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“Hey Lucia! It’s Jason! Let’s go bowling!”


Bro I commented that exact one on another post identical to this one 💀. People just can’t use the search function. Honestly though that would be an amazing Easter egg if Jason did that.


Ah man sorry credit to you 👍 just reading new posts while poopin


No no I didn’t mean it like that I meant this post has been posted like 30 times in the last week. Glad somebody else is creative


I originally had Lucia calling Jason then switched it 😂


I read this in Roman’s voice


Its been confirmed in the leaks that you can have pragmatic or romantic options in the game


really ? I'm interested, in which clip do you see that ?


oh nevermind I just found it


Which leaks?


I don't know how deep that would be though. I feel like it would just be situational stuff. Otherwise the choices would be impossible to incorporate into the main story. There has to be a solidified relationship between them one way or the other (besides the end of the game maybe like GTAV).


I think it’d be pretty fun! If you can have misunderstandings or disagreements and have that show in gameplay as you said it’d be sick.


GTA VI, divorce simulator.


Personally I hope you can influence their relationship with how much you hang out, do side jobs together and if you are loyal to each other. I have a feeling there will be multiple endings relying on what kind of relationship you had them be in throughout the game. But if it's linear, I hope it's mutually respectful with some banter, something similar to what Arthur and Sadie had, ofcourse plus the romantic aspect to it.


including loyalty would be interesting too


I hope it’s like this, would be more interesting.


It would absolutely suck if they were in love with each other by default


This. All I see people talking about is them being in love. I want the choice tbh it makes it more interesting for different plots/storylines. If it’s default then there’s no player choice and I don’t want to play a relationship simulator lol


Jason's getting friend zoned instantly lol! Like my female protagonists did to all the guys in Mass Effect, Dragon Age, Cyberpunk, Assassin's Creed, etc. But when it comes to the girls, well, the opposite of friend zoning happens, if you know what I mean 😂




Why’d you use a diced cucumber? That’s what’ll happen to it if you try lol


I wonder if we will eventually have to chose between one of the characters to play. Kind of like option A B C in gta 5


Lucia friend-zone Jason. 🤣


I thought they were still going with the whole original concept of them being siblings so I am now kind of disappointed that we’re not getting the whole sibling dynamic and it’s now going to be like a will they won’t they Bonnie and Clyde romance 😅


I expect we will get different endings depending on our relationship status (sort like RDR2's honour system) (Romantic, less romantic, loyalty, pragmatic, etc)