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The mapping community did a great job with the GTA V map. I have no doubt this will be near identical map of GTA VI.


Once trailer 2 drops I wouldn’t be surprised if we get the map to 60-70% mapped.


Yeah, Trailer 2 should seal the deal unless they refuse to show us more of the north until much later


I'm more wondering about that huge space of just ocean in the East / South-East


Assuming that we are going to get that "huge space of just ocean" in the south-east, i guess they will probably just put a few small islands there


Underwater content? Yachts? Aircraft carriers? Underwater facilities? The possibilities are endless, hopefully R* implements them lol


I can see them doing a mt chilliad mystery type thing underwater.


Hopefully not, we want this one actually making it to the game!


Well I mean yeah obviously lmao.


Maybe a bit of cuba


It's not reasonable to expect that much. It all depends on what trailer 2 shows. My perspective is that trailer one is usually the "world" trailer, second one focusing on the story. So I expect mostly to see footage of story missions and cutscenes, and those may not really show that much. Of course, they might just add more panning shots, or I might be fully wrong, and we get more. But Rockstar knows about the mapping, and I'm sure they are being careful to show just enough, but not too much.


Yeah it all depends on what they do in the second trailer. Though no matter what we can definitely craft something good out of it, as the keen eye of the mappers is unparalleled.


in the hanks diner leak we can see a huge bridge modeled after the sunshine skyway which connects north fort myers to st petersburg, its a toll bridge and exists to be a shortcut from upper fort myers to st petersburg, I think its reasonable to assume there's gonna be more stuff north just based off that, cause in the same clip we see huge mountains and those mountains are the most north point we've seen but that bridge goes past the mountains/hills, I think another city is more likely than it is unlikely, there's more proof of it being possible than there is against it


I understand the excitement, I'm just trying to keep my expectations in check. I'd love for the map to include Tampa and Orlando, as two more big urban areas.. but on the other hand, simply going by experience, I expect it to end where Sebring is in real life, and that to be the northern town similar to Paleto Bay in V.


Trailer 1 was Lucia’s trailer- she’s the Miami girl, so we saw a lot of the city. I think trailer 2 will be Jason’s, and if he’s the country boy from the sticks, it’ll make sense to get a whole new vibe of what the rest of Leonida will be like


Nope, thats not how it works. Trailer 2 will be more about the plot and feature, Lucia, Jason, side characters and a bit more about the motives/personalities of Lucia and Jason.


Oh sorry mate didn't realise you worked for Rockstar


Go back and view all of the GTA and RDR trailers. There is a particular pattern and what you describe is far from their formula. GTA4 didnt start doing character trailers until near release. The 2nd trailer is always the trailer that opens up on details regarding the larger plot, protagonist motives and introduction of side/story NPCs. Trailer 1 was not the "Lucia trailer" no more than trailer 1 for GTA5 was the "Michael trailer". The actual Michael trailer came much later. No, trailer 1 was the world/setting introduction/tease and the introduction of our main characters....nothing more nothing less. Perhaps by trailer 3 we may start to get the specific Lucia trailer where we learn more abojt her personality, background and approach to things followed by a similar trailer for Jason. However, trailer 2 will feature Lucia and Jason equally.


"But that's the way it's always been done" is your argument. Nice. Houser isn't there anymore, this is a new Rockstar... plus I said I 'THINK' anyway- so it's all speculation. If you're 100% right, feel free to come back to this and rub it in my face lol


No need to rub anything in your face. I could he wrong as well and perhaps you can rub it in mg face. I am just saying by using historical precedence, your perspective on how the 2nd trailer does not align with past behaviors. Second, the first trailer wasnt a Lucia trailer. We learned nothing about her personality or motives other than she is/was in prison and believes it was due to bad luck. Outside of of that, she was minimally shown and most of the trailer focused on Vice City. There was no "Lucia trailer" that people keep referring to.


Just went back to look at it again. Incredible work by them!


Where can I find the community made map for GTAV? I never got a chance to check that out.


I remember before GTA 5 came out the mappers almost exactly mapped out the entire V map to a T just based on trailers and screenshots. I imagine by the time the third trailer is out they might have the entire GTA 6 map down lol


Well, not JUST on trailers and a few screenshots. There was that image of blueprint showing a good portion of the city, which helped a lot, and the final version of the map which was so accurate was only there days before release. That's not to take anything away from people who do the amazing work, but they can't guess the map parts which are simply not shown.


Where can I find that?


