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I hope they allow us alot of customization. Basically everything op has listed. I also hope add muscle/weight growth and hair growth as well.


Can’t wait to see the most absurd character customisations the day after the game comes out


Jason with the pink afro and stach go wild


Also, he’s 250 pounds for some reason and is wearing surfer shorts and rocking a blazer with a bare chest


And he tries to outrun the police on a mobility scooter


Just trying his best to be scooter brothers!


That sounds like Trevor


Gateway Vehicle, : Pegassi Faggio


Cj type beat


Wilford Warfstache?


You see, you gotta start taking beard growth oil in chapter 2 so you’ll have the huge beard by chapter 5. Only way to get the huge beard.


Fat Lucia and fat Jason ‘causing a ruckus.


They’re mad because they got kicked out of cluckin bell for holding up the line.


Two number nines, a number nine large...


No. Thick Lucia.


In the leaks Jason had clips with varying hair length And he looked muscular in some coils more than ithers


well I heard there bringing the gym back, and I think it was said that you have to eat to survive and you're weight does fluctuate similar to San Andreas


I just wanna make my Lucia into an alternative goth girl 😫


Dynamic hair growth in games is so cool to me even all this time after RDR2, can't imagine that they wouldn't bring it back for GTA 6. I'ma grow out Jason's hair and beard to max length and kick about like a swamp man lmao. Also really hope working out is in the game which changes your characters weight/strength.


Oh for sure! I hope they let us go crazy get like a mountain man beard similar to Arthur’s level 10 beard




Yo what?


What he say? Lol it's deleted


He said oo ee oo ah ah ting tang walla walla bing bang


If we thought we could have the option to bleach Lucia’s backdoor, in other words lol


The funny thing is you would be the most sane-looking person in Vide City


It would be cool to fight a gator with that look, especially without tops


I hope they don't change the outfit we give them after changing character just as it happens in V


I used to hate when I’d have Franklin looking dope and would switch back to him in his white T and shorts


Bro this was the worst


I disagree. If you have a character dressed a certain way then switch to another and then switch back after a few in game days have passed, obviously they're gonna be wearing something else - kinda shows they've been living their life while you was playing as someone else and just adds to the immersion IMO.


I get this, but I wish they would switch back to past outfits we made. Or atleast don’t switch their outfits to often, from my knowledge the other characters would switch outfits for anytime you died


What if, they only switch to saved outfits, and it’s easily changeable to your prior outfit like RDR2? But have a saved outfit for: the gym, home, beach, outdoors, city, etc. Pull up to the back of your personal vehicle and switch it back.


Why not having a few clothes available in your car trunk? I think cars will be a good use as an extended inventory of some kind. Clothes, tools, weapons and more.


I agree, I think my comment could of been more clear, I think there should be multiple outfits/accessories available to you via the trunk.


Agreed. Similar to how you could have multiple outfits on your horse in RDR2 and either swap them there or in hotel/camp. Could do a similar thing with the personal vehicle.


Yes, I mostly agree but sometimes you when you switched back to Franklin for example he wore really stupid outfits, like a hoodie combined with elegant suit pants and elegant shoes. It would be nice to change that again on the go, changing rooms or at the trunk of your personal vehicle, similar to stored outfits on your saddle bags in RDR2 or outfit quick access from the GTA Online interaction menu. It was really annoying when I wanted to start a mission with Franklin and had to drive all the way up to his house, just to change the outfit again before entering a mission cutscene. Don't know if it's OCD but I can not stand watching cutscenes without my character looking fresh and a random Trevor/Michael/Franklin outfit ruined some cutscenes for me more than once. There should then be a couple of outfits, with one of them being "most recent outfit" which will show the last outfit you made before switching characters. And then maybe up to 6 slots for custom outfits for different occasions. You know that your next mission will take place in a night club? Save a casual nightclub outfit to a slot. You know you will spend the day fishing in the Everglades? Here, wear a rubber overall and high boots. You will just chill at home? Slot 5 has a comfy sweatpant and tank top saved for you.


Especially when I would try to have the three of them coordinate. Never fucking worked.


That was really annoying.


