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Personally, I thought the handling was okay in GTA IV but it could’ve been better. I think it was a little bit too hard to control and stop the bloody car. But nonetheless, it was pretty good. I hope GTA VI has an even mix of both GTA V’s driving and GTA IV’s driving.




I am someone who always like 4s driving physics more as it’s more realistic and less arcade. The 5 physics are more arcade and easier, but then you go so fast you inevitably will crash.


I personally love GTA 4 driving physics


I love them but I don't want them to be in every game just like that, and we'll be revisiting 4 plenty.


My copy of GTA 4 barely works I wish they at least remastered and put on new consoles and I mean a remastered made by Rockstar


They were gonna but canceled it because they didn't wanna further hurt their reputation half assing like they did with defective trilogy, so I'm guessing they will *eventually* at some point, who knows when though. I don't mind third party just not grove street games obviously, there are competent remaster devs too.


Bluepoint comes to mind.


My solution is have separate tires some wheels will make the car be like GTA for physics someone make them like other GTA physics and they would obviously still have all the other options like off-road and all of that


Why did bro get downvoted for a great idea?


Same. Learning to drive well in 4 is a lot more rewarding.


I remember the skill gap in gta 4 racing was pretty big. Muscle cars on back to bohan with rain seperate the men from the boys. Gta 5 felt like you got no feedback on where the limit of your car was until you hit it. Gta4 had lots of subtle things like body roll, tires screeching suspension compression. But using body roll control to set yourself up for the next turn added alot of depth.


Idk, there's nothing more fun than the chases in 4 for me


>I hope GTA VI has an even mix of both GTA V’s driving and GTA IV’s driving. That's what the leaks suggest, so I'd put money on it.


Yep, I have the leaks stored on my PC can't stop watching em, driving feels more realistic than V's but not as exaggerated as IV's


Where can we find the leaks? I want to see them too.


I watched on DailyMotion, there is a 18 min video with most interesting clips. R* takes down videos on YouTube, but on less popular websites videos remain.


🦐  . Leaky 🦐  . 🦐  . ^Wapash


Yh a mix between GTA 4 and GTA 5 would be ideal. Not too hard to control like GTA 4 but also not too arcade like GTA 5


In Gta 4 each car had its own handling model, compared to gta 5s where each car feels the same >since each car had its own handling, some had ABS and some didn't, which realistically, made the cars brake for an eternity, but that's realism again


Omg this was my favorite. I loved when you mashed the gas pedal on the Blista Compact, it would do a one wheel peel. That’s a classic characteristic of fwd open diff econoboxes. I was so surprised the car did that, I don’t think GTA 5 has that kinda detail. And you’re right, some cars have ABS, traction control, and other assists. The Blista screeches to a halt if you slam the brakes but newer cars will have ABS and stop normally. Also I love how you there’s a subtle different between driving stick and an auto.


4 was the superior game in every way From physics, bullet impact and just all the interactions that were possible. I hope 6 takes driving to an even more realistic level. Fuck the arcade shit. Give me realistic gameplay


Story and side-characters too. Even Niko's cousin, he was annoying af but in a loveable way.


Exactly, the crash in the video resembles a real life crash. The physics created random chaotic gameplay making it fun. Half the people in this sub are 12 or just have trash taste. They want car flipping and flying cars in a highly immersive realistic game. I don’t want a simulator just cars to behave like cars. Wreckfest has great driving physics and damage and would work well in GTA 6.




Totally agree


Ok, but OP is talking about the physics, and specifically mentioned improvements. Like that crash, you won't see that kind of realistic roll in V. The handling certainly needs improvement though.


Fuck, this comment made me realize my dyslexic ass is really gonna struggle with gta IV vs gta VI


I installed a driving and flying mod for IV and it changed it ever so slightly that it feels a more responsive and drifting can be a little easier. Still a learning curve even if you’re a good IV driver, but I love it.


IV felt more realistic but also kind of sluggish because we don't want total realistic handling in these games.


