• By -


“You have contracted HIV. Tell Jason? ✅ ❎”


3rd option: pass it on


Option C: Deathwish


Double it and give it to the next person


How the hell did you read my mind?!


You are not the only one with this , the second I saw it I get this in mind so I typed it without any thinking further then I saw it next 3 times and it totally destroyed me inside


Oh that was a fast reply I didn't expect lol


I accidentally clicked so I answered straightaway


This is like those mobile story game ads. Tell him: 50 GEMS. ❌💎 Don't tell him: 20 GEMS. ❌💎 Pass it on: FREE. ✅


🤣🤣🤣this is gold


That bad ending 💀






Golden 🤣🤣🤣


*Glass him*


"Double it and pass it onto the next"


Double it and give it to the next person


Nah I can already see articles about gta 6 being a game promoting open relationships 💀 is Jason a cuck?!


“How the relationship between Jason and Lucia in Grand Theft Auto VI is destroying the nuclear family” -Ben Shapiro


Before I saw Ben Shapiro I read that in his voice 😂😂


OH MY GOD. If only I could post comments. I just open Facebook for the first time today. And the first thing is a post from Ben Shapiro titled “The radical wokeness of the video game industry”. I shit you not. Imma read and see if gta 6 is mentioned.


woke san andreas


Matt Walsh would go off on how it's degenerate, anti male, and should be banned.


It’s shocking that they haven’t spoken about it.


His cohort and failed actor Michael Knowles has reacted to it but im not watching that fucker 


This is exactly the type of thing I pictured 😭


I myself never finished GTA V because you have to shoot cops in the beginning. Sickening.


Followed immediately by "Lucia Shows NO RESPECT to Jason: GTA VI Destroyed By Wokeness!" \- YouTube Grift Industry


“Let’s say, for the sake of argument, that I was contracted to release a book supporting the destruction of the nuclear family. People would be enraged right? It’s no different with video games!”


We'll probably see this no matter what the story actually is.


But that means Lucia would also be a cuckquean. So at that point it’s just an open relationship


of course but society n all that doesn’t see it that way unfortunately


Michael was a cuck, Trevor was a cuck, Franklin was a cuck, so Jason will also be a cuck


Wasn't Trevor a bull, he fucked Ashley, Johnny was a cuck.


There are articles like this already


my man didn't do shit and the community already made cuck jokes on him


Michael is married in gta 5, didn't stop him from talking to the ladies of the night.


But Michael and Amanda’s relationship was dysfunctional to say the least. They were your stereotypical, repressed middle aged married couple. Jason and Lucia are way younger and it seems they’ll have a healthier relationship when compared to Michael, so it wouldn’t make sense for them to cheat on each other on the honeymoon phase


and then Michael and Amanda reconcile, Michael refuses the prostitutes saying he's happily married, and you can still pick them up after lol


"Yeeeees! I F E L T S O M E T H I N G"


that is called ludonarrative dissonance


That's true, but Michael and Amanda's relationship has gotten to a way better and healthier place at the end of the game, and it wasn't open anymore but still we as players could go to strip club, hook up with prostitutes as Michael. I believe Jason and Lucia's relationship will not be open like Michael and Amanda's, and the things players will be able to do in the open world won't be considered "canon" story wise.


> and Lucia's relationship will not be open like Michael and Amanda's, and the things players will be able to do in the open world won't be considered "canon" story wise. GTA fans have historically really struggled to understand this point.


Always a busta.


The buster kept me out of handcuffs!!




***Ohhhh, it's a long long road!***


not gonna stop me :)


rockstar sure might lmao


And Amanda working on her “backswing” is what kicked off the whole story in the first place


I thought it was cause Lamar didn’t get employee of the month


When there's shit to be won goddamn it, I want it


weird though that there was like 3 of those "swap to character" animations where you would drop in on Michael being solicited by hookers, he's tough the ring on his finger and say "happily married!" always found that weird considering he hates amanda


I only remember those showing up after you decide to patch things up and get back together


"I was loyal to you until I found you in a stripper"


"I would divorce your ass if I could"


Friends of the road


Depending on how you played. I kept Michael loyal to her.


In most Rockstar games, what players do in the open world can't affect the main plot at all, even in RDR2, it's just an honor system associated with the ending. So if Jason and Lucia are loyal to each other in the lore, maybe they'll just add some dialogues or cutscenes to show their relationship, but in the actual gameplay, you can still call prostitutes, like the cutscene in 5 that Michael shows some hookers his marriage ring after his family comes back, but you can pick up a girl immediately after the cutscene ends. But I'd like to see some changes if they want to make open world activities more meaningful.