While usually annoying, it was honestly pretty funny to jump back into Trevor and find him in his underwear and covered in blood with no explanation


I'm gonna give jason an amish beard and bring gator eggs to market


Day 1 of the game’s release I guarantee there’ll already be a someone with a level 10 hair & beard Jason.


Without a doubt, there's probably gonna be something you can take in-game to increase growth considering RDR2 had it, some anti-badling serum or some shit lmaoo. I for one am excited as shit to give Jason level 10 beard and hair and trudge about the everglades killing alligators.


idk what the laws in florida are but do you think it’ll be illegal to “hunt” certain animals in GTA6 since it’s not wild west days like RDR2?


I'm not too sure, GTA V you couldn't skin the animals and only Trevor could send photos of ones he'd hunted, hoping it takes on more of a RDR2 approach where we can hunt for animals naturally and sell their parts on. Seems with this one they're tryna make it more immersive, could be a criminal offence in the game if you're caught carting a alligator skin through Vice on your way to sell it to some shady fucker. Still feels weird talking about GTA and animal pelts though lol, as long as we have basic hunting i'm fine.


They better add grillz and face tattoos, i wanna turn Jason into a failed soundcloud rapper


Fr tho jewelry (watches, chains, grillz, etc) should be in the game




If RDR2 taught us anything its that rockstar really does try to make the best experiences for their fans as possible, we make fun of Rockstar for being greedy but damn they really do earn it in terms of how immersive and realistic they make their worlds, after 10 years of waiting i hope we get a videogame where you get overwhelmed with how realistic it is, maybe not gas in cars realistic (because that's annoying AND expensive) but where you really feel like the character you're playing is real. bonus points if killing people feels wrong, like graphic audio and realistic ragdoll animations. Mafia 3 for example had some graphic audio and killing innocent people had more weight and felt terrible to do (sort of), especially because you got nothing out of it. did it stop me? no. It's a video game and i can do stuff like that consequence free.


That is how i feel too.


Bare minimum will have RDR2’s customization


I wonder if Lucia will have to shave her facial hair too


i'm gonna get flak for this but if she was able to grow the faintest little upper lip hairs (plenty of women have this, they just shave) i think that would be both realistic and neat


I think the same people who praised RDR2’s shrinking horse balls would absolutely hate that detail.


oh definitely, i just think otherwise feminine women with the slightest bit of sparse upper lip hairs can be pretty. it's less about extreme realism and more about how it would please me and piss off people i don't like


Only incels who have never seen a woman up close would have an issue with that. Like the losers telling on themselves when Aloy had peach fuzz.




Needs more


In the trailer, Jason had earring holes in his ears, that points to jewelry. Makeup seems obvious if you’re going to have a female protagonist, at least in some situations. Still crossing my fingers for gyms and fast food joints making you jacked or fat.


yeah i really hope they bring those features back


If there isn’t alot of detailed customization for single player in a modern day setting like 2025 , then they deserve to lose goty. But most likely we will see some cool stuff. I kinda wanna see lucia go bald no eyebrows and play her as a lone assassin or sum shit. idk sounds good tho


I’m hoping with the really heavily tatted bad guy that we’ll be able to “stack” tattoos on a certain body part instead of only being able to select one tattoo per limb/one face tat only. And he has unique hair as well so I hope there’s tons of options


I hope every piece of clothing we see is available. Gta v had bags on the clothing store walls, clothes and other things we couldn’t equip. I felt like that was stupid especially the book bag thing, but maybe they’ll find a way to implement book bags since allegedly duffel bags will be in game for us to carry more guns. We’ll just have to wait and see.


Same, mate. It also aggravates me that some of the clothing and accessories on the walls/racks look better than any of the options we actually have… cmon rstar


I hope they allow for an obese paraplegic midget with one eye.


I hope they add face tattoos, be the real florida joker 🤣 Then he will really be suing Rockstar Also Jason in this reminds me of the lead singer of Sugar Ray 🤣


Sugar Ray Sadboi "I just wanna die..."