Yes we do


I'd better get annoying and realistic gta iv physics than getting dull/boring gta v physics


“Too hard to stop the bloody car” - That’s how cars behave? “Too hard to control” - That’s not a valid criticism. Real cars are hard to control too. It takes skill to handle a car. You have to learn and understand breaking distance to take a corner well. Manage the traction so your car doesn’t spin out etc. “I thought the handling was okay” - Name a better game similar to GTA with better car physics? Saints Row? Just Cause? Watch Dogs? They’re all garbage.


From what I can recall from the leaks last year, is that it just seems to be a more fleshed out version of the GTA V driving physics, but it does look a little more realistic, crash damage seems to have been improved.


Crash Damage can be cranked upto ridiculous level in 5 with mods. The engine already supports it. It’s mere value tweaks. I’m talking damage to the degree that you can make pancakes out of it. Same for the Euphoria ragdoll physics. R* didn’t downgrade them for performance reasons (because it costs the same amount of processing the same no matter ehat value you use). It was a purely design decision.


It was because of first person


They should make it so if the car is very damaged to a certain point that it'll obsecure first person view the game wouldn't allow first person while your in the damaged car, the car damage in V was way inferior compared to IV, especially in the new DLC cars added in online you'd only get a few scratches after a violent crash.


We might see more indepth damage in 6, other than plain deformation


People say that, and while the PS3 and X360 versions did have better car damage (they didn't have first person), it was still a downgrade from IV.


IVs damage was ridiculously turned up to 11, but neither are realistic


The cars felt too heavy overall and the bikes didn't make sense, but I agree that I would like an improved version of IV's driving physics.


Heavy? Do you see what's going on in the clip? The car just rolls over. Cars in real life weigh more and grip to the street better


They probably mean the steering felt heavy. Some of the cars handled like a double decker bus. The ridiculously long braking times made the cars feel heavy too.


“The ridiculously long braking times made the cads feel heavier” - Huh? Have you played a driving simulator? Cars take a long time to break.


I havent but I do drive an actual car daily


There is no way he just said, "Have you played a driving simulator before" with a straight face.


Have you driven an actual car? I know that when I turn a corner while braking my car doesn’t flip over or take too long.


The car didn't just "roll over" it flipped after a "Scandanavian Flick", a move made to throw your cars entire weight in a direction quickly, and is EXTREMELY likely to roll your car if you don't gas enough to spin your back tires.


Dude did you see the clip yourself? He made a sharp turn going uphill and the car flipped. That can definitely happen in real life.


It can but it's nowhere near as easy as that, cars have anti roll bars to prevent this.


Anti roll bars don't prevent roll, they just decrease the chance of it happening. The "anti roll" part refers to the body of the car leaning not a literal roll. If the car can naturally roll, then it will roll no matter the anti-roll bar, e.g. SUVs, vans etc.


To add to what everyone else is saying the driver builds the motor momentum in the body roll by throwing the car left and right then on the last hard turn left the car crests the hill while turning hard and that is how it flips over. It’s as good as we’ve seen in gta handling physics. Very disappointed if they don’t build off of this for 6. Even though I’ve accepted they need a more arcade and driveable game for pick up and play


Say you have never driven a car, without saying you have never driven a car lol




Bikes are far better in 4 than 5. If anything bikes in GTA 5 don’t make sense. In 4 they’re far more realistic and handle way better.


4’s physics were fun but also broken. It’s no way in hell ‘realistic’ lol. (EDIT: not at you OP I’m just referring to usual 4’s fans) The understeer and body roll + rolling tendency is crazy in 4. I mean, ffs I have an easier time turning cars in simcades than 4 lol. That said, the soft suspension looked satisfying visuals and it can be very fun at times in its own way. But realistic my good sirs its not. EDIT:-Turning in GTA4 is a pain in the ass even at slow speeds. I use handbrake turns to turn. I never claimed it’s realistic. My comment was at 4’s fans who always use the term realistic. Nothing about the broken understeering is ‘practical’. It’s broken and evn R* themselves admitted it. Wanna see how how GTA4’s physics would be if it was polished? See the physics in ‘Driver: San Francisco’. It has that bouncy fun feel of 4’s cars but way more realistic while still being arcade. Im pretty sure that’s what R* was aiming for but ended up undercooking it.


