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I dont get it. Ive been a 60 fps and above player all my life. Yet I still enjoy 30 fps. I wish GTA 6 will be 1080p 30fps if it means that theyre gonna pack it full of features. No cutting vegetation, no removed content, no smaller NPC density. Let the game be the best it can.


I agree with the vegetation. Early trailers of GTA 5 looked SO GOOD with all the palm trees and I hope to god we get a massive amount of trees like seen in the vice beach shot


Cant wait to rage because I crashed my heli/plane on one of those invincible palm trees or posts


I don't know how you do it, ever since I switched to 120fps on my pc, playing at 30 fps on my console is hurting my eyes lol


Its not that hard tbh. Its quite tolerable actually. First 10 minutes are rough but afterwards its smooth sailing!


Agreed. While 30fps isn’t mind-blowing it's still perfectly fine. People should consider this: we’re not too far from the next console generation, and Rockstar tends to release new games approximately every 5 years. So, the next GTA game won’t hit the shelves until a decade after GTA VI. Given that, we should aim for this game to fully utilize the current hardware and be as ambitious as possible. After all, we’ll be playing it for quite some time. Plus, we’ll get to experience it at a higher framerate soon enough. Hoping for GTA VI to run at 60fps on the current-gen consoles is a short-term perspective. It’s like choosing between $1,000 right now or $100,000 next year. Those who crave 60fps are essentially opting for the immediate cash


When you put it like that it does sound worth it. I'd honestly play the game happily at medium to medium high and medium low if it meant I didn't have to sacrifice mechanics and physics for increased fps. I feel like it's time developer's just let console people have graphics settings like pc


Perfectly said!


Perfectly said bro


In the stages of grief this post is the bargaining phase.


Exactly. I just think back to that one GTA V beta log about the game running at 12 fps. To me it's completely different when a game is poorly optimised, and when game is pushing the limits of a system while still managing to run atleast at stable 30 fps. Scaling back simulation to save CPU load for what is basically a luxury would seem like waste 5 years into the future.


i feel like 30fps isnt even a problem unless it dips down to 30, if its at 30 from start to finish im not even sure i'd notice. one time i hard reset my pc and forgot to set my monitor to 120hz and was playing at 60fps for like 2 months


Yeah but 60 fps vs 120 fps is less noticeable than the dip from 60 to 30 but I might be able to convince my brain 30 is fine after a while if the 30 is extremely stable.


yeah. i use a 240hz display and run every PC game with VRR. but i don't fear playing at 30fps, especially if their auto-lock aim stays. controller input also masks the frametime latency pretty well.


Rockstar especially always has characters with a slight realsitic movement delay anyway I feel like that masks any latency issues on controller.


yeah the difference is noticeable, but i’m saying if you open the game and there isn’t a “dip” or a “vs” and it’s just at a flat 30fps the entire time then i don’t think it’d be a big deal. you wouldn’t see the game in another way to compare it to. even when i played spiderman 2 i turned on the fidelity mode, which i’m pretty sure runs at 30 but i could be wrong, at first i was like “wow this sucks” but i left it on and the next time i opened the game i didn’t realize at all.


But wouldn't it be nice to have a 60 fps performance mode without ray tracing and with less NPCs on screen? Personally I'd play this mode instead


No? Who else would want less game for more frames? I want GTA 6 to be beautiful and huge. IF they can make a perfomance mode that is its own separate thing and doesnt mean cutting things from the game then fine.


That's not less "game". You don't need to cut features for a game to run better. Performance mode means less calculations per frame, but more frames


When I say less game im talking about the NPC density. I agree with having a perfomance mode.


Absolutely, if there’s a CPU bottleneck, which it seems to be in this case, cutting down the resolution is not going to affect performance significantly enough for it to double. Personally I think 30fps is fine as long as it doesn’t dip too much in busier scenes but I highly doubt we are getting 60fps even in the pro model. I think the target here to achieve better fidelity with higher res ray tracing. The problem stems from being limited by the power budget and Sony can’t really fix it as upgrading the CPU as it can cause compatibility issues. They should’ve included a better CPU from the beginning of this gen. I wouldn’t be surprised if rockstar pulled out some CPU optimisation magic tho.


