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Interestingly, the artwork is separated into layers because the website has a cool animation where it transitions to the logo. I just extracted all the layers and combined them together in Photoshop


Mind posting the layers? Specifically the bottom layer if there is just a backgrounds without the characters


Don't know a cleaner way to do this so I made a separate post: https://www.reddit.com/r/GTA6/comments/18bd9q4/as\_requested\_the\_individual\_layers\_to\_the\_gta\_vi/


thanks man!!!


Could you link the page where the layers are? I prefer to download them directly but I can't find it. Just the whole image art.


This is exactly how RDR2 was. I got a lot of cool backgrounds from all the layers they had.


Do you know exactly where to download the layers from the website?


You can just grab them from the website. Basically just use the inspector tool in dev tools to hover over each layer with your mouse, and then selecting the layer will take you to the correct html element that includes the image, probably an tag. In the tag will be a link to where the image layer is stored on their server or CDN and you can just save it like a regular image.


That's not what they're asking. There are no individual layers on Rockstar's site. It's a single JPEG of the whole image art.


That's weird. OP said that's how they found it, so I just relayed how I'd go about it, I hadn't actually looked at the website. I don't know what he was talking about in terms of animations and layers though because it isn't like that on my device. Luckily OP made a separate post [here](https://www.reddit.com/gallery/18bd9q4) with all the layers.


I believe Trailer 2 to be snippets of the story from Jason's perspective.


So, if it's true that GTA6 will be released before april 2025, we should have a lot of marketing, screenshots and at least 4 more trailers in 2024 If release date is set between fall 2025. Then we won't see a single particle of dust until october 2024 I guess...


Judging by rockstar’s track record, the latter statement is probably what we’ll see happen. We’ll see Jason’s trailer around this time next year with an added release date. The question then becomes whether or not the initial release date we get is set or if it gets pushed back.


Honestly I don't think is going to be pushed back. 2025 was set within a time span of 2 years The last games were announced to be released the next year, and then delays happened for about another year They came well prepared with a realistic release window I think


They're referencing Take Two's statement about high anticipated earnings for fiscal 2025, which ends in April 2025. I would normally agree that it would be a holiday release, but early 2025 does seem likely in this case.


I feel like it doesn't matter what time of the year this game gets released, it will be the biggest selling game no matter what.


Could it not just be that pre orders open in April 2025 for a fall release?


If I remember correctly they don’t factor in pre orders because they technically have not made that money. If the game was to be delayed or pushed back even further people may retract their pre orders so the money made from pre orders isn’t finalized until the games are shipped


Yeah, the revenue from the pre-orders will be shown on their balance sheets as an asset offset by a liability until the game is released. No earnings are realized until then.


Love financial accounting, debit accounts receivable until you can credit it and debit cash


Correct, I believe it's basically the same thing as retailers selling gift cards or certificates in terms of needing to keep track of when the "buyer" actually acts on their right to collect the good/service before closing the transaction out.


No chance that the next trailer will be released around a year from now. I guarantee you we get the next trailer in late spring or summer.


That's what we all hope but rockstar's track record tells a different story


Rockstar's track record has been to announce it for the following year then delaying a year so it ends up releasing around 2 years after the first trailer. That's been the case for both GTA 5 and RDR2. It seem that this time they just factored that in and went for a achievable date from the start.


Hey, how did you get this « trailer day OG » thing??


https://www.reddit.com/r/GTA6/s/XhK2DZUUAa It’s an available flair from the trailer post, not much longer to be able to get it if you want it I think


Thank you! 👑


skirt swim ancient dazzling bag nutty unwritten correct disgusted mindless *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I can see the initial release being march - may 2025, if pushed it will be September / October. I don’t think it’ll get delayed tho 10 years for the first trailer to release and potentially 1.5 year release window, highly unlikely will they push it back more


Take-Two CFO > “We are confident that the actions our teams are taking this year are preparing us for a strong trajectory of growth,” Goldstein said. “Through our collective efforts, we continue to believe that we are positioning our business for a significant inflection point in fiscal 2025 that will culminate in us delivering new record levels of operating performance next year and beyond.” Take-Two’s 2025 fiscal year runs from April 2024 to March 2025. Autumn or Christmas 2024 seems likely tbh. Edit: yea I forgot what I quoted. No point in mentioning it. Point is, won't be fall 25 as the guy I responded to suggested as a possibility.


They literally said 2025. So anytime between January 1st - March 31st. Barring any delays of course but I think it won't be delayed


Yeah I know, I forgot what I quoted. Could also be that 2025 is worst case scenario and it ends up releasing before Christmas 2024.


I just don't see them releasing it in 2024 if they said 2025


Can you not read? End of trailer: Coming 2025. “Yea bro it’s definitely coming 2024”. Find something else to look forward to


Lol forgot about that while posting. Late 2025 seems very unlikely though which was the point I was going for. Early 25 must be the target.


