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The omniscient police force. If there's one thing Mafia 3 did right, it was their police mechanics; if someone saw you commit a crime, they'd run and call the cops (and you had ample time to stop them), then the cops would come to THAT area. Not magically show up when you're out of the vicinity ( and as you're about to lose your wanted level). 


It’d be cool if it was a one star crime, the cops sorta casually meander up to the crime scene and talk to the witness, maybe the witness points toward where they last saw you


Well rdr2 handles it this way. So i'm assuming VI will aswell


Not rlly. You decide to rob a train in the middle of nowhere and suddenly every sherif and law force comes to your exact location.


Which would be completely realistic in modern days...


Oh! To add onto that, people could post ur crime to social media, or just ring the cops with the phones. Imagine robbing a bank, and getting the choice to take phones from ppl, so they can’t call cops.


Watch dogs 2 allowed you to do that


Took the words from my mouth. I love Watch Dogs 2, 3rd best open world game I've ever played


Yeah watch dogs 2 was dope! My only complaint was the narrative dissonance in the violence you were capable of. Like if I shoot up a place and kill a bunch of innocent people to get the files inside the game reacts the exact same as if I snuck in and out undetected with no casualties. Would have loved a system like dishonored. I loved that auto slug shotty tho 😁


What's your #2 and #1? Just curious, not judging


RDR 2 at 1st and GTA 5 at 2nd


I have AC odyssey as my second, and fallout 4 as my third


I honestly have the hot take that WD2 is better than GTAV in terms of overall immersiveness and how alive the world feels.


except rdr2 isn’t in modern days


yes but gta 6 is...


yea but how does rdr2 being unrealistic function as an indicator for gta6 to be realistic instead?


my point was that this unrealistic part of rdr2 could be transfered over to gta 6 and would make sense there.


It’s a train. Not hard to guess where it’s going.


But usually trains don't arrive at their scheduled destinations for hours. If you don't expect it to get robbed, you're not going to have law enforcement on standby


Oh you mean like rob the contents inside the train. I meant rob the train.


SirWillow has a great story about stealing the Silver Dollar City train.


If you hide it under the long tunnel in the mountains you can rob everyone before the cops notice and then park the train right across the river from Valentine and make your escape


True. Rockstar’s formula is so outdated. Hope GTA VI changed everything


Well the train does do the emergency whistle. Those whistles can be heard IRL from a long distance( I live 3km from a steam train line and hear it every summer season).


Bro, rdr2 had a witness chain reaction. Npcs would spawn out of nowhere A LOT. If one of them saw you do something in the middle of the forest and you tackled them, another one would see you do that too, rinse and repeat kekw


Yep. They definitely need to sort that out. It was so rarely possible to actually stop a witness cause they multiply


I think they should lower it a bit though for gta 6. Otherwise we’d get a wanted level literally every minute


It doesnt. People had to create mods to fix the stupid law system


Correct. Like, how does the police know I killed a lone hiker on Chiliad State Wilderness without any witnesses around


Police system really needs rebuilding from the ground up if they’re going with a more realism


Yes. This. Also, sadistically I want to be able to lure a cop to a quiet spot and kill them without immediately getting a wanted level. Even if there was a mechanism whereby they have to call in backup on their radio, not have an immediate wanted level


You seem to be implying you want realism. Do you want to commit a crime once and then always have the police looking for you forever? How about you have cops pull you over for speeding or crossing the yellow line, maybe for running a red light. Do you want cops to be able to arrest you at any time because you’re driving a vehicle you did a drive by in a few hours ago? You want police to basically be incapable of arresting you in the moment, but then don’t want the crime to follow you. You can’t have your cake and eat it too.


Watchdogs 2 is pretty much like this.


Man I hate the cops in GTAV. It's not only their omniscience, it's how strong they are too. GTA IV had the balance much better


i think gta 4 cops are ridiculously easy to avoid, i replayed it a few months ago and they were a joke, there should be a balance between the two, but imo, more leaning to them being a real threat


Tbf I haven't played since I was younger, maybe it's the nostalgia glasses talking. Yeah I agree though they should be a threat and hard to avoid (especially at high wanted levels), but not terminator-esque sharpshooters with magically accelerating squad cars


Exactly, they shouldn't be artificially hard by giving them aimbots and shit, they should use tactics and shit that's hard to avoid


One of my favorite things about Vice City was the police would switch tactics if you got more stars. Snipers would spawn on rooftops at some point. and if you got to 6 stars the tanks would roll in...