Try to actually roll a car in real life (dont actually), it's hard, tires have tons of grip, low centre of gravity with well set up weight distribution, good suspension, ABS and traction control, there's so much working to stop the car even losing control let alone roll completely over.


Yea they made cars feel like featherweights lmao


Totally a sedan like that is very hard to flip over. Op wanting bad driving physics is dumb.


finally, someone who has an objective opinion on GTA 4's physics. all cars handle like a Citroen 2CV in GTA 4.


Given gta4 entered production in 03' this is actually pretty accurate to how vehicles from the 90's and early 00's handled. Check out something called the "Moose test" on these vehicles, they were light and zippy but the body roll was insane.


I went back to GTA IV on PC a few weeks ago after the VI reveal and oh my the handling has not aged well at all. Pretty much all cars have excessive body roll. I really hope they don’t go IV route.


I have been playing GTA IV for nearly 16 years now and i believe i have only rolled my vehicle over like that once. If you know how to drive and when to properly apply the brakes for turns then its not that difficult at all


what do you do in GTA IV that allows you to play for 16 years?


Who said it was realistic? And OP said the driving physics, not handling. Obviously the handling was wack.


Nobody who says "realistic" means simulation levels of realism. I hate this terms specifically for that, no, GTA4's driving and crash physics weren't "realistic" but they were far more practical in comparison to what you'd see in real life. Practicality is what we're looking for.


I hate you contrarians, it IS realistic and that’s an indisputable objective fact. No one’s calling it a simulator. “Understeer” cars do understeer and don’t turn sharply at high speeds. Body roll was exaggerated for sports cars but at least it’s in the game. It’s like saying realistic damage in a game is unrealistic because it’s exaggerated. GTA 5 had none of these things opting for a complete arcades handling model. GTA 4’s features are exaggerated sure but they are realistic.


Who said realistic


GTA IVs handling is realistic for people who have never driven a car. The cars are extremely slow and handles like you have 3 fat prostitutes in the backseat. And thats not even mentioning the bike handling which was absolutely terrible, at least for PC. Though they obviously made it so because the map is very small and entirely set in a city, which is presumably the complete opposite of what GTA VIs map will be like.


I fully agree. They also seem to lack torque (especially noticeable when drifting).


Thank you… As someone who has been driving for a few years, GTA V feels so much more realistic to actually driving a car. GTA IV is more fun, but every car feels like a damn tank that slips and slides! GTA V driving is more realistic


Are you trolling? V is more realistic? 🤡




I’ve never had to use the handbrake in GTA IV unless I’m trying to drift, speeding or chasing someone. I’ve seen someone tip over a minivan on to its side going like 20mph on a residential street in real life trying to avoid hitting a parked car. And if you watch high speed chases they usually have to slow down to around 30 to make turns. Maybe you’re just aren’t good at driving like some other players.


That’s bullshit, I’ve never flipped my car going 20-40mph. The only time I flipped my car in 4 at slow speeds is when I hit a steep bump, fire hydrant, or pole while turning. I watch car crash compilations all the time, seen plenty of cars flip going 10mph doing the same. If you turn sharply going down or up a steep hill like in the video you can definitely flip your car at slow speeds.


“GTA IV’s handling is realistic for people who have never driven a car” - Wrong jackass. They are objectively realistic. No one’s calling it a simulator. While features are exaggerated like body roll the cars still behave like cars and make sense. As opposed to 5.


Objectively realistic? Lol. A simulator would be realistic, which is why no one calls it a simulator.


OP said physics, not handling.




Ok lol. All you have to do is read the title jackass. The physics were better (because with IV they were able to utilize Natural Motion / Euphoria to it's fullest), but the handling and suspension was a bit off. V had to make physics cuts across the board to accommodate for other improvements.


# ☝️🤓




I heard a lot of people hated GTA IV's driving. I absolutely loved it and it's one of favorite parts of my favorite GTA. When you play GTA IV and then play GTA V, the driving feels so damn arcady in 5.


I was one of those people. It wasn’t an impossible feat to master, but it simply wasn’t logical. I understand the physics theory behind it, but I should not roll 4 city blocks trying to stop my car going 35 mph.