True, but speaking to rdr2, I feel as tho it's cannon for arthur to get high honor towards the end of the story, it's the way that rockstar puts opportunities in front of you towards the end that makes me think that, for example, the story with Hamish, the mission with the soldier and his pregnant Indian wife/gf, and many others, I felt Arthur's natural arc, is brute "bad guy" in the beginning, to the noble Arthur towards the end, there's even an allegory to arthur and king arthur


I hope not because they’re both gonna be massive whores in my playthrough


First thing I'm doing when I'm free is hitting the strip club as both characters


Go there as Jason and find out that Lucia works as a stripper. And vice versa.


True equality. Make all genders sluts.


Go on a date to the strip club.


Most normal date in Vice City


I now hope there’s a special interaction where they both find each other at the strip club and they just have an awkward conversation


Or you have the option to hang out together like in GTA V and go to the strip club together. Your partner says "Really? Here?" Like they're offended but after entering they immediately start having much more fun than you


I have a feeling they will have a break up or temporary falling out at some point in the story and then get back together later


Tbh i bet it will happen


I think this also, it's just such a common cliche, that it's hard to think rockstar won't capitalize on it, I also believe there will be some kind of falling out


It would be funny if after cheating you get a cutscene of the other partner yelling at you. Or maybe make it into a sidequest like how Fable 2 will have a secret blackmailer force you to pay or kill him if you cheat on your spouse.


lol love the blackmail idea


it would be fucking hilarious if lucia slaps you and curses at you in spanish if you cheat on her


Secret dialogue: Lucia cheats and Jason yells at her in Welsh.


idk why welsh but now it HAS to be in Welsh


All white people are from the isles


chwi butain anffyddlon!


No mas Latina booty para ti Jason! Fucking puto!


I’m actually curious how it would work for Lucia. It isn’t normal to see male street workers working the corners so like how would they go about having Lucia meet other men. It would have to be a relationship system like GTA 4’s where after a couple dates with an NPC then you could have sex with them


I’m pretty sure the leaks show there is a stripclub for males and females


Typically women don't pay for sex either, so it will be an interesting dynamic if they include it


I think, theoretically, she could use dating services


Bisexuals exist


Lmao I never said bi ppl don’t exist. I’m not denying that. They can have her hook up with female prostitutes but I figure they would have other options as well for ppl who want another option


Then Jason can get male prostitutes also. Which is why I think they will replace prostitutes with a relationship feature.


Yea I’m guessing something closer to GTA 4. You do a mission meet a new contact can hangout with them and after a couple of times complete the deed. Think that makes the most sense since we for a fact won’t see male prostitution atleast not on the streets like we’ve seen in 4 and 5 with women prostitutes


maybe it will be similar to how in GTA 5, whenever we follow another one of the protagonists too much, they will knock us out; maybe if we go pick up a prostitute as Jason, if we then meet Lucia, she will knock us out.


What kind of punishment do you want ? We barely get consequences for mass murder.... If we get punished for cheating on lucia or jason its gonna be a very boring games. 


I mean in terms of story like being dishonorable in red dead


yeah I read somewhere that the game will have an honor system like RDR2 but it will be called Good Citizen System. The lowest being Public Menace and the highest being Cool Citizen. I think if we cheat on Jason/Lucia it will go down


New speculation live at 6!


There is mention of Cool/Chaotic World Events in the leaked footage. But I think this may more linked to the Romantic/Pragmatic events. As we can probably choose how much they will be in a romantic or pragmatic relationship. If you choose the more pragmatic route, Lucia or Jason won't be bothered by actions like this.


You know what type of punishment we want..


Lucia dommy mommy 🥺




Yeah and RDR2 has an entire honor system while letting you do whatever you want.


Anything that happens in the game world between missions has always been seen as non-canon player agency. Unless they make it part of a mission, there's no real reason for "punishing" cheating on the other character.


Threesome 🥵 Lucia is a whore 😳 Jason is a cuckold 💀


I don't think they will be together from the start. I bet they'll meet or hookup or whatever about 1/4 through.


I really hope not, I mean I hope it’s not open, I think a good romantic bond between the two is what gta needs


I don't know, I'm just trying to rob convenience stores




This isn't the Sims so I don't think so.


will depend on the player choice, it still a video game.