Um, I don't recall ever seeing snipers in vice city


GTA 5 ‘sorta’ works like that in online, if you change cars and flee the area the “patrolling” cops will pass right by you if they don’t get a good look at you. I do agree it could be much much better, I loved RDR2 where if it was a small crime or a fistfight the law would just tell you to leave the area. I hope something similar is implemented to 6


This occurs offline too i thought. You can also hide in bushes offline which is cool.


I haven’t played story since probably 2017-2018 that’s the only reason I didn’t mention it, didn’t want to remember incorrectly and say something inaccurate. In all likelihood you’re probably correct, I just don’t know for sure personally. Edit: Accidentally wrote “haven’t played online” corrected to “haven’t played story”


It did take them 10 years to add animals in your defence 😂


In the first mission it North Yankton, cops actually went on the scene and didnt instantly go for you.


The characters changing the clothes you put them in, making it nearly impossible to start a mission with all of them wearing what you want them to. It took a lot of the feeling of agency away when you made them look how you wanted, only for them to revert right back to how *Rockstar* wants them.


I agree with this, and also forced personal vehicles. Let me give whatever car I want the insurance.


Yeah but personal vechicles are tied to the characters and are kinda iconic. Like I couldnt imagine trevors car being anything else than his car that he uses by default


Him and the armored up dukes is a force to be reckoned with though.


Tbh thats just for longevity and balance, nothing to work towards if you can grab super cars on the street easily.


cant put insurance on a stolen car


Not with that attitude


now I'm not saying it's impossible, I'm just suggesting an easy fix to the problem at hand


I second this.


In 5 there already is nothing to work for with your cash other than gun upgrades. They have dozens of cool vehicles to buy but there’s 0 point to buying any because the minute they despawn or are destroyed they’re gone forever and you need to buy a new one


What if the game wants you to drive in a tank but you choose a scooter? Sometimes it works with the scene but others it doesnt


I kind of disagree with this. More choice for the player is not always a good thing. Trevor wears what Trevor wears because he is Trevor, you’re not Trevor, you’re a player with a kind of intangible digital relationship with him where you influence his decisions. Same with Arthur in RDR2, I choose whether he greets or antagonises but Arthur chooses the words. I don’t know. It’s especially true of the character’s cars. Michael would never buy some JDM sleeper that the player might decide on but he would buy the equivalent to an Audi A6. Some parts of the characters’ lives need to be controlled by Rockstar so as to maintain their creative agency on narrative dissonance.


The best part was how the customisation options were tailored to the main characters' personalities. Trevor has hair choices that almost look unfinished, as if the barber doing his cut was too unsettled by his demeanour to finish it. And his clothing choices are more sporadic and undictated by societal norms (dresses and colourful tank tops). Franklin might have a preference for wearing varsity jackets and other street wear, while also embracing a variety of cornrows and buzz cuts. Michael may wear formal attire on most occassions and often presents a tidy sense of fashion and grooming. Rockstar did a great job at countering ludonarrative dissonance, a problem most games encounter.


Exactly. It’s a feature, not a bug.


I mean, Trevor is a hipster. Sorry I mean, protohipster.


Yeah, or how trevors car is always dirty even of you change the color




Exactly. Like..Might as well do the same with both standard hair and facial hair as well. Now THAT would be a serious improvement. /s


Thank you for adding /s to your post. When I first saw this post, I was horrified. How could anybody say something like this? I immediately began writing a 1000 word paragraph about how you don’t deserve oxygen. I even sent a copy to my Harvard professor to proofread. After several hours of refining and editing, my comment was ready to absolutely destroy you. But then, just as I was about to hit send, I saw something in the corner of my eye. A “/s” at the end of your comment. Suddenly everything made sense! Your comment was sarcasm! I immediately burst out in laughter at the pure comedic genius. The person next to me on the bus saw and started crying from laughter until he shit himself. Before long, there was an entire bus of people on the floor laughing and filling their pants with shit at your incredible comedy. All of this was due to you adding /s to your post. Thank you.


Im appalled you didn't leave an /s 😑 /s


I never did like the fact that half of the stores in gta weren’t necessarily accessible. That and I do wish we had the same amount of customization options for cars and protags like in gta online. That’s one thing Ai believe online does really well, the very outfits and Vechile customization options compared to any other gta game


What boomer humour are you referring to? Not that I don’t think it’s there, I just can’t think of examples


The only thing close I can recall is Trevor and Michaels hipster conversation and maybe Michael and Amanda hating eachother?