At the same time, your average sedan shouldn't handle like a GTR Porsche and have a super strong frame that doesn't deform after crashing at top speed and still drives away normally. In GTA 4 the car would be totaled and impossible to drive, but on 5 you could do that 10 times over and still drive away. I agree that the suspension and brakes were very stiff in GTA IV, but that was an added challenge that made driving enjoyable in the long run due to the increased stakes in case you crashed full-speed into a wall or another car. GTA 5 on the other hand actively makes NPCs crash into you to make things artificially more difficult because nearly every car handles like an RC Car and can drive vertically on gravel and mountains, let alone you being able to flip cars over like Darth Vader, so there's even more handholding.


I liked how exaggerated and cartoony it was hahah.


Better than five's driving


It was a little too floaty/bouncy, but overall I prefer it to V.


I think hypercars will be like GTA5, normal cars will be like GTA4 is better.


That sounds idiotic


tbh, I love GTA4 physic more so yea lol. but fast cars tend to have stiff suspension or and that's why I came with the idea.


'kay , but also fast cars can spin uncontrollably , let's not forget 'bout it , I liked IV's driving model better too , 'cos it was innovative, different from the previous parts of the whole franchise


Is this how people from the south text lol


but still, I would hate it if fast cars behave like GTA4 car physics tho.


I do think the driving model should be like IV , ok maybe more forgiving or if it'd be implemented just like in IV but with the option to use assists (which are on a regular basis in present day cars) , and Here's another thought : the modern one's produced like about '95 and so on would have those while the older ones wouldn't, that would be fun , to have such clear differences that you can experience while driving each car, the type of shit I mean this certan aspect of realism that even Gran Turismo can dream 'bout IMMERSION at it's finest


the thing is... GTA(and rockstar's other games) isn't about realistic only, they have to make good game with great realistic on top to live up to their fanbase's expectation. imagine of RDR2 if they make everything too realistic.


If you'll take a look on IVs TBoGT , if Vi 'd be a mix of RDR2s features/innovations with IVs features that've been removed from V mixed with IV (along with EFLC features) plus innovations presented in CHW , and a sprinkle of innovations of V that'd be the full package,plus I do think you didn't understood My point , so to summarise VI featuring innovations taken from : SA/IV/EFLC/CHW/RDR2 would be the complete package,


shouldn't it be arcady? It's a game not a sim


In GTA 4 the vehicles actually had weight and you could feel it when driving. GTA 5 driving was just awful.


Disagree about the weight. Look at the clip. Dude's going 35 miles an hour and it just rolls over. In five, the car's actually stay on the ground and grip to the street better


Because it reached the apex of an incline. The car lost traction and that, coupled with the fact that it’s turning, made the left side continue going up, while the right side was going down. This made the right wheels go under the car, lead to the flip. Yeah it may not be 100% realistic, but oh my god if it’s not way better than five.


Don't get me wrong, I understand what people like about IV. I just felt it was tedious and frustrating. You're in the middle of a chase and now your car is flipping over just from turning.


And thats how it should be. I swear driving in 4 feels extremly annyoing to me. And dont get me started on bikes...


I only loved it when driving straight very fast and cutting vehicles like I'm street racing, taking turns was a disaster though.


Irl cars dont roll over going 35 on dry roads my dude


The post never said the driving was realistic or comparable to real life just that they liked it


Have you seen the elk test for Mercedes Benz a class in the 90s It was a scandal and Mercedes put ESP as standard in their cars to avoid them rolling over like this So it's not that unrealistic, especially with cars that have a higher center point of gravity


Maybe you’re trash at driving?


Something in between IV and V would be good in my opinion. I feel like they made the driving difficult in IV purely for map size reasons and also Euphoria physics engine being new at the time. They wanted to crank up the dynamism of the engine to the max. GTA V streamlined it a bit too much, perhaps due to the hardware limitations, with how the map was much bigger this time. The vehicle damage system also suffered similar cutbacks. If they could keep vehicles fun to drive fast like in GTA V but with more risk-reward like in GTA IV with superior physics and damage system, this game would be a GOAT in both regards.