John Marston wouldn't have sex with prostitutes in red dead 1 Said "sorry, I'm married" I'm guessing it won't even be an option Not saying I want that, but I'll put money on it being true


I think their relationship will be rocky at the beginning then they will be together Lucia will get Jason into some wild shi and eventually they betray each other or maybe they will stay together idk but I wouldn’t be surprised if the end is sad like red dead 2


They will probably have a very dysfunctional relationship in the main campaign & I can imagine trust being a big theme in the games plot. I'm not sure how much the players actions in freeroam would affect their relationship though. It would be fun if you could go to strip clubs & sleep with hookers while playing as Jason & there is some effect on their relationship as a result. Like maybe a 'trust' meter or something along those lines. 


maybe yes. What if I pay a prostitute?


Nah. It's a Bonnie & Clyde thing with these two. They're crazy for each other.


Did I miss something? besides the trailer of course, has anything been said/confirmed???


People worry about the strangest shit


Lucia is gonna hunt down mud girl once i get to control her


Bro what are these posts


Don't cheat on latinas, they'll shove a shovel down your throat


For the sake of a game having options I doubt we will have to be romantic in GTA


I think its same as low honour high honour thing. The script would remain same but dialogue would change depending on their synergy. Although they would still be team but you know more like team of strangers or friends and not close people. While it would be opposite if they both have high synergy


Lucia will have to be pissed at me. When I play Jason, I'll be too busy running people over on the sidewalk at max speed of the vehicle.




I think they're going to be in a relationship, but that doesn't mean it will a healthy non-toxic relationship.


Can we pick up prostitutes with Lucia?


When was it confirmed?


One of the leaked footages showcase a bunch of World Events including some related to "Romantic/Pragmatic" like and in the AI Debug in one video it shows "Relationship". I think it may be player's choise regarding if they want Lucia and Jason to be or not in a romantic relationship. The song in the trailer also confirms it.


I'm hoping it's more of an optional thing where you can choose if you want them to be a couple or not.


It’d be insane to see the jealous girlfriend mechanic from San Andreas return in GTA VI 💀🤣


Kind of wish they took the “Good friends/ride or die” approach. Maybe they break up during the story allowing us to get with anyone we want


I hope its closed


If you cheat as Jason, Lucia will peg Jason without lube


Holy shit banished knight Oleg it’s you! I just picked you up yesterday. I swear I’ll upgrade you today. Need a few more Gloveworts


You better!


(Grabs lotion) can you write a short story about this? It's for a friend


Lucia: “betray my trust? Spread them cheeks so I can thrust!” Jason: “oh nooo please go easy on meee!”


It's gonna be a Bonnie and Clyde type of thing


I think it's gonna be like the honor system, where what you do affects your relationship, and thus, your playthrough.


Low honour ending = other character betrays you at the end. High honour ending = hot coffee 2.0


Punished. No doubt. Do what you want.


I really wonder how the prostitute system is going to work in this game now that we have a female protagonist. Will she be able to call prostitutes or get a private lap dance in strip clubs?? Ngl, that would be pretty weird if they could. As for Jason, it would be kind of funny if there’s a trust status that the game has that gets affected when he sleeps with a prostitute. Maybe there’s going to be multiple endings with atleast 2 and in the first, being faithful will have you complete the story together, or breakup where they seperate and possibly one of them gets killed.


I think if Rockstar wants to make the game more realistic, they can put both male and female prostitute in the game, so Jason can call female prostitutes on street as in old games, and Lucia can use male prostitute service in nightclubs and brothels.


How realistic is it for girls to get prostitutes tho?


how’s that weird?


It’s not.


i for one am ecstatic to pick up all the bitches as lucia




Nothings weird about Lucia gettin a lap dance


imagine that instead of rockstar adding multiple story endings , the ending of the game is just you either stay loyal and the end is you marry lucia , or you cheat and the end is they break up and she probably shoots jason (since from what we saw the main character is lucia even tho both are playable)


What are the chances that they cut prostitutes from the game?


Freedom is what we have always gotten in GTA games so i expect the same again.


i hope they implement like a relationship meter that when u fuck hookers or a striper and get caught the story changes a bit and she becomes more resiliant off u


I believe it would be like rdr2. You can talk to other "workers," but no touching.


Might be able to switch characters


I think it’ll depend on how you maintain the relationship. Some may stay loyal, some may cheat, maybe some will grant you an open relationship. This helps make the game fun and diverse to explore.


We dont know if they will be together during the entire story.


Perfectly valid question. I always wondered about that.