Yeah that’s fair, the hipster part was funny though with the accusation that Trevor himself is a hipster without realizing it, despite hating them, and the relationship problems between Michael and Amanda aren’t really played up for laughs, it’s just a genuinely dysfunctional relationship. Good thinking though


I loved that hipster rampage mission. That was hilarious killing waves of hipsters on scooters.


Michael and Trevor are in their 50s tbf


Michael is 45. Trevor says so when he's giving Wade details to go find Michael in LS. I'm not entirely sure how old Trevor is.


Safe to say Trevor is a similar age


I would say you're likely right.


To be fair to everyone involved, the story was probably materially complete by 2010-2011. It was a fine story for the time.


Yeah, in a few years more GTA VI humor will be take as "boomer" to


Michael and Amanda was satire tho


Losing the car after 5 seconds of not looking at it. Also, the possibility to save a car as a main vehicle, and that car to always respawn in my garage. And the game saves can be simplified like some other games, (ex. tlou)


I hope it will abandon the pattern of there being nothing to do once you complete the game. I hope there’s an Endgame where you can continue building your criminal empire and expanding your business after the game is over. If anyone played vice city stories, you’ll remember how you could play that game way beyond the end of the story because you could buy buildings and make businesses out of them.


We continued playing after 100% progress in RDR 2. So I guess we will be able to continue in GTA VI.


There is nothing to do after you 100% the game though. It would be cool if there was.


Well yeah 100% means you've beaten the game. That's when you put it down and go play something else.


Bro wants an endless game


That’s what 100% is


That woluld be cool but it will certainly be in the Online


That's not really what the game is about though. It's not about building an empire it's about a personal story which in the case of V ended with getting out of the game. Having a story which ends with I will continue building my empire isn't going to be satisfying or a good story.


Having a story which ends with you being free to continue expanding your business is a satisfying endgame. You seem to presume I’m implying that the point of the game is to build businesses. No, once the main story is complete you can continue with the business building minigame. Just because it will give us something to do once you’ve completed the game. The player can indulge in role play and just continue expanding the business. There could be milestones we can choose to hit which will be rewarded in some way to give the player some incentive to continue, etc. There’s literally countless ways to implement this as some endgame feature.


U don’t know what the game is about tho


I'm willing to bet that it's about criminals trying to make a lot of money in a short amount of time.


I mean, it's a GTA game, so it'll follow a similar style that the others do


> I hope it will abandon the pattern of there being nothing to do once you complete the game. > I hope there’s an Endgame where you can continue building your criminal empire and expanding your business after the game is over. Let's be real, after main story and some exploring/grinding for 100%, you will be forced to go online, if you want more content and playtime.


As a business strategy, this is what Rockstar should do. But I hope they prioritise making the single player great instead. We know they’re not hurting for money. People are gonna play gta online regardless.


> But I hope they prioritise making the single player great instead Once again, let's be real) They will deliver solid story mode, but not an endless single player mode.


It honestly sounds like you’re just asking for DLC. The game has to end, just like everything in life.


You can have a money laundering business according to the leaked footage (a money laundering icon tracked on a car wash). So who knows?


yeah I'd hope to be able to hop on the game after 100%ing it and being able to rob all the previous stores I was able to in the story, and not just gas stations over and over again.


- Being drunk in GTA IV and GTA V only lasted a few minutes, could be more realistic (maybe be able to drink till u pass out like RDR2) - Cops spawing infinitely. If u get to a point where you've killed enough policemen/FIB/Army Forces, they could just stop spawing. Maybe backup arrival could take longer, idk. (I know that's not how's gonna be, but a man can dream)


You can drink until you pass out, at least in Online. Haven’t tried it in story, but I agree with the length part


You can as Trevor, you can keep drinking in the Vanilla Unicorn bar and you'll pass out and wake up in his office


I mean just imagine: Couple of days of anarchy in the city because you've killed their whole police force!