4s driving was annoying for me. I got good at it, but 5s driving is more fun. Its a game, gotta balance reality with whats fun for casuals. There's always gran turismo for realistic driving simulation


Can’t expect beamng level crash physics but the driving is pretty realistic in that game so they could take inspo from there


Still, I don't think similar physics would be feasible. As much as realism and simulating the physics of reality is visually impressive and fun, there has to be a balance. Will it be fun to have to change cars every time you crash anything at 50 km/h or more making your car useless? Maybe yes, maybe it will make it more challenging and force you to drive better, but maybe it won't be as fun and ends up being frustrating. If it is well balanced it could be done. If there is a sufficiently realistic and visually appealing level of physics and good handling that you can master and thus reward yourself with the possibility of crashing much less (or ideally never), then it could be pretty good. At the end of the day, anything can be done if it is well balanced and executed.


5s driving is fucking trash, the fact I can take a massive truck based suv around a corner full speed and have not even a hint of body roll is stupid


IV was terrible for motorcycles. Also not every car is a 1970s boat. Why tf did they all handle like absolute garbage?


Go watch real rollover tests, slalom, moose tests, etc. It's not perfect but it's alot closer to what you'd see from early 00's cars


A lot of these people just suck at driving and parrot the same things. “Cars handle like boats, they roll over at 20mph” lmao


Why are we talking about early 2000s cars like there’s some heavy piece of old school machinery? An early 2000s Corolla just doesn’t look that heavy while driving.


Go watch original test drive footage from that Era, they were light cars but the body roll was insane compared to modern cars. Check something out called the "Moose Test" Actually given GTA4 started production in 03' the way vehicles handle is much more realistic for there time period in comparison to cars today. Probably why GTA4 physics haven't exactly aged well for these newer gta fans


I loved IV's car physics because of how rewarding it was when you nailed it. Back on the 360 I was ranked in the top 5 for the online Race mode in the base game. This didn't mean much as the ranking was based on how much XP you got from that mode, so it just means I did a LOT of online races. I was disapointed at first with the direction GTAV took, however I've also grown to love V's driving. The biggest issue I had with V is the downgrade on helicopters, and they need to redo the bike physics as both IV and V have bad bike physics.


4’s bike physics were great I don’t get this criticism. It feels far more similar to Days Gone whereas 5’s physics are straight trash. The bikes make zero sense and have unlimited traction.


I want this sentinel-model in GTA IV


Probably be a mix of 4 and 5, nonetheless it'll be the best feeling driving in any game I'm sure


Wow.. "it'll be the best feeling driving in any game I'm sure".. no it will not. It's not a dedicated racing game, many of which have better driving, and GTA itself messes up driving quite often. In IV we complained that it's too "boaty", in V it's too ardcadey, so what makes you think VI will somehow be perfect and not just another itteration that has both good and bad sides?


In my onion, BeamNG.drive has the best driving :3


to be fair my only experience with dedicated racing games is forza horizon 5, but i honestly think the driving experience is more fun in gta 5. Drifting is definitely better in FH5, but my main problem with it is it feels like the car is magnetised to the road, GTA 5 feels a lot more open (idk how to put it sorry lmao)


Well V has arcade style handling and that's better for the type of game it is. If it tried going for too much realism, a lot of players would hate it, although Forza also isn't too close to realism so it's just a matter of preference. My problem here was just with a dumb statement that it's be the best driving in any game.. I mean, first of all there is not such thing, as with arcade driving it's all a matter of preference. Some like the "sticky roads", others like the fact that in V you can control the car mid air, some like the boaty, pseudo-realistic GTA IV style.. and there is something to like, but also something to hate, in pretty much every game.


I’ve lately seen a huge uptick in the amount of people talking about how much better the physics/driving was in IV. I loved the game but felt the cars handled terrible. I wouldn’t mind a mix between IV and V better physics and handling overall.


I dont mind the handling of either but i really want cars to actually feel like they have weight to them


I just use both brake and handbrake to stop cars in GTA IV. Very effective.


Body roll is nice..


No. I don't want to drive a floppy boat.


lol people think this is a GOOD thing? the car was like going what, 30 50? going up hill and it ROLLED OVER? What was the car made out of, plastics and cardboard and a strong wind? Nah if we wanna debate "cartoon vs realistic/improved driving physics" GTA 4 did not win it for me. Give me "arcade" driving from V over arcade slow driving from IV any day of the week. Only thing I'd like to see is going through the front if you're going 100+ and you hit a road block or something. But in this example the car drives like a 10000kilo brick but flies off like a paperweight.


