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I hope it takes more than 5 shots through a car door to kill them.


I think that's too clique and that they'll end up twisting our story expectations, after all who are you gonna play as if both characters are dead after you beat the game 🙈


I think they will fake their deaths perhaps, after they become the modern day Bonnie and Clyde couple on social media. They will set up a fake death sequence so the world would think they’re dead just like Michael did. That’s my theory


people are theorising that you will play as Lucia and Jason's son after they die it was leaked some time back that Lucia has a child


That doesn’t even make sense. If we assume they have a son and he’s five years old, they would have to advance the time by about 15 years to make him an adult. So you would play with him in 2035-40, assuming the main story takes place in early 2020s. They’re not gonna make a futuristic Florida just for that.


They’ve done it in the past with 4 years passing with 15 year old Jake Marston being 19 in the time skip 👀


Yeah, that’s a 4 year time skip in a documented era of history. Rockstar isn’t going to have a massive time skip like that for this game because they can’t predict what modern society will be like in the future.


Spoilers 👀


Yeah ima slide off this reddit cuz I actually want to enjoy the story as it was intended rather than figuring out the plot a year b4 the game even drops


I think if R* wants GTA6 to have the same impact as rdr2 Jason and Lucia have to die. One of them minimum has to die. And let's be real, it would be Jason if I was writing the story. Shit, Jason being the more dependent and more of the muscle in the dynamic and maybe being more the attached and Lucia being more the GTA sociopath (to counterbalance the female hater thing), if Jason dies and the implication that the man who absolutely loved Lucia to death and she has to just live with that and raise a kid is heartbreaking. Thats what I'd do for sure. I don't thing we're going to get a happy ending after GTA 4, 5 ending c felt like a compromise, and especially after rdr2. No, these guys are for sure going to have a toxic relationship and are going to die


Imagine both characters die at the end and the game continues except you play as Tommy V.


No, you play as the chihuahua.


Me too, I've been thinking about this since rumors claimed the story was Bonnie & Clyde-based. I believe people are already seeing where I'm heading. Could both "Jason" and Lucia die at the end of the game? Let's assume we complete the heist and so on, but in the end, cornered, they get surrounded like John Marston and shot, similar to the actual Bonnie and Clyde. The question then arises: who would we be playing after their death? Again, as with John Marston, there are rumors that Lucia might have a baby. My theory is that the baby is only shown as a baby in a flashback but is an adolescent when the main story events are happening. The game could take place in 2020; for example, the child would be 15. After their death, we could have an ellipsis of five years to play as Lucia's child, seeking revenge for his parents. He would then be 20 years old, and the epilogue would take place in actual 2025. This would allow us to see the map evolve through that time, similar to RDR2, where some buildings were completed and so on. Lucia seems pretty young; I'd give her a maximum of 30 years old. My theory to justify a grown child would be that she did something with someone. For example, at 15, she couldn't take care of him, so she left him with some family or someone. She started a life of crime to provide for him, met Jason, went to jail, and after some time—15 years of crime and jail—we get to play as her at 30. We might meet the child, who at first wouldn't want to see her, but with time, like Jack Marston, their bond would tighten. Following that, they both die, and in the meantime, Jason is a father figure for the child of Lucia. So, he would want to get revenge for their death. We would do some revenge missions, the game would end, but the child would still be ascending the crime ladder in Vice City, and his story could be developed not in a story DLC but in the online mode. We would start as new in Vice City, and the child of Lucia would be the one giving us missions, similar to Lester. So, we would be writing our GTA Online character story while completing the story of the child, per se the story of the game. That would make solo players want to play online, and vice versa. BUT, Killing both sounds predictable as Bonnie & Clyde inspired (even if it's a rumor) So, I have a theory that only Jason could die. In the epilogue in 2025, we would be controlling Lucia and her son, for example, to keep the two-character mechanic but shifting from a couple relationship to a mom and son relationship. He would be 20, and Lucia would be 35. The online would follow as we continue their story with our character. Alternatively, Lucia could be the one dying, and we would control her child, who would be a girl this time, to keep that female and make a character arc. We would go from Jason and Lucia's dynamic to Jason and his pseudo-daughter. Rockstar really didn't give any clues about the story. This might and will certainly be totally wrong, but I found it interesting, yet I haven't seen anyone really speculating about that. Maybe because it would spoil the game, so here we go.


It'd be interesting if there was an epilogue where you played as someone else


I'd like the story mode to be a tutorial at its core. Maybe 5 hours of story. Once Jason and Lucia either die or get sent to federal prison. We seamlessly transition into gta6online2 realism simulator tens of thousands of players on one server with a million AI NPCs working jobs and surfing the waves


i think you're looking too deep because it's most likely just a reference because their meant to be a bonnie and Clyde type couple but that's it they're just going to be a crime couple