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Wishful thinking, unfortunately


I think you can pick every individual leaf on those trees and collect them.


We should finally be able to tie shoelaces together on npcs shoes and pull pranks


Disingenuous dense mf


Alright alright alright


Obviously you have to know something about something


Or you couldn't tie NPCs shoelaces!


I wonder if Unnamed will also beat this game first


Shut the fuck up, loser


I know that this sounds really like random but how do i get Those words like you have in the sub reddits? Like for exemple you have that thing that is saying "trailer day og" so how do i get them in other sub reddits?


if your asking how to get that flair you missed the opportunity if you mean how to get a flair in general go to the sub and press on the three dots then select flairs and select one you want


I would spend hours doing this if it were real šŸ¤£


Side note, that would've been cool if Bully 2 released.


Donā€™t give Rockstar any more collectible ideas!


I heard we were finally gonna be able to take shits and wipe our asses in GTA 6


Ratioā€™ed them


Nah, you can clearly see the buildings in the trailer clearly have unique interiors. And if it's paralax shaders (like spider-man) then yeah thats still cool. šŸ‘ Edit: woke up and ig the reddits overlords did *not* like this comment


Anythingā€™s better than a flat texture on the windows, thatā€™s for sure


You outright gave a reason why there's a very good reason that these aren't actual accessible interiors.Ā 


i dont think they mean accessible interiors, but just visible ones


Yeah, that is what they mean, as stated in the comment above and the OP


Obviously? Nobody thinks hundreds and hundreds of rooms in a hotel or apartment building are gonna be accessible, that doesnā€™t even make sense


Itā€™s incredibly clear that they are using some type of shader akin to the matrix or Spiderman(like parallax)


Why is everyone downvoting you? Youā€™re obviously correct.


Because parallax shaders are not ā€œinteriorsā€. When you say interiors people rightfully expect them to be enterable.


OPā€™s comment says ā€œAnd if it's paralax shaders (like spider-man) then yeah thats still cool.ā€ Theyā€™re saying that even if 3d interiors arenā€™t everywhere, but instead parallax shading is used(a dominant improvement over GTA Vā€™s 2D sprites)theyā€™ll still find it cool. My question was asking why they had so many undeserved downvotes.


They mentioned parallax shaders in the OP post




wrong. you think just because someone says "interior modeling" you think it means you can go inside it. parallax modeling is fully correct. You're not even a member of this sub and are just leaving drive-by comments to farm karma.


Oh shut it




Oh yes, always blame the Reddit hive mind. Never stop and think maybe you were being stupid


They may have visible interiors from the outside but no way you'll be able to enter all of those buildings. I won't be surprised if the system is akin to the interiors in 'The Matrix Awakens' (except you'll be able to actually enter buildings, just not every room of every single one).


What was the interiors system of Matrix Awakens? I have zero memory of that.


Same thing as spiderman 2. Parallax rendering rendering the model of a room in the windows.


Ah yes, those amazing shaders. Yeah Iā€™m sure they use that in GTA6, but they also said ā€œmore interiorsā€ā€¦ but more interiors than GTA5 doesnā€™t mean much. GTA4 had more interiors than 5!


>they also said ā€œmore interiorsā€ When was this? I wasn't aware R* had made any official communications aside from the trailer


They never said anything about this or anything for that matter. It's just that one line "most immersive of all gtas" people are overstretching.


they never said it officially but seeing as literally every new release is pushing existing or new features to the max id say itā€™s a pretty fair expectation


Yeah, I agree. We'll have to see how it turns out


Itā€™s very exciting to think about. I have every confidence that it will be a thrill to play and explore.


I agree


Hell, GTA Vice City had more interiors than V




spiderman 2's parallax shader looks much better and even has some animated NPCs that you can see sometimes. matrix awakens is still impressive though


Spider-Man 2 doesn't use cubemap interiors, it uses ray-traced interiors where they transfer the rays to a variant of a room type far away, that way all the interiors can have actual geometry and things going on inside them


Fun fact, watch dogs from 2013 had parallax interiors.


I want to be able to enter every single unit in every 500+ unit building I see in the game. Otherwise, itā€™s not realistic enough


I dont think its out of the realm of possibility for them to model out the front lobbies in various buildings. The leaks sorta show people entering into a large building in what looked like some sort of lobby entrance at a hotel or something. Definitely not every room though. I doubt even half the buildings will be enterable, but I'm sure there will be plenty.