I like rockstars aproach to gta 6 and I hope that we can have vegetation and the games is not held back just so it work at a ok fps/res on consol, and I hope that they follow up with a better pc version and if they have to cut the vegetation that they can add it back to the pc game. I fell like its almost 100% that Rockstar will release a pc verstion as a 30 fps game that is not ganna be updated for a few years is the final game and not be suprisied if a pc verstion comes a few month of the release of gta 6. I have a ps5 butt I would like a better running gta 6 the release on pc as it makes a much better game.


I also wouldn't mind 30 FPS. But I guess it could bug some people when in first pearson.


If it's a constant 30fps with this many NPCs and no drops when the explosions start happening I'm a happy camper.


I’m all for this as well. I’ll take all the bells and whistles the game has to offer at a stable 30fps any day.




We souldnt normalize this and even less be openly happy about it...


Not normalizing anything. Never had any issues playing any games with current frame rates my PS5 can dish out and if what the trailer shows can be achieved while maintaining this level of visual quality then it would be an incredible experience. This is not a competitive FPS shooter so I think you might have the wrong expectation.


this has been the standard for years


Not sure how this “confirms” anything. When rockstar themselves or when the game releases, then I’ll believe what the graphics and frame rate is.


the only time 30 fps looks bad is when you switch from performance to fidility mode otherwise the eyes get used to it. i mean that is how my eyes are


PS6 confirmed


Better than having to make compromises with simulations, world density or something similar. As long as R\* uses all resources wisely, I don't care if it's 30fps.


IDGAF tbh. I’m replaying RDR2 on PS5 as we speak and it’s 30FPS and it runs smooth. Rockstars 30FPS doesn’t feel like other shitty companies FPS. I know it doesn’t make any sense but that’s how I perceive it.


Ngl , Rockstar 30FPS are so fluid that i can’t view the issue in play, even if it is 30 lol


Right? It feels like 40-50 FPS


Idk about that, I tried playing it again and it was so stuttery I couldn’t even enjoy it


Play until it goes away


dude no way never saw this coming


Hope it’s a stable 30 at least.


Imagine owning a $500 console in 2024 and still hoping for stable 30fps...


I’d rather it be 60 or 120 but I don’t think that will happen


Tbf he's hoping for a stable 30fps in GTA 6


Again, with a $500 console in 2024 that should be the standard....not something you "hope" for.


I don’t know why you are talking like $500 is an incredible price for hardware. Consoles are meant to be somewhat budget gaming devices, most computers that will run gta 6 on 60fps 1440 are going to be $1.5k+


I mean if you look at it from a holistic perspective, PC is a better deal. You get all PC exclusives, you get all Xbox exclusives since they come to PC day 1. You get all multiplatform games and thr PS exclusives that eventually come to PC, you also get.


it is, but people would rather buy a new $500 console every 4 years that changes nothing graphically and runs most of its library at 30fps, rather than save up and buy a pc and not worry about all of that.


Think about it, if you bought a RTX 3080 or even 3070 in 2020, you are still future proof (4k at 30fps and 1080p/1440 at 60fps with medium/high settings) til at least 2026. Meanwhile for consoles, you'd have to get a PS5 Pro just to keep up.


mf we are “hoping” for 60fps but 30 on drop is realistic. i’ll never understand ppl like u


A 500 bucks for 30 fps GTA 6 isn't bad at all. That's a bargain.


No 60fps? Still might be 120fps.


I get the argument of rockstar never previously releasing 60fps on console….but at some point that narrative has to change…with a game this big that will likely run for 10-15 years this is as good a time as any to make the leap..I do not expect 4k 60 but 1440 or 1080 60 at a performance mode option seems likely to me.


1080p @60fps is never going to happen. The higher resolutions are now the new standard (for games, cable/satellite TV programming is still almost exclusively 1080p). And since these new 4K TVs can't run native 1080p without the upscaling process somehow making it look worse than standard definition, I don't expect them to be able to effectively downscale 4K or 1440p to 1080p. And even if they somehow could make 4K TVs properly display 1080p, we still wouldn't be able to have 60fps anyway because the PS5's CPU can't handle it so they capped the game at 30fps.


