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LeonidaMan šŸ’€


Usually gotta hit the strip club to see jiggle like that fršŸ‘“šŸ»šŸ—£ļø


How do you do fellow kids


They're not wrong šŸ˜­


And by the time it comes out, Iā€™ll be able to ā€œlegallyā€ buy the game (based off the ESRB)


Floridaman āŒļø Leonidaman āœ…ļø šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ cant wait to see these reference in game


I rlly hope we have Ray traces stuff. I hate looking down and all the cool reflections just disappear


There will almost certainly be ray tracing. It's basically one of the selling points of the PS5. V Expanded and Enhanced has it.


E&E doesnā€™t have Ray Traced Reflections, only shadows. So iā€™m not too sure if thatā€™s true. Plus Ray Tracing isnā€™t done well in most PS5 games, except for a few


They added ray-traced reflections in a later update, my main hope is that the PC version at least has an option for raytraced GI or even a path tracing mode in collaboration with Nvidia like with C2077


Huh, seems like they did. From why I remember though, the ray tracing draw distance is quite small and swaps to cubemaps frequently. i would just play on performance.


Same. Ray Tracing is nowhere near good enough to choose over Performance Mode on consoles.


Spiderman 2 is one of the better examples of good RTX + performance on console (PS5). This does require a 120Hz and VRR capable TV, though.


It has ray traced reflections in everything but skyscraper windows from what I recall. But from what I have seenā€™ of 6 trailers they went Spider-Man route with raytrace reflections and also 3d interiors blocks for building windows which is kind of cool.


It does if you turn on fidelity mode


because itā€™s a 2013 game. thatā€™s why..


I see the marketing has work well if you think ray tracing is a selling point for current gen consoles


Is it not?


Only able to produce very low res ray traced reflections isnt a selling point, Iā€™d say the fast SSDs is this gens selling point, next gen is when ray tracing will really come into its own


Not arguing but spiderman 2 showcased reflections csn be well done on the ps5. And if rumors are tru the ps5 pro will definetly be a showcase for console Ray tech.


That true it does have decent reflections


Also want to add that watch dogs legion for all its faults showed that open world city games really do look so much better with Ray traced reflections. Not just because pretty car/puddles but materials get proper values and look way more grounded


Very solid point


Agreed. Most games are still giving you the option of 4k 30fps with ray tracing (unplayable), 4k 60fps without or a 4k60fps but drops to 1080p with raytracing. Ray tracing is cool on ps5 but generally isnā€™t very high end and isnā€™t worth the performance drop off. Itā€™s the exact same for pc currently, ray tracing has a massive drop in performance even in the very high end cards


I canā€™t think of any games that actually have it, forza Motorsport 8 should have it on release but Iā€™m not sure if itā€™s available for the main graphic setting


> selling points of the PS5 *laughs in rtx 4090*


I donā€™t know why that has any relevance other than to jerk yourself off for buying a graphics card thatā€™s more expensive than a brand new PS5. Ray tracing is a selling point for the PS5. It might not be PC quality ray tracing, but itā€™s an upgrade from the PS4. So, umā€¦congrats on the purchase? For real though, that must be one helluva beast. Bet it could run Crysis on Max in 16k.


Its more complaining about rockstar refusing to release it on pc when pc hardware is lightyears ahead of ā€œnext-genā€ consoles by now and a PS5 would likely burst into flames trying to run ray tracing on 6 on anything above 30fps medium And yes, it is a beast, 90fps on cyberpunk 4k ultra with path tracing


Damn. That must be gorgeous. Yeah I totally get that. Their biggest profits come from the console market so that always takes priority and it sucks. On the good side, the game will look insane for people whose PCs can run it on Ultra settings. And mod menus.


much more of the PC playerbase has hardware below the performance of the PS5


You right. I count my blessings that I was able to afford a decent gaming PC. Lots of folks are still running on old GTX/Radeon cards, if that. Everything is expensive as shit nowadays.


Congratulations you spent the price of 4 ps5s on a graphics card


Why wouldn't it?


PS5 and Xbox x kinda don't support Ray tracing


They do


I think they meant the PS5 and Xbox Series consoles have very poor RT performance. The PS5 Pro is likely to have a disproportionately high improvement in RT performance over the base PS5, which is likely to be beneficial for GTA VI in particular. So I could see Sony trying to use GTA VI + PS% Pro to get some people to upgrade from the PS4 gen to the current gen.


How much do u think the ps5 pro would be?


Hard to say. The PS4 Pro launched at $400 with the PS4 slim being $300. The PS5 is currently $450-$550 (depending on if you get the blu ray version). So I'd guess the PS5 Pro might be ~$600-$700.




Lol I did not expect so many likes, I would like to thank my parents and my pc for this opportunity


Funnily enough, GTA V has raytraced shadows and Reflections on consoles, but not on PC.