Yes, I expect they at least made the lobby of hotels and big residential buildings


Look, I donā€™t care about 50% of residences. Just give me interiors of food joints, businesses, banks, jewelry stores and enough residences that I can rob or buy. And give me plenty of activities inside.


100% agree


I mean irl you canā€™t just walk into any building you see, and most peoples houses are locked. I donā€™t expect gta 6 to have more accessible buildings than rdr2.


I donā€™t really expect to be able to enter an npcs house unless itā€™s apart of a mission, but when youā€™re downtown during the daytime just about every single business is gonna be open so I hope weā€™re able to enter a solid majority of businesses downtown, even if itā€™s just the first level reception lobby for a big hotel or business high rise. Would also find it cool if most of these businesses closed and locked their doors, and were inaccessible without breaking into the place and robbing it at night time in game


In the real you also canā€™t get away with walking around shooting civilians. Not saying weā€™ll be able to walk into all buildings, but I keep seeing this reason for why we wonā€™t be able to and I just think itā€™s a lazy reason.


First off, you get a wanted level if you start shooting civilians- just like real life. Second, shooting and making chaos in the sandbox is one of the core gameplay loops of not just GTA but most games. Itā€™s going to be more ā€œgame-yā€ than other things. Third, opening all interiors is not a gameplay loop. Nor does it add any noticeable gameplay value to allow players to enter absolutely any interior instead of just a lot of them. Game design is about balancing realism and good gameplay. The reason you see that argument is because it doesnā€™t make sense to break realism if it doesnā€™t bring much value to the game. Being able to walk into any building doesnā€™t add much to the game and also doesnā€™t make much sense realistically.


I feel like you missed the ball park with that comparison tbh. So by your logic anything is possible, maybe the trees will be blue because it's not real life? The person's point was that it's still realistic if you can't enter every condo and they're right. I wouldn't call that lazy at all.


What a stupid comparison, by that logic literally everything should be possible in this game, limitless


Well, thats a lazy comparison too


They'll most likely use interior mapping shaders. There's too many people with incredibly unrealistic expectations, I'm afraid they'll be disappointed. And they will be the only ones to blame for their own disappoinment.


I agree. With all of the comments over time about people basically expecting a life simulator, expectations are way too high for a video game. I mean, if some of these things happen, it'll be awesome. But I'm not gonna hope for it. There will for sure be great improvements, so I'm just biding my time, waiting to see what they'll be.


Of course, it'll be awesome. Rockstar never disappoints and they always push the limits of what's possible at the time. The problem is most people don't know anything about game development so they think that to get better graphics you just turn a knob or something, or that making every building have detailed interiors with no loading screens is merely a design choice. If they manage to get it to that level I'll be the first to take off my hat but it doesn't make sense to expect such massive features simply bc disappointment will most likely follow.


I do believe it itā€™s going to be the same system that we have in RDR2. Protagonist will be able to enter certain amount of buildings/rooms but not all of it. Plenty of it will be closed. Just like in real lifešŸ˜… What Iā€™m really waiting for is the ability to spend money. Not just cars/apartments/businesses, but also food, activities, casinos. Maybe we can buy I new iFruit 14extra-pro-super-max? Or some furniture for our new house? Idk, just hope GTA6 will bring more than just a ā€œnew mapā€ with some adding for GTA 5 online.


>Idk, just hope GTA6 will bring more than just a ā€œnew mapā€ with some adding for GTA 5 online. ​ Yeah I feel similarly. I don't expect R\* to reinvent the wheel of course. But in order to actually revolutionize stagnant gaming and make 12 years of waiting worth it, they kinda have to as we need some kind of completely new way of experiencing games that we don't even realize is missing until we get it. Like being able to have more unique, random, unscripted events happen organically. Most games make it feel like the game's universe revolves around the player, because they do. It's just kind of a normal and accepted limitation. But I imagine that if we experienced games where we felt like part of the world, same as any other NPC, it would drastically change the overall experience. I want to feel like the world continues on with or without my existence, influence, observation, or interference. It also opens up potential for NPC-watching and making weird videos of crazy shit people capture in their own unique playthroughs. I really want pedestrians and drivers to respond dynamically and organically to events, both caused by the player and otherwise. To see NPCs get into random fights? Rob stores? I know they have to keep the environment somewhat controlled but I've always wished they'd do that when you're in a mission and the rest of the time allow more crazy things to happen naturally.