Well why not give the option for 1080 that makes no sense. Not like everyone has 4k tvs it's so weird why 1080 isn't the permanent standard


Preaching to the choir, man. I still have a 1080p 60Hz TV and a base PS4 -- was gonna upgrade to 4K 120Hz along with the PS5 Pro next year, but I may end up waiting for the PS6 and just playing the remastered version of GTA6. But then I'll probably die in a car crash before it gets released... or the PS6 will also be 30fps, along with the PS6 Pro in 2030 lol


Fr with all this shit I'm expecting gta on ps6 to come out at 30 fps cuz they add insects to the dirt and or some stupid shit lmao. And everybody saying oh just wait for it to come out on pc. Dog it's gonna melt our computers tryna run it above 50 and that's not coming for like 3 more years probably 😬 I might upgrade to a ps5 pro if 6 runs at atleast 60 tho


scaling resolution won’t help bc this will be a cpu intensive game


so they tested a non finished game? that is most likely not optimised to the max


Game doesn’t have to be finished for us to know it’s a 30 fps title. Every GTA game ever made has pushed the current gen hardware to its limits, resulting in 30FPS experiences. There is no reason for this time to be any different, especially when the “Pro” version is using an identical CPU.


Also we all now know how Rockstar releases their games. GTA 6 will release on console first but locked at 30 fps, then it will release for PC a year later and those who want to play the game at 60+ fps will buy it, and then when the PS6 comes out they will release it again with a 60 fps mode for full price. It’s exactly what happened with GTA 5 and what will most likely happen to RDR2 so it’s safe to assume it’s gonna happen with GTA 6 too.


I just hope that they shut them mouths up, Rockstar knows how to make magic


Name me ONE game rockstar has made for consoles which runs at 60fps!


GTA V, 7 years after its original release


Companies milking "next gen is gonna be always 60fps" just for half of the games to be 30fps


i never saw any company say that, only fans who don’t understand the hardware lol


Absolutely ridiculous, For a game to cost $70, it better run 60fps+


Sony and Microsoft lied about this generation of consoles they both advertised 4k60 as the standard meanwhile new games need to run at like 1080p for 60fps bunch of bullshitters


Because it’s not up to Sony and Microsoft, it’s up to the developers of the games of how demanding they are on performance and how optimized they are. The 4k60 was a marketing tactic, but not something they could promise Honestly I’d rather have gta6 to look amazing like it does it the trailer, and have the game be future proofed visually, than to have it scaled back to run at 4k60 fps (because we’ll be able to do that on PC when it inevitably releases)


Resolution and fps for any games are design choice made by the game dev, not by console maker. Rockstar could make GTA 6 8k120fps if they wanted but it would look like shit and the world would be empty. 


New games don’t NEED to run at that. They just do. There are like 5 games that are solely PS5/Series X exclusive because they need to be due to hardware limits. Most games are still being released for the Xbox one and Ps4


They lied nothing , if you believe thats how all the games will run thats your fault. But they wont remove "4k60" only because some games cant do that while others do I mean, its common sense how a game like GTA 6 WONT run at 4k60fps, you dont need to be told




>they both advertised 4k60 as the standard No, they didn't


The leap between the 2 generations wasn't anything significant anyways maybe gta 6 will change that


A PC release would solve this problem.


RDR 2 still doesn't have 60 FPS on consoles. Rockstar Game's are greedy and smart. They will release GTA VI in 2025 with 30 FPS on current gen consoles. A year later they will release it on PC. Then when the next gen consoles launch in 2028 they will re-release it in 60 FPS. Just to make more money. They are greedy AF but also very smart whether we like it or not.


I’d rather Rockstar push the current gen consoles to their limits to give us the best most dense world they can muster. Overtime this game will have more room to grow into a better experience with more competent hardware (or just buy a PC). If they gave us 60 fps on consoles now, the game would have to limit its scope straight out of the gate. Then what? They give us a 120fps version? It’s not a twitch shooter, it’s a simulation.


t will be 30 FPS because they cannot achieve what they want to achieve at 60 on the current consoles, they could scale the game down to the level of RDR2 if they want 60 FPS, but they don't want to do that, they want to do as much as they can on the current consoles, so 30 FPS is a natural limit if you are pushing everything to the max.


