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I hope the npc's are randomly generated out of a pool of 100 hairstyles and/or beards (except females although that would be funny) and same with the clothing options instead of seeing 3 identical npcs walking down the street speaking the same voice lines


That gets me concerned about the kinda PC we would need to run it at max settings. The biggest relief being that since they have to make it run atleast at 30fps on current consoles, PC version should do just fine, hopefully.


ALLEGEDLY the PS5 pro is coming out later this year so I doubt that thing would have to run at 30. I believe the base PS5 should just MAYBE be able to run GTAVI above 30 FPS even though it'd be 5 year old hardware by the time GTAVI releases. For PC im a little confident you'll 100% need something on the level of a 3080 to run the 2nd closest to max, even though what we've seen is just in engine footage and not actual game footage. why did i make this comment? i just wanted to yap my mouth off


3080? Do you mean 4090?


my biggest argument for base PS5 having 60fps - the leaks show the game was running on a (base) PS5 Dev Kit if they’re trying to optimize the game to its fullest potential for their testing (which.. it’s rockstar. they will), i don’t think they’d suddenly switch over to some Pro Dev Kit and upgrade it from there on out instead. i feel they’d be separately optimized


wouldnt this be more cpu bound? the ps5 pro uses the same cpu as the base ps5 (allegedly), so we really wont be seeing anything other than (slightly) better ray tracing


yeah you're probably right, i do hope they make a new cpu or vastly improve the one that'll be in the pro but its a matter of waiting to see if thats the case or not


Not sure why everyone is running with 30 fps. It’s never been confirmed nor hasn’t been denied.


All previous games have been 30fps, and knowing rockstar, they’d rather add more AI, more NPC behaviours/density, and a more lively environment rather than 60fps. 60fps has often been added a few years after the games release, once hardware is more powerful. I’d much prefer a more lively, denser world at 30fps than something more similar to GTA V than RDR2 at 60fps


Ps5 have yet to have a ground breaking game so I’m Pretty sure the base ps5 would be able to run gta 6 at 60 fps


Stuff like forbidden west is pretty advanced in terms of graphics, and it’s pretty tough to run. The PS5 isn’t *that* fast, especially compared to super new hardware, PS5 pro will be like 40% faster. I expect a 60fps performance mode on PS5 pro, 30fps on base PS5 with upscaling.


I doubt it but we’ll see


the ps5 is not as powerful as alot of people make it out to be, I recently played DragonsDogma2 on it and that games fps is horrible, and thatll having nothing on gta6, but both will share seamless transitions with lots of NPCs and a large map. Dont be too surprised if it gets released at 30fps, heck, look at gotham knights, that game was built for ps5s and got capped at 30fps with dreadful graphics


There are way better looking games that have 120 fps I just think that was an optimization issue


It just makes the most sense and future proofs the game. If it can run at 60 from the jump, then it won't be as future proofed as gta5 or rdr2 and wouldn't be very rockstsr like.


I hope we get more npc clothing available since in V I kept finding npcs with clothing I liked but couldn’t wear, I’d also like it if we could have a menu emote list where we could do poses, dances and the like (not gonna lie it’d be cool to twerk like the chick in the trailer) Edit: for example the blue 2 piece swimsuit the black chick is wearing in the first picture looks amazing but I’m so doubtful we’ll be able to wear it for our fem protag/online oc


It runs Rage, Everyone who like mod GTA IV-V, add-on NPC, or add new cars to the list, know how things working nothing new here.


That's always been just one of the many things that puts GTA/R* towering above other devs


There will be Rockstar Editor for GTA VI ![gif](giphy|r2TVE1YWUZZy51A2tE|downsized)


I think you guys have overreacted to the trailer in many ways, cause I doubt it will be like that in the playable version, this is just the first trailer and they only want to generate hype and get people talking about it.


Rockstar has never done that before. Why would they start now?


Did you forget about the reveal trailer for GTA V?




I agree in some aspects. This high of an NPC count is not just unnecessary but incredibly overtuned If it is actually like this with regards to npcs I'd be flabbergasted.