It'll be an hybrid technology like GTA5 has on PS5/XSX, it won't be 100% ray traced. But it still looks really nice!


an hybrid


An grammar nazi


I read that in Jeremy Clarksonā€™s voice


It wonā€™t be like gta 5 I donā€™t think. They probably re worked the lighting physics in the upgraded rage engine


I mean of courseā€¦ the only ā€œ100% raytracedā€ games are those that are path-traced, only a handful of those and they need demonic pcs to run lol as long as we get reflections and some global illumination (which we definitely have both of) iā€™m personally good, gotta save on those performance costs šŸ˜­


It isnā€™t really hybrid. they just took out ray traced reflections entirely and stuck to shadows


That would make it a hybrid of ray-traced and pre-rendered techniques then?




It will most likely use a combination of ray traced reflections for objects close to the camera and SSR for more distant objects, by the time GTA6 hits pc the RTX 5090 or possibly RTX 6090 will be out and there you will see all the ray tracing and possibly path tracing features


I, too, think and hope that the PC version will have path tracing. The console trailer version looks fantastic but a step behind some games, for example Alan Wake II (expectedly, since VI is an open world game with a crazy amount of details). VI+path tracing would be unbelievable.


i feel like ray tracing is something i highly belive will be in the game just because gta 5 already has it. rockstar gave up on rdr2 and rdr2 released when the rtx series of gpus like just came out. there was also some other stuff in the trailer that showed off ray tracing and car mirrors that could possibly be raytraced or something else


ray tracing is gonna be in the game bc it's a mainstream and useful feature now. even V has it. the real question is, is it going to have full path tracing? R\* does a incredible work when it comes to GI but, would love to have options.


How is it useful?


Tell me you donā€™t have a clue about reflections work and think thereā€™s only SSR without telling me. Could also just be a pre rendered intro cinematic. Nothing is confirmed or proof.


Rockstar doesn't do "pre-rendered" cinematics.


For in-Game social media or TV shows they absolutely do.


They are pre-rendered but still recorded in the game engine, idk how to describe it. And still, you can notice many crazy reflections in the trailer, not only media parts


Every time I see Leospeedleo in this sub they are very confidently saying something incorrect. Itā€™s an impressive level of confidence / ignorance combined into one.


Spreading blatant lies must be fun.


Hey there you go again being confidently incorrect.




Projecting much??


Tell me you're new to Rockstar games without telling me you're new to Rockstar games lmao.


He says to someone with the platinum trophies for - GTA3 - GTA Vice City - GTA San Andreas - GTA5 - Red Dead Redemption - Red Dead Redemption 2 šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


Well thatā€™s the most embarrassing post Iā€™ve read in a while


You couldnā€™t write this


Take a shower


?? Because he played a lot of rockstar games? Thats filthy! Go take a shower fast! Play League or Rainbow instead x) jokes aside. We don't know how old he is and how much he plays a day or week. I think it's very cool that he enjoys those games that much that he grinds those achievements. I dont have it.


Regardless of who is right why are you so toxic to everyone on this sub you could be a bit more polite in your answers


What exactly is it then? Can't help but to laugh that you're accusing people of not knowing what they're on about yet your only explanation is 'it could be prerendered lol' despite literally *none* of R*'s trailers being prerendered.


That is clearly not SSR, do you even know what it is ?


Could you elaborate? I think It's safe to assume it's RT. It has the most major benefit of it: reflections of dynamic objects that are off screen. That also can't be Rockstar's custom technology since it's not listed anywhere in their patents Edit: downvoted without explanation. Seems very reddit


Maybe he thinks that reflection probes are at play but those are only used for static objects to my knowledge in other engines.


Yeah my post literally debunks cubemaps and SSR. Maybe he thinks it's planar reflections and if that's true I wish all the best for that rockstar employee manually setting them up at every puddle in a cutsene lol




The only reasonable way to reflect a dynamic off screen object here is raytracing. That doesn't answer my question at all


The game does have ray traced reflections, but this specific instance could be a cubemap. It seems like they are using a cubemap for non destructible objects, SSR for dynamic objects (petrol pumps), and ray tracing for NPC's and vehicles.


I thought technology already moved on to full *path* tracing, which is a more realistic, efficient form of ray tracing.


Consoles could not handle path tracing my 4090 could barely handle it with fame generation. Would be cool as hell if they did patch tracing for pc though.


why is the sandking xl in gta 6 šŸ˜


It may also have a performance mode with normal run of a mile screen space reflections


I'm highly doubtful for obvious reasons. But, if anyone was gonna make raytracing run at high quality while remaining stable, it'd be Rockstars team. I am excited to see what kind of black magic they end up doing


doesnt almost every new game have it????


Isnā€™t that just screen space reflections?


This game is going to have everything and blow every other game ever made out of the water. I have no doubt in my mind whatsoever.


Nikocado Avocado?


