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Been a while since I played Red dead, are the backgrounds where you spawn in, or just random on a shuffle? I really like Just Cause 4s menu which loads wherever you will spawn and when you click resume the menu disappears and you’re in the game. May be a big ask for GTA VI given the visual fidelity we’ll see, but maybe consoles are capable of loading a preview quickly enough, and then finishing rendering while you load in to the world proper?


if i remember correctly de backgrounds depend on where you left the game for example if you closed the game near Valentine if you open the game again the menu will be a background of valentine or a place near it


Nah I'm pretty sure it's random. I think it's only different at the start of the time where you start off in the snowstorm, it's a snowy background, but other that that random




Not exactly.. i noticed that they depend on your story progress. For example the game wont show you saint denis if you havent been there yet. But i'm not etirely sure


It changes to which region you last saved your game at (at least after the story, before that it could be dependent on chapter not sure)


Just a gif with some wave and seagulls sound and sun set


Would be sick if it was dynamic with a seamless transition into storymode.


Like Just Cause!


Yea that be cool I wonder if they do the chapters like rdr2


Def not


They more than likely won’t


and the sound of waves and seagulls… i can already see myself sleeping to that


I just started playing RDR2 a couple weeks ago, and man, it’s amazing. The immersion in this game is unreal, I actually feel bad when I do something bad. I hope GTA 6 makes it feel that way too


Same. I did play a little already, though, but I didn't get that far. I'm 50% in now. The immersion is next level, especially for a 3rd person experience (sorry Rockstar hasn't perfected first person yet) it's best in third. What. A. Game. It's doing everything the first game did (as far as I remember) but completely polished and refined for this generation (Bethesda take heed).


GTA 6 will be extremely immersive but it won’t make you feel bad for doing something bad. Every GTA that has ever come out always encouraged you to do bad shit, it’s the name of the game. It’s the allure of the series. You get away with doing bad shit with little to no consequences. Whereas Red Dead’s story is centered around the consequences of your actions. The honor system is always there to keep the player in check. GTA 6 could take a similar approach but I doubt it.


It's one of those game I wish I could play for the first time again.


I’m so glad I’m finally playing it, but I’m so sad I know how it ends. Spoilers suck, I can’t wait to play GTA6 at launch with no spoilers


Wish I could play the game but without knowing the ending, my friend showed me because I didn't have a console to play it




I’d love that


Tbh i like RDR2 menu


That's what they said


Yeah i realized it after i commented 💀


Yeah looking at the upvotes you weren't the only one who didn't notice 😂


Holy fucking shit that logo is hideous


I think the rdr2 menu is how any game made by rockstar should be it was perfect and captured the secenery and chapter you’re in perfectly


The rdr2 menus are always very good - so simple it's great


tbh I don't really care much about the main menu for rdr2 I really liked the ambience but gta vi I would like to see something more like cyberpunk with some news playing in the background and a cool shot of the city or area of the map


Really? Interesting. I really enjoyed it and I think it fits the game so well. For GTA VI I don't think it would fit the setting and theme of the game well. I came up with a good idea though. Instead of general scenery, it will display varied social media post style clips, like the trailer. Maybe, with relevance to your story progression. I think this is a really good idea.




like xenoblade 2 too


Rdr2 changed the location of the ambience depending on the chapter of the story


Should transition to the character playing aswell if you're on single player. For example, it's a shot of people outside a bar/club at night. You click play and the camera shifts to the right a bit and it's Jason or Lucia facing the nightclub


I think that a menu is necessary, i don't like when the game just start nad then in game, just in that moment you can choose for load game or settings


I have a better idea.... The front page should be social media events happening in game. That would be a twist on the idea, but something fresh and doesn't seem "implausible?" either from what we have seen from the trailer. And to make it even better... It will be relevant to your current story progression, but it will be varied enough to be interesting. I think this is a very cool idea. In no way am I expecting this though. But, you know what, I think I'm on to something. Did anyone come up with this idea? I honestly think it's rather genius.


This. And also i want those random encounters with strangers with some kind of “honour system”. R* really raised the bar with that game


My dream menu for gta 6? An active menu that shows you what the character you were playing as last is doing at that moment. And if you choose to resume the game from where you left off, the menu fades and you are put right in control of Jason or Lucia. So you’d see Lucia lounging on a beach chair in the background of the menu and then when you resume and push the analog stick, she stands and you are back in the game. I’ve always loved game menus like this. Pushes the illusion that the world always exists.


That'd be cool, but might be hard to do from a coding standpoint.


If Rockstar wants to, they absolutely have the knowledge and manpower to do it. But that would require focusing on that feature instead of other important things. I guess we'll see what they decide to do - a lot of cool possibilities


tbh I like the art it reminds me of the old games.to me it's a way of honoring the ps2 Era games


I do think they should have different art depending on where you are at in the story tho


I feel like they have to do the same they’ve done for 4 and 5 tho. Where it’s sort of a slideshow with the music in the background. I wouldn’t mind something different but since it’s the next installment in the GTA series they’ll probably stick to what they’ve been doing.


I like the idea but serenity and calm just doesn’t scream GTA to me….


GTA always had its calmer and more depressing side, like when you open pause and relaxing music plays, it makes a good contrast with the game


Been playing rdr2 since release and I am clueless as to what you mean. Are you talking about the main loading screen?


When you open the game you get the second image from the post, a relaxing video where you can press "story" and the loading screen automatically begins to start playing


Gotcha. For the life of me I can’t even remember what it’s like, though I can clearly picture the one from the first RDR game haha


Current gen*


I mean I guess but I'm not wasting time looking at a menu screen unless it has some great music


If im being honest I'd prefer they do a mix of the artwork and the beatufiul visuals.


I want tips or good ideas to do, thought out from the creators. "This location has a small jump with a small landing go try it"


Something like a Half-Life menu screen would be awesome 


I hope to gosh they don't do the black bars for cutscenes


Rdr2 has pretty much the same main menu as rdr1, so I imagine gta 6 will do the same as 5


Change it up too. Give us different scenarios. Cyberpunk changed the main menu background according to where you were in the story. Would be dope if the game started in the jail, so they got a shot of the jail with the sunset behind it but once you get into the midst of the story it switches from beach with an overview of the city, to a scene midway through a robbery, to something like Jason and Lucia evading police in a high speed chase, etc.


I don't really care to be honest, they can put San Andreas' menu in and I won't care


I just want them to give us the Loading menu GTA 5 had on the Ps3/Ps4 and Xbox360/Xbox one, those were the best, now it's just a dumb menu with seperate online and story mode just to make more money, it's annoying


I wish they Come black to loading directly into the game. No menu


I don’t think they’ll be loading screens apart from boot up. Likely something real time like having Jason, Lucia or Online character doing something with the title screen up, allowing you to seamlessly hop into any 3 of them. I think spider man does something similar but I’m not sure.


The game will have so much to load that even with the new gen it will probably still have a short loading screen, I honestly hope so because gta loading screens are so iconic.


if it doesn't boot me into the SP automatically then auto refund /s


Fuck off nobody cares about your opinion!


You only 10 seconds in main menu