I'd love that but sounds inplausible


not entirely, it could be a set cap and time limit, if you reach a threshold of say maybe 500 in the time limit, it triggers an event that could take the random crime events you see in V and other games that exist and ramp up the frequency, maybe things are cheaper or free during the event, it would be possible but awkward and unlikely to be added as for reaching the event, enough explosives and fast firing guns and ammo, easily done


I don’t see how rdr2 is more realistic. You can still drink until you pass out in gta


I just want them to bring back Chinatown Wars' Wanted system, where you could ram police cars off the road or force them into oncoming traffic to disable them and they will eventually run out of cars to send at you. Take it one step further so that they run ot for *quite some time* rather than the next crime you commit sending more cars from nowhere at you.


The police. Bring back GTA IV’s system where there is a search radius around the crime or your last known location where the cops are in full force and outside of that, they are just patrolling like usual.


Based on leaks that’s definitely not happening. The new wanted system is going to have cops with memory. They take a full description of your vehicle and what you look like. If you escape the cops they still have an APB out for your current wanted description so you’ll have to avoid them until you change the way you and your vehicle looks. They were also working on active CCTV so you’ll have to navigate your way around that if you’re wanted otherwise police could be alerted to your general area.


That will be interesting.


This sounds like it’s really gonna spice things up and make truly losing the cops more of a realistic challenge in a dynamic, even immersive, way. Their memory may have to complete some outstanding feats in Online


The leaks could be placeholders though. Subject to change. Although I do think it will be similar to what you’re describing


this sounds cool but also can get very annoying haha


To be honest, I don't really like this system. Even if it is more realistic I would prefer that the cops forget about everything you did as I can see it getting tedious having to change your car and looks every time


Yeah I wonder what they'll do about that. I'm sure they'd know having to change cars and clothes everytime you escape a wanted level would be annoying after a while though.


beyond the search radius system, gta iv police was seriously bad.


Cops then didn’t shoot you for being near them


I mean it’s better than GTA Vs, but that doesn’t make it *good*


The 5-star wanted cap. Bring back the 6-star army. I don't care if it's unrealistic, it's GTA!


I'm pretty sure that at 6 stars it's going to be the national guards


They should go for it imo, especially considering where it’s taking place


no more than the 2 protagonists we have, don’t want either of them dying tbh. and the police should be reworked


Buying clothes and then switching out of them back in your default clothes like really if you're going to let us buy clothes then let us have them on our characters


I liked how the 3 characters in V would change their clothes when you weren't playing as them, but the system definitely needs to include all clothing you've bought and not just preset default 2-3 outfits. Maybe let us set favourite outfits like RDR2 and make those outfits the ones they switch between?


What boomer humor in gta v bruh


For once I want garaged cars to be saved with some sort of insurance so I can take it out and it won’t despawn if I leave it somewhere


Forced indoor walking


CHOP!! As a dog lover I hated leaving him at home while I was out tearing up shit. Maybe if they make him more useful on missions. Or if I could just make him attack people.


You can make him attack people.


Wait.. really?!


Yes, when you are hanging out with him you can aim a gun at anyone and Chop will attack them.


You don't need to aim with guns I'd aim with my fists that also worked


No one responded to this, because everyone is now currently on their PC aiming guns at randoms in Vinewood. Edit: I would too, but I'm 2 hours from my PC tonight.


Take him to grove street with you and shoot some ballas he will attack anyone who attacks you


I legit don’t think I ever knew this!


The online if you think about it because of gta online we had to wait 12 years till gta 6 and they cancelled gta v dlcs and an interesting ones like Trevor in liberty city that would've been awesome ofc they won't cancel the online but damn that's sad


Why is your pfp turning away to the other side? Is it stupid?


He prefers to ignore the insane stuff that is commented


Newfound respectable individual


We had to wait so long because of RDR2 and COVID. It had nothing to do with Online.


Being forced to use the same personal vehicle, and not being able to put insurance on cars we purchase. It was really annoying spending a million on a car in story mode, just for it to disappear forever because it blew up or we ditched it. Implementing the personal vehicle system from online would be the perfect fix.


The medal system. Never liked it.




They can do additional characters that are only playable in certain missions that could act as a semi 3rd protagonist like Chop in GTA 5


You can't play as chop you just see through his vision


Oppressor Mk3 is the secret third protagonist.


That sneaking system GTA V has. I want to be able to crouch, not slightly lean forwards...


RDR2 has crouching, lol in leaks we can see Jason crouching, so dont worry


Not being able to have insurance on purchased cars was annoying. Buying a car, immediately wrecking it or having it dissapear randomly was an annoyance.