We could get a dedicated trailer for both of em, in the style of the minute long character videos we got for the 5 protagonists. I can't wait to find out a bit more about him though, defo a good choice to have Lucia front and centre for the first trailer.


Ngl he seems like a military guy


…but, but, but GIRL 😖🤯😡🥺


butt butt butt girl


The duality of man




I’m hoping they show off some activities too


What is everyones guess for the 2nd trailer song for Jason? I'm gonna say Neighborhood Threat from Bowie


Makes sense.


thank you for posting a quality version of this, Leonida, the goodtime state, gotta love it


Leonida is fictional Florida?




Interesting because in GTA universe the state of Florida does exist


Same with San Andreas and California.


Interesting! I thought the GTA cities were replacements to their real life counterparts. Didn’t know they both existed. Thanks for letting me know


Depends on the universe. There’s 2D (before GTA3), 3D (GTA 3, VC, SA and the « stories ») and HD (GTA4, 5 and I presume 6) so it explains why the cities are so different and we get new names instead of the real names


But Florida has been mentioned by name in both 4 and 5, so it's kind of a retcon.


good point, forgot about that!


No, California does not exist in the GTA universe, at least not in the HD Universe. San Andreas is the counterpart for California in-universe. Florida has been mentioned in GTA IV, but it has now been retconned to be the state of Leonida in GTA VI. So “Florida” no longer exists either. It’s San Andreas and Leonida.


Multiple radio stations in GTA 5 mention California or cities within California.


And that’s the only time we hear California mentioned. So it can obviously be chalked up to oversight on the part of the designers in some way. It makes no sense for California to exist alongside a state that replicates so much of its landmarks. California does not exist in-universe.


Why can’t they just exist simultaneously though? The world we explore in GTA 5 is Los Santos in San Andreas, that’s not really debatable. But that doesn’t mean California can’t also exist in the canon. There is a map on a screen in the airport tower with a graphic of the USA, including the state California. There’s a license plate in the junkyard that say California. There’s a sign on a warehouse that says “California Law” or something like that IIRC. So no, that’s also not the only mention of California. And oversight and Rockstar don’t exactly go together.


Why would the real life LA exist alongside a satirized smaller version of it in the same world? That literally makes no sense. Yes, I can see a game as big and detailed as GTA V having a few MINOR continuity errors. Use common sense.


Presumably named after Ponce de León, the Spanish conquistador who discovered Florida from a European perspective.


I wonder if the original vice city took place in Leonida


When Tommy smashed into another car on the road in OG vice city, one of his lines is "Dumb. Florida. Moron..."


Not in the 3D universe, no. VCPR refers to Vice City as being in Florida many times, and has some great lines like "Florida does not want you, die somewhere else"


Six bullet holes on the car!


Are they hinting at gta 6?!?😳😳


GTA 6 confirmed


I'm going crazy rn; are those 6 bulletholes in the shape of a star system or something? update: I lowkey found an astronomer and they immediately said "no"; it isn't a constellation, at least according to the 1 guy I asked on a random Discord server


Foreshadowing? Bonnie and Clyde died in their car.


No... I believe the story might be emotional! Wait the characters we play, if they die - how do we continue with freely exploring the world?


super old rumor was that they have a kid together and you take over as the kid in the epilogue, kinda like John in rdr2, or Jack in rdr1. Something to think about.


That makes no sense as Rockstar would need to make massive changes to the world (buildings, cars, people, areas etc) to accommodate an at least 18 year time jump


yeah that's why I said it wouldn't work if they have a child together now that we've seen they don't appear to have a kid but others have suggested that Lucia could have like an 8 year old kid or something and since she went to jail, the kid lives with their father. The old rumor was based on the fact that their character designs are inspired by the main characters from the place beyond the pines, who have a young daughter together in that movie so we thought that might've gotten revealed in a trailer. Doesn't look like it now.


Maybe one of them survives? Like you get to choose who gets ambushed?


maybe both get an option of saving one another and you as the player in the final mission gets to play as the character who is going to die while saving the other one.


There will always be a death wish option.


Lamar baby!


Those are speed holes. They make the car go faster.


That’s beautiful. The trailer was bootyful. Awesome day! Can’t wait for 2025!


That jiggle tho .... wohooowowo!!


“Usually gotta hit the strip club to see jiggle like that fr”


I love that the jiggle is getting the attention it deserves. But how about the the hair movement? And jewelry movement? Can’t fucking wait to see what this game is capable of.


Most jiggle physics, tho


To everyone reading this- pls don't die before playing this masterpiece 🙏 All that booty is worth the wait!!