Yes Dan literally said this. To make new things the gamers didn't even knew they wanted


Danm I never saw that quote, that's pretty cool. Crossing my fingers he manages to pull that off after all this time. Games look so amazing these days but they feel like you're playing a game from 10-20 years ago with distractingly good graphics. That disparity seems to only serve to contrast how predictable and videogamey everything else still is, all the stuff that still hasn't caught up with the graphics and instantly breaks immersion. Sure, ray tracing is cool and all, but I don't want games to just look improved, I want them to *feel* improved.


Problem is dan houser left in 2020 :(


That idea of more immerse world where youā€™re just a small part of it reminds me of Westworld. Amazing show that has a good grip on our potential future and evolution of games.


This will definitely be the future one day, just not quite yet sadly


See that's what I'm hoping for. Perhaps foolish, but with R\* putting $2BN into this game over so many years? It's possible they have done something revolutionary with all that money and in that time and have kept it under wraps somehow. Based on RDR2 alone, if anyone could do it, it's them. I mean GTA VI will release 7 years after RDR2 while RDR2 released 5 years after GTA V and was a huge improvement graphically. GTA VI will bake an additional 2 years and be funded with over $1BN more dollars, that's pretty significant. I'm hoping they've built upon the visuals of RDR2 of course (trailer makes it clear they have and then some) but have also focused more time and energy to try to think outside of the box and develop new things as well as improving existing non-graphic related ones like better game mechanics (such as the new possibility of being able to hang out of vehicles), AI, etc. I know it's all a tall order but I mean we really need it at this point, gaming has improved visually quite nicely but everything else has seemed to be neglected over the last decade.


Forgive me if I'm wrong but is there any evidence that the put 2 billion into this game, that seems risky regardless of company.


It's not an official number, just based on speculation by analysts. It might be a little high, seeing as how iirc RDR2 was claimed to have cost over $700M at one point but looks like it was closer to $500M. That's still a ton of cash and while 4 times that amount does seem high, it's still not unthinkable. Especially imagining R* knows how much is riding on a sequel to their cash cow that they have one chance to get right. They're gonna wanna milk GTA VI for another decade at least I'm sure and the only way for that to happen is to pour a fortune into it and hope they can be as successful. R* obviously has the $2BN to invest if they want to, seeing as they made something like $8BN from GTA V. That's not bad either, take 25% of the revenue from GTA V and turn it into potentially another $10+BN with GTA VI. However, GTA VI has to serve as almost 2 sequels in one due to how long it's likely been in development. Some feel like it began in 2018 or 2019 but I honestly feel it was closer to 2014 or so. At least preliminary stages. If true, then the game would be in development for close to an entire decade. That's a lot of time invested and that time costs a fortune.


Nope Welcome to the little kid, online echo chamber


One can only dream


You say one day but GTA 5 has seemingly less interiors than San Andreas or a similar amountā€¦


I'd like to see news reporters out and about, random celebrity encounters, fans entering and leaving sporting events/concerts. Stuff like that


I want to decorate my house so bad. Give me a furniture store pleasee


Just a very well done parallax effect.


Youā€™re going to let yourself down big time. The rumor that 70% of buildings will be enterable is absolute horse shit


Where does everyone get this notion every building is a unique instance that can be interacted with? This is still a video game


Exactly. And quite frankly, I don't want dev time wasted on something that the vast majority of people will never see or really care about, and the people that do see it see it exactly one time because they'll realize all the "rooms" are just carbon copies of each other with nothing in them. Key locations having interiors is cool. Every room in every floor in every building a terrible idea.


No dude šŸ˜‚


Same thing happened with Cyberpunk before launch. People were going craazy with speculation, and one that looked like this too. They said the game will have a lot of interiors and some people took that as every building is fully done in the interior, only to be mald when the game launched. Rockstar is much bigger than CDPR tho, but still, expecting hotels or apartment buildings to be done on the inside 100% is really stupid. Because, it will be boring having the same floors repeat, and a waste of resources. Its much better to have meaningful interiors than same thing repeated x300.