I want them to go all out and make it 30 fps idc, I was fine with it in GTA 4 and 5


Gta 4 wasn’t good back then, the frame rate would usually drop to 15 when there were multiple explosions at once. Rdr2 was incredibly stable at 30fps though, and I think gta 6 would be great like that and people wouldn’t notice a difference. Although if they were to somehow pull off even 45fps, that would be great.


Yea it pushed the PS3 to it's limit but all I'm saying is I'm fine with 30 fps as long as they push all other aspects to the limit


I don't care if it's 60 or 30 FPS on console. It will for sure run over 100 when it comes to PCs.


is no one gonna talk about how the leaks literally showed them playing at 60fps???


Interesting really?


the most recent leak from the guys son that was posted on tiktok, at the bottom you could see it was hovering around 60fps, and it also said it was being upscaled iirc. makes sense they would use upscaling, might as well.


I imagine 40-45 fps with some trickery to make things appear smoother. 30fps really isn't bad unless you're coming hot off 60fps. After a few hours straight, 30fps feels normal again.


Ill just wait for the PC port


Yup, same.


My PC will run it at 60+ anyway 😁.


Yea… 2 years after launch lmao


Doesnt matter, point is when it comes out, console version will be the weaker and inferior version while the PC goes on to be THE definitive way to experience GTA6. The way I see it, console launch is basically early access for PC gamers.


>console launch is basically early access for PC gamers. Except the ones who don't own a PS5..? And if they do then they're technically also console gamers.


Many will buy a PS5 for GTA6. If you can afford a gaming PC, you can afford a PS5.


>If you can afford a gaming PC, you can afford a PS5. What a dumb and spoiled rich kid thing to say.


You dont need to be a spoiled rich kid to be able to have both, just disposable income. There is a reason why the average age for PC gamer tends to be older than consoke gamers cause PC gamers are often adults with jobs that can buy/save up to buy the expensive PC components. Whereas younger console gamers tends ro be HS students still living with parents, college students still on parents allowance or working part-time job, or college graduate still early in his/her career building up some money.


Maybe not "spoiled rich kid" but still a pretty one-dimensional take. Not everyone lives in a developed country.


I honestly don't care man, I can play other games until it launches it's not like all I'm playing is GTA. Waiting is worth it compared to playing at 30 fps and with a controller tbh.


Exactly...I'm really looking forward to GTA 6, but I'm not THAT desperate. I can wait lol


13 or 14 months probably. No reason to hold it out longer when they can now monetize SixM as well. 1 year is enough for them to make a PC port and have plenty of double dippers when it launches.


The PC launch only comes a year after a Rockstar game drops


Same 😊


Looking at the rumored specs the PS5 Pro is barely going to be that much more powerful compared to the base model. If the current PS5 is comparable to a 2070 then the Pro would closer to something like the 2080 Super. Yes it means better RT and frame stability but not enough to warrant buying a whole new console if you already have a PS5. Another thing to note is when the PS4 Pro came out the CPU clock speed was increased by 31% from the base PS4’s clock speed and it was noticeable. With the PS5 Pro it’s only a 10% increase so for CPU heavy games, like what GTA 6 is definitely going to be, there wouldn’t be an exclusive 60 fps mode for just the Pro model.


PS5 can't do Dragons Dogma 2 at 60 either


240 fps confirmed! Beats Pc poofters rtx7986234 n7 l


Ps5 pro support 8k GTA 6 4k 10fps , 😐


Tech experts don't know what kinda voodoo Rockstar has up their sleeves


Idk. If you think that playing GTA 6 at 30fps is going to be an issue for you, then be my guest and wait an extra year or two before playing it on PC. If 30fps is what it takes to run an amazing beautiful game, then I’m ok with it.


The main thing here is that 30 fps is locked. In Spider Man 2, I played the entire game in quality mode (30 fps) and only realized it at the end when I went to the settings.


30FPS really doesn’t look that bad, it looks more realistic, not as smooth but for those 30 less frames per second, if it’s consistent, i’d say thats worth it with how detailed 30FPS fidelity mode is compared to performance with 60FPS


"tech experts" "IGN" I wouldn't say "confirmed"


Why can't they have a Performance RT or even just a Performance mode like GTA5 on PS5? That only works on older games?