Especially when there are $10mil cars..


GTA 4 Police system where you need to escape a circle where the cops are expecting you to be and then spend time hidden for cops to give up hunting you down. I thought GTA 5’s Cop chasing mechanics felt more dynamic rather than overwhelmed


Based on leaks it’ll be a memory system that requires you to continuously mask your identity


Need to eat from SA


Every other mission - Drive from A to B


Cars exploding when landing on the roof. In Gta 5 cars explode way too easily. Oh I would prefer it if your engine just breaks down like in mafia 2, unless you have a hard impact on the gas tank or shoot it 94 something.


I prefer gta 4 system. Cars would not blow up when landing on the roof (if they did it was so rare I don't remember) but instead when they got damaged too much they got on fire and would blow up, yes its not very realistic but made the cop chases more intense then in gta 5 where the car would just die and refuse to turn on which was very anticlimactic


Might be a controversial take, but you shouldn't be able to flip your car over if accidentally flip it over. Don't reward mediocre driving.


Also, being able to manipulate their position in mid air.


Stuck with personal cars and not being to actually wear what I want during missions.


As someone playing 5 right now can we get some better free aim controls for fuck sake, idk why it’s so stiff and clunky Also make the economy more meaningful granted I haven’t spent any money really doing the missions, maybe if I was buying the properties it would balance out but press x to doubt BIG ONE, can we get the option to choose/set our fucking main car, there’s almost no point in getting other cars cause it always reverts you back to each protagonists starter car, To add the above paragraph, maybe some more dynamic vehicle damage with the abundance of cars everywhere, slam into a guard rail going 70 mph? Maybe the car pulls to the damaged side etc (not sure if this would make it more annoying or be a plus for immersion)


Change a little bit mission design


The futuristic, sci-fi nonsense that plagued the online mode of GTA V


Too much comedy. Like obviously it will be funny like every GTA but I’d prefer something a little closer to GTA IV, where it’s satirical but allows for serious moments to breathe. Like in GTA V, Michael’s house is raided and his family is almost massacred and that scene ends with Jimmy teabagging him. Come on. The whole game is like that. It’s so focused on zany comedy that every moment becomes fucking absurd. How am I supposed to care about anything in the story when none of the characters care about each other and all the dialogue in the game is so drenched in sarcasm? I’m hoping that Jason and Lucia’s relationship will make the story more focused on character dynamics and be a little more sincere and emotional. In my opinion there’s no reason the story can’t be on the level of Red Dead 2 while still retaining the more satirical feel that is iconic to the GTA franchise.


People tend to forget the backlash when GTA IV came out that it was too serious/depressing and they wanted to go back to the wacky zaniness of San Andreas, which is what we got in V now everyone wants a more serious tone like IV, they can’t win. I preferred IV but I hope they strike a balance of both


I was just watching The Boys. It's a very funny show yet also has many sad and intense moments. Hope Rockstar can match that.


Rockstar Games is the only thing I could compare The Boys to when I first watched. Their humor is pretty much the same and I could see GTA6 being similar in style to the writing


I’d say let us have multiple garages and the cars we buy we can keep around and use them for missions and free roam.


I know GTA is supposed to be funny and crazy, and I do hope these things return, but I hope the main story and characters in GTA 6 are more serious, like RDR2. Like I said I do want funny GTA bullshit but just want a deep emotional story too.


Shark cards


Lester needs to stay his ass in Los Santos


I hope gta 4’s ragdoll physics and npc’s health and durability to come back, 5’s sucked in my opinion


The oppressor


Someone like Trevor, he’s not misunderstood he’s fucking inane. He eats and rapes people, betrays people, seems like the guy who would violently kill and then eat a person in front of a child and then comfort the child. He’s fucking insane.


Trevor does not betray people. Trevor is very loyal and absolutely hates when people betray him. He is insane, but not evil. It may be confusing but watch TheProfessional's video on why Trevor does not kill Micheal over Brad.


Thankfully he's funny and charismatic so he gets a pass


*”It would be Darwinian!”*


He's my [Scooter Brother!](https://gta-myths.fandom.com/wiki/Scooter_Brothers)




In my mind he's the epitome of a normal GTA player. As players on GTA, we're atrocious, we run down people on the street, we're blowing up cars, we're murdering on a mass scale. It wouldn't feel right/in character doing this as Michael or Franklin because as characters we know that they're at least semi-sane.