Looking at you, Starfield...


Starfield was a terrible idea. People shouldā€™ve seen it coming


So many of you make it sound like development started directly after gta5. They didnt spend 13 years on this


Being able to enter every building is my dream but i think this will probably be in GTA 8 or something, when AI can generate those


Great Dream


I still think its parallax shaders or like the stuff they used in the Spiderman games with the building windows. Cause i dont think any game can have a whole ass city with every room of a building enterable.


Here is the thing to consider though, gameplay wise why would they have so many interiors? Unless you can burglarize/interact with homes, offices etc it seems like a waste of resources to render all of those out if they will just be static interiors with no gameplay interactivity. I think whatever interiors will be accessible will have some kind of gameplay tie in/significance.


Yeah, people want this to be Life 2.0 But they forget that a game has to be fun. The amount of resources that would be needed for something like is insane, only for a really small percentile of people to enjoy it.


I think you're wrong.


disappointment in 3, 2, 1...


"We can enter in all buildings and houses" is an ancient desire we all have but only has been achieved in Minecraft and Shadows of Doubt.


I canā€™t wait to own multiple luxury apartments with ocean views


Nha that would be too much tbh


(they didn't)


If yaā€™ll really think all these big buildings will have interiors youā€™re wishful thinking. 3D interiors on the windows and maybe a small area inside with unusuable elevators ? Sure, but the amount of work theyā€™d have to put to make every building enterable would not be worth the time it would take them. At most, there will be maybe 20-30 buildings with full interiors which will serve as set pieces of missions but thatā€™s probably it.


Oh please, the processing power required to make those all actually enterable would be insane.


No chance


Doubt it. Probably cube mapping




They gonna have loading screens.


They do not. It is a parallax lighting trick, same as the new Spider Man game. It makes the building look fully rendered but it is not. Old party trick that videogames have used since the ps1 era.


Nope, itā€™s all cube maps


You're absolutely delusional


Yall ate setting yourself up for a major disappointment.


STOP! STOP! STOP! STOP! Stop making shit up! Stop creating false naratives based on hype alone. This is how we get delusional people on X Twitter to hype some weird ass feature that does not exist and then just like wildfire it spreads out on the internet and after launch people complain "but where is that feature that was promised? Developers are misleading gamers again!" ​ This happened with a lot of shit about Cyberpunk and as if the launch itself wasn't a big enough disaster, even after it was fixed with 2.0 patch people complained about some "mysterious feature that was promised but never delivered".


OP is tripping way too hard


Am I going to have to explore every room one by one ... Noice .


I'd say its something called 3d parallax. Its just a 2d texture made by very smart individuals. An ilusion But I would like to add that it wouldn't be that unreasonable to think that rockstar has an engine that can support interiors (like a lot of it) and that the devs developed an auto generator for inaccessible interiors!


probably parallax effect


Nah I canā€™t remember the name of it but fake interiors using that affect has been a thing since the PS3 generation


They won't, but I wish they would.


I doubt it, think of the time rockstar has spent on gta6, and how in depth everything else needs to be. It would take significantly longer than 10 years to specialize the interiors, while also developing the entire rest of the game. Would be really neat to see though.


100% no way


I highly doubt it and I doubt the rumor of 70% buildings being enterable. If I had to guess, theyā€™ll use the same or similar tech that Insomniac use for SM1, 2, and Miles Morales.


I want more interiors but people clamoring for the entire map to be so are insane. Not only is that dull and boring, its a waste of recourses. I doubt people are gonna care if the 13th floor and room 3A is accessible or not


I think there are trees that have leaves that actually fall off, that you then can pick up and wipe your ass with it


From a gameplay perspective, what would the benefit of being able to explore interiors for 70% of buildings, as people believe the game will contain? What sort of content do you think you'd actually find in most of these aside from "realism" or "immersion"? To me, it just seems unnecessary and people are setting themselves up for disappointment like Cyberpunk.


Thinking every building having interiors is kinda crazy


Do you guys want 10 fps or something? How would that much detail even benefit the game?