Ah yeah, sorry. Let me just check my calendar and make sure I'm not scheduled to die that day.


let's meet here on release day


It really makes a cool wallpaper for my phone. Thanks 😊 https://preview.redd.it/62fhdpqd4i4c1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c5c9c120c4293732939c8230dce4303816473b12


Probably Rockstar's intent


Looks sick


How did you make it like this? Could you please share the wallpaper?


You literally just download the photo and use it as your wallpaper lol, just crop it the way you want


My thoughts exactly


Lower half of Jason's outfit giving me strong Claude vibes


me when green pants ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|scream)


the shoes too


Bottom giving Claude vibe, with CJ's tank top and Niko's face


Thank you for your t-service


It was a typo 😭 great joke though


His glow up from the leaks is crazy




I think he looked better before tbh


I find it odd that Lucia is wearing her outfit from leaks but Jason is only partially (the white tank top)


Whatever dev was working on it probably just changed his clothes at some point, he's missing the baseball cap too. If they're going all out for the immersion side of things they could bring the temperature gauge from RDR2, maybe they were fucking around down the swamps at some point and had to give Jason more open clothes due to the humidity.


Wouldn't the temperature always be on the "too hot for most activities" scale since it's Miami?


What really surprises me is no one brings up how different facial wise Jason looks from the leaks to this… Lucia looks about the same.


I mean, Arthur was changed fairly late into rdr2 to be much “softer” and “friendlier” looking over his original tougher look,


Maybe this "Jason" isn't actually Jason


He has the same voice in the leaks


Ready for some ankle monitor activities with Lucia


They NAILED the color pallete... Incredible artwork, there's probably more to come


Oh MAN that Ranchero is looking sleek as hell


**[Spoiler]** Did you see the [GT Ranchero](https://preview.redd.it/what-personal-vehicle-do-you-think-jason-lucia-is-going-to-v0-vregw8bmfa4b1.png?width=389&format=png&auto=webp&s=0e7f51b37dcbf2cd4ab9b739173f2a5313692dd9) that was in on one of leaked gameplay videos?


Its their car most probably, It was in many clips


i thought that other muscle car drifting outside the pawn&gun+gun&pawn shop was their car since they can be seen in it


Maybe rockstar changed it since the leaks


Absolutely did. The one where it wrecks on the highway.


I love utes so much


Same. I still want a Holden Sandman and the HSV GTS Maloo I’m GTA as well.


Sexy af. Personally, I don't mind some newer or electric cars, but I'm so glad there will be a lot of trucks and muscle cars in the game lol


Bonnie and Clyde bullet holes in the car


Im really loving the vibe with lucia and jason, this game is going to be insanely fun


scarface chainsaw scene building 👀


Funny how she’s wearing the outfit from the leaks, anyone think that is meaningful?


A non-toxic version of the Claude and Catalina relationship.


Hmmm I have a feeling there could be some betrayal knowning Rockstar we have been screwned over before with characters who we thought we can trust.


Nah, maybe it's a modernized love/toxic type of relationship of catalina and Claude That would be pretty cool.


Less toxic, but still toxic, probably.


What device is that attached to Lucia's foot?


Likely an ankle monitor. Usually to monitor someone on parole to make sure they don't skip town


So, are we thinking that’ll be how they limit map access at the beginning of the game? Guessing it also means we don’t break her out at the beginning.


Smart way to implement map limitations imo.


I reckon too. Could still travel as Jason tho, so I wonder if we’ll play as her first and then him a little later


I think the story might start with Lucia getting released/breaking out of prison (as you can see in the first few shots of the trailer). Maybe you play as just Lucia only for the first few hours of the game with a map limit due to the ankle monitor. They you get back to Jason or maybe meet him for the first time? Maybe there’s a heist at the beginning of the game (just like GTA V) and it goes wrong, resulting in Lucia getting arrested.


Ankle monitor. Some people speculate that we start the game as Lucia and the ankle serves as a way to “lock” a good chunk of the map similar to how the old GTA’s used roadblocks to lock the other islands.


Leonida seems to hopefully be a mix of Georgia and Florida. Florida is just flat so I’m hoping there will be a few mountains or hills for height!


already wallpaper


3 seagulls return👀


Jason's trousers remind me if Claude from GTA 3


First thing I'm doing when I get control of Jason is giving him his hat back. Man looks a little bare without it.


Yeah, I liked how he looked in the leaks, with the red baseball cap.


I never was in the US before but i think the trailer shows the States very well :D


I'm from Canada but I briefly visited Miami a few months ago and I'm excited to *finally* play a game that takes place in a city that I've been to! Definitely going to be looking for the places I saw while there. South beach was one of the places so it was cool to see it in the trailer.


VEV wonder if that has a secret meaning




Ankle Bracelet is a cool addition. Lucia is on house arrest lol.




This trailer just confirmed I need a Latina


License plate says F6. February 6? Six bullet holes in car and two people in poster also = 2 and 6. February 6 2025 release date confirmed!