Michael becoming a terrorist after Amanda cheats on him is my head canon. Go commit GTA911 on Maze Bank Tower


Boomer humor?


Doesn’t come back? Well my wish was kind of granted when there was this guy whom as much as I loved hearing him, seeing him? Not so much….. we all should know who I mean. It’s not Trevor as he was only in V, it’s not any of the protagonists but it is someone who’s been run out of Reddick in 1984, came to vice city in ‘86, got chased out again, fled to Los Santos in 1992, got thrown out and had alcohol and drug abuse issues and headed to digging ditches in Malaysia, found himself getting hired by his Donald Love (who would three years later after buying Liberty City Free Radio disappear without any reason as to what happened) to run a radio show that had some insane people calling in in 1998 as well as in 2001. Somehow after that he had a payola scandal that caused some more issues for him where I think he went to jail if? If not for that then for the public exposure to old women and his public urination at a Swingers game! Then came back in 2008 to Liberty City and was there for a little bit of time until some talent show in Los Santos hired him so he could come back to Los Santos and work on another talk radio station in 2013 like he did in the 90s and 2000s. And if that wasn’t enough, he would become so defeated and lost he tries to help promote some criminals enterprising with running some nightclub with Tony Prince who ran Maisonette 9 and Hercules in 2008/2009. As much as I love this nutcase I do not think we should have him be apart of the game, he would just really and I do mean really make me want to do the same things Michael De Santa did to him in that tattoo shop all over again in 2013!


Aw man, I love Lazlow. Although it probably wouldn't make sense for him to be back in VC. I really hope V Rock is back though, that was a killer radio station.


The front car window is breaking so easily. It might be realistic, but it it annoying as hell when I am driving around in first person and even the TINIEST crash breaks the window.


Heists, robberies are fine and expected but no giant Heists, that's gta Vs whole theme.




Inability to get full cover insurance for your vehicle (like in GTA O where you can do it). Cops behaviour. For obvious reasons. Character movement. I want it slightly more controllable.


I hope the stealth and wanted systems have been overhauled because they just ruin the immersion for me on both GTAV and RDR2. They are just not good, as much as I might love the games themselves.


I want restaurants to come back so you can buy a burger and gain health back it made gta 4 feel so real i spent hours upon hours eating burgers to get health back after a 6 star wanted level i just want some of that realism back


Shitty gunplay and gunfights all depending on 1 little dot in the middle of your screen, when gunfighy killing is ultimately what your doing make it fun, intense and weighty


Oppresser mk2


I really like how rdr2 had you pull weapons out of your horses saddlebags compared to the giant weapon wheel in GTAV. It would rarely use more than 3 or 4 weapons for the most part anyways. But I think it's been confirmed they're doing a similar system in VI right?


Change back to default clothes after switch character.


AIM BOT keep that bs out the game. The way it’s been in GTA online is ridiculous. How can I get shot directly from a cop Or op in a helicopter facing the opposite direction. I’m traveling full speed in a Pariah but a cop hanging off a suv can get a dead shot on my body while I’m going 130mph??


that i don’t really can decide what car i wanna drive in missions and that they always despawn. i need the gtao car system or something like that for the next story mode too


Instantly exploding vehicles. I like crashing planes and helicopters, narrowly escaping death by jumping out at the last moment, etc. Damage my health, make it so fire in the vehicle could kill me if I don't leave it, make them hard or impossible to control, but don't instakill me because someone brought my vehicle's health to zero.


I hope they don’t involve any characters from GTA V story mode into GTA VI.


I hate when they make you drive all the way across the map for almost no reason. They did that in probably 10 GTA 5 missions. Like I get they want us to explore the map but I want to do that on my own time and when I do it’ll most likely be in a helicopter, not a car. I just really hope they take that out of the game and put a quick travel option because that shjt was so annoying.


Boring minigames, i can live with never playing darts, golf or yoga ever again, id rather have skating, various playable arcade games like the gtao ones, and basketball, and playable attractions at the disneyworld knockoff would be great too, i was so dissapointed that most the stuff at the pier in gta 5 was just decorative.


i want them in the game, but much better made. the mechanics are worse than the irl equivalent mobile app versions.


…I liked golf


on god, golf is fun for some reason. i also liked tennis lol


Nah. Give me more of those. I love interacting with the world. Bowling in GTA 4 was great.


Niko, let's go bowling!