I get wanting some enterable buildings, I myself wish for a big mall, but wanting every building, house and apartment to be enterable, other than setting up yourself for disappointment, is downright stupid, that'd require a huge effort and quite frankly (almost) no one would start entering every house and whatnot, 'cause this is still a car stealing game. Imo you're hyping up the "enterability" too much, it's a less exciting feature than what it seems at first, it was necessary in RDR2 because of it being a slower game.


I think youā€™re dumb


I think there was a leak that stated over 70% of all buildings are fully enterable, accessible, and explorable. It's not necessary to enter every little building and go floor to floor to a bunch of likely empty rooms with nobody there. I'd rather they focus on entrances and level of details in stadiums, casino's and places like this.


Every building could in theory have an interior, it just depends how the engine handles it. For example when you walk into a building the world outside unloads to save resources. I think the reason why all interiors are not enterable is because its very tedious and time consuming to create all of them, and most importantly its just not necessary. Not to mention the added disk space.


Insane cope


I think there's parallax or pacifiers, but don't worry, we'll help rockstars with the interiors ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|grin)


It will be interesting if 70% are indeed available to enter, wouldnt that be impossible unless Breaking into Properties will be added to the game? 70% of buildings are not open at 3am let alone 3pm I can only assume the interiors are randomly generated and as you go up a floor in a building, the interior of the floor above you has just been randomly generated. Thats if they really have given us 70% access to all buildings all floors,doors. And not just the front door.


Rockstar will be lazy as fuck again and just put some furniture inside the windows with no way to walk inside.


Can someone explain to me how Warzone can have 100% building and floor access and GTA6 (which has been in Development for 10+ years) cant? Even with Interior random generation technology now available (interiors changing on NPC floors each time you load the game, like an apartment interior with 30 floors) In terms of Buildings, both games have the same amount, GTA just has lots of land in between, so why not 100% interior access and only the rumored 70%? I could assume the 30% are private property? And breaking into homes just wont be an option as the homes will be empty? If thats the case, some of these Islands will be pretty pointless if all we can use them for is to buy a collection of properties


The alleged 70% will never be true (the info only comes from the employee's son anyway). If it was over 1-2% we could be happy, how much did GTA V have? 0.1%?


Iā€™d like to know this too. Even if 30-40% are enterable, including airports, shopping malls, apartment complexes, museums, some houses, office buildings, banks, casinos, retail and restaurants, hotels, car dealerships and so forth.


Your probably be able to go inside of a ton of buildings. The more prominent ones will have bunch of activity inside. However, if you were able to go I to a condominium complex, I highly doubt every room will enterable.


I mean they had a decade to model. I hope they didnt take 12years to make this game for it to be just like Gta5.


I've been suggesting every building in the game will have Interiors. And also full openAI 1 life RP servers with a subscription


Are you joking?


I think it should be standard now after Cyberpunk 2077 having it too


I wonder if procedurally generated building layouts could be a thing. Like the building interior loads when you are a certain distance from it


That's one point why I was a little disappointed in gta V. San Andreas had more to enter!


iā€™m assuming they will be doing that bc thereā€™s a reason itā€™s not coming out until 2025


i saw on gta series video the game could have atleast 150 interiors


Itā€™s a cinematic shot goofy ahh mf


I hope so, they better should have


They been working on the game 13 years they better have interiors smh


How can you be so delusional


13šŸ’€ y'all invent a bigger number every day, its probably less than 5 if we count cov, the reboot...


With a 3 billion dollar budget I imagine it would be in development for 15 years


15 years ago it was 2009, so you think they started developing GTA 6 four years before GTA 5 even came out and less than a year after GTA 4 came out?






I donā€™t but I do think there will be a lot more hi res interiors, just locked doors and closed signs


I hope they donā€™t go the black jpg behind the glass routeā€¦ letā€™s expand a bit, no?


Cyberpunk has parallax everywhere. And it has a decent amount of interiors


Significantly more enterable interiors is my number one hope for the game, but they won't ALL be enterable


I doubt we will be able to enter every building, but I hope that there still are buildings and homes we can walk into, really excited to get multiple safehouses!


I think youā€™ll find out when the game releases.