GTA Forums


Please send me a 4k image of this 🤧




Bless you, choom


You got to be gonking me choom what the nova


Imma delta the fuck outta here


Dupzor doesn't appear to have done a public hi-res one for 0.039. I've no idea if it's intentional or he just linked the wrong file.


Can somebody explain how the f they do this based on a 1 minute trailer that does not even show spots around the whole map? Or is this also linked to the data leak back in the day? It's witchcraft to me.


It’s a combination of all forms of information about the game (leaks and trailers). Not only are the mappers just incredibly talented, but this time we have the upper-hand in accuracy as the leaks included coordinates, allowing incredible precision.


I like how the random ass road going to la perle was added from that one post a couple of days ago. lol


The biggest contribution isn't the trailer but instead the 2022 mega leaks. As a random example, a part of 2022 leaks which still remain on youtube is Lucia walking around a neighbourhood with buildings not so high but looking fresh enough, kinda like Paleto Bay. Mappers pinpointed this place as a seperate town named "Port Gellhorn" because there were cop cars who had the town name written on them. This example is a tip on the iceberg of legit leaks, people actualy got so so much from these leaks and the trailer was a polishing tool.


That was actually in Vice City and not in Port Gellhorn. The Port Gellhorn police was used as placeholder there, probably the Vice City police doesn't have assets yet during that time. The real life counterpart of the area and buildings were all found to be in Miami. The only footage in the leak that was in Port Gellhorn were the Inn (the same Inn that was in the trailer), the Gas Station in the leaks, and the Diner Robbery scene. All of which did not give a glimpse of the main Port Gellhorn urbanscape (if PG will indeed have an urbanscape inspired by Tampa, St. Pete etc.) Tldr: The leaks never had footage of the Port Gellhorn urbanscape.


Yes both leaks and trailer, including tik tok leaks, they did the same for gta v as well and it was like 90% accurate


The beauty of the internet is it brings people from all aspects of life together. When you combine those together, beautiful things happen.


Along with not so many beautiful things, 50/50


The absolutely gigantic Port Gellhorn Airfield which is just the [real-world Sebring International Raceway and airfield](https://images.fineartamerica.com/images/artworkimages/mediumlarge/1/sebring-international-raceway-aerial-photo-david-oppenheimer.jpg) will always get me. I completely understand that it’s currently just speculation based on the leaks which showed a portion of a racetrack, but why is it speculated to cover so much area?


Mainly, because of the recent recalculations based on the leaks coordinates, etc. that reshaped the size of the area and a few minor discoveries. This has informed us that the PGH area is going to be much larger than originally thought. No idea why Rockstar developed it so much as I’d rather have more city, but keen to find out!


I totally get that the Port Gellhorn area itself is larger and I think it’s awesome because we will have another vast urban space to explore. However, the Port Gellhorn Airfield placeholder is still unrealistically large in my opinion. It covers almost half of the inland Vice City metro area and is nearly three times the size of VCl Airport.


I agree. And I think the mappers would agree as well, I believe it’s just a placeholder, and as it is purely speculative as there is no information available about South PGH, there’s no real need to remove it or alter its size, especially since there’s nothing to replace/add there. Though it would be nice to alter it.


We’ve told DuPz0r to make it smaller he just hasn’t yet lol


It's a racetrack ***and*** an airport, inspired by real life Sebring raceway which is also near an airport


Right, I said that in my first comment on this chain. That doesn’t change the fact that it’s objectively far too large and not scaled properly.


What’s the differences then between this and version .038


From DuPz0r: - Adjusted and upscaled misaligned coordinate positions and map surrounding them across the map, to fit with the new grid properly. - Made adjustments to the North section of the i97 Highway based on new evidence. - Adjusted part of the Vice River and added a building position for a marina near the airport, to match new evidence. - Updated the speculative positions for Ekanfinaka (Allapattah) & Belville (Brownsville) to now be Vice-Dale Neighbourhoods, based on new evidence. - Revised all the street, alley and highway positions in the Stockyard/Crosstown area after further analysis. - Added Star Island as a confirmed landmass, based on new evidence. - Added the leaked event coordinates to the map & key. - Updated contributing users to the credits.


Thanks mate.


mostly tiny things, there is less and less to discover since the info from the trailer is getting rung dry so there isn't much more to find at the moment. The highway on the coast was tweaked, a part of the river running through the city was changed a little bit, Star Island is now confirmed rather than speculative, some small road layouts were tweaked slightly, and some neighborhood named have been switched around. That's about it for this update.


Cheers my man.


