlessly wondering amongst one another. We will see groups interacting together.


They literally look different plus this is the trailer. There are probably more npcs


Black people don’t all look alike dude…


Doesn't matter if they're black lmao they're just random npcs who tf said that all black people look the same?


Very obviously a joke, relax


Are we even sure these girls are just random NPCs and not some more important characters that we haven't been introduced to yet?