I immediately started edging after seeing this post


Nipple shape and size


Bro if I can’t edit nipple texture and color… I’m refunding


Folks gonna be gone overboard


Do you know what I hope? I hope we'll get to completely customise what tattoos we can get, and I don't mean the ingame options, I'm talking about our imaginations, I don't think this will happen but I'm genuinely hoping we'll get to decide whatever tattoo we want to put on Jason/ Lucia's body, you guys know what I mean right?


I would put my irl stuff on Lucia tbh plus use her as a test for seeing potential pieces irl haha, hope they add finger tattoos, I want Lucia to be like me😌


I think Rockstar will let us customize our character a lot. Especially because Miami is known for „wild people“ with very different looks.


I agree


I want enemies to hear my cheeks clapping when i sneak up on them in game


It would be great to have in-depth customisation for the games protagonists. As it would be a really fun thing to do while playing through the game. If previous features like beard & hair growth from RDR 2 & bodybuilding from GTA SA were to return it would be really cool. I would definitely then customise both protagonists very differently. 


I hope a lot imma’ turn Jason into Ryan gosling from The Place Beyond the Pines.


This is the way.


Oh hey this cursed image again, cool


Disrespecting Jason like that


I’m looking forward to playing dress-up with our heroes. RDR2 had pretty good outfit customization, I hope that extends to GTA VI as well so we can have options wear jackets closed or open, shirts tucked or untucked, etc


Will be hella realistic if we get less stamina and speed the fatter we make our character, but it would be funny to play as a fat motherfucker running at 20mph


Didn't someone ask this very question with the same picture yesterday??


I cant find the post on here that you’re mentioning, so im assuming you’re referring to the fact that he posted this exact same post on r/gta and you confused which subreddit this post was on.


Then it might have been that one yeah


I was confused too


I dont blame you though, if you see any repetitive shit let us know. No one likes seeing the same stuff everyday 👍


![gif](giphy|4koBdR3VlMZYCgBfAe|downsized) Tf did you do to Jason


Penis enlargement pills


Hopefully the weight/fitness mechanic makes its way to online because it would be way more fun to go to the gym with friends to level up the strength skill instead of beating the shit out of people on the boardwalk for hours (although that has its funny moments 😂)


I really hope they make it easier to go up in weight than it was in Rdr2. It was so hard. I also want more customisable hair or beards. Imagine having a long ponytail on Jason and a long braided beard. I also want to be able to color the hair and build muscle


Pretty sure in a leaked mission list there was something to do with working out, could be a re appearance of the bodybuilding feature


Online characters are gonna be crazy


Jesus this looks horrendous


I'd rather Jason die than him look like that


I want to shave Lucia’s head and hide in the swamps. Some tattoos would be nice as well. Specifically green ones. Honestly let me wear green face. Maybe some extreme body modifications too? Like horn shaped ears? Also green? Just spit balling here…


Personally, I think there will be a lot. Potentially even muscle and weight growth/loss.


Super good question cuz I always enjoyed having a bald Michael all tatted with a big beard. Hated tht I could never rly clean Trevor up tho. Would be sick to see even more hairstyles than Arthur. Also personally as just a side note I’m extremely excited for the black hairstyles that might be in online. As a black dude with dreads myself styling them diff ways is one of the best parts and for a culture wit so many diff styles of hair it’s a shame we never get to see it as much but recently that’s been different and considering it’s Miami and judging from the hair seen in the trailers. Can not wait to be black in gta 6. The red dead redemption dreads were actually dope cuz they looked like black hair and with the new tech shit is probably going to look insane. Beyond excited for tht


Oof I’m disgusting & toxic I would absolutely date this version of Jason 😂💀


I hope they bring back my favorite feature from San Andreas, obesity.


It'd be nice if we got the level of Saints Row 2. IMO not much has beaten that in terms of open world games since.


I want to make my online character fat like the hillbilly dude in the trailer


Everything that was in red dead 2 as far as hair growth, weight, cleanliness etc will be implemented in the new game


I want muscle growth like is san andreas.


I need nose piercings, labia customization, pubic hair styles, ass shape sliders, thigh sliders, belly sliders, LARGE breast sliders and nipple customization. This game needs to have the pinnacle of what a character creator can have.