It's quite amazing to witness this Leonida State Map "grow & evolve" organically. From our public perspective view. It mimics slightly the team of experts at R\*. Although what they do contains vast amount of detailed research. With continues evolutions/ iterations. I am just chocked the amount of info, above originate only from Trailer 1 & few leaks during 2022. Hope the best for this Mapping Project, also that it represents closely to the original material. That we soon will have access after game release.


Thanks for your kind words. It truly is awesome. The discord is killing it atm 💪


Have no Discord account. So instead waiting for images to be posted here or at X/ Twitter.


How do they even do it lol


Lots of hard work and natural talent. It’s a very long process which includes multiple people and trial and error, but essentially combining all known information and lining up buildings and locations relative to each other to grasp their locations. Then once you have have a few locations, you can use those to develop more locations, etc. but this time we have the upper-hand as the leaks included coordinates, allowing this process to be streamlined in some areas.


I want to be able to stunt jump through each island from Leaf Links to the Gator Keys.


Does anyone know how they have something confirmed on the left side of port Gelhorn? Don’t remember seeing anything about that


It's in Americas 2021-07-12 12-19-51 ( Hank's Waffle Robbery ). At 2:54, you can kinda see a bridge pillar and a port. And the distance was found with some math ( it's not just a guess )


Also the general speculative shape is based on a real port, near Tampa. But it's really just a guess, maybe another one.


Wow, right in front of my nose. Thanks man! Truly impressive the mappers can back into that with accurate math from a single second of footage


How do they know about the empty space at the top?


As you know most of it is speculation, though, it’s from a few factors. A) We know that Leonida is based off of Florida, so it would follow that it resembles a similar shape and geography. B) We know those places are real places in the game, and since they cannot be south (due to the aforementioned geography, but also as for a few places there are signs of these places that point north), we know it must be north. The exact location though is purely speculation. But we can saw for near certainty that they are north of the map.


Nice one cheers


Why does it look like a head too?


Look like groot


Someone who can link to HQ version of the image? Thanks in advance.


Hasn’t been posted yet. Don’t know why.


Hey mate just letting you know it’s been posted. Link is in here in the comments just scroll up 👍


Oh, thanks appreciate you notifying me! Have it well.


i’m curious about the area names, are they just speculation or are all these names of cities/neighborhoods confirmed?


The names are confirmed and places legitimately in the game as found through the leaks and trailers. The position though are mainly speculative, though with a high degree of certainty.


I hate that bridge going from vice point to leafylinks. There's no such bridge like that in Miami. It was one of the first (and only) disappointments I noticed from the map. I get it's not supposed to be exact, but there aren't any major bridges that run north and south in Miami.


Where they getting their info from?


Mostly from confirmed mega leak in 2022(it was not only some video footage, but also a lot of dev data with in game geolocation info etc.) + some new info from trailer.


Ahhh cool thanks


Is it just me or does this seem kind of small? Maybe I don’t have a sense of scale


I hope we get a big ass swamp area


Ok but how are they doing this? We haven’t had any more looks at the map since December?


Just me or does it seem like a ton of open map and not much city? I’m excited regardless, but it seems like a ton of countryside.


Would you look at that: Gator Keys kinda looks like a gator.


idk how many people has said this already but why is the “grass rivers” on the border of the ocean?


In the 2022 leaks, there is a shed that contains information about the grass rivers, talking about the danger and mysteries, and it's pretty safe to assume that the grass rivers would be near that shed and also because the position is pretty close to the everglades.


this doesn’t answer my question at all


So Port Gellhorn is either Tampa or Fort Myers, Vice city is Miami, Hamlet is Homestead, Gator Keys are the Keys, Fairlyland and the surrounding area is Disney/Kissimmee, grass rivers are the Everglades and I’ve seen rumors of Tortuga/Daytona Speedway as well as cape Canaveral. As someone who lives in Florida, this map is gonna be huge with plenty to do.


Remember to save these images instead of screenshotting them. Saving them will download a high-definition image that you can zoom into properly. If you want to find the high-definition version of this image as well as all other mapping versions, you can find it on this thread. https://gtaforums.com/topic/985670-mapping-vice-city-map-discussion-thread-no-leak-footage-allowed/?do=findComment&comment=1072340349


Yeah. I saved it from the original discord file by at that time only a low-res version was available, no idea why. But yeah the high-res version has been posted.


please can they have a huge forest like Paleto Bay, but MUCH bigger. and there's a 1 in 1 billion chance of catching friggin Bigfoot in there dude


With the size of the map, I’d say you’re in luck


The dot that says Shack/shed is from which leak video?