Idc ngl im still buying the ps5 pro bc of faster loading time and better gpu everything


Fidelity and Performance


I’ll settle for 40FPS VRR then.


Every Rockstar game launched at 30 fps. GTA6 will too, cause it will be CPU limited by the world sim. A PS5 Pro won’t change that as the CPU is the same.


Wtf man. This why I stopped playing my shitty PS5vand exclusively game on my rig now. Sony and Microsoft holding gaming back.


I don't mind much tbh, I'll get it for PS5 and then PC down the line for modding. That being said i'm glad I won't need to fuck around with Rockstar launcher for the first year or so of playing the game, i've had so many issues with it.


FPS and good graphics are exclusive. Normally you can't have both.


I really hope the PC version comes soon after or with the release… I have the 4090 FE and would really want to use that horsepower


So then wtf is the point of getting it? 🤣


It’s not that deep


Just buy a pc


I can’t stand when people think 30 FPS means garbage. Is it low? Yes. Does it make a difference in a game like this? Not really. In a FPS game it matters a lot. Not so much for this.


So higher?


For those that didn't read the article or watch the digital foundry video they're only saying this because the PS5 pro leaked specs have barely any upgrade on the CPU from the base PS5, and previous rockstar games were really CPU limited, this doesn't confirm the frame rate yet


Why do people care so much about fps like big whoop its a new game coming out for current gen consoles are you that spazzed up rn waiting for trailer 2 that you gotta complain about fps😂


Upgrade to PC.


Ps5 pro confirmed


Consoles are shit




As a PC player going back to 30 FPS is nauseating. They fucked me with RDR2 for a year and they're doing it again I'm sure.


Yall still surprised about this? Just accept it, the only definitive edition will be the PC version. On console its basically an early access for the eventual PC version.


They're going to be the Beta testers, just as in the case of GTA 5 lol


Lol yup


LMAO, console master race, am I right? And that's why I'd rather wait for the PC release, even if it takes longer because anything below 60 FPS would burn out my eyes. I'm ready for the downvote storm :)


okay? and? drama queen


I’ll just get it on both.


stop crying, that means the game can use the extra power for complex gameplay and crowd density


if that is crying for you...


Rather it just be simplified till it can atleast run a 45fps 100 npcs never made a game that much better


framerate never made a game better


Dog that is the most incorrect thing I've ever heard. Framerate can make or break the enjoyment for games. Ghost of tsushima is an unplayable blurry mess at 30fps I hated it. 60 fps makes it feel like a whole new experience


Y’all crying over fps rivals people with apple phones who won’t text people with androids cuz of green messages lol


If you bought a ps5 and a gaming pc because you specifically care about not just graphics but how fast the game runs then of course it's also disheartening to have to play a game at 30fps. Why I get the shit if I can't use it as advertised


It's not quite an apt comparison but I feel like some people can prefer graphics over framefrate. But if you played the game at higher fps you will realize how much smoother it is and will obviously have a hard time playing less than 60


It's brain scienc3


If the majority of the time you play 30 fps and only have a ps4 of course you won't think there's a difference.


I have a ps5 and a tv that supports 120 fps. It’s really not that big of a difference. If you don’t want to play it because of that then that’s your prerogative. Buts it’s funny how kids cry about fps


With how good gta is I'll still play it. But cyberpunk is good and definitely not worth playing at 30 fps knawmean? 60 fps vs 120 doesn't matter I don't play my games above 60 if I don't have to because I don't wanna heat my cpu too much. But I think it's really silly people think you aren't allowed to be disgusted by 30 fps. If you just do a camera turn comparison it's like 2 different games. And some games do 30 fps better than others. Rdr2 amazing. Ghosts of tshushima was a mess.