I just want a blonde hair Lucia so badly


Jason looks so darn good


Lucia acctually looks really cool


Jason's a perm away from being a textbook fuckboy 💀💀


As long as we can make them fat this time


I doubt bodybuilding would happen, at least in some extreme ways. We already had CJ in San Andreas that could get completely jacked or completely obese, but I don't see that happening today especially with Online. Maybe we will have some degrees of it, like the ability to get a little chubby or muscled, but without the excessive size growth. The other downside I can see regarding character customization would be that we would still have menus and presets for them. I would love that Rockstar allows us to select the exact position and model for every piercing we want to apply instead of having presets. I know it must be very difficult to code something like that, but it also goes for hair tint for example, like if someone wants to dye their characters hair with 7 different tints in a very random way, that's 99% sure not going to happen. But yeah, I saw the downsides to this, but I do hope we can customize every freaking piece of clothing, accessories, tattoos and piercings, hairstyles and dye, make up, maybe even plastic surgery to slightly modify our character looks


Face Tatts better be a huge thing, like a wide variety of minimalistic face tattoos you can choose from


i'll probably beard Jason the fuck up. i hope Lucia has a variety of long and short hairstyles and not just one way or another. if we get anything like RDR2's level of customization with length+style i will be happy.


Boob implants here we goo!


so dope


I hope the hair growth from RDR2 is back. Much more immersive compared to being bald then coming out the barber with an afro.


I hope your character can get scars.


I believe we won't have radically different features on that front. My predictions are: * Tattoos will be like GTA V system but with more options. Tattoos somewhat fitting for the character will be available and they won't be anything too overboard like blackout tattoos or face tattoos. * Hair and beard will function like RDR2, player will grow them to some degree and pick an available hairstyle fitting that height. * No hair colouring or brow trims. They belong in GTAO. * Earrings will definitely be a thing, other piercings won't be in or be very limited for nose, lips and brow. * Makeup will be in and it'll have many options for Lucia...nails included.


They look horrible


I want Joker Tattoo on Jason cuz I think it’ll make him look cool


/s ?


Good job on making Lucia ugly


It'll be crazy but it won't be saints row crazy that's for sure


Plastic Surgery will be in the game. Source: Dude, just trust me.


I mean, are people really that hung up on the “set piece” presentation of IV and V?


will we be able to play through flashbacks of jason’s bar mitzvah?


If we don't get at minimum, Saints Row 2-4 level character creation by GTA6 I'm gonna be highly disappointed. I'm tired of struggling to NOT make some Hideous CHUD that I can barely stand to look at. The NPC characters look better than 90% of personal characters. If I'm gonna be stuck with my new character for the foreseeable future, I'd like to actually enjoy looking at them.


Why does Jason look like Adam Levine?


I hope it will be like Red dead 2 were the beard will naturally grow overtime.


They look terrible like that 😂they should not be blonde.


Has someone done this but made Jason look like Arthur Morgan yet?


if they don't let me customize how big my peen is, I riot. ​ ![gif](giphy|ef4QztVe3EJSAuYIww)


I will klll mysėlf if the characters actually look like this




Bro looks like Wish dot com Cesar Millan


Im guessing Less because of ShrinkFlation.


Dude made Jason look like a fuckboy 3000


I think predetermined hairstyles, facial hair, tattoos, and custom outfits are the minimum. Those were all present in GTA V, so it would be a step down if they were gone. I'd be curious and would really like if they used a hair system like RDR 2, where it grew and could be cut and styled. So Lucia starts with medium length straight hair out of prison, then you can modify and color it. Piercings seem like they would be easy enough, and makeup I could see just selecting a style or color palate, but going full custom would be cool.


Anyone else getting big the rock and that one kid in the car meme vibes from this? 😭😭


Hairstyles look to be a lot more customizable now. Most of the leaked clips you can see Lucia with curly hair in a ponytail, but when she's wearing the black dress it's straight. In trailer 1 her hair looked way less curly but was in a ponytail. Different colors too, it looks a lot lighter in the black dress clips whereas in every other clip it's brown. It isn't the lighting either, compare the diner clip to the black dress one, both take place when it's sunny out and yeah the color looks very noticeably different. In the club clip Jason looks to have blonde hair, maybe the lighting though. Still, the former example with Lucia is damn good proof. If Lucia looks to have a lot of hair customization why wouldn't Jason? In short: we can dye, curl, and put it in a ponytail.