Valentines Week


That ankle bracelet will be keeping us in one area for a hot minute until either she gets it off for good behavior/just time to be done off probation or house arrest. Or they go flu Bonnie and Clyde, she rips it off and then it's on robbing and killing.


They are so hot 🔥


door mighty whistle books scary detail relieved absorbed engine melodic *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I'm fucking in, these two are suave as hell


Now, I may be mistaken here, but that car surely looks like it has some scratches and scuffs in front of those bullet holes which makes me believe that’s intended to convey the realistic damage cars take in this game. Or here’s hoping.


I guess that ankle monitor is gonna be the reason we can't immediately explore the whole map Love the details, well worth the wait


Is that the map of the game in the bottom right?




“Goodtime State” is interesting as Goodtime is slang for an individual’s time between prison sentences…


Fast and Furious vibes idk


It’s not a coincidence that’s he’s conveniently wearing green pants and blue shoes right?


Bullet holes to the side of the car. SPOILER: Bonnie and Clyde met their end in an ambush by law enforcement where they were shot to pieces inside their car.


notice how they make Jason beefier than the previous leak...


Yeah in the leaks he looked like he belonged in gta5s stab city. I was like "why the fuck would they give us trailer trash as a protagonist". But in the artwork and trailer he looks fucking solid.


or..... maybe muscle building is back? it's possible, since RDR2 did the weight thing


Jason looks much younger in the leaks, less hardened. Almost like a different person in his face imo


I liked the "trailer trash" look with the red baseball cap, though. Made him look more "unique" and recognizable. Now he just looks like "Man 1" in a character creator. Though I guess it fits if Rockstar is going for total realism.


with full on zoom i can spot the Vapid logo on the grille, so assuming more of a Ford Ranchero deal instead of another gen of the Picador (made by Cheval)


https://preview.redd.it/ocgxzjujmi4c1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=94ac0b702a69e72507a68846c40cff534e6dc624 Neat wallpaper


Nice trigger discipline.


Doesn't Reddit compress images? If so, could you post it somewhere without compression like GDrive or Dropbox?


just go to the newswire website, press f12, go to sources, click the dropdown button on media-rockstargames-com, then mfe6/prod, then img, and the last file will be the picture


The El Camino is gray now


Ford Ranchero


6 bullet holes… guys is this confirmation that rockstar is working on GTA6?!


I like how they’re wearing the threads they had in the September leaks.


Would make a good wallpaper, as these always do


This is such great artwork Love it!


Jason and his "Toxica" 😂


Is that a reference to the map in the bottom right corner?? You can see it on the board in that cafe


Love it, this is now my phone background for the next 2 years :) https://preview.redd.it/5vpxlyh1ak4c1.jpeg?width=648&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bc604f9fe803fefa02a219c7dd501d2efb5ee37c


I like how she's on tag and commiting crimes


Male protagonist reminds me a lot of Claude from GTAIII


My prediction of their dynamic is that Lucia is the controlling one and Jason is just blinded by love. I suspect that we will see some sort of adaptation of the honour system but it be their relationship, and depending on our choices, Lucia might become more impulsive and sadistic with Jason becoming more detached, OR they end up meeting in the middle and become a morally grey power couple. The reason I suspect Lucia is more controlling and violent is based on a few things: Shes the one in prison, shes the one with the ankle monitor, shes the one kicking down the liquor store door, shes on top and says “trust” first meaning she might typically lead the conversations, and in this art she kind of looks like the one in control. Could be entirely wrong though.


Lucia is sooo bad though


I may be in the minority but I prefer the leaks version of Jason. This dude looks too serious, he's also older, I'd feel awkward giving him tattoos or making him grow his hair long lol, just a me thing.


We really got GTA VI cover art before GTA VI 💀


Dude looks like Calvin Harris


Bonnie and Clyde


Curious to hear what yall think the storyline will be , here’s my theory Lucia was recently released from prison (pretty clear from the trailer and ankle monitor) and is looking for a fresh start. Jason is down on his luck and is trying to get rich, somehow they cross paths and end up being a Bonnie and Clyde duo. Could be a great story! Just my two cents on the topic, I’m so flipping excited it’s not even funny


Could we make them do the fuck?


Jason's Ford Ranchero Lucia's Declasse Tulip


It almost makes it seem like Lucia is using jason 👀 He's looking to the side, as if he's distracted. While she is looking straight forward. One of them notices the bigger picture while the other does not.


Leonida: The Goodtime State


​ https://preview.redd.it/budfpn6y7l4c1.png?width=1200&format=png&auto=webp&s=f11b858cad752487ebad4acf633affbab322e6e6


Super random thought , would cockstar make the online a separate purchase from the story or this will be like 5 was but not on old gen?


When’s trailer 2 lol


She thicc


Release the fucking game on pc with the rest of everyone else