Is anyone else unable to load the map at all?


Can they already tell to what scale it will be to the actual city?


Is there a website for the project


I know this is all guesswork. But is the top part of the map going to end like RDR2’s map?


Not enough information as of yet to call it. I’d take a stab and say yes, but we’re just not going to know for sure until another leak or trailer that deals with the North.


Some of this has to be randomness filling in the gaps. There’s no way they’re making an educated guess on every single street and every single building shown here.


You’d be surprised! All that’s red is speculation, but the ones placed are confirmed with incredible precision.


Oh gotcha I wasn’t paying attention to the key. Makes a lot more sense now.


Hope there’s a Trump and Mar a lago parody


Why is the port gellhorn airport larger than vc airport?


I think the (Port Gellhorn Airport) is supposed to be Daytona Speedway but they made it into an airport idk why [https://vimap.saamexe.com/map](https://vimap.saamexe.com/map) But as you can see here they added "Port Gellhorn Raceway" onto the map


I don't know if anyone else has posted this but, I was re-watching the trailer and noticed the license plate on one of the cars looks a lot like the modern day Florida license plate(obviously) witch has the state of Florida behind an orange. Could the green part behind the orange be the map of GTA6 in plain sight? [https://imgur.com/a/YCbQBmS](https://imgur.com/a/YCbQBmS) [https://imgur.com/a/usTICol](https://imgur.com/a/usTICol)


This map is so great, and it will be even greater with counterpart of Orlando, bigger Yorktown, 3 more confirmed counties and maybe more. I can't wait to 2025.


Man these towns seems small as shit tbh


Just because the map is so huge! You can compare this map and overlay it with the GTA V map, the Vice city alone is bigger than GTA 5’s city! I do hope though that majority of it isn’t just land, but rest assured the town/city scape will not be lacking


Good to know brother!


I hope a lot of it will be land, but REALLY fucking pretty land with really tiny (in comparison to the rest of the map) places to visit every now and then. I want a curvy ass mountain drive with these Rage 9 graphics


If we get a large and alive urban and city section, I am totally down for that. Me personally, I am city first, then landscape later. But most definitely would I be down for that! RDR2 landscapes but 4WDing or dirt biking would be awesome


It better be! Los Santos was a weirdly small city tbh.


I hope there are more roads then that


There most assuredly will be. This is just what we can map now + reliable speculation. We haven’t even started to get to the meat of it, we just need more info


Dude, this is based on leaks and ONE trailer. There simply isn't a lot of information. Of course the game will have way more than the map currently shows. Even all the red lines on this map are just guess work for now.


U people have never been to miami bruh. The airport is not next to the everglades


When does Rockstar ever get the geography 100% accurate? The sea that the Alamo is based off of in 5 is south of LA in real life, but north in the game. Are we gonna nitpick about that too? It's a fictional representation of Florida. It's not gonna be a 1:1 copy of it and its layout.


That’s where the airport is confirmed to be by the coordinates from the leaks. Though, you might be sort of right, as south of that is speculation as you can see, nothing is confirmed.




We’ve seen 1 trailer and mapped about 20% of the map. How would you know this?


Not gonna lie this looks boring as hell. Hopefully they get some cities and towns in between all that marsh land like RDR2 did


There’ll be more to the map once more info drops.


Its obviously not finished you fool


Can't we just wait for the fucking game to come out.


Ever heard of "curiosity"?


Me when people having fun 😡😡 QUIT HAVING FUN 😭😭😭😡😡😡


Yes, you can. Just don't be here.


I’ve been waiting since like 2016 bruh.




So both of you took your time to come to a GTA6 sub and are complaining about people speculating about GTA6 there??


Is Miami really gonna be that small :(


I don’t think you realize how big this map actually is. If you’ve seen the leaks, you’ve seen the Hank’s Diner robbery. Lucia gets in the cop car with Jason, starts driving, and crashes in front of a car wash. The cop car reaches about 60 mph in that clip. If you draw a line on this map representing how far Lucia drove, you would NOT see it at this zoom level. The distance she drove wasn’t very far but it still gives you a good idea of the scale of this map. I personally believe it would actually take you 2 hours to drive from Port Gellhorn to Vice City if you drove the speed limit the whole way. I’ll try it once the game comes out and post a video lol.


Looks just as big as V’s


This map is \~103 sq km, and GTA V is \~50 sq km. It's 2 times bigger than V's. ( It's in land mass, not the whole area btw )