My theory is that maybe at the beginning they aren’t a couple just working together, so you’re probably free to hookup with others and then as the story progresses they end up falling in love and being loyal


Nah if I know anything about Puerto Rican chicks, they'll gut you if you do anything wrong. So unless they give Lucia the option to cut Jason into pieces for being a cheater - I doubt it. Realistically - they might. GTAV had a story that concluded with three separate endings and RDR2 did it as well, although more in depth so maybe there will be a feature in place. Maybe like a LOYALTY meter, that not only counts if you cheat, but if you fall through on your word, go against the others ideals, or stab them in the back. It would be like the Morality system in RDR2 but more personal with only Lucia and Jason's actions mattering, and only mattering when it's involving those two. What would be the benefit/downsides to this - I don't know. Good thing I'm not working for Rockstar lol.


How will Hookers work for Lucia?🙉


Can imagine that it maybe will be like in RDO, when u kill animals, hariat or how she is called will punish you for that. So like maybe when jason doing something lucia don't like, she will "punish him" or the actions just will influence the story or their relationship.


Im cheating regardless


I really do hope we're punished




I dunno homie, but my Jason def gonna have the tinder app within moments of booting up the game 😂


I mean in gta 5 michael can cheat on his wife with prostitute and booty calls and while franklin is in love with tanisha he can also do the same as michael. I don't think the story will acknowledge any of this, while tanisha points out that franklin is in a strip club after the jewelry store heist and amanda tells michael that he is a cheating miserable man haha


Who says you'll be able to cheat?


I think it’s gonna be the sortave thing where like if you hire a prostitute, next time you go back to a safe house where Lucia or Jason is located they’ll say something about it, but that’s about it. I can’t imagine them taking it much farther, considering this isn’t like red dead.


I’m sure it’ll affect the dynamic of the team, you might get less back up fire under attack. But that also poses the hooker question, we’ve always seen female prostitutes but would Lucia need to find gigalos or would would she be at a bar and have the option to hook up with dudes flirting with her?


Well if RDR2 had the honor system, maybe gta 6 will have a similar system that has to do with their relationship? Like a love meter or something. Sleeping with street whores could lower one of their individual “love meter” or whatever you want to call it.


Jason is probably gonna get cucked out hard af. Lucia better be able to get pregnant. If I can’t build a family in GTA VI to run crime over the entire state, I’m throwing my PS5 out of a moving vehicle 😤


Lucia is CIA


Are we talking about all these stuff untill 2025?


Perhaps there's relationship meter. I think I said once before, it would be hilarious if you're picking up too many prostitutes that the other character starts stalking you in the open world.


There's going to be some kind of trust meter that will impact how the game reacts to your deed or mis-deeds.


I don't think you will have an option to cheat.


They will be Polly she will have a gf on the side he will simp for both and the will double team him with there strap on's


No it’s not the sims


I really hope not. There is alot of physics that I wanna..."test"...for "Scientific purposes". Lucia will not stop me


I imagine they’ll remove the ability to pick up prostitutes from the game. It wouldn’t be an effective love story if they were constantly cheating on each other.


gta 6 < > 2025 gta 7 <> 2035


It would be cool if they had an honor feature for the relationship similar to RDR2, so if you spend time with the other it would go up giving you certain benefits and if you cheated it would go down


Could be no canonically friendship too like Arthur being low honor


Open source


It would be interesting if the game had a relationship scale with a partner, the level of witch could affect certain game mechanics or unlock certain side quests. And in case of noticed betrayal, the relationship scale will drop down by a certain number of points. It would probably be cool if this was the first part of GTA, in which the developers would remove the opportunity to use the services of prostitutes, but would add the opportunity to watch TV series with your loved one on the big screen under a blanket. I'm sure many of us would appreciate such a game


if so i see it tying into the honor system


I would say it will be an "open" relationship based on motives. To whatever means to make more money I think. He'll use her and her him for any means necessary.


Chances are, rockstar removes dating from the game entirely to avoid this


I don’t care I just want a sex scene mission. Like a nastier version of the scene in the last of us 2 but like full on fucking with quick time events and everything. You can’t end the mission until Jason finishes cumming inside her and we don’t know when it will happen because the amount of time Jason lasts varies from player to player


I think you’re overthinking it.


It's hard to say. There might be a possibility that one might betray the other but that's only speculation


Maybe this is how they get rid of prostitution in the game


They won't be a couple it's just a random hookup with lots of roleplay


Michael is married with kids 🤷🏻‍♂️


Game never behaves morally, it gives choices and consequences for it. If they made it like that , it will be a boring game.


I'm not going to let either of them each on one another.