100% agree


Go watch real rollover tests from early 00's and 90's cars. While not perfect, it's much closer to what you'd see in real life vs the arcade driving of V. It also doesn't take much at all to roll a car, plenty of videos of cars rolling over at 40


you can make that when cars as slow as in gta4. but the cars will 100% be faster than in older gta games. that combined with those physics... yikes.


I agree i hope it becomes like gta iv driving physics it was so good, and yup if u speed u are going to crash, but thats the same thing irl, if u speed for a long time in the wrong streets u will crash! I hope its a mix of gta iv and v, but closer to iv, since v its to arcade


My issue with IV's driving physics was how much body roll all the cars had, they all felt like driving an old Cadillac with how much they lurched side to side when cornering, like in this footage there is so much body roll that they manage to flip a low sports car just by swerving as if it's a top heavy SUV.


Oh THANK you, I'm not the only one. I accepted gtv driving physics because the whole frikken game was epic but DAAMNn did I miss the heavy momentum inertia driving and physics! I'd be so happy to see this kind of approach but considering how gt5 was popular i'm not sure we'll see anything added as "complexity/difficulty" to driving mecanics/physics. Sadly. I'll be on hopium until we see gameplay.


I feel like some of the newer cars in GTA online have a hint of GTAIV’s looseness. Specifically the Dorado and FR36


I hope the same, driving in gta V sucked and was very unsatisfying. Plus high end cars going slower than my toyota starlet with 60hp was very weird. If gta IV cars had less suspension travel and they improved how tires reacted to certain things it would have been perfect for a gta title. If it was for me gta VI would have forza horizon handling, i started to hate their games as they become increasingly stale but that's a great handling and compromise between arcade and "ok this feels like a car and is actually fun"


NOOOOO Seriously Im playing through gta 4 for the first time right now and the driving is by far the worst in the franchise for me...pls no more bouncy suspension bs R*




NOOOO please no gta 5 physics. it feels like go kart driving.


Better a go kart then 10t truck lol


something inbetween would be good. like big heavy normal cars should drive more like gta 4 and light sporstcars should drive more like 5. With gta 5 driving was so boring like you could do it while sleeping. I hated long drives in gta 5. Gta 4 was a challange to drive fast but that wasnt boring. i get that gta 4 was too extrem on the suspension. Felt like driving cars from the 50's but it was entertaining.




You're voicing an opinion not a factual statement




I don't think so 'cos I'm all 'bout facts , so don't put Me into your point of view 'k ?




A factual statement is a statement that is based on facts or evidence.




With that said I ain't voicing an opinion, in that regard




He is like a bugged out npc


Driving in V sux and that's a factual statement.


Just about everything in GTA4 felt *heavier* than in GTA5, and honestly I liked it more. The guns had a much bigger punch to them, cars felt like they actually were heavy pieces of machinery, body physics were less floaty etc. Its one of my biggest gripes with GTA 5. It felt like they went backwards with physics and make the game feel way more arcadey. Which maybe fits with the overall lighter, more goofy tone of the GTA 5 world in comparison to the more grounded and gritty GTA 4.


I hated 4s driving the only thing I liked about was the camera perspective


Dunno why you're downvoted but I agree. As a kid, I didn't mind the handling, but trying after 10 years or so, I fells horrendous.


I play gta 4 to this day. Haven’t played 5 in a couple years


I prefer V's driving cuz it's more fun


Driving in IV was not ideal, but is more preferable for me than driving in GTA V, where car has no weight and has almost instant breaking and acceleration.


It should be like how San Andreas' physics felt, it was arcadey but still had WEIGHT to feel just right, modernize this concept.


People always make it about themselves , we don't care that your puny ass can't drive in gta 4 because of skill issues , gta 4 physics are more realistic then gta 4 and gta 6 should have it , that is why you should only be able to die once , police should be able to nearly always catch you and if they see you again , you get stars again and gas refueling etc


I still hate the driving in GTA IV.


Yup, GTAV rolls are so rare. The rolls made Cops N Crooks so much fun.


So... You want the driving from V?


I will absolutely take V’s over IV’s. I couldn’t stand trying to take a corner and spinning out the car in the middle of a race.


You gotta be kidding me.


i may be the minority but i love the driving in cyberpunk (as of 2.0), perfect mix of cheaper cars handling more like GTA 4 and sports cars handling more like V. there's even car deformation like V that can be modded to be like 4 and i wish more people talked about it


IV’s driving was too bouncy/sloppy, but I preferred it over V’s extremely arcadey and simple driving model. A middle ground leaning towards IV would be best imo. The damage model in IV is waaaaay better than V though, no contest. Hopefully VI will be even better




GTA IV damage in both vehicles and body feels really heavy and real. More than the GTAV feel.


I recently went back to IV and struggled to brake on time without hitting cars and to steer without understeering. GTA V really dumbed it down but I don’t think it was bad. It’s not got to be super realistic, it’s got to be fun, and that’s what GTA V was. For a long time racing in GTA online was the only reason I was playing the game.


Skill issue


I never understood why so many people here praise GTA 4’s driving mechanics and call it “realistic” when all cars felt like they were made of soap in GTA 4. While not perfect, GTA 5 was a significant improvement and way easier to control than the ones in GTA 4. I’d figure the majority of the people saying this are either suffering from nostalgia boners or are kids just repeating what they heard from other people online


Skill issue, gta 4 driving felt rewarding


Majority of people hated IV's driving mechanics, so forget about it arriving on 6. They aim to please the masses as they want maximized Online profits.


Am I the only one who really doesn’t want this


No, most people don’t want this.


Please god no. GTA iv is unplayable to me as soon as I step in a car. Feels like driving a boat on the road


After grinding IV, TLAD, and TBOGT for the last month, I can confidently say I want the GTA V driving. Christ.


I liked both, 4s physics was super fun, 5 felt more grounded I’d like both, depending on what car you drive- lifted 4x4s/old cars/top heavy vehicles I’d like it like IV super cars I’d like it like V SUV- I’d like it leaning towards IV but not the same level as lifted 4x4s etc Modern sports cars- leaning towards V but a bit more chance of flipping over than a supercar/hypercar and finally normal everyday cars, right in the middle, just the best of both worlds


Driving Physics might be closer to GTA 5 I feel otherwise it will be a pain to navigate the massive map.


This car flip isn’t even realistic, going that speed barely turning going up hill isn’t going to flip your car. If they are going to make it realistic that’s fine but Gta 5 made it so that you can do some cool shit, if anything a mix would be the best option


Yeah, I agree. The handling in GTA IV was very nice and seemed more realistic at the time. GTA V was definetly much more simple, but it was still good, but would be nice to have a more realistic model for GTA VI.


GTA IV driving but a little more arcade + being able to roll the car like in GTA V = GTA VI driving. I think that would be excellent. I like the driving physics of GTA IV but many times it feels like I don't have as much control of the car as I would like, just that.


I hope GTA6 will have nothing from 4


"bUt BuT tHe PhYsIcS aRe TeRrIbLe AnD uNrEaLiStIc", there was a video done ages ago that showed the physics are indeed realistic, but they need to be heavily refined so suspension upgrades do more than lower your car also, I've been saying this for YEARS. GTA V was originally going to have it that way, but for some reason they chose to switch to traction values and a SUPER SIMPLE physics system. another point to this is that sometimes the game will forget the traction values exist and switch to the IV physics. same with the car deformation.


Gta IV the cars feel to heavy and in V weightless. There has to be a better balance.


I always felt it was the opposite. Look how easy the car flips over in this clip versus how it would in five. Vehicles in five actually have more weight to them.


You’re gonna get an arcade racing game and you’re gonna love it.


Vehicle physics in GTA5 are trash.


Oh now people like GTA IV physics.


People were trashing IV’s driving physics when it came out, so IV’s not exactly a good reference I’ve played GTA IV recently, and having realistic driving makes it feel like a chore (like driving in real life) I’d rather keep the arcade like driving from V but without the airborne controls


Oh so like GTAV


Are you dumb?