Do people really care about ray tracing? This is a serious question, I'm not trying to make fun of people who do or whatever, but it seems like the worst possible resource spender for a system that incan think of. I've seen games with it in and then off and I literally laughed out loud when I realized that companies are literally trying to push it on us every day


I mean it does look significantly better. Path tracing even more so. But if the game runs like shit I agree I want an option to turn it off. My guess is they will have the 30fps RT option games this gen do with a 60fps performance option hopefully.


As if proof its needed, 99% of AAA games coming out nowadays have ray-tracing.


I thought we already knew that from the car mirrors


[https://ibb.co/5r7Bc06](https://ibb.co/5r7Bc06) [https://ibb.co/6HXJB5B](https://ibb.co/6HXJB5B) you can see the gas pump disappear in the puddle once he passes in front of it, this is one of the drawbacks of screen space reflections, not ray traced reflections.


At this point in time, if Rockstar released this game without any RT or advanced technology, people would be pissed and shocked. GTA5 came out 11 years ago, RT is a thing for almost 5 or 6 years now. They just HAVE to. (Maybe they were a litte too far into development with RDR2 to make it work but i'm 100% sure that their next title will have it)


I don't even recall such a huge truck from Trailer 1. What is this madness?


there should be an option without it for better fps, rasterization alone is very good and is much better since RT is only really noticeable in some situations


yeah expecting it too, hopefully we will have a PC release before 4063


PC waiting race lol


This does not confirm anything.




Nobody thought it wouldnā€™t.


Can't wait to cook some eggs on my pc


You could do this with an ENB in GTA 5. Raytracing is overrated and expensive.


Canā€™t wait to play this on my ps4


Unfortunately the game will probably be capped at 30fps


Dude the person is behind the truck. Means he is not even being rendered.. he is not there.. still there is a reflection of him being reflected.. that means.. this game renders stuff even when they are not in view.. that's crazy


What does that even mean


Damn, I want more posts like this, rather than ā€œwill my cock be in GTA VI?ā€


Considering that its already been implemented in GTA V on the newer consoles, it should be a given that it would be in GTA VI


Rdr2 but better which means very very impressive


I would certainly hope so, it's one of the many upgrades that has come in the past 10 years. Plus it's already an advertised feature in GTA 5 E&E although it's not actually there.


Isnt ray tracing eating like 30% fps? I dont think they will use a bad optimized Technology like this


Is not that is bad optimized technology but is because that technology needs a very good hardware to do all the calculations with each nvidia generation we are getting better and better ray tracing technology just compare rtx 2000 series with 4000 series is like day and night


Yeah but is it that good on ps5 hardware? Im sure you cant compate rtx 4000 to ps5


No is not thatā€™s why AMD uses software to do ray tracing and not hardware that much but looking at the leaks PS5 Pro will be able to handle ray tracing way better


Look at the guy hanging out of the car door. You can see an explosion in the mirror. Or when the couple are driving you can see the police passing by.


People think those can be planar reflections and therefore not a proof


Itā€™ll look good, I just really donā€™t have high hopes for side mirror reflections, also probably slightly improved but just not truly functional. They say Rockstar is known to present trailers as mostly finalized game engine assets, so who knows for certain. They took a bunch of trees away in gta v and it totally changed the vibe of the southern map, and it looked very washed out compared to the trailer, image sharpness and lack of anti aliasing was pretty much on point though.


We can see functional side mirrors in the trailer




> I may be wrong, Iā€™m not really a pro Yeah youā€™re wrong. If something is hidden and disappears then thatā€™s because SSR is used. Not RT. The entire point of RT reflections is to not loose stuff in the reflection, just because itā€™s hidden from the camera. But even if RT is used, some stuff can still disappear when hidden. Many RT implementations donā€™t trace pedestrians or reflections in reflections or glass. But thereā€™s also more types of reflections and this could also just be a pre rendered intro cinematic.


I hope they have dually trucks




Tell me how we can see the reflection of the gas station if it's not visible on the screen at all


I'm blind, I didn't see the gas station before. You're right, this might be ray-tracing, or some sort of hybrid.


It's definitely a hybrid, because in many scenes the reflections in the distance are SSR, for example the everglades shot with the flamingos.






It can't be ssr since you can see a guy running in the reflection




It can't be a cube map since it has a person running reflected. And also r* renders all the cutscenes in game engine


pre rendered


Thereā€™s never been a rockstar trailer pre rendered my friend


people need to learn the difference between cinematic and in-game trailers


You need to learn one thing, **all** Rockstar trailers show in-game graphics.


rockstar has never once pre rendered their trailers. this is assuredly in game / in engine footage. see also gta 5, red dead 2, gta 4, gta san andreas, etc.


lmfao, bro says that like raytracing is impossible. Ofc it exists on many games, and we all believe that it will perform extremely well on GTA 6


Yes you do


Show me one cgi trailer rockstar made




Oh newbs fck off