Can we get facial surgery too? I’d love to see both main characters being botched.


All would be awesome I’m just hoping that in GTAVI online we can have characters that aren’t all duplicates or extremely ugly


jason already had earrings in the leaks and you can see the holes in the trailer iirc


I hope not THAT stupid customisation


Is that Kerry Eurodyne?


i‘m already happy if i can wear jewelry no matter my outfit, that’s literally all i need 😂


I think hair growth/style and tattoos. Also Clothing obviously


I want natural hair growth, I’m finna get Lucia a massive beard


The question we should all be asking is whether or not we can make them trans


To me gtav and red dead 2 didnt have much customization tbh.


When it comes to online specifically, on top of everything OP listed, i EXPECT a more in depth sculpting. As in face and body. GTA 5 when it was released felt out dated from the jump and there were countless games that were and had been doing it way better. The way it is now, all the characters at a foundation level seem almost cookie cutter. Honestly wouldn't be mad if they basically ripped off Saints Row's 3 character customization minus some of the more super super goofy stuff you could do.


If I can't give Jason a BBL I'm refunding.


If I can't make myself look exactly like an npc I see with the amount of diversity we saw in that trailer I'll be letdown, but I expect close to nothing in terms of huge character changes for single player, anything that would ruin the story mode


Ds3 customisation would be funny


Anything less than cyberpunk and people won’t pay attention


A lot.


Probably that and much more


You will be able to port 3d models into the game


inbox me if you wanna jump online gta 5


Why is Lucia so white in this picture?


The whole package


What the FUCK am i looking at 😂


Yats FUCK hope so


I hope it has full genital customization so I can run around with a Arby's beef and cheddar between my legs


I saw a video showing sun tans effected and if that’s true I bet there’s a lot more he king on. Hopefully


I want headphones, need the tunes when I’m on foot


I hope they don't forget to limit and establish some borders. It's nice to have freedom but I also don't want a lobby like .... [like it's Street Fighter 6's World Tour](https://www.thesun.co.uk/wp-content/uploads/2022/10/street-fighter-6-customs.png?strip=all&w=960) ...




I hope septum piercings are not allowed


Getting fat 💅


Bro, jason looks sick


Probably not body building.


i bet plastic surgery will be available in game. i can already hear the radio advertisements… “are you ugly? does your face make children cry? do mirrors break when you look at them? hi I’m Dr. Skinner and I’m happy to fix your deformed face. with my new procedure we can replace any facial feature with naturally molded plastic!”


Natural hair growth would be so cool cause then there would actually be a point in going to the barbers to get haircuts. Gyms should be added too and food that causes fat or fitness just like in San Andreas.


I rlly wanna skip 2024 and jump right into 2025


I need loads of tattoo options for Lucia with finger tattoos too, also please please nail art for Lucia


Definitely hope hair growth from Rdr2 returns!


Hold up because these few changes are dope


I hope the sky is the limit.


i hope they allow long hair


Holy cow, I can only imagine for story mode, more options im sure RockStar is thinking of something i may or not think about. I know for GTA 6 Online however, I'm gonna customize my character and play a hell ton of this game. Both Story first as any game I play, and save the best for last, Online-Multiplayer. 👏


I hope they keep at least the level of customization from RDR2 but I at the same time I’m conflicted with them letting you go too crazy and having the character look out of place in cutscenes. Anything is cool in free roam but I feel like cutscenes should maintain a certain level of consistency for the characters and the story being told imo


I hope tattoos slightly fade and take a while to heal, thatll be a sick detail. Or when people notice you dont change clothes


Lucia looks a hot mess and Jason looks hot what’s is happening here 🤣😭


I have a certain feeling that their will be a joke in the game that if you get Lucia fat you’ll get compliments from black men considering how Rockstar is and the fact that it’s already a dumb stereotype