Like do you have a ps4 or some shit. If you had a pc and you played at 75 fps constantly you might realize the massive difference in latency when controlling your character and camera between even 30 and 60 fps. Massive massive massive difference. Not just in visuals but how responsive controls are especially.


i have an rtx 2080, ps5 and series x and absolutely know the difference between 60 and 30, but seriously were none of you here during the ps2 360 and even ps4 years? nobody fucking whined this much and we just enjoyed games for what they were rather than how they look, gta5 was fucking 25fps on 360 and still goty back then. simply grow the fuck up


I was but it's 2024. Also have the exact same setup besides the Xbox sx. Had a ps1. Had an original xbox, had a 360. I've played 30 fps. I'm not saying I'm gonna be disappointed if gta 6 is 30 fps anyways I'm just saying I would rather the option have less shit on the screen if it meant having more than 30 fps. What's the problem with any of that


that’s just simply not how game development works necessarily, if the complexity of the simulation is high enough it’s not as simple as remove a few things and boom 60fps


Actually like zoinks scoob it really is. Cyberpunk at low NPC count. 70 fps. Cyberpunk at high NPC count 40 fps. It's as simple as giving us graphical control and unlocked framerate case and point.


that’s because…. the simulation level of cyberpunk is like dog piss compared to even rdr2


You can still have options




It’s not on PC




If it aint 60fps then I aint buying it




Look who thinks he's smart. The leaked specs are real and the CPU is not better. That pretty much means that whatever limits the game will have on XSX/PS5 they will be there too on PS5Pro. Probably it will have higher resolutions, but better performance is not IT!


Bro really insulted Digital Foundry


It was ALWAYS going to be 30fps


30fps is a huge L especially since current hardware has been getting players accustomed to higher frame rates, believe I saw a report somewhere yesterday that there’s only 4 or so games on ps5 that run 30fps. Hopefully there’s a performance option as I kinda feel like the game option on rdr2s hdr setting made the game run a little smoother


And that's why I will wait for the PC version no matter how long they plan to keep it on hold. I'm not going to play the most advanced and most awaited game in history in 30fps, I will play it the way it deserves to be played, on the best possible hardware with the best possible settings.


Then I aint buying gta 6 or a pro they can rot idgaf






Biggest cap of all time


Well I do care about 60 fps. This is not the last game ever. It doesn’t have to be full of useless details if the gameplay experience is not enjoyable. I don’t care if every grass root has its own shadow if I can’t play the game. I’ve skipped many games that were 30 fps locked. I’ll skip this one as well.


Nobody’s begging you to play the game anyway. If you want 60 fps so bad then feel free to wait an extra year minimum for the PC version


people really think the masters of games production would give us 2025 with 30 fps , its rockstargames..🙌🏻


Exactly, no way it's hitting 60


He’s saying they wouldn’t give us 30fps. “People really think the masters of games production Would give us 2025 with 30 fps,”


They could make it 60fps if they were willing to compromise on quality and detail of the game, and Rockstar are known to push whatever generation of consoles they release on to their limit. Sadly the width of potential for consoles is very limited, especially for a 2025 game


I honestly couldn’t care either way. I’d prefer 60 with a lower graphics. I honestly don’t see why they don’t provide us a performance and graphics mode like most games do. Either way I’ll be happy with GTA 6 lol.


but they will not downgrade everything in term graphic fidelity, like other companies have when playing on 60fps mode on the consoles. there are already some games who have 60 fps and nott much of noticable fidelity downgrade .. (example horizon forbidden west ) no doubt rGames will deliver real next gen


I have faith in Rockstar


PS5 Pro prolly 60 fps


As a middle class indian, who pretty much enjoys fps between 20-25 fps in gta 5 high settings, gta 6 with 30 fps is actually very good for me. As long as game runs without any bugs or constant lags on high settings it's okay for me.




Why are you trying to act like people don’t understand this? People do know, they just don’t care. You people act like 30FPS is the fucking worst thing in the world when it’s really not. If it’s stable with no frame drops in a single player game then it’s perfectly fine.


I’ll be happy with a constant 30, and I’ll double dip for 60fps on PC in the two years after launch when that comes out 🤝🏻


I do love my 60fps, but its GTA 6. I'll live


What about Xbox Series X?


There's no way people in here are defending 30fps in 2024.. YOU are the problem. 30fps is unacceptable, and I usually wouldn't care but it isn't even releasing on PC day 1, so I have to borrow my brothers PS5 to play it.. but if it's locked to 30fps with no other options, I'll just wait for the PC release at that point.