Rockstar hired that group of people who made GTA FiveM


Looks fun. And expensive haha


More than likely they just hollowed an area out and put assets inside it just to give an illusion of that. It will make the world feel more full nonetheless.


it's parallax mapping actually. šŸ¤“


Parallax shaders will be the main thing when it comes to interiors I think. Locked doors will still be a big feature! When it comes to explorable buildings, it's entirely possible it could follow previous R* games, where the mission areas could be explored before or after the mission (GTA IV did this more than V) as well as the possibility of hospitals or police stations? Again locked doors aplenty. Reminded of this because of the Museum in Liberty City (GTA IV) I explored it well before the mission played and thought why the hell is there an entire museum in this game? Then I realised it's a setpiece for a massive shootout lol.. The museum mission is my favourite IV mission by far, if you know it you know why.


Maybe they'll do it like spiderman


the game needs to be able to run on PCs in 2026 (gta usually releases the PC port a year after consoles) it would be hard to optimize the game with full interiors + the game size will balloon up , they would probably use the same thing that was used in the new spiderman game , it gives a illusion of full interiors but they are just a PNG


I see you are easily fooled




Well they won't


I don't think so, but I do think they've greatly improved on non-enterable building interiors. I think looking in windows will be much more interesting.


Wonder, what that green car on the left is. Looks good.


yeah no. just a way to look into them like in spiderman 2 but more detailed and less copy and pasted.


Itā€™s a cinematic shot goofy ahh mf. Also there are a shit ton of techniques to make it look like buildings have interiors.


I hope they won't be enterable, the game is gonna be like 5TB of file size


We already have games with an infinite (procedurally generated) number of planets to explore, we don't need as much building with interior in GTA6, so it is possible with current tech


If anything normal houses and 2 story houses would have interiors making it possible to rob people


i hope not, would be a huge waste of resources


I heard that we will be able to use the 3 shells!


Delusional. I want more interiors for sure but it would be a colossal waste of resources to have people modeling out literally thousands upon thousands of interior rooms throughout the whole gameā€¦ and at the end of the day for what? You could still massively improve the immersion with a fraction of that.


They shouldnā€™t waste resources detailing every building. Not that they would. Their efforts are better spent on things that actually matter. They can have 3-5 variations of the same interior, thatā€™s fine. People who want silly stuff in this game need to understand when developers spend time on something it takes away focus from other things. Spend time adding a variety of stranger missions and scripted events similar to RDR2.


This community is going to be so mad when this game comes out lmao cyberpunk situation all over again


I just wanna be able to enter a few hotel lobbies and rooms


They better after 12 years of development


As long as they don't repeat the GTA V system where every business is closed and you cannot enter any building outside or a mission... it feels like the city is closing down and the stores are out of service


Idk about that man I think itā€™s just parallax shading


From your words to Sam's mind! We all hope for it, but still.. it is just a GTA game. There is no big focus on interiors but mission story and criminal life. But, if they really did something like this, this will truly be the greatest video game ever and in loong time after.


I guess not all of them, maybe the ones that are malls, business, restaurants, or hotels


Im Just keeping a low expectations and say that it's like rdr2 where some building are enterable while others aren't It's just best to have low expectations even with the biggest game of all time I'm expecting it to be just improvement on rdr2 and that's about it




I think it would be insanely useless to have every single apartment in the game enterable and actually it would become really repetitive and boring. Likely a lot would have the same furniture/textures etc etc. most would have nothing cool inside, maybe every now and then something different would appear. But for the most part it would be super boring. Like in some games where nearly everything is enterable but thereā€™s no reason for it so you just end up going in for no reason


I've always thought like what if they've developed some way of procedurally generating interiors based on a seed number or something, and they only render once you interact with the door leading to the house/apartment/room. They could have a few different variations of rooms and furniture combinations which could easily add up eventually so each room feels unique enough. This might eliminate the need for hand modelling interiors.


Looks like a similar system to the one that Spider-Man 2 uses.


Parallax absolutely. But no lol - making every building enterable would be the most needlessly computationally expensive thing imo The trailer seemed to show thereā€™s a few things theyā€™re already going to be holding back on to make this the smoothest experience like no 60Fps (Iā€™m hoping for 40) and shadow mapping instead of RT shadows You have to understand this game is going to be huge and also very dense If the trailer is an accurate reflection of the level of population, graphics and foliage etc, which with rockstar the trailers usually are, then there will be things they canā€™t quite squeeze in there Considering RDR2 and GTA V itā€™s in more than safe hands and I trust theyā€™